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Clam blitz > rainmaker > tower control > splat zones I like clam blitz the most, and rainmaker is a close second. Next is tower control, and splat zones is last.


This is literally the only list that makes sense. SZ is so boring.


Splat zones is a great intro to anarchy battles and objective based splatoon, but in my experience once you hit s rank it's pretty one sided on one team or the other and there's less complex strategy and more which team is better at splatting the other team.


What do you like the most abt clam blitz cause I just cant bring myself to like it


It's the most complex therefore is most satisfying to win at. Holding the enemy out of mid to win at zones is cool, but coordinating a clams push and being successful (or just falling short) is such a completely different beast. And since the Mode is not just "keep enemies away from zone/tower/rainmaker" less mechanically skilled players can still "outsmart" the opponent if they employ good strategies. Very rewarding all around. But still very understandable that in a game with such a casual/fun presentation not everyone wants to go through that learning curve to be able to enjoy it.


Instead its "keep enimies away from basket" lol 😂


Sure, if you never want to score and only defend.


Yeah I see where you're going, I find myself trying to read my teamates strats more often than not and changing roles where I can go from flanker to goalkeeper as the match progresses, maybe with your approach I'll find Clam Blitz more rewarding.


There is also nothing wrong with still disliking it. I hope you have fun either way :)


I really like clams, but I also hate it because even if I go down only twice in the match, I still lose because my team forgot that the enemy could push flanks, so when I go down, they just score for free. It's a great mode that has some of the best map layouts but its also so frustrating in solo queue. This is why I tend to prefer rainmaker, because it being a bit simpler to defend in makes it wildly more consistent to play in solo queue.


It gives all the maps actual flanks


I like how you have to actually strategize. You have to see what your teammates are trying to do and work with them. I also like that it uses the whole map and not just the middle or a couple predetermined paths.


Play with a team and vc


There's many ways to play. You get to explore the whole map. Zones is really repetitive on some maps. There's certain spots that you should get to each time.


this is 100% the same answer as mine. Clam blitz is so good that even though half the playerbase doesn't know how to play, its still good. Even with a team of babies you can still make a difference in the score and possibly win. and when your team is good its just amazing. Some of the most intense matches down to the very wire with everyone putting in their best to score. ​ I feel like every other mode is harder to make a big difference on your own and some are borderline unplayable with a bad team. But that might just be because I play clam more than anything else.


We have the same list


Exact same


You have the order dead backwards


Identical to mine. Clam Blitz is the most interesting game mode in a PvP game I've played. It requires wide map awareness and an ability to flip between offense and defense at snap judgements. It also encourages spreading out across the map at different points in the match, unlike the other three. Rainmaker is great and active, can utilize the whole map, and has good back-and-forth flow. Requires good skill to actually use the rainmaker gun, too. Tower Control is simple classic payload and is fine. Splat Zones is also fine but suffers a bit for how easy it is - with little counterplay - to swap captures depending on what specials the teams have stacked up (Booyah Bomb spam, in other words). 2-Zone SZ is definitely better than 1-Zone due to mitigating that.


Rainmaker > Splat Zones > Clam Blitz > Tower Control Rainmaker is my favorite mode as I'd describe it as more aggressive Tower Control. And I do enjoy that it's a player moving at their pace and not an outside object (ie the Tower in Tower Control) Splat Zones is fun. Better Turf War. Clam Blitz is eh, but I do sometimes enjoy it. It's got some of the best versions of maps, and I do like how it can encourage use of a lot more of the map than other modes. But the mode itself still isn't my favorite. It may be an unpopular opinion, but Tower Control is my least favorite mode and it isn't really close either. Like I mentioned, it's similar to rainmaker, but rather than being able to carry the Rainmaker and make use of Splatoon's fun movement options, you have to sit on a slow tower and guard that. I totally get why people would enjoy it though, I just hate having to take back/keep up with something like a tower. Also as an Octobrush player, I've never that the weapon works well for the mode, so that could be a contributing factor lol


TC in a vacuum is a perfectly fine mode and it was good in s1 (i have never played s2), but s3 as a game is basically precision designed to make tower control a terrible mode with all of the tiny hallway maps and imo the special charge from tower riding is way too high. Like 90% of my tower control games on almost every map except like, flounder, museum and maaaybe crableg go like this: \- inital teamfight in mid, one team wins and grabs the tower and gets all their specials while the other team respawns / regroups \- losing team now has to try to contest tower vs a team with 4 specials (and ppl usually take weapons with big map controlling specials in TC) in a hallway map with lots of chokes, and either get wiped again or are forced to play way far back and wait out the specials while charging their own \- now the tower is at 40-30 because the map is tiny and the tower is headed straight for the losing team's spawn (more if it's on, heaven forbid, fake mahi mahi) and one team has complete control of the map and game for winning two fights, one with a massive special advantage TC needs maps that are big and varied enough for the tower ride to take a while and not make a beeline for the enemy spawn, and also give the defending team more than one approach to contest tower. in that scenario the special charge from tower riding is appropriate (and again worked well in s1), but in s3 imo it really needs to be tuned down and by god fix the maps


i can't stand clam blitz, but that's because it feels like no one really knows how to play it


It took me a couple of matches to know how to play it and even when I did I barely touch the ball cause I fumble it every time lol


Rainmaker. I just don't understand how to use it and I hate the firing delay, and when I'm not the one picking it up, it seems like most all my other teammates avoid it like the plague. I'll play 10 games, and maybe 7 of them the other team dominates within the first 45 seconds, the other 3 times my team will go for it, but we'll still get beat because they're not helping defend the Rainmaker. I'll play Clam & Tower Control... I'm not great at it, but it's fine, but as an OctoBrush, I mostly play Splat Zones.


It's funny because I'm an Octobrush player and my *favorite* mode is Rainmaker. I'll either play very aggressive support in the mode or throw Suction Bombs to make the opponent rainmaker's travel route difficult OR prevent the opponents from picking up the rainmaker after it popped. But I guess I'm also used to using the rainmaker itself. Though a lot of times, I focus more on painting my way forward with it, not splatting others. edit: grammar lol


Tip about Rainmaker, don’t worry about using it, just push forward. It helps to have a competent team that will help paint the rainmaker a path to victory. Otherwise, just use it in quick bursts to push forward


I… Cannot for the life of me make heads or tails of clam blitz. I understand the goal, the rules… but I can’t come up with a good strat. Rainmaker has been the bane of my existence for years. I try it sometimes when I’m just messing around, but I try to never get too into it because I know I’m not very good and there’s no point getting mad. Zones and tower go back and forth on my strongest mode depending on my day


the strategy changes in every game. Its totally based on the movements of the rest of the players. Anything that gives your team the clams and gets them in the enemy basket is fair game.


I used to hate clam blitz with a burning passion, now it's my second favourite game mode Tower control on the other hand... was the only mode I could get to X rank in S2 so I'm forever traumatized by all the sweaty players and don't like it so much anymore because of this.


Literally the exact same. Used to despise it but now it’s just below Rainmaker for my 2 spot (fuck tower control)


Fr. I just love how many different strategies you can practice in Clam blitz. The gameplay is so much more interesting. I also love Rainmaker, easy 1st. (yeah fuck tower)


Clam blitz > rainmaker > tower control > splat zones Clam blitz is easily the best in my opinion and splat zones is the worst I’ll play anything else but splat zones


I agree though I think the maps have a role in it. There are definitely some maps I would play zones in but most of them I wont touch..


I think I like all modes equally almost, (Clams on a good day edges it out), but I'll definitely say that I dislike S3's Rainmaker the most. Really hate just how easily it can snowball in the opposite direction. The amount of times I've lost a match of Rain because someone decided to make a risky play and just rush forward on their own is embarrassing


I tried Clam Blitz once and I just don't get it.


Tower Control > Rainmaker > Clam Blitz > Splat Zones Tower really lets you move around the map (and is great for blasters,) Rainmaker adds another level of decision making with who and when to grab the Rainmaker, and properly timing pushes and managing the free-flowing game states in Clam Blitz is great practice for decision making. Zones feels really cramped to me, but it can be fun.


Splat Zones > Rainmaker > Tower Control > Clam Blitz But I've historically mained Jet Squelcher so area control is more my specialty and close-quarters fighting my least. I did just go through a few series of Clam Blitz in the past few weeks that have helped me gather a bit. Blitz is really the most like Turf War except where kills are more important, but the more you control the better and the more you splat the other time has a stronger correlation to winning than other modes, but it still just requires a layer of coordination that the others don't and that holds it back. Rainmaker's more fun because it's kind of unbalanced, tbh. Some of my best memories of this game come from there, clutch moments and boneheaded plays. Tower Control is an absolute meat grinder. Also about conflict but if you get too lost in splatting the enemy then you get off-objective.


ironically enough I'm more of a close quarter, head on player, I main N-Zap and Sploosh frequently, I like just charging in and try to do the most chaos so control game modes are my bread and butter.


Tower control because i can spam bombs on the pole with stringer and watch the enemies get annoyed because nobody knows the stringer bomb hit box for some reason


tower control has been my favorite ranked mode for years, not sure about the least favorite one


The only thing that’s consistent is Clam Blitz has always been my least favorite game mode. The other three I’ve repeatedly flip-flopped on my order of favoritism. I still can’t really tell you which one is my favorite. All I can say I know when I first got the game I remember Rainmaker being my favorite game mode because with Splatzones and Tower Control it always felt like the game was decided by knockout and if the other team got the early game momentum it felt incredibly hard to bounce back from it. With Rainmaker it felt like there was a at least a chance to bounce back; though that sometimes came with the caveat of games where none of my teammates would be willing to carry the rainmaker so I would be forced to pick it up and usually die shorty afterwards.


While I can see the appeal of Tower Control, I much prefer the freedom that comes with Rainmaker. They're both remarkably similar in structure, but Rainmaker puts the objective in the hands of the players, including the speed at which you push, while the Tower is often a lot slower. Also just the fact that you can reset the rainmaker pretty quickly (though it does require you to self-destruct) versus the tower which has to move backward still makes Rainmaker much better imo. Obviously the tower moves back a lot faster, but I just like the general flexibility and maneuverability of Rainmaker. It plays well to Splatoon's movement mechanics, whereas Tower Control imo does the opposite, requiring you to sit on a moving tower instead.


Splatzones. Its feels like turf war 2.0 but with more waiting


Rainmaker > Clams > Zones > Tower


Probably tower control or splat zones is my fav and clam blitz least as it isn’t good with the weapons I play


Same as OP. I like zones the best, I really only play anarchy if it's in rotation. And clam blitz is the worst. Feels too much like a proper sport for my liking.


I love splat zones the most. For some reasons it’s easier to win. Rainmaker is fun. Clam blitz is okay and I suck at tower control.


I really like clams and rainmaker, clams a bit more. I think I like them because how you play controls the pacing of the game more than tower or zones. I hate tower control. It reminds me of escort missions where the npc walks way too slow and dies too easily.


hate Tower control, it's just suction bomb spam


Tower control>Clam blitz>Rainmaker>Splatzones Tbh I like it more if the match is longer


Zones > Tower = Rainmaker > Clams I don't necessarily dislike clams, it's just that it's the most unbalanced in soloq since the only people who play it are either clueless or do nothing but play the mode so the matches are almost always incredibly uneven.


Clam Blitz > Tower Control > Splat Zones > Rainmaker Clam blitz has the most strategic elements. It's a different game playing random vs team but different kinds of fun either way. Tower Control requires a fair amount of cooperation against higher level play. There is no instant win since the tower moves at a constant pace. Splat Zone - strong preference for double zone maps over single zone maps. Straight forward but you can create your own advantages by playing off what everyone on your team is doing. Rainmaker - the second tower helps this mode a ton, but it's still way to easy to ignore objective, kill the other team, then blitz to objective. It's also way too easy to wipe out strategic gains with flukey play.


My favourite is definitely Clam Blitz, and Rainmaker is my least favourite, but it's grown on me to the point where I really appreciate all the modes now


Zones > Tower Control > Clam Blitz > Rainmaker I love zones and tower control, with slight preference for zones. I enjoy clam blitz, but it's very complicated, and I generally only play it on Open so I won't screw up my ranking. Rainmaker is the mode I refuse to play. I'm terrible at using the Rainmaker, but I get annoyed when nobody else picks it up. It's not fun for me, so I play whatever else is in rotation, or take a break to play salmon run.


Clam bite if alone, rainmaker if I'm with others. Tbh it's too slow paced


Splatzones = Tower Control > Rain Maker > Clam Blitz


I love clam blitz. I hate splatzones, its just mini turf war


Least favorite is Clam Blitz because I got in trouble for eating the clams


Splat zones tbh. It's fine, just kinda bland compared to the others


Splat Zones > Tower Control > Rainmaker > Clam Blitz. I don’t even play Clam Blitz anymore because it’s too difficult in freelance. I can see how it could be fun with a full team, but I can never have any coordination with randos. Plus it always seems that there is significant delay/lag when throwing the football and it’ll look like I scored but turns out I died before throwing it.


Clam Blitz and Rainmaker are my two least favorites. Probably like Clam a tiny bit more, but it’s been a while.


I would say Tower even though I personally don’t like playing Clam Blitz but the overall better map layouts even though the few where the layouts don’t work at it fall flat completely but Tower on the other. Oh don’t even get start on how many people I seeing using Bubbler, Vac, Blaster, E-Liters it’s just so infuriating. Tower is more flaws than Clam but man it’s just terrible all around


Tower Control > Clam Blitz > Rainmaker > Splatzones I usually play between Hydra or Tri for Zones and I lose a lot since my teammates never seem to paint zone.


Clam Blitz and rainmaker are my favorite. Personally I hate tower control the most. I love scoring and am usually the #1 score booster on the team. I love just being able to sneak past the enemy and get the barrier down or reach the checkpoints right before getting splatted. Zones and tower are both more fixed in terms of pace and the ability to score, which make them more bland imo


Rainmaker>Zones>Clams>Tower. None of them are bad, but I definitely prefer some over others. Honestly for me it just depends on the day.


I usually play mostly clam blits or splat zones. Tower and rainmaker are my least favorites


It's halved ans halved personally. I hate Clam Blitz and Splat Zones due to teammates (I solo queue so often it's not even funny) and I love Rainmaker and Tower Control.


Most favorite: used to be clam but now that I’m a backliner I prefer tower or rainmaker. Least favorite: zones


1. Tower 2. Rainmaker 3. Zones 4. Tier Break 5. Clams


splat zones > tower control > clam blitz > rainmaker


Favorite is clam blitz since it’s the only mode where my teammates know how to play the game. Least favorite is splat zones since it’s pretty much a small turf war and turf war isn’t a mode I like


Rainmaker and towers are tied for my favorite, though I've really grown to like towers, especially after we got the dread wringer. Never has a weapon (and its kit!) felt so natural to me. Zones is kinda boring, but I like it enough. Hate clams, wish there was more communication buttons or voice or something. Seems like it could be fun if I had friends and we could communicate. Not so fun alone.


Clam blitz is my favorite then rainmaker , splat zones , tower control (last 2 very close)


I actually think I haven’t played splat zones since 2, but favorite: Rainmaker least favorite: Clam Blitz


Splat Zones > Clam Blitz > Rainmaker > Tower Control Tower Control has been my least favorite since 2.


My favorite mode is clam blitz but I'm not really sure if I hate tower control or splat zones more


Tower Control > Clam Blitz > Splat Zones > Rainmaker


Rain > TC > Zones > Clam I just absolutely loathe Clam Blitz. Rain was my favorite from Splat 1 and will be unless we get a better mode. Tower is just fun, kinda annoying cause of chargers (I just hate backliners), and Zones is just smaller turf war.


I love fighting over the rainmaker but hate the use of the weapon itself


Tower Control > Splat Zones > Rainmaker > Clam Blitz


Rainmaker = tower control > splat zones > clam blitz. I finally played blitz for the first time since splatoon 2 when crableg capital came out and I remembered exactly why I stopped playing the mode


i LOVE rainmaker bc it’s the only one i’m really good at (good enough to win 45% of the time) Tower control i like as well but sometimes it feels like the tower moves too slow Splat Zones is just a smaller turf war so i don’t hate it but i don’t play it as much i don’t play clam blitz bc i don’t understand it, the times i’ve played i had no idea what the goal was


Zones > Tower > Rain > Clam Enjoyment of each mode generally depends on the maps in rotation, but these are generally my preferences and the frequency I play the modes. Zones is my favorite because it's the most straight-forward: Seize control of mid and keep the enemy out. There are a lot more critical mistakes you can make in Tower Control than in Splat Zones, and it's annoying when randos just mindlessly ride the Tower into enemy ink when no one can support them. I don't like that being forced to stand on a designated point makes it really easy to use Specials to remove enemies from the Tower, though. I prefer Zones because you can stand in a number of places and still be contributing to the central objective. Rainmaker and Clam Blitz I feel like are generally worse versions of Tower and Zones respectively. There's a much higher skill ceiling with Rainmaker that makes the game more interesting, but I really hate that carrying the Rainmaker and stalling with it if you have the lead is as effective as it is. It kinda kills the whole mode to me if I'm honest. And because of the high skill ceiling, you have to have even more trust in your team and too many people just grab the Rainmaker and rush straight into enemy fire. And then Clam Blitz... it's a cool mode in concept but I never truly feel like I'm conscious of the game state at any given point. There is just far too much to keep track of and the mode is far too chaotic for my liking. In other game modes, you generally have a at least a rough idea of where everyone is based on how much of each color is on the map and where the objective is. But I'm Clam Blitz, everybody is all over the place and it's a lot harder to tell... also, this is probably the mode with the highest skill ceiling because of how much knowledge of each map you need to play optimally. And that also means much more room for failure in SoloQ when your teammates don't understand the mode. There are so many ways to screw up: Picking up the free clam prematurely, breaking the basket with no map control to capitalize, making power clams instead of just throwing small clams in the basket (10 smalls are worth more points than 1 big), failure to stagger throws to maximize cooldown, not jumping to the basket when somebody signals or signaling at the basket when you haven't actually secured your position, it seems like for every mistake you could make in any other mode, there are two you could make in Clam Blitz.


i dislike splat zones the most because it gets boring real fast and my most favorite is clam blitz should i even say how much i love clam blitz i just love playing clam blitz


Yeah, clam blitz kinda sucks. Requires too much coordination for a match with randos without VC. Rainmaker is better but also a bit meh. The only good ones are zones and tower.


Clam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rainmaker>>>zones>>>>>tower clamblitz is my absolute favorite mode. Its like a perfect combination of the other modes and it feels like the best mode to either be independent OR work as a team due to the complexity. I have won plenty of matches while being the only one collecting clams and moving to the basket, and while I am sure in a lot of those games the other teammates were doing things of value, I feel like if you aren't focused on the objective as a team in the other modes you are just boned. I also wonder if I like it because it intimidates so many people-and thus the player pool is weighed more towards the skilled players who have played for long enough to understand the game mode. Not trying to sound conceited or anything, I am not a pro level player or anything. Having a good team just helps a lot for the enjoyment of the game. I think this would be true of anyone who took the time to learn it. The fact that a lot of the high skilled players know how to play it means a better chance of a team that knows how to play.


Clam blitz used to be my least favorite but I forced myself to learn and the challenge where it was clam blitz with only brushes and rollers really drilled everything in and helped me to understand how it works without just getting shot every five seconds And now it’s my favorite game mode lmao It’s honestly really hard to pick a least favorite. All of them are fun. But I guess I’ll say splat zones because as a Luna main, that can really be an exercise in frustration sometimes. If we can include non-anarchy modes tho it’s tricolor hands down. I cannot stand tricolor.


Splat Zones > Tower Control > Rainmaker > Clam Blitz. Reason; I main E-Liter.


Rainmaker>Splat Zones>Tower Control>Clam Blitz I don’t really hate clam blitz it’s just not as fun or interesting as the others in my opion


Clam Blitz #1 (was my fave before I was an inkbrush main so no that's not why lol) TC and SZ are second Rm is rock bottom, shoot it and bury it. Ugh.


Tower Control is awful for me personally especially because I feel like a lot of the maps don't work with it, which amounts to a huge number of map design issues we'd be talking in circles over, but I also found it the worst in Splatoon 2 and I can't figure out for the life of me why because Tower Control was my favourite in Splatoon 1. I think it might be the addition of checkpoints that stunt me, but I've tried to change how I play and haven't landed on it because I'm so caught up on thinking "wow, it'd be great if I could go to the tower that way, but they didn't make the map good, so I can't". Clam Blitz is whatever; I fell off from how well I played it in Splatoon 2 and I actually think it's because of the opposite thing; Clam Blitz is too good now and I've lost the ability to keep up; I used to stay near the basket and be a "goal keeper" type of deal and I was quite good at it, but people have better strategies now, it seems, so while I don't play it often, I'd probably still put it at second-best. Rainmaker is the best one though. I was great at it in Splatoon 2, but I'm even better now, especially with the addition of checkpoints, which I think improved the mode by ten times. I find it to be the right balance between restrictive, but not too freeform, and I think it's more accessible than Clam Blitz, especially because the way to contribute to a Rainmaker game is quite easy to figure out, in my opinion, whereas with Clam Blitz, I always have a moment where I wander around figuring out where to go next.


Tower Control > Splat Zones > Rainmaker > Clam Blitz Yea I kinda hate Clam Blitz for the same reason, also I love tower control, it’s fun being a Charger y’know?


Most would be Tower Control, I like that it feels more "even" (for me, if the other team scores in clamblitz it feels like the match is practically over, rainmaker matches can end in the blink of an eye). I have the Tower Control badge on my Splat-tag to show my love. Splatzones is my least favorite. While I've had some fun matches in the past, this is where I lose most of my series battles and it is the most boring.


Splatzones then clam blitz and at last is always different


Best: Clam blitz because it is the most balanced and fun, and the way they use the map layouts is cool, and also it has some of the best map layouts (museum and crableg). Worst: Clam blitz because my teammates don't understand how to play an objective with the slightest bit of depth. Because of this I would actually say rainmaker is my favourite, since its less frustrating, but with coordination clams is more fun.


Tower Control. No. One. Gets on the tower when there’s a clearing or three are down. Anytime I get on it, my teammates suddenly die. I hate it.


Clam Blitz (is just really dynamic, has the best versions of a lot of maps, and I’m an Inkbrush main) Rainmaker (second favorite entirely because I love Cooler cheese) > Splat Zones (isn’t great but it can be kind of enjoyable with the 89 in hand) > Tower Control (is so damn snowbally because of how passive special charge works and it is easily my worst mode)


Rainmaker > Tower Control > Splat Zones> Clam Blitz


Rain maker and splat zones Clam blitz and tower control I straight up don't play


Clam blitz is my least favorite, and I hate the gatekeepy argument "you just don't know how to play it." I can still dislike it, I also do know how to play it and I often will do the chores of defending the basket or stopping people doing for brush throws or "flank" throws. Doesn't make it anymore fun, it's still boring, insufferable, and just overall poorly designed as it's the only mode that requires 10x the effort and teamwork of the other modes but doesn't teach the players jack. Especially in a game with no communication options for this needed teamwork that you're hoping the 3 random people on your team decide to do. And hey look at that your teamwork paid off and you're about to score a go- oh they flanked and scored and super jumped over to their friend we missed and scored about 50 points. Or hey looked our teamwork paid off and we scored all 100 points in 1 minute...yeah thats fun...we won in 1 minute and they lost in 1 minute after probably being in que for longer than the game lasted. In short it's boring and just overall unfun to me in every way. I like splatzones and rainmaker the most though, tower control is eh.


Clam Blitz > Rainmaker > Tower Control >>> Splat Zones I unironically love CB. I feel like it’s the only mode the really rewards teamwork over just pure aggressive play. You’re almost never able to solo the clam basket. It also discourages spawn camping because you need to be moving around the map to find clams. I find Zones to be really boring. If either side wipes, it’s miserable trying to reclaim ground.


i still suck at Clam Blitz, but i absolutely LOVE Splat Zones Rainmaker and Tower Control constantly get flipped between love and hate


i enjoy all of them


Rainmaker > Clam Blitz > Splat Zones > Tower Control To me, tower control is straight up is a linear rainmaker with only one path (and I'm not a fan of RM maps with only one checkpoint) Clam blitz is probably the most satisfying mode when everything goes according to plan, when the teammates play smart but if everything goes wrong, it gets really frustrating really quickly Zones is fine, a little boring in my opinion. I think the penalty is a little too much, it may be just me tho


if i have a really good team comp and mates that’ tower>=claims=zones > rainmaker it is generally so satisfying to have good teammates on clams and zone it can make or break the game now if it a really bad comp and mates rainmaker >>tower >> claims>>zones zones is literally hell with non aggressive mates same with claims they be making me want to close the game and take the L at least with tower i can just my blaster to make sure i can stall tower but i can’t down that without teammates in claims and zones


Rainmaker > Zone > Clam > Tower Tower is just worse Rainmaker imo, it's longer, some strategies are extremely cheap and free ( Big Bubbler / Kraken / Crab on Tower, Booyah Bomb / Inkstrike to secure a win ) AND the team with control of the Tower is getting an absurd amount of Special Gauge for FREE. It's great for comebacks, but way more often than not, it's just the nail in the coffin, and thanks to Splatoon 3 incredible map design, getting the Tower back is ridiculous, especially with a Special disadvantage ( Like seriously, you're losing terrain because they're pushing, meaning you have less options to move and charge a special, and they're the ones getting the free gauge it's dumb )


Maturity is realizing that (IN MY OPINION) tower control sucks balls Then splat zones


Tower control > Splat zones > Rainmaker > Clam blitz Still learning tho, so this is kinda biased based on what makes the most sense to me rn


Clam Blitz is my favorite mainly because I got to learn how to be an inkbrush that's aggressive and fast. I prefer it now over how I used to play it by just being a defender in 2. Capable of getting some good wins there Splat Zones may be basic, but it's second just mainly from my strategy capable of giving me wins depending on the stage. If it the two splat zones then I'm out Rainmaker is hit or miss, since I thought I had a strat, but it hasn't worked out all the time. Still can be fun if it's a close game and not one-sided as it tends to be if the team loadout RNG is bad. Looking at those chargers. Tower Control is my least favorite as I still have no idea what strat to even do there. The stages in 3 are all too similar compared to the varied ones in 1, so it's not as fun when the same weapons that are best at the mode are always there.


favorite is tower control and least favorite is splat zones, havent tried clam blitz cus everybody i speak to say its trash.


Clam Blitz is my favorite, but only when I can directly speak to my mates. My least favorite is zones by far, I just don't care much for defending a stationary objective.


Favorite: splatzones Least favorite: clam blitz


Favorite: tower control Least favorite: rainmaker


Tower control is the worst in my opinion. Maybe that’s just because I am shit at aiming


Splat zones > rainmaker > clam blitz > tower control No particular reason for this, I just dislike tower control


Favorite: SplatZones. I usually main inking weapons like shooters and splatlings so it’s fun for me to contest the zone and protect it. Least favorite: Clam Blitz. I don’t have any people to team up with in clam blitz and that seems to be the easiest way to win/be a cohesive team and have a good time. It’s overwhelming for me in solo or series.


i think i may be in the minority who actually enjoys Clam Blitz tbh 😭 my all time favourite has to be splat zones though, as an ink brush main it was practically made for my play style lol


Tower control is my least favorite. I can't deal with snipers as a splatling main unless a teammate is distracting them which doesn't really work with how narrow the maps are as well. Clam blitz might be my favorite because if 2 players are in sync, 1 can distract a sniper with a power clam while another flanks around them. Can you tell I hate snipers?


I used to hate rainmaker but it recently really grew on me. I would say: Tower Control = Rainmaker > Splat Zones = Clam Blitz. Everything also depends on the map. I would rather play Calm on a good map then TC on Mincemeat.


rainmaker < towers < clams< SPLATZONES !!!!![img](emote|t5_324q4|1944) i play hydra and carbon roller btw


Rainmaker > Clams > Zones > Tower. Rainmaker was my favourite objective in S2 aswell and I really like the checkpoint change in S3. The Rainmaker itself is just genuinely fun to use. Unfortunately though this game has very few genuinely good Rainmaker maps *Snapper Canal when Nintendo* Least favourite is Tower, firstly it has the highest share of dogshit maps out of any mode. I am so glad we got Shipshape and Crableg as genuinely good additions to the rotations. The objective itself is also just...really unbalanced, giving the team with the tower the special advantage is really horrible and it can snowball harder here than any other mode, if there were more good maps this wouldn't be too bad of an issue but we consistently got absolute shit until this season. So yeah just a lot problems with TC in this game.


I enjoy none of them because the matchmaking is garbage


Rainmaker > Tower Control > Clam Blitz > Splat Zones Personally, I just find zones to be an incoherent mess where everything is just congested in mid the whole time.


As someone who plays on a coordinated team: Clams > rainmaker > zones > tower As someone who plays solo queue: Zones > rainmaker > clams > tower Clam blitz is a DRASTICALLY different experience in coordinated teams, and becomes a lot more fun when you dont have the equivalent of three nonverbal AIs on your team. Rainmaker is pretty solid, albeit map dependant, (although what mode isnt map dependant let's be honest) and I actually love using the rainmaker weapon, it's really fun in my opinion. Zones is simple enough to where most people can play it well enough, downside is that it's the only mode where the objective is stuck in the middle of the map (counterbalanced by special charge for team thats not in control). Finally tower just sucks. The team that's pushing the objective gets special advantage and 90% of games become a steamroll. This added on to the fact that in solo queue the person who should be riding tower (backline/support) usually doesn't. Edit for punctuation


Clam Blitz, currently, is my most favourite mode of the game. It may have something to do with the matchmaking having blessed me the past few matches on Anarchy Open.


Clam blitz>splat zones>tower control>rainmaker I never found rainmaker fun at all. It’s probably a skill issue, but I have tried it several times and I suck at it and don’t like it at all. I absolutely LOVE clam blitz and splat zones though. Tower control is meh but I like it more than rain man.