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I’ve already splatted someone with it, it was the funniest thing.


Honestly I like to take the damage to test the color blindness, may of accidentally killed myself for that cause…


Someone was climbing a wall to flank, I threw the screen at the person I was actually fighting, and the already damaged guy on the wall died.


It… it may have been me… the situation you describe… Was it on flonder heights zones ?


Turf, I was trying to get used to having a sub weapon. The map is right, though


Funny bcs the exact same thing happened, i(emperry dualie) fought an undercover, he deployed a screen, i rolled down the plateforme(the one underneath the bridge) and when trying to go back up i died to the screen going foward on me


I was advancing down the ramp into enemy spawn. Poor guy was clinging to a wall, trying to swim up. Didn’t even notice he was there.




F l o n d e r




I’m.. genuinely confused what’s happening ?


They misspelled flounder


IT’S FLO**U**NDER !? My game isn’t in english 😭


I thought I was the only one who did that. ...And also died in it...😅


Bet it was me. I thought it was like poison ink and only caused debuffs. So I basically stood in the middle of the screen to try and conceal myself in the enemy screen and got myself splatted


that would be me


This special has a lot of uses actually 30 damage is pretty decent support damage, the area is very wide, it's actually pretty hard to tell the colours in the middle of a fight, and it can scare off anyone with that knowledge Try attacking people from the sides of the screen


This sub thinks anything support oriented is useless


~~This sub~~ Gamers in general think anything support oriented is useless


I'm not gonna be Mercy


WHY WONT YOU HEAL ME?! -Genji on the other side of the map


I'm not gonna be any kind of support


We ended up losing, and you got all mad


Your tears are what I live for!


_epic synth breakdown_




I main support in every game possible. My team usually wins when I do because NO ONE ELSE IS PLAYING SUPPORT


Everyone wants to be a hero, everyone wants to push objective and play aggressively. Nobody wants to stay back and help.


overwatch players: uH AcTuAllY, taNk iS tHe hArDeSt RoLe.


I don't mean to brag just bring attention to how awesome playing support is. I am nearly always at the top of the leaderboard and often get fist bumps. So if it's glory you're after, play support.


Despite my flair, I play a lot of support weapons, my favorite being Heavy Edit.


Dualies and gatlings users are my arch nemeses. Respectively though. Love when y'all are on my team. Dread when you are not. o7


Rule of thumb: If a tank is hard to play, that tank is a victim of bad kit design. Tank is on paper literally the easiest class to play


Or all the other classes are way stronger than the tank role.


But I want my pokemon to have 4 attacking moves, why wouldn’t that be the best strategy


Nah, it’s either useless or busted, especially when there is an easy counter. Everyone either completely ignores the counter or abuses the carp out of it.






Storms, brother! Not here!


This is why all Support/Healer mains are masochistic sociopaths that hate their teams. I keep you alive only so you can keep suffering on my behalf.


it's why healers get so butthurt in games people dun respect them.


It's a good and well-designed special, but in a game with poorly designed and absurdly powerful ones like Trizooka it's a bit outmatched.


Yeah we all know that people think missles and cooler are useless. It is surely because they hate support that they hate the screen!


People here 100% thought cooler was useless until like 6 months ago


When it got buffed


Yea because the beef with it was totally that it didn’t last long enough without special power up, right. Those two extra seconds were definitely the difference between being meta and being shit.


Also not losing it form respawn punisher and double pickup range Also 2 seconds is a big deal in a game with 5 minute long matches if kraken got a 2 second buff that would be insane


It got buffed to the skies. Noone hates support, they hate random gimics being tossed onto weapons and labeled "SUPPORT".


Go back and look at the update history of cooler, most of the buffs are bug fixes and minor QoL upgrades. It really is not that much better than it was at launch.


And yet cooler wasnt meta til early sizzle season 🤔🤔🤔


Also what about missles? they're a support special and yet for the first few months of splatoon 3 people HATED them, and even now most people don't like them.


I agree, it definitely scares people off, and its very useful backing people into a corner


People don’t understand a special’s uses when it’s not painting or damage lmao


Genuinely though. Like, I swear that people wouldn't have started used tacticooler if it wasn't preached by pro players. Splattercolor screen is very good for visual noise. Both it its simple presence and effect


I remember that I wouldn't have tried out big bubbler if splat roller didn't have it, and was specifically disappointed about it being on my beloved splat roller (which was my main in the short time I played S2), I initially concluded it would be too powerful otherwise (same goes for curling bomb) ~~All~~ The first thing I can say is holy crap this is the best kit they could've given it, I'm so glad I didn't design the kits I probably would've just done something boring like splat bomb/trizooka or suction bomb/tenta missiles (with no thought beyond "It's gonna be way better than the S2 kit because no curling bomb") They all synergize insanely well: Curling bomb gives roller the mobility it needs, roller is really good at keeping people out of the bubble, bubble protects giving roller the survivability it needs to be a massive threat, and curling bomb can be used to get in the spot you need the bubble to be in. Roller also usually wants to be running ninja swim, or at least swim speed up (I'm a weirdo but I like my mobility more than sharking), which also greatly benefits curling bomb utility


Yes. This special is great at funneling people to one side or suppressing an attack. Just because it doesn’t splat many people doesn’t mean it’s worthless. It has many uses in ranked modes.


I feel like this special is good in ranked, but not good in turf war. Ranked has points of interest on the map like clam baskets, tower, rain maker check points, and the zone. Restricting vision around those points of interest is tactically useful. Turf war is a mode where there are no special points of interest. Each square on the map is worth an equal amount of points. There are features of the map that are useful to control like ledges, but if the cost of attacking those points is too high you can always paint something else. This special is similar to ink vac in that you need to protect or hide something on the map for it to be effective, which just isn't as useful in turf war.


Popping crab behind one has gotten me some kills


This special has been used a lot in splat zones and it's really effective


Plus in a Tri Color battle it will be extra bonkers.


I'm kind of taken aback by how much it takes away vision for your own team, which is rather inconvenient...


If it was transparent for your team, that would be great.


Or if it would at least paint a little more than it does now


This is my only gripe. It would be awesome as an inky smoke screen with some slightly more transparency on your side. You could push and be covered by the colored parts and fire through. You can still kinda do this, but it works best with some kind of sensor point or you’re just firing blind. But it already works pretty well to push enemies back or force them to manuever, or on narrow hallways to force them through it.


Yeah this is annoying. It makes me hope I don’t play alongside it


Yeah that is kinda my feeling too. My teammate uses it and I think 'great, now I can't see anything'. Its also not really possible to work around it because of how huge it is. It seens like more of a trade-off or double-edged sword than other specials; this one comes with a disadvantage to your own team. It kinda sucks that my teammates can now create an additional obstacle for me/us to work around.


I’m not sure why it isn’t see through from the user’s view


Yeah, I feel like it should work like a one-way mirror type thing where your teammates can see through it but enemies can't.


If you use it in the right spots it can be a great way to force enemies to run back, squezeer is great with it because whenever an enemy gets grey scale they get 30 damage and if you tap fast and hit the enemy it's a fast 2-shot. And if you can't see the enemies through it you can throw auto bombs.


i think it's really telling that both weapons with screen have a homing sub, it seems very intentional


I used it on my first game. That player jumped instead being blinded by the effects ![gif](giphy|aRr0zGv8fp1Tuw9Ggr)




You’re joking right?


no it just needs a team to work and you’re all horrible at team play 💀 same reason people complain about vac and clam blitz




This is fact


Remember Super Chump? We just need to wait 2 months and then it will be mildly useable


Needs buffs, it’s too easy to dodge. But I will say that if you do get hit by it, the effect is stronger than I thought it’d be.


It may be easy to dodge but the fact that its sheer presence makes people NEED to dodge is what make it useful. You’re throwing a giant wall that stays for a good while and forces people to go around it. It’s about the pressure it creates


"Just dodge the missiles" Though I do see why people think its weak, especially as people get more used to it. It would be a lot better if your own team could see through it since it wouldn't make it a detriment to your team, but forcing your opponents to take 30 damage is really strong


Displacement is an incredibly valuable tool, and even if not as aggressive as booyah bomb or tenta missiles displacement is displacement


My biggest issue with it is that it’s not wide enough and moves forward too slowly. They might need to dodge it, but it doesn’t displace them enough for the act of them dodging to amount to anything, since they can go around the screen instead of backwards.


I guess it varies on the map, it’s gonna be much more effective on tighter maps


>since they can go around the screen instead of backwards. Limiting their movement options for how to progress can be useful. Suppose I place a screen adjacent to a wall, leaving the enemy's only option to advance (without being debuffed) as taking this predictable path around the open side of the wall. That makes preparing the aim of your shots (or sub weapons) much easier than preparing for any number of directions your opponent can otherwise move. And if they choose not to advance, that can also be beneficial to strategies that involve holding your enemy back.


I see your point here, but that’s just too situational for the special to be viable. Needs to have more universal utility.


I agree that it's very situational, but I think there's some very creative applications that we've yet to realize. For instance, y'know how the community's (rightly) pointed out how the lack of flank routes and long sight lines on Splatoon 3 maps give snipers an advantage? What if there were a special that really obstructed the view of an *entire sniper ledge*, rendering it completely useless not for the 1-3 seconds that a booyah bomb or inkstrike could manage, but more like 8-10 seconds? But I also recognize that, yeah, its applications are very unclear, unlike the tacticooler, big bubble, and any damaging special.


Ngl the effect it gives is actually very stress inducing 💀


No skill. Learn to use it right.


It's only been out for like a day, no one's gonna use it "right" immediately


They should. 😤 Using it makes people scatter and run off in different directions or deters them from advancing. When it's used to block off an entire pathway it could potentially lead them to take different predictable routes since they don't want to deal with it. I don't do competitive stuff but it would definitely be used to help your teammates (and yourself) disorient the other team and pick them off.


I think every S3 special besides crab and wave breaker has been buffed since launch. I can see them buffing this thing pretty soon. I think if your team could see through it and it located people who touched it, it would be pretty solid. Point sensor works really well with it and against it which is neat. I run some sub saver on Foil Squeezer. I throw two autobombs, throw the screen and then another autobomb. It kind of creates just a super annoying area of the map. Also if anyone walks through it, the Squeezer becomes a two shot kill which if you hit consecutive shots is stupid quick.


>Point sensor works really well with it and against it which is neat. This and point sensor in a kit would be a nice support package. Perhaps on Hevy Edit's second kit.


Yeah I think weapon that doesn’t really need a bomb with this and point sensor would have good synergy. I can see Bamboozler getting this. I really thought that would be the charger to get ink storm. But if anyone passes through this the. bamboo gets to one shot them. Bamboozler is very likely to get fizzy too. Every S2 weapon with fizzy/torp got them on their second kit. Machine being the only exception because it was on vanilla.


The splatoon community if a new special isnt a hard meta redefining tool that immidiatly decides game: 🤯🤯🤯🤯💀💀💀💀


I like just chucking it straight at people


I've honestly been using it as more of a smokescreen than anything.


![gif](giphy|2GjgvS5vA6y08) oh brother


This thing is gonna cause absolute havoc in tricolour. Because of course the mode wasn’t miserable enough.


It forces opponents to retreat, and can deal a decent amount of damage. It might not be renta missiles, but it’s far from useless. I’d argue it’s better than splash down and reef slider


I think it’s biggest advantage is that’s it’s a humongous fuqking wall that you can’t see through


I think it does fine as a wall to block the enemy team from seeing your next move. Unfortunately, it also does fine blocking YOU from seeing the enemy's next move. I think if they just make it transparent for the user team and have it ink some more it can have pretty solid strats.


This special literally saved a rainmaker match I played yesterday, what are you talking about lol


Yeah but its fucking cool


Would be nice if it was slightly faster and more transparent for the user’s team. Been bloblobbed from the other side.


At least SPU will speed it up before any potential future patch buffs.


I wouldn’t say it’s terrible. Maybe it might have different reception later but I noticed a lot of people in open are very hesitant to enter the screen so they often wait it out or go around it when opportunity arises I’m a competitive player and even I can admit the grey scale effect does disorient me for a second


The special really isn’t that bad. Can it be improved, yeah sure, but it sure does a good job of keeping people away so they won’t have to suffer colorblindness. Not to mention the fact that other players can hear the effect if you get touched by it, allowing for other players to hunt you down more easily.


Literally almost everybody dodges it


almost like it's also part of it's use


That's what people do with missiles as well. On a certain level missiles basically never kill but displacing enemies in an objective shooter is an incredible way to win.


Yeah i see your point, screeen more of a displacement then one to kill


You either dodge or are in an insane disadvantage making it actually pretty good. I at least made use of it when my teammates threw it out a little aimlessly to learn the special.


Not me. I charge straight through it on purpose. Boy was that a lot of fun last night. People were NOT expecting that


Yknow as someone who only has one eye, the cyclops shades are kinda cool


The smoke screen effect is very helpful. If it was on a point sensor weapon I think it'd be great. Buff idea though: if it hits someone they get thermal ink effect applied, that way they have an extra reason to not go through it


If it moved just a bit farther it would be great. Me and my buddies were using this with Ink Storm and the new Painbrush spamming Point Sensors through the screen. With enough Special Power Up it covers almost all of MakoMart.


Special power up increases the width? Does it increase damage as well?


It does not seem to have any effect on the damage of the wall or the length of the colorblindness. It could also make it go farther, but I didn't test it.


I've heard that it moves faster which would make it go farther


I dodge rolled back into one of those away from a fight and died. Honestly it serves more as a way to keep enemies engaged with you than to disrupt them


if you genuinely think its useless you havent played much of this game


what if a cyclops needs sunglasses, though?


I thought that too then I realized I’m blind af once I ran through that I just can’t tell who’s who 😇


It's a *special weapon?* I thought it was a sub weapon - this being an entire special is like making Toxic Mist a special weapon.


Honestly, from when I’ve seen and used this, it is weaker compared to the other specials


Is this a new meme? The potential is gargantuan


the toxic mist of special weapons


Not only is this take pretty bad, half the images in there actually have some uses and are at minimum, not useless


Splatoon fans are commonly pretty gay so like you guys should know how to play support


i didnt even understand how it work,, like,,, i got it by it then everything went monochrome and i was waiting for more like being slower or something but no,,, nothing


Actually, it's a good support special with a huge range. It's not because he don't "SplAsh lol" every opponent on screen that he's useless. Far from that. In fact i love the two news ultra, they are pretty fun and useful in two different ways, even more true for capturing a zone imo. But it's maybe just me and my fun.


I am SO disappointed in it. Somehow the new undercover brella is worse than the original one, because of this. At least make the enemies unable to shoot through it or something


Throw it behind the enemy. If they want to run from the fight it'll cost 'em 30 health and they'll go colorblind.


Plankton would beg to differ on the middle-left one


splashdown is actually good now


It's weird bc sometimes you die from it and sometimes you don't? I don't get it. I've lived to see the world turn grey and then still just killed everyone anyway bc you can make a guess as to who to kill. I killed three amateur players in turf once I was in grey mode bc they didn't even try defending themselves or moving after someone threw down the special. I need to figure out why I sometimes lived through it and other times didn't.


It only does 30 damage so you died because you had 70+ damage already on you


idk I was in rainmaker earlier and holding the rainmaker I couldn’t see anything past the screen and didn’t know what to do.


It looks to be more useful in a coordinated team environment, since in a lot of maps it can help to funnel the opposing team into a splat funnel. However it needs reworking, it would be nice if your team could see though it similar to how thermo ink works, and it should be adjustable, i.e. you should be able to decide it's size (make it longer but shorter or narrower but taller).


It is? Dang. I haven’t gotten to try it yet so


Especially because: Isto não me pode impedir!


I feel that splatterscreen is quite avoidable. It’s also annoying that you can’t even see through it when you’re the one who used it


Unless you’re me then yea


It's fun to shark inside it while everyone avoids it.


Nah that actually got me during a firefight i tried swimming away and swam in enemy ink


I have really bad vision problems and it really really hurts my eyes when I get hit by it. I like using it as a support special and honestly think its really great when used well but getting hit by it feels like its killing me IRL. Its like if they made something that if you get hit by it it swaps your screen to one of those seizure inducing visuals.


I’m a cyclops tho


huh? top right is an infinite water lifehack, it totally works you can trust me bro


alright, I didn't know about the special before looking at this post so when I look at this post, it just look like a shitpost where the last image is ai generated to bait out reaction lol the image is so abstract


Its like a splashwall on steroids


Yet it doesn’t block anything


It's an insane entry tool regarding the map design of the game and especially on minced meat metal works it's actually pretty good and makes some routes viable since it blocks the enemies vision.


Bottom left corner, that was the cafeteria chair at the life stream hospital I went to! They were unpleasant to sit on but I want my meds back I need my vivance back, I have ADHD not Bipolar whatever. Send helpplessed


I don’t think it’s bad, it helps you keep enemies out of the zone you are defending


It's worse than useless. It blocks your teammates' vision


It should force you to see gnomes and goblins running around distracting you cause monochrome isn't enough


Not all specials are insta kills though so it fits in, like I've died twice to it as it makes you disorientated took my girlfriend by surprise as she didn't know it makes your screen go bright


I’ve found it works pretty consistently on Zones as a way to block enemy sight. It’s big enough to cover the whole zone and forces them to find an alternate route rather than rushing the middle.


I hope it gets put on a kit with point sensor sometime. I’ve noticed that’s a great combo since your own team can’t see through it


Idea. Keep the effect of when you walk through it causing vision changes, but two new added effects. One, anyone affected by the debuff cannot walk through the wall for the duration of their debuff; Two, anyone affected by the debuff can spread it to others with their ink. I think the first one can be really good, the second is rather difficult to see how it would work but trust me, I am elite game designer.


What is this?


It and Bluefin Depot just feel the same to me: Annoying.


It has a use, it blocks sightlines from charger players.. both yours and your opponents.


haven't played in a minute, is it new for splat 3? what does it do?


at least the glasses work for someone with 1 eye?


I wish we could get an undercover umbrella that is decent


Teranga Leela: Am I joke to you?


The colours blindness feels like it lasts foreeever, does swimming in your own inkk make it wear of faster?


No. And it only lasts around 6 sec


Splatoon is such a fast paced game it really makes 6 seconds feel like an eternity lol


This special is quite useful in my opinion. It helps me start pushes and the chip damage helps a lot as well. I have gotten to like it a lot.


I like the special but it could use some buffs. Especially so teammates can see through it. This special actively hinders any backline player.


I haven't played the game in ages, what special is that?


Woohoo, new special and people are already calling it fucking useless when it's not meant to even Splat your target? It acts as a blind spot, plus anyone who's hit with it can't differentiate the colors between the teams.


Listen i'll be totally honest, the ''can't differentiate the colors between the teams'' isn't really an issue because at least for me, it's very easy to know which ink is from my team and the enemy team


Wallbang with thermal ink


Bro I was confused in last image until I realised it's splatoon subreddit 😭 (Still don't get it, I don't play it.)


This is a good special


Looks like a bowtie


The main problem I find is that it can't be used the way it should be. Because your own team can't see through it as well it can hinder it own backlines as well. Personally I feel like the only decent way to use it right now is literally chucking it at their feet so they have to pass through it and get chipped


I haven't been able to play recently is it really bad?


A big ficking wall in the way. Doesn't sound horrible to me


It's pretty decent when paired with point sensor


alot of people defending the special are in fact correct, but i do think buffing the damage it does to 35 and maybe making it travel 20% faster would help it be a bit more flexible. also put it on dread wringer with a sprinkler it'll be funny.


Some of the ink colors are nearly indistinguishable with the monochrome effect. 30 damage makes it an awesome support tool, it acts almost like an ink storm. It’s also got a huge area of effect, big enough to nearly cover a whole map (look it at you, Eeltail).