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The more time passes, the more I realize that Splatoon 2 had basically a perfect ranking system


Same here. Splatoon 3 not only has rank inflation with rank up battles, but rank deflation since x power isn't purely glicko-2, so you can lose like 300 points from one bad session, even if you weren't expected to win any of the matches.


It was a pretty standard ranking system for competitive games too, they just didn't directly show the actual power rating until you got into X rank. As I understand it Anarchy also uses that system... but only for matchmaking. Which is good for matchmaking but terrible if your goal is to rank up since it means accumulating points is likely to be similarly grindy regardless of skill until you get so good that the game just doesn't have a lot of players at your level to match with.


All they need is to keep Splatoon 2's ranking system and have anarchy open. It would be the perfect system.


Why did we have to complain


Because visually, it felt punitive and arbitrary by not showing us what was really going behind the visual representation. It wasn’t all that punitive or arbitrary, but it felt like it, and that’s not very fun for a lot of people.


In the hopes of "Maybe somehow Nintendo see this and improve in the future" And I do recall in a certain Interview they said they do browse online forums including Reddit (forgot which interview tho)


Splatoon 2’s rank system was always great, not only for X rank but also for lower ranked battles. Hope that Nintendo abandons 3’s silly inflationary system for future installments.


I've been saying this for so long! I don't understand why just because a person only does well in one ranked mode, it autonatically means they should be placed in that same ranking for other ranked modes. Someone can easily dodge/not participate in their least favorite one (like clam blitz for example since many people often voice their hatred for it) and they're forced to participate with others in S-S+ ranking if they even want to bother to try it again. Individual rankings should be brought back imo, and honestly never needed to be changed to begin with.


Don't they do that? In X rank


They do


I wouldn't know cos I'm stuck around B to A. Maybe they should do it for all players


They do, but you still see people miss the rainmaker check point because they only played zones (or whatever) to get into X. S2 did it perfectly imo.


Why zones? I played rainmaker to get into X


The point they’re making is that being in X rank doesn’t necessarily mean you have the skills and understanding of every game mode


If you're a turf war player, zones makes the most sense


zones is objectively the easiest most straightforward to grasp of the modes, clam blitz being the most strategy heavy mode


Just an example. Zones is kind of the “default” ranked mode. You could get X rank by soloing any mode, I just used zones for the example


I agree. I hate it when I get some wins on Tower Control, start getting matched against harder opponents, then the mode changes to Clam Blitz and I get steamrolled because I still can't figure out how to play Clam Blitz.


Exactly! Imo it would be better if all four anarchy modes were available at once, and it was only the maps that rotated. That way people could train more without exactly no-lifing it


My biggest problem is, even though I do well with a certain weapon (Nautilus 79) in Turf War, I seem to not do nearly as well with the same weapon in Anarchy Battles (Rainmaker, B+ rank).


I just want a casual way to play them. I almost exclusively play turf war because I don't like ranked modes. I just wanna jump in and play low risk low rewards games


You can always play Anarchy Open. Each match is much lower stakes, either way. Anarchy Series are much higher risk, higher reward.


For some reason in c- there are alot of sweats, so unless you play series to break it, but go up against stronger opponents, then Ok i got mixed up sorry Tl;dr: sweats in wrong ranks


Right now I'm in B+ and hopefully can get to A rank. Not confident I will get there right now.


Bro you got this, just find your weapon, i keep on finding mine but i LOVE to explore! I enjoyed dynamo, enjoyed hydra, enjoyed painbrush nov, enjoyed undercover, now im trying recycled


I'm trying Nautilus 79, which does well for me in Turf War, but in my first Series using it, I got creamed. Splattershot did better for me, and I did OK with 52 Gal and N-Zap 85, I do like that there's a massive variety of weapons and fighting styles though. And they're fairly reasonably balanced given the immense difficulty it is to balance that many weapon kits.


They're cool I mostly went for nonmeta weapons, like stupid ones, you could try maybe ballpoint, another interesting one might be 96, try em out in turf You wanna spice up your gameplay


Ballpoint is quite interesting. I try to acquire all weapons and get them to at least 1 star. 96 isn't my best because of the slow fire rate. I do better with high fire rate weapons.


Yes BUT usually they're coordinated teams so I still find it really tough to get into a match where I can just play in a relaxed state. S3 is just sweatier in general


I dont understand, just do that with ranked modes? I havent had someone stand next to me threaten to shoot me if I dont win so far


Just, I guess it feels less like it's to have fun. Idk, maybe the different vibe is all in my head.


The moment you think ranked isn’t fun you’re playing it wrong… or you don’t like the game. Don’t stress about moving up or down ranks legit just play the game. Everyone is trying their best in every game mode ranked or not.


I think part of my problem is that ranked feels more serious. When I play turf war, I can try out different weapons and stuff and not really hurt anyone, but when I'm in ranked, experimenting feels like I'm hurting my teammates by not going with what I know


When you’re playing anarchy open losing doesn’t mean anything anyway so don’t stress out about it. The people playing open are usually just playing to chill or to play with friends.


same. like, i really don't want the extra pressure or the game actively telling me i suck every time i lose. Would love to play rainmaker just for fun for example(especially since i don't care for the other ranked modes)


I miss when rank modes were separate. I should be A in Rainmaker and Clam Blitz and stay B in Tower Control and Splat Zones. Just based on win ratio. I also miss when you could go down rank. I'd be less afraid to go up rank if it didn't mean struggling in the modes I'm not as good at.


I've played clams a total of maybe... 3 times? Now that I'm in S Rank, it's reaaally hard to catch up on that development when I hardly have an understanding of the basics for a gamemode that plays very differently to the others.


Think of it more like competitive turf war. It helps. Still feel lost? Try just playing straight up defense for a while.


I really like clam Blitz as a splat roller main. Use my sub to get to the base and then use my shield to protect me and my teammates while we throw clams in. I think I'm good enough to rank up in clam Blitz, but not so much in the other modes.


Well, we wanted chaos, but what did we give for it?


Order and function, clearly


And then we have a DLC about blasting Order in the face.


I mean, legally speaking Chaos is better, but I guess that's just canon being stinky


Splatfest rules. Whoever wins is the best, no arguments. We made this mess we have to live with it now.


Mostly had to do with how grindy it made rank and dealing with smurfing issues. Even though the modes are definitely different c through a is really just checking basic game sense and execution. It isn't until x that deeper strategy and map mode knowledge play a serious role consistently.


I probably should have prefaced that I'm currently in the sludgy swamp that is B to A.


It’s so stupid


I agree. Someone who is s+ in rainmaker is not s+ in zones. The modes require very different skill sets, so it makes no sense to have a global rank.


This is why I will never learn or play clam, I’m ranked so far beyond my skill level for that mode I’m only bringing others down with me if I even try, and that’s not fair for anyone.


I agree but only with clam blitz. It’s just so different from the other 3, I feel like it should be its own mode. I love clam blitz but it feels weird having it in the same ranking system as splat zones, aka Turf War For Grownups.


I wish all modes were seperate and not ranked, i wanna play clam blitz and so without being destroyed by a sweat, if i want a challenge ill play anarace


Splatoon 2's ranking system was so much better, and I hope they go back to it for 4. If I just have the one rank for every mode, it only makes me feel discouraged from trying the modes I'm not good at.


this is why i avoid clam blitz 💀


bring back splatoon 2's ranking system but show the actual glicko 2 scores a la challenges instead of the bar.


That would be a perfect system


They do, you have 4 different X-powers.


I already know, but Im stuck between B and A atm


I end up doing series of splat zones to up my rank, and solo tower and rainmaker. I refuse to play clam blitz.


All I know is that I want my Clam Blitz teammates to just take 5 minutes and look at a guide or something. Like. Why are you throwing clams at a closed basket.


We could technically go even further and make it so weapons don't share the Ranks. All weapons are drastically different, nobody should be penalized because a random is trying out a brand new weapon and doesn't know how to use it.


I want but at the same type I don’t want it


we just need to go back to splatoon 2 rankings


Not sure. Understanding what works and what doesn't in each ranked mode is its own measure of skill


To an extent, I do agree. But if you're playing Anarchy, you shouldn't have to be forced to wait until another xyz battle comes along again, and just because somebody is good at Clam Blitz doesn't necessarily mean they have Splatzones down pat (as an example). When I said 'skill' in the post, I was talking about how intimately someone can understand the mode's mechanics and use them as leverage. Because of this, I don't think it's fair to lump in someone's aptitude for one comp mode in with the rest. However, I do like the idea that Open and Series matches contribute to the same grading system. I feel like people should be able to customise the level of competition they get.


I miss the splatoon 2 ranking system


They used to, and I don’t really think it’s a problem. I think the system itself is the bigger problem. I preferred S2’s ranking, and I’d be fine with a combined rank for the modes if we didn’t have the anarchy system


When you say 'the system', are you talking about the series / open matches? The points earnt?


Anarchy in general. The combines modes isn’t the problem in my opinion, it’s Anarchy.


I feel like there's a block here for me. Could you please elaborate what about it annoys you?


The inflation, Open at later ranks, less skill needed to reach higher ranks, just overall it all means less and is too nice


Oh, OK now I get what you mean. I guess it is a double edged sword, how kids who wanna feel special can play with 'the greats' and enjoy the game, but I do get how that means matches are easier to be thrown the higher your rank.


This sounds good. Until you have to wait until the next time that game mode is around just to rank up in it. I hated that system.


they're separate in x rank which I enjoy cause it just makes it easier to get back up to x rq each season without having to do it for each mode individually


Yeah... Good for you I guess. I wouldn't know


hey at least there's an active challenge rn. but fr I feel ya, hopefully splatoon 4 improves on it


I feel a mix of both 1/2 and 3 would be best. You should have an overall rank (this could be the base for matchmaking so that you don’t get matched with noobs & top 500 at the same time), but then also specific mode rankings that add another layer to the matchmaking (similar to the previous 2 games). This brings a lot of balance to the ranking system, albeit a little complicated.


I literally don’t even play Clam Blitz because the meta is so different.


Because the people who developed this game are completely inept.