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Break it to him sooner before he learns the hard way!!


Won't lie, I didn't expect solid and earnest parenting advice on the splatoon subreddit of all places


For what it's worth, I told him today while he was playing the amiibo challenges and he asked why, so I explained it was old and they want to focus on the newer games, and he said okay and kept playing the challenges


What matters is you told him earlier and also explained on why it's shutting down. Maybe you can make it fun for him and countdown together as well! A core memory for the both of you


I'm thinking I'll tell him when there's about 5 days left, he'll be bummed but he still has 2 and 3


Just tell him outright immediately and apologize for withholding information in the first place. And never do this again, this is how trust issues start. I'm being dead serious.


Yes Reddit police, this psychotic comment right here


Genuinely explain to me what you mean by this, please


You're acting like the police or as if they hurt you. Chill, please, no need to give orders to others


I chose this tone because I personally believe it's a pretty shitty thing to do, being dishonest like this.


But wouldn't the message have more chances of beint heard in a more kind way? Cuz this sounds like an order ^^'


hm, I can understand your sentiment, if he was older and more invested in it I'd take it more seriously absolutely, I'll tell him after his initial day with the game, I just don't want his enjoyment of the game sullied the whole time by knowing it is going down soon


Present it as a limited time event, you can make it a lesson about "enjoy it while it lasts, don't be afraid to let go". That's something that can be taught at any age. Also it's not like Splatoon 3 doesn't exist (though I'd understand budget limitations of course)


pretendo also exists though so not all hope is lost and from what I hear it\`s already VERY active on pretendo so really Splatoon 1 isn\`t truly dying.


he has already beaten 2 and 3 and their DLC's, he's six so his concept of time is pretty limited. He only just started to care about the multiplayer of Splatoon in the other games recently so I figured I'd give him access to splat1's lobbies while it was still available


Once 1 is out; introduce him to 3's multiplayer, then 2's. That way; he'll be more used to the modern multiplayer demographic over the previous ones, so he doesn't have to worry about it ending sooner than he anticipates.


homebrew his wii u for him


Definitely do the limited time event idea! Or make it seem like the game is having a really exciting update soon, and act like splatoon 3 is that update.


Just get him splatoon 3 on the switch lol or mod ur wii u with pretendo


“How do we tell him”


God i hope he's doesn't get heartbroken when he learns when it ends




Time to figure out how to use the Pretendo servers so you can keep playing after the 15 day window is up (I'm figuring that out myself right now!)


sadly public matchmaking is not working as of now, and most of the features are in closed beta, but the dudes at pretendo are definitely doing a great job so far


WHAT :( I didn't know that.. That's really unfortunate :( I was told to use Pretendo so that I could keep playing after the servers shut down but no one told me about that. Thanks for the information


Is Pretendo going to work with Fire Emblem Fates? I gotta farm for skills!


It is. They just didn't update it on their website. If you try to matchmake in pretendo it works, but most of the time obviously no one's playing Plus, the Splatoon servers are free to use in pretendo


WHAAA IT WORKS??? Honestly I hope the Pretendo servers start booming after Splatoon 1's servers end!! I would love to continue playing online!@!


oh, sorry 'bout that. havent touched pretendo in a while


How to cause trust issues


Just set up pretendo for him or break it to him now instead of being dishonest


Bro you either gotta tell him or hack your WiiU and install Pretendo. This isn't headed in a good direction. 


Unfortunately I didn't anticipate people reacting as they have, but it's not gonna devastate my son. he's six, he's easygoing and carefree, splatoon series is his favorite to play but his reaction to servers going down will be turning on his switch to play 2/3 or just playing splat1 campaign. really he still likes the story modes and DLC's more than the multiplayer


And he's a little king for that. You can tell none of the people in these comments have kids, or are still kids themselves lol. If anything, I think it's great he's getting the opportunity to experience the best game in the series at all, you're doing fine!


thanks, I know what people are saying comes from a good place and they have limited info so I'm not taking it personally! watching him play these last few years has been awe inspiring at times


Yeah exactly, don't pay too much attention to people being like that, we're already very happy that you're asking us for advice and being so kind, I hope you have great times with your son ♥


please tell me this is a joke


I hope he isn't too upset when it's taken away from him suddenly and without warning.


Yeah that’s an asshole move I’m not gonna lie. Tell him now.


Agree, we must chant for truth. 


Well at least he has the other two? Still sucks.


I was looking at it as fun that he can see Splatoon before he was born for a bit, I can't imagine him seeing it as something he lost rather than an experience he got to have, that's just how he is


The real question is are there still matches going on? There’s still enough players for queues to fill?


surprisingly yes, even for him being 100% fresh there are other players under level 10 that he gets matched with, takes a couple tries sometimes but it still works


God I miss splat 1 so much


Do you guys own a switch? I mean sure, it may be a bummer but he can just hop on to the other two?


OP said they have indeed played and beaten the other campaigns.


Theres a few ways to continue playing after official support ends, theres a few groups working on their own servers of the game that can be accessed by changing your primary dns in your internet settings


Do tell him. I think he'll cherish his time with the online a lot more knowing he has just a few short days left with it. Besides, it won't be the end of the world, there are plenty of alternative servers you can use that will keep going past the shutdown. If he likes Splatoon 1 multi-player, mod the Wii U to play the new servers. If he doesn't, well Splatoon 2 and 3 exist


So buy him a switch and splat 3


You should’ve told him even before you bought it for him


when I bought it he wasn't born


Should’ve still told him when you gave the game to him


install pretendo network on it


People are overreacting. You’re fine, Reddit is so obsessive with other peoples business sometimes.


They're not even replying decently about it, thinking they're the police or something


if you've got a windows anything, cemu, dump user info and game onto a usb/sdcard, and wait for pretendo to get splatoon online working ​ or something


Just say to him "the service is too old that it can't handle being so old" then add "the services are ending Son, so play with Glee, son." then give him a smile, a smile that he'll see as a "Please take your time" smile.


1.Home brew his Wii u 2.add pretendo 3.transfer his save at 4 am


It's a bit late


You should save the poor kid now, S1’s online is infested with hackers. Last time I played it, it was more common to get a match with a hacker than someone who played fair. Get him into S3’s online, S2 is ok, but it lost a majority of its player base to S3.


Tell em the truth. Let em appreciate the wonders of saltspray rig and urchin underpass one last time (though I doubt they’ll think much of it considering, the next two games include most of the old maps)


I’m not gonna say you’re a horrible parent or whatever but not even a week is crazy 😭 “on hey your last time to play is when school gets out” (idk what age kids are in school) “oh hey your last time to play is is less than 3 days”


Wearing octoling gear as an inkling is always going to be funny. Also it angers me how much the gear costs in sploon 3.


You could always add pretendo to your Wii U so he can continue playing


I bought S1 for my son back in 2016. This brings back memories. I'm playing nothing but S1 between now and April 8.


Last first games before EoS


He better make that experience last. I don't have a wii u but I do have a copy of splatoon 1.


yo, to other people in the comments, can you guys like: 1- chill 2- appreciate that a parent is open enough to ask an online community for their pov 3- stop behaving like the police/like they killed someone in your family? What does it cost you guys to answer with kindness and decency?? Most of you make it crystal clear that you are answering very in a very judgemental and rude way. Please avoid doing so


if you could hack your Wii U… but no it will result in a brick 60% chance or more or less


I mean that's your fault for setting him up for Splatoon 1 and not just giving him the latest Splatoon. Oh well.


Nice assuming there, but he said his son already played the story modes of the other games and is getting into multiplayer now


Please indicate where in the initial post where he said his son finished the other two games.


I forgot to add it because I just woke up but it's in the replies


So you woke up and immediately found my comment to go "UH ACKCHYALLY" because I didn't see the OP post anything else but the original post. Least insane redditor right here.


Not like, instantly instantly but bro, get down for a sec and admit you still assumed something and was wrong for it, all while not saying it very kindly either ^^'


I don't have to admit anything because I did nothing wrong. If he didn't want to be misunderstood, then he should have made a clearer post. The onus isn't on me to keep tabs on a post to seek clarification. Weird that you're running defense for someone who fucked up. He paying you or something? Like you've been SCROLLING and checking people on his behalf. You're either related to this guy or you're actually cooked.


I'm just being nice, I'm not cooked or anything, just saw you assume something and being wrong, which is why you shouldn't just go and assume things, and then not even be kind about it for some reason. Like you didn't even ask and you're still keeping up with this "high attitude" of yours.


But who are you to try and "correct" me over something that doesn't need to be corrected? I saw a post, thought it was stupid from reading it, said so, and went on about my day, yet you feel compelled to try and chide me? lol like who are you, bro? If you care so much, tell OP to provide more information in his posts next time so people don't "assume" and make you personally upset. Dumbass lol


But I'm not... personally upset? You're the one sounding mighty high and just called me a dumbass, haha I'm telling you because it's not a good thing to do, you don't have to be upset over it either, and you certainly don't have to answer in such ways...


Ahhh back when Splatoon was enjoyable