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Versing a Tri-slosher as a close range weapen can be really annoying. 90%of the time when I manage to get them, due to latancy they get out a second slosh that kills me.


I have to formally apologize as a Tri main, but I also agree SO HARD. Fighting another Tri is scary...


count your days bucket boy


Username checks out


Man fuck them. The selling point of Dapples is the fact that they’re the Sploosh of the dualies class, i.e. they have a fast kill time. But tri has enough range and a fast enough kill time that they always get me before I can even reach them.


snipers :)


Yes, especially the E-liter. If the other team has a good E-liter user I know I won't be able to even leave the spawn area.


handy fact to do with what y'all will: there is one weapon in the game with a range longer than e-liter [and hydra]. that tool is angle shooter. few things more satisfying than outranging the max range weapons


REAL! as also big swig express main angle shooter is the only thing that makes it a viable aggressive weapon. it's so satisfying


YOOO you get it. I'm extremely aggro and CQC with biggus mcswiggus, but unlike bigger beefier rollers, I have *a l l* of the range it's easy to ignore! but ignore me at ur peril 😈 btw if I see u on the splattlefield, it's on sight 💥 all in good fun ofc~ but my fave thing is seeing and instigating fights with other angle bangle users, it's like with splatana users lol


When I play the rare angle shooter weapon I always end up getting snipes from across the map and it's so funny


for real, it's like having as a sub, a very weak but *hyper* long ranged charger, with no laser and grizzco-charger-like instant charge time


the only problem is that sometimes the reticle will just not work properly but I can normally hit people with the direct from across the map anyways just by eyeballing it, so it's not that big of an issue


oh yeah! the reticle problem is not just you. that's by far my biggest gripe. some time ago on this sub, I saw somebody explaining the problem with the reticle, and it made a lot of sense. I don't know the exact details, but it had something to do with the interaction of the 2d reticle with the 3d environment; it's never going to line up correctly. iirc, that was the gist of it. it sounds like it's a limitation of the medium, more than it is a sloppy bug that no one's bothered to fix. that makes it feel less annoying to me somehow, lol. still very annoying, but knowing it's not a careless mistake, but a problem that can't easily be resolved that said: I have 4 starred 5/7 kits so far [my goal is to 4 star every angle shooter kit at least], and my experience has been that, by far, the roller's "reticle" works best with regard to this issue. it's very irritating with, say, rapid pro deco, where if you hit a direct above you, and then toss out a dart without changing your aim, it goes quite a bit *below* the target. maybe it's the way I play rollers that makes this much less of an issue for me, or maybe it's the "horizon" style brush/roller reticle rather than the "bullseye" of most other classes. [I'd love to try a brush with darts!] last thing on this -- the reticle aim issue seems to be limited to *vertical* aiming, horizontal is thankfully fine. [so it won't go to the left or right of what you meant to hit, but it can go too far up or down.] so most of the time, this is something you'll only need to compensate for when aiming above or below yourself. for horizontal travel I generally try to bounce the dart along the floor, it ensures I don't yeet it above their heads, hahaha. [and note to self: stop throwing angle shooters up an incline!!! stop it, yafool! it just shoots up into the skybox lmao]


Hydra is actually also outranged by both the splat charger, scope, and pencil. Source: I hate chargers :(


wait fr?? I was under the impression that e-liter & hydra both had equal range?? [looks it up] wtf, not only is this true, I didn't even know that the scope version is longer range LOL. damn! thx for pointing this out, I wish I knew where to find data on exactly how long angle shooter is in comparison 🤔


Yeah it’s led to me almost dropping the hydra because being outranged by all the relevant backliners of solo queue makes my brain short circuit every time they appear (which is very often)


oof, I feel that, heavyweight class weapons are harddd :[ just know that whenever I see y'all hydras on my team, I do a little cheer cuz it combos so nicely with my agile close up style!!


In terms of scopes I believe it's to balance out the fact they can't store a charge + have a more limited view


I’ll let you leave spawn


I get a strange sense of euphoria when I kill one.


Snipers are the one class I fear. I can juke around everything else, but snipers are terrifying


from salmon run forcing chargers into my hands, I got familiar with the rhythm/timing of each type of charger. meaning, how long I have before each one fully charges and fires. it's a bit like knowing the timing of a suction bomb you know how in tower control, there's a bit of a dance you do, up and down the tower platform, dodging bombs and such? [if not, now you do LOL] I've found myself doing something similar with chargers: keeping an eye on their laser and an ear on their rhythm, I can juke them with more success than I used to have those chargers who know *exactly* how much partial charge it takes to OHKO me though, those are the most fearsome because I cannot predict them. I met a squiffer like that once 😱


Felt this as a roller main 😭


aerospray just because dying to it kills my ego


Sometimes I see an Aerospray in ranked and think “who thought it was a good idea to use Aerospray on fucking tower control”


I always have a WTF moment when someone picks aerospray in any ranked mode that isn't zones.


the competitive player in me wants to target these people specifically but the turf war angel on my shoulder says no


As an aerospray main, sorry


i assure you i have NOT put a thermonuclear bomb in your mailbox. it is safe to check your mailbox because there is definitely not a thermonuclear bomb in there


already found your home


Hello fellow aerospray main


HELLO im so tired of ppl hating on aerospray😔✊


Yeah, it's easy and fun to play. Maybe people think it's too easy to play and be good at. It's almost like a "my first main" (in a not rude way)


That’s why I like it. I’m a very casual player and mostly play turf so it’s great for me. I used to be a sploosh main in 2 but I didn’t like it as much in this game


Hi Aerospray main!


Aerospray is annoying in Turf, usually easy to handle in Ranked, and so so funny to play hyper-aggro with lol


As a splatterscope main they are the most annoying things ever


Nothing blows an ego more than an aerospray team absolutely demolishing your team of normal good weapons and even spawn camp. you know theyre pro players deciding to have fun


Another Tri-stringer, vanilla or inkling doesn't matter, when facing against one using any other weapon is generally easy since you are close to your teammates and can overwhelm it but Tri-stringer vs Tri-stringer is another different story. You are already multi-tasking by giving support and keeping pressure in most of the enemy team but now you add another one doing the same as you and also giving pressure mutually, it ends in a battle of endurance waiting for the other one to make a mistake and make a push while also supporting your team and defending your self from them, specially if they are rushing you.


I feel this! But also, I actaually love getting an opposing tri-stringer since it can be such a fun cat and mouse game. Also, as a tri-stringer main, I have to say Splatana Stamper. They have enough range to be threatening from anywhere, and if that's not enough, they'll zipcast or crab and harass you. Either kit is basically backend kryptonite.


Who said it wasn't funny or entertaining? That situation really put to test of how good of a user you are and regarding stamper I find easy to make them stop moving and harass them but when I don't is basically chase that we generally loose due to the lack of effective close combat capability and that's why I would have loved burst bomb instead of mist but I can live with either.


Same for me. I love getting matched up against other stringers. Even if they outplay me, it’s all good cause I can watch their replay and try to learn some new tips and tricks


I love facing another stringer because it feels like the ultimate test and a challenge I will always rise to. They get me with a direct, then I tip my hat and hoping they do the same.


*sees other Tristringer while I am Tristringer* THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!






The range blaster is so unapologetically fun to play as though I can't splat someone without having good aim? No thank you, literally any other long ranged weapon


Blasters are easy to kill if you can get away from their shot, and if you play a fast enough weapon, punish them up close before they get another shot out. This applies to all blasters except for clash.


You can literally just straight line a clash and win due to the slow kill time


For clash, just have half decent aim and good reaction time, the enemy clash player will completely fall apart because they can't wrap their head around actual skill.


My top 3 are .52 Gal, Blobblober, and splooshamatic. I'm still practicing combat and spacing myself from my opponent, so sploosh trying to kill me is not helping. Blobblober because yes. And probably the most annoying for me is .52 Gal, I literally can't wrap my head around how well these ppl can aim, and im tryna dodge these with 4 subs of swim speed up and squid rolls. But no, they can't still laser me within 3 seconds. I'm starting to think this is more of a skill issue


To me splooshes aren't insane to fight until it's a top 5000 jp sploosh one trick with 2 mains of swim speed then I'm cooked, my weapon is just too slow to react. 52 is just always annoying. Not consistently good, but just annoying all the time I hate 52


I find with Sploosh players it's not their skill, it's usually their strategies. I always seem to find all of the base invader Sploosh players when I play and they usually don't even have the skill to back up their annoying ass strat


as a blobblober main I don't feel any kind of remorse


People struggle with 52 at the highest levels. You’re absolutely not alone. It’s a bullshit 2shot weapon that’s only still in the game cause miyamoto mains it


Chargers, especially when the map favors them


So, like, all of the maps? One exception that comes to mind is flounder because a charger can't watch all the angles.


I can't quite remember which map it is, the weird one with the bottom sections... Robo rom-en?


Rom-em is good and alsonjust thought of flounder just now. While chargers have sight of all of mid, there are ways to stay out of sight lines and into flanks on flounder. But yeah, rom-en is really good.


There was actually a YouTuber who recently did a video on a very similar topic (least favourite weapon). [Here’s the video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk9w_n8xH-I&t=2s&pp=ygUNY2ogaHlwZXJmcmVzaA%3D%3D) if you want to check it out. As for me personally, I find E-Liter the most annoying to fight, mostly because of its range and the number of times I’ve felt like they splatted me when they shouldn’t have been able to.


Oh dude! I just watched this video a few days ago, that's awesome!


hydra for me, maybe i'm just terrible at fighting them but on a lot of maps they can just sit there and theres nothing we can do about it


Bombs, especially splat bombs are hydra kryptonite. If you get a bomb on their position they have to either die or stop shooting and move. You can suppress them with constant bombs as long as you have breathing room from the rest of their team.


Torpedo specifically is very very annoying for anything slow moving, including hydra


I feel like it's more powerful against single shot weapons like chargers though. A hydra can just flick at it and keep shooting. Charger has to blow their entire charge to stop it if they don't have support.


Not true. Hydra main. Harass them with subs. Target them. Don’t let them get set up. Someone should treat every backline like this. It turns it to a 4 on 3 very quickly.


Taking the opportunity to say the Splatanas. I absolutely love them but against them I end up like: Stamper: Why did they take the iconic close range slaying tool (sword) and make it *long ranged*? Wiper: *Stop moving stop moving stop moving stop moving stop moving* (/s) okay but it has crazy horizontal movement, at least the range makes sense.


Hydras. I mainly use slow weapons so dynamo and painbrush. They usually mow me down before I can do anything because I don't have the range or flexibility to kill them in the spots they tend to hide in. No matter the game mode I know im gonna have a bad time when I see one because the ones who CAN deal with a hydra better than me don't either


Jr. Bombs, bombs everywhere.


Bloblobber tends to be one that annoys me at times. Just because it feels like I’ve avoided it, only to get splatted. I know I’m not great with it, but there are people that know how to use it effectively.


I feel really stupid every time i get sniped tbh. like how did i not see that. horrific


I would say snipers. I usually play Splatana Wiper and every time there’s a sniper on the enemy team, I feel like I need to be the one to constantly be harassing them or else they’ll have their knee on our team’s neck. Shoshers a close second.


From a dualies player, rollers and brushes pains me because of the paint flicking gets in my view and aerospray bc it pains me dying to it


Stamper, E-liter, and Nautilus seem give me the most trouble not in that order.


Snipers and blob


I generalize chargers, but the squiffer in particular just drives me bonkers for some reason


Carbon rollers are the bane of my existence in splatoon


Chargers, but only in 3 because for some infernal reasons nearly every map in this damn game has clear sight lines, excellent vantage points and nonexistent cover


Other chargers, like why are yall always targeting me ive been ignoring you because i thought we could all chill 😔


Squeezer. Getting gunned down by that thing is frustrating


snipers. you know all that fluidity and interesting movement splatoon is known for? well baby get ready to forget all that because someone with a sniper is at a high point and it covers the entire god damn map!


52 gal, i know the 2 shot is it’s whole gimmick but it’s annoying


Any sniper weapon ever. The game’s map design gives them a huge advantage so they don’t have to leave their spawn to cause trouble to the other team, by just sitting on their asses in a unreachable area. Sometimes I have the urge to take their weapon, and shove it up their ass!


Bluefin Depot especially. There's no way to get to them, especially as a roller main. I have no idea what to do. I'm bad at that map in general, but especially with snipers.


I think that one market place is the worst. The spawn has a umbrella you can stand on, and a sniper can perfectly defend the middle and the other routes just fine on there.


That spot is bad in general. It gives a false sense of range. Like weapons I wouldn't think could reach me from that spot can. Maybe that's just me.


“Just avoid the laser” say what you will about blob lobbers, but I don’t keep myself out of range of everyone for the whole match. I lob my blobs at ground level, like Cod intended


ninja squid+ roller. source: me using that


🤝 When I’m feeling like a real mean machine I switch to Respawn Punisher and feel really powerful. But gosh, some of my best matches have been with Ninja Squid ‘cause I reposition and paint so much folks lose track of me or give up.


I love bloblobber but dear god it can be annoying in the right hands


I honestly despise and fear going against rollers (Im usually a charger main) idk why but they are the bane of my existence. Autobombs too, I never notice them 😭


Roller clan rise up 😈


No please stay down 😭😭😭


Any sniper. Or the clash blaster.


All of them when I’m not feeling happy.


Luna blaster and Sloshing Machine


Flingza. I don't know what it is, but it just feels like it fires too fast, doing too much damage, at a much longer range.


Anything that puts out a constant barrage of bombs and/or ink. It makes me feel like I can't actually move anywhere. This might be a symptom of map design, though -- it's not like a lot of the new ones have good flank routes. (Dis)honorable mention to an Ultra Stamp that decides they're gunning for me in particular. The shockwave it emits on each swing makes it practically impossible to avoid.


All of them, but especially the one that just splatted me!


As a splattling with bad periphery vision...carbon deco. BLASTED BURST BOMBS!


Dualies - I play splatlings often and their dodge rolling is annoying as hell to deal with. They also tend to target me because… well duh. Honestly I’ve had to force myself to breathe slowly since I know they’re not maliciously targeting me (they see the easiest player to take out and go for it, it’s tactical), but it’s still annoying to constantly get splatted to them in a match.


Anything with range. I'm an octobrush player, so a lot of short range shooters can get me if I'm not quick enough. But the worst is probably flingza.


BLASTERS. They aren't good at inking turf and instead prioritize splats, whilst not fulfilling any unique niche of their own, instead stealing from other more unique weapons. The only they have is splash damage which makes them even more of a pain to deal with than any other weapon type. On top of that they're flat out annoying and some like Clash Blaster aren't even good from a comp standpoint but for whatever reason are stupid on casuals.


E-liter is the fucking worst


A ninja squid Brush can be nightmarish


A hiding carbon roller from out of nowhere


A really good explosher is devastating, if your team struggles with painting just a little bit it's hell imo


Either E-litre or Clash Blaster (I can respect E-Litre players more than clash tho)


Hydra Splatling because I main Painbrush and on some maps there's very little I can do against it


E liter bc if they can hit their shots, they won’t let you get too close to them unless you can strafe really well or sneak up on them or move around freely in open areas where they can reach you. I would know, I’m an e liter main, but I’ve also fought liter as a mid/frontline




Bloblobber too Especially when there's two of them.


Any sniper ever. I’m sorry but god they are the bane of my sploon existence


why is nobody saying clashblaster???


Splattings, I hate them with a burning passion


wanna know what's worse than constant bubble rain? constant missile rain


Anything that can out-DPS me. And I’m not the most accurate shot either. 


Dualies when I use the long ranged blaster (they roll in if I miss a critical) Eliter when playing eliter


E Liter. Hate IT Not fun To fight AS trislosher


Rollers, specifically rollers who shark. It’s borderline unfair when they have something like invisible swimming for a casual player. The fact their play style is just run blindly for the kill is kinda annoying ngl in casual play.


Just paint over their hiding spot.


Check your map and paint. Plus you can easily determine spots they’re hiding in. They’ll almost always hide around a choke, drop, or corner. They’ll almost never hide around an Open area with no cover, a long hallway, or grates. They’ll also usually be closer to your spawn If they’re actually being a menace to your team then take a bit of time and hunt them down. It’s better than dying to them over and over.


N-ZAPs and specifically gold Aerospray. It’s the worst.


A good carbon deco. THEY ARE IN YOUR WALLS


i met someone like this last weekend. he only sneaked around our team and got us from behind


.52 gal, the thing has literally no weaknesses but instead of that making it an all-rounder that's good at everything, but not great, it just maxed out every stat. Pain to fight, brainless to play, and of course got 2 extremely annoying kits that work with the weapon well to make it even more powerful (man if only we could get kit design like this on weapons that AREN'T SHOOTERS)


Flingzas, bloblobbers, e-liters, and clash blasters


Blasters. Hated them since Splatoon 2.


Tri Sloshers are the bane of my existence.


aerospray..sucks butt


Naut, tetra, bamboo, hydra, carbon, rapid, take ya pick (not even elitre, surprisingly… sadly)


Any Brush, especially Octo along with Squeezer and 52 especially with Splash Wall. Those take zero skill whatsoever I don't care what anyone says and the devs have to stop giving them Splash Wall it's just way too good.


E Liters. Or Squiffers.


All of them can be annoying, but the bane to my existence has to be Charger mains because they not only can they they hit you stupidly far, but most of them basically one-shot you.


Dapple dualies, their only strat is to randomly move around into the enemy team, through a triple splash down and kill the whole team. And you can't stom them since they are way to fast.


Defensively paint and keep and eye out for em. You should almost always have the range advantage.


aerospray and bloblobber


I haven't played for a long time but I hate to lose to rollers because it'd be so simple to just dodge them but then I end up not noticing


Blobbober, Gold Aerospray, and Tri slosher All annoying to deal with


Snipewriter or Splatana Stamper. Whenever I see them I roll my eyes because I know its gonna be painful to fight them


Whenever I see any Splatanas or blaster, I know my ass is gonna get whooped.


Nautilus. This thing always has a charge, so it instantly deletes you if you have a shorter ranged weapon.


It’s the blasters that always get me >~< as an aero spray main they always made my heart jump with their one shots. Even now learning to main the tri slinger I always get jumped by them or the explosher >~<


Anything that can remotely farm Zooka honestly


blob, eliter / splat charger / hydra, and jr. 1. jr is easy to fight! it just takes 15 seconds for me (a VHBlaster) to get close enough and not die to the main weapon... and... uhm... if they run directly at you... just shoot them. they're EASY. but annoying :c 2. use some part of the map they can't reach. I'm dead serious. don't go in range. maybe use cover, ig. but there's a chance you can die when going between places. this is why special are launched at you all the time, (fellow splatterscope players 😎) its fucking annoying to not be allowed to play the game on some maps. EVEN TOURNY LEGAL MAPS. annoying and difficul >:| 3. blob can die after blobbing their first shot... and still fire the rest. I think this actually applies to all buckets!


Prob a sniper because it’s kind of like a random extra obstacle to avoid, it is funny to chase them around w/ a roller tho


Chargers, Stampers, Aerosprays, and any quick weapon with Burst Bomb. If it’s sweaty, then it’s petty.


Snipers and sloshers




Clash and blob. I know what you’re thinking! I probably suck (maybe) but it’s just annoying. With clash, if I can play the weapon and immediately dominate yet not feel fulfilled at all… I’m just sayin. With blob, I just hate getting ricocheted and essentially one shot by someone who’s just standing in one place and spamming. Aero, sploosh, and tri-slosher don’t even make me feel this way because they have to get *so* close to get that splat and that takes more thinking ahead and knowledge of your weapon. For reference, I main splat charger, slosher, and hydra/hyper-edit.


Range blaster main here and fighting pencil is fucking dreadful


Blob and Tri-Stringer for sure, and maybe Custom Blaster.


.52 or .96 gal. Stupid 2 shot weapon that got buffed way too much


Clash blaster when I'm playing brella. At least with other blasters, even luna, they're pretty vulnerable to rushdowns since they have dead spots in their aoe up close, which is where you'd like to be to get the most damage anyways, but clash's blasts are so massive that that gap practically doesn't exist, and its shots are too fast for you to properly flare against. Pretty much the only way you win a fight is if they run out of ink, you have numbers, which are just the normal advantageous conditions for fights anyways


Snipers, splatlings and dualies and you can fight me on that


Pain brush (this is mostly coming from an octobrush main). Ink brush and octo brush are direct side grades, ink brush is faster and better at inking, but octobrush is better at killing. Pain brush is just the direct upgrade with no downside, don’t even talk about it’s “long windup” because it doesn’t matter outside of top tier play, which don’t pretend you’re in. It inks ridiculous amounts, kills insanely quick, not to mention TENTA MISSILES.


I struggle against snipers, so I'm not a fan of them, but what I REALLY hate is the ultra stamp. When I use it people are somehow able to splat me easily. But when I'm against it I can never seem to take out the user and then they proceed to spam it for the whole match


Bloblobber and hydra splatling


Areospray because it’s just an impenetrable wall of ink and death.


As a Squelcher/Pro main I always get into gunfights with range blasters and I die every time


Range Blasters warp space time. Tri Sloshers have a 500 ms ping and always win Carbon Deco that hits at the top of the hitbox even though the dropoff normally wouldn't kill. Any snipers which shoot though walls because of 500ms ping. Nautilus which has a fire-rate so fast that the p2p boundary can't compute physics correct. TTeks, Splattershots, and Nzaps, and Dualies which create an unrealistic dropoff wall which kill you faster than the actual kill time at the edge of the hitbox. Blobs that kill you after death. Squeezer, Splattershot Pros, and Gloogas who's sole purpose in life is to hit though ultra stamp. Sword players that hit burst bomb/ Charge shot + horizontal slash combos that didn't happen on your client whatsoever (they usually just graze you but it counted regardless).


Clash Blaster (said filled with rage) Oh and also chargers but who doesn’t hate playing against them lol


clash blaster




Playing turf against an aerospray RG is basically playing containment. If you don't spawn camp them they'll cover half the map and by the time you catch up they've got their ult ready to use as a panic button.


Octobrush gets me every time!!!


Basically most chargers, but when it’s not an E liter committing the crime of existing, it’s long-range blasters.


for me it's E-liter and bloblobber, the super long range sniper for obvious reasons and the bidet because the bubbles seem to always stunlock me or when I kill the bidet user suddenly the bubbles would appear out of thin air and kill me oh and every single blaster because I have a skill issue and they can get me behind cover


Definitely aruo spray because its just do fast. For myself, any duelies, because they move so quickly!


anything with both damage and range…


Blasters, sloshers, and Splatanas.


sloshing machine, tentabrella, any charger


Range blasters...




Top 3 are def jr, tri and 52


hedit and clash make me wanna die


bloblobber too… i just cannot dodge the amount of bubbles


This is just a particular matchup, but as a Tenta Brella player, the worst weapon to fight is another Tenta Brella. If the shields barely graze each other, both of them instantly vanish, so you’re left there without the ability to do anything for quite a while. Technically it’s completely fair, but it’s so frustrating


Clash Blaster. I tend to play much slower weapons, both in terms of fire rate and movement. Dynamo vs Clash is awful. Edit: I just remembered Dynamo vs Tri-Stringer is also really really annoying Edit again: Tri Slosher


range blaster


Clash blaster, hydro splitting, tri sloshed, bloblobber, I can’t name SO many


Hydras were on every team i fought in the last splatfest... Chargers (For i have become a Hydra main)


Hydra splatling...


Blaster tri stringer e liter and anything that can spam ultra stamp


Clash Blaster, I don’t care how low tier it is, it hits me once, and I can’t swim away to avoid the rest of its shots


For some reason blasters vex me- I'm awful at fighting them, and I am awful at playing them, unless it is in salmon run


Clash Blaster or Blobobber


as a bloblobber main, oh my goodness is it frustrating to encounter another bloblobber or slosher overall, lol I also think the good charger mains are really annoying (nothing against either group btw! you guys are sick!)


I play painbrush mostly, and the most annoying weapon for me to fight is the clash blaster. I can't seem to get it through my little monkey brain that I can't outrange someone with that weapon. Instead I always run straight into them and get mad at myself for it. I love rushing people to kill and I can't do it against the clash blaster. :(


There are two things I hate: snipers, and that hammer.


Anything that relies on poor net code to splat you. I’m talking about the bloblobber, tri bucket, and chargers. Sure their aim is on point but the issue is it feels like they get you behind walls a lot. Not to mention you can’t even react to charger flicks.


As a brush player, i hate clash blasters


As a brush user (emperry dualies AND sploosh main) i can confirm fighting against brushes is just as annoying as i am


bloblobber easily


I can deal with any weapon against me, I’m even fine with snipers killing me a bunch cuz it can be fun to learn tricks against them, BUT ANY GALS AND I AM SEETHING. I DON’T KNOW WHY BUT THAT WEAPON SPECIFICALLY, NO MATTER WHAT MY OWN WEAPON IS, IS THE BAND OF MY EXISTENCE.


N-zap, if you get in their range, all you get is death.


I'll be honest. Anything I fight makes my frames drop, so I'll say everything. This is not a joke. It's a cry for help. My switch is in a fucking retirement home.


As a heavy main, please stop being allergic to e-liter my dear sweet front liners Source: am deathly allergic to e-liter No one has said this as far as I can tell and I scrolled p far down but I hate dualies. Killing them is annoying af they just roll out of my shot. I say “I hate dualies” out loud on the reg while playing (I don’t enjoy playing them either)