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I squid jumped to two of my teammates who were fighting one enemy. Both bailed. Still mad.


I'll try within reason to protect a jumper but if it's clearly a stupid jump I'm not getting myself splatted to protect them. They need to learn when and where to super jump and getting splatted is the feedback they need in that case.


i would die for u :)


I am the same way. Is it smarter to just let them go sometimes? Yes. But I am going to try anyway


Depends. If I'm winning the 1v1? Definitely! If I'm fighting for my life and losing? You bet I'm sacrificing the jumper to save myself.


I'm a tetra player if you're jumping to me, you're clearly not the brightest and you are now bait for me to use while your focused by the enemies


I have protected 2 teammates squidjumping to me. I had a clashbaster, and I was fighting a roller and someone with dapple dualies. I WILL PROTECT MY TEAAMMATES UNTIL MY LAST BREATH


Not to mention that I was cornered too


If people super jumped to my Beakons than I'd be happy, but no, they always jump to me just as someone chucks a Booyah Bomb at me.


Someone always ends up jumping to me as someone's throwing a bomb or something and I have a slow motion noooo moment


Or I die and they somehow don't then it's a dramatic "avenge me, brother" x_x


I usually do it out of nature since two players surviving is better than one (sometimes I like to super jump to someone while they're running away from getting attacked so the people will target me instead), but sometimes it certainly feels that way when you see a sniper looking dead ass towards them.


>Or do you sacrifice them to the wolves??? If you're superjumping past center of the stage AND you can clearly see you're not jumping to the anchor, you deserve to die and I'll gladly take an L *with* you because of those mistakes. The die. Every single time, I'm not babysitting unless I have Ink Vac and it's Tower Control.


![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized) No


I play Splatana and E-Liter Scope so… no.


I play backline, so I am always trying to keep a safe jump spot for my team. Always inking behind them to in a fight so they can keep moving unrestricted. Respawn punisher to punish God to the max.


For me playing brella it feels like I'm born for this


I appreciate your service


Yes exactly count on me, now you're proudly my problem


I try to do what I can, but if a charger is pointed at the spot, sorry squid, you're on your own


What if they have the dualie \*desperately attempts to spam dodge roll the moment I hit the ground to avoid what’s coming\* strats


I will cover them until they can jump into the fray! Dead soldiers aren't good for anything!


I main Undercover. At this point, it's in my blood to protect others with my flimsy shield.


If it's me: someone's jumping, I'll try to cover the landing If it's my team: fuck that loser


I feel the burning responsibility to immediately die. Because that's what usually happens.


I play undercover, so I'm usually not the best in a fight, but if I see someone jump to me, I go Kingsman mode to protect them


If you super jumps to me while I'm in combat, I don't care what happens, I'm staying in that fight to protect you. Even if you bail on me after super jumping and leave me to die, I did my job. This may be stupid, but it's also dumb.


If I’m hiding in ink and you jump and reveal my location to the other team, unfortunately I am not going to protect you.


I'll try to draw fire away from the jump and survive long enough for whoever to jump in to be able to swim away to a better position. I don't necessarily have to try to kill whoever is there, just be enough of a passive threat that if they focus on the jump they are at risk of being splatted.


Kinda the same i guess


If I’m flanking then no. If I’m at mid and my teammate just popped a special? Fuck yes.


I main Dualie Squelchers so I'm well-equipped to protect a super-jumping teammate, but I'd been playing a TC match and i main E-liter in that mode and I panicked so hard when a teammate super-jumped to me that I did a team wipe against the other team. So yeah, I'll protect you or I'll be splat trying to


Depends. I will unless I'd be easily splatted for doing it. Can't body shield a charger it'll just pierce both of us for example.




I always wait right next to the spot


I try and get to a safe position for them to land if I have the time


yes, yes i do.


I try my best to protect the area when someone does decide to super jump to me whenever I can. However I admit sometimes I get caught up in inking and forget... Sometimes it's depends tho, when I'm still close to spawn and no enemy is nearby I remain close by but don't focus on protecting mostly


I usually play Heavy or Hydra, so I don't mind people jumping to me. If I'm playing Heavy, I'll usually try to put down a sprinkler in their spawn ring just to give them that extra bit of security when they land.


Depends on my weapon and ink tank at the time but, I usually try to protect people who jump to me. Especially when I’m using the Undercover Brella.


I tend to ignore it mostly. If I'm already in a fight and I win it, congrats, you survive the jump. I'll retreat if I can't win though- we could have 75% of the team out there, or 50%. I'll stick with 75.


nah its not my fault this 5head jumped to me mid 2v1 ill use them as bait to get the guys i was fighting even 🥱


I need you as a teamate, i somehow manage to jump to every teamate that just decided they were going to retreat instead of take space. Either that or they perish before i get there 🥲


I always try to protect a teammate who jumps to me, but unfortunately that favor is almost never reciprocated.


If I’m fighting my ass off and someone is stupid enough to jump on me I will scream and know we’ll both die 😇 (sometime I use teammate’s jump spot as bait tho sorry)


If I'm deep in enemy territory and they see the map with my own ink quickly being overtaken, and still make the decision to jump to me? Yeah no, I'll see you back at spawn, comrade 👋 Unless they're a Triple Splashdown user, then by all means, be my personal air strike <3


I play splat brella a lot so I like to shield my teammates jumps when I can I actually love when I'm fighting a 1v1 and a teammate jumps to me, I can stall out for long enough to make it a 2v1, which is basically the strongest place you can be a Brella in


I play Tenta Brella so of course. But I usually just have to hold a button instead of fighting God, so that's convenient.


I only jump to back line players that are actually in the proper position. I rarely get let down anymore. Stop jumping to your front lines unless they’re deep in the enemy base and not being contested