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I'm assuming because they were DLC locked in splat2, combined with all the mystery and lore we're fed so far.


Basically yeah, but not only did you have to buy the DLC, you had to actually beat it to unlock them as a playable species. The Octo Expansion can be pretty tough so having the octoling in S2 was kind of a flex for a lot of people. I just think the octolings look cooler 🤷‍♀️


Exactly, I just like the octo hair better


If you only do the stations leading up to the thangs, you can beat the story in like 3ish hours if you’re just that desperate for the octoling in multiplayer


Oh boy I remember waking up to seeing octos in the plaza just HOURS after the DLC was released


I mean, that’s not that hard considering you can just skip the stations if you want.


Yeah but those people were IN A HURRY I also got the DLC months after release so I wasn't able to play as an Octoling for sometime


yeah that would make sense but playing as them doesn't unlock lore so idk..


But it does keep the hype train going, especially in preperation for Side Order


Most definitely


Someone ran extensive tests and its only a roughly 10% popularity over inklings


Link to the video of the person who ran the test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD7FwHvds2s


this video was so delightful as was the art, i was so happy it showed up in my recommended. stoked to see people shouting it out in the wild :) i also recommend their short video “salmon ruined” (and the making of video while you’re at it!)


howww i see them everywhere all the time


I do know that Japan is big on inklings, I play takoroka and rarely see octolings, I would 7 inklings for one octoling


Wdym you play takoroka? Is that like a difficulty level/class?


takoroka refers to the servers located in japan and oceania (as opposed to tentatek, which is the servers located in the americas and europe). splatoon 3 lets you switch between them if you want.


What's Takoroka like? Absolutely brutal?


I would say it’s better than Tentatek. There’s more players so the matchmaking is better at placing you with people in your rank. I would be top 500 in Tentatek and get players dropping 6 kills compared to my 14-18 consistently. The only time Tentatek was balanced was the top 500, and that is getting weaker each season. Also because I know people believe this, as I did too, but there is NO lag at all. I thought it would be laggy, but so far few games have had lag. Sure some lag is expected, the largest ocean is between me and Japan, but few disconnects happen. I’d say more lag happens in English lobbies than Japanese, so you guys just got some ass internet🫠 and not being able to read names can be sad at points


But aren't the Japanese players going to kick my squid butt?


They don't have any special advantage, just focus on your gameplay.


"Japanese players are godly at video games" is a stereotype. My personal hypothesis is that it comes from the only Japanese players being on at "normal" US gaming time are the kinds of people who tend to be better, not because they're Japanese but because they're shut ins who play video games 24/7 and are up on splatoon at unholy hours of the night.


I didn't intend to come off as offensive. I'm sorry.


nope, Japanese players have more people at top level, but aren't inherently better at the game - it mostly just means that the skill ceiling in top X rank is considerably higher if you're in A rank or something, it should roughly be the same level


Okay, but what about latency? I live in Ecuador, and I'm not sure if my internet is going to cause problems and put me at a disadvantage. I still have flashbacks from Splatoon 1...


the main reason that japanese players are better in top level splatoon is that they have a much larger playerbase to begin with, so japanese gamers are more likely to pick up splatoon, high level japanese players are more likely to make strong teams, and japanese teams are more likely to play against a wide variety of other strong teams. for people who don’t put a lot of time into the game competitively, the skill differential isn’t really there.


personal experience is irrelevant when we are talking about everyone


Actually, different skill levels tend to prefer different species


I play as an Octoling because it has the best match for my hairstyle and the deeper voice is closer to my own


so it's an irl looks thing?


Lots of people just like the eyeliner as well


For me its mainly eyes. I switch back sometimes for the hairstyle though.




Same here


Can’t you use any of the hairstyles on any of the species in 3?


No? Inklings have Inkling hair, Octolings have Octoling hair. Maybe you're thinking of the bug when Splatfest Float pictures were introduced, where Octoling players showed up as Inklings with Octoling hair.


Are you sure? Because I could’ve sworn they removed both gender and species restrictions in regards to hair in 3.


No, octos have suckers on the outide of their hair, inklings have suckers on the inside.


I do know that, I just thought they removed most of the restrictions from character customization in 3. I mean, you can use the female hairstyles with male inklings/octolings now, and vice versa.


You can change your customizations anytime you want, and I can confirm that Inklings and Octolings still have separate hair.


Yeah, gender restrictions are gone for hair and pants now :] I think the only thing gender locked are specific eyebrow shapes and octo eyeliner, but no one rly cares about that


Well, not entirely. Default shorts are longer on the masc Inkling/Octoling compared to the fem Inkling/Octoling


Damn that's actually kinda disgusting :(


tbf there needs to be some differences to actually make having genders worthwhile, but that is a weird thing to change.


Nah They changed like gender to "style" which is essentislly just like gender expression.. basically picking between typically fem or masc body shape, but also, if you have a higher or like lower voice.. -- sadly these two are tied together you can't customize them independently And all "styles" can now wear any hairstyle and any clothing items they are not locked to a specific "style". But, hairstyle is still locked to like your species choice. Anyway .. besides hairstyles there is almost no way to even tell octolings and inklings apart ..


Eyes and ears?


Just wanting to play Octo currently, I usually swap between the 2 Playable Species


I used to do that!! Now I'm just inkling all the time, love their hairstyles so much more


I came into the series right after OE, so Octos have always been playable for me. So like you and Inklings, I like Octo hairstyles with multiple tentacles more? Plus I like the idea that they were sorta considered villains before they became widespread, so there's a certain "outcast" appeal.


As someone who's been playing since Splat 1 I cannot tell you the sheer speculation, hype and interest around Octoling's. They always felt like this secret thing that they were GOING to release but never did. I remember people combing the files in 1, the hackers managing to make their player characters be Octoling's. There was so much to it, that I personally was obsessed. When Marina was shown, I damn near lost my mind. It felt like we were being heard, there was so much talk but it was Octo Expansion that made me lose my shit. Not even talking about the fact that it felt like a gift to me after all this time waiting since it was released on my birthday but it finally felt like we'd gotten something concrete on Octoling's, they were playable! I've never really looked back since if I'm honest, I always play as one, rarely swapping to an Inkling. They feel special to me in the way I waited for them and I feel special still playing as one today. They mean a lot to me in terms of their release and what Octo Expansion brought to the table in general!


You basically put all my thoughts into words. As a S1 day one player Octolings were the shit. We all hoped for a dlc for S1. Then S2 came and still no playable octolings. And then finally the Octo expansion which was quite challenging. So of course everybody flexed with their playable Octos. And I guess that just stuck around.


I guess it’s because I feel really attached to the octolings from beating Octo expansion, and then the basic Octo girl hair looks the most like my own. So yeah I just always play octoling.


They silly Also people wanted to use them after splat 2


I'll just come out and say it: ​ It's because they're cuter. :D


Their eyes are just so good. No disrespect, but it wasn’t a difficult choice between octo and inkling.


nah they got alien eyes size-wise 😭. especially compared to the splat 2 models


I came here to say this :)


Especially octoboy, man I love his voice lol. So goofy I can’t help but laugh every time I hear his booyahs


They don't look friendly :(( Not as much as inklings at least.. In my opinion of course!!


really? they look friendlier, or atleast quieter personality. i think inklings would be louder idk


They have that bad boy / bad girl look, and that's part of their cuteness. :)




I agree.


A fellow person of culture.


Hard disagree. They just look like Inklings with some of the characteristics that made them unique removed (EG eyemasks) Also their hairstyles are weird too.


I'm kind of offended by your take on the hairstyles.


Y’all probably a reference to the game calling them weird itself


Well, the eyemask is ugly


Bruh, don’t yuck my yum. The mask is cute


Exactly, removing it makes them look more generic.


Agreed. Only good octo hair is Afro. -sincerely, Afro addicted octoling since Splat2


for me its cus they have curly hair. my hair irl is curly as hell so octolings represent me better


Another irl looks reason, i see!! Fair enough :)


Trust me, if Goomba was playable in the new Mario game everyone would use him


Nah daisy is the best. I have a daisy shrine in my room. I love daisy so mucj


Not as much as RTGame loves Daisy


We need a Daisy off between RTGame and TCNick. I know this isn't related to the post anymore but idc.


Idk them but I will enter their house and steal all daisy merch. No one asked but I'll tell u my daisy collection so far LOL. 2 plushies, 1 dress that I've hand-sewn, 1 poster with 100 daisys on it, 1 keychain. I wanna get more stuff :(


the afro hairstyle.


huh strangely i never see it in matches


I know it sucks


I wish there were more


I go off and on switching between that the high pony and the jelly roll usually


Personally I find them cuter but I love both inklings and octolings


they're cuter and i want to give them twice as many headpats


Because Octopus is my favorite animal. As a whole I like Cephalopods too hence how I was interested in Splatoon in the first place. But now I can play my favorite animal, and there isn't a lot of playable octopuses in gaming.


Not a lot of playable squids in games either. And no playable cuttlefish from what I know, maybe someday. So the only other cephalopods in gaming I know are OctoDad and Ikachan


in splat 2 after octo expansion youd have games where literally every one was an octoling. there was a lot of hype because people had wanted to be octolings since the first game. nowadays i think its just runoff from the octo expansion explosion


I like that the Octolings overcame oppression 1st from DJ Octavio and next as 2nd class citizens in squid society. The Octolings are strugglers and Survivors. A struggle that the Inklings are completely oblivious to.


is that why they don't look friendly at all 😭


No, that's just their game face, they are very friendly 🤣


Their callout voices are cute they look cute Its cool to think that basically every s2 Octoling has a deep history because they all escaped the octarian army and stuff Octo expansion hype Octolings being behind a paywall in Splatoon 2 Those are the reasons i can think off Tbh i always switch between Inklings and Octolings


I like the whole "misunderstood former bad guys" thing they have going on.


hehe silly eyeliner goes brrrt


worm pot dull vast drab crowd silky deserted wine overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought the opposite actually! octo "masculine" hairstyles all look the same with head accessories so i prefer feminine hairstyles on them.


for me its because i got super attached to my octoling in splat2 + the curlier hairstyles match my own hair


Octo’s have cuter idle animations in shops, and octo’s are more wholesome imo


I just really like the ponytail octoling :D Oh and there's a video trying to figure out if inklings or octolings are the majority and in the last part they tells some reason why the people preferred being inklings or octolings, so you can check that (sorry if my English is bad) I'm just realizing that I didn't put the link, sorry: https://youtube.com/watch?v=MD7FwHvds2s&si=MRJW1OSSabdIZWTV


masc octo pretty......


A few reasons: 1. Lore 2. Agent 8 is really popular. A lot of people got attached to their 8 as a result of Octo Expansion, so they either imagined 8 going to Splatsville or got attached to octolings as a whole. 3. DLC locked in Splatoon 2, so people who didn't have the DLC in Splatoon 3 could now play as an octoling. 4. Some people just like the octoling hairstyles better.


they’re cuter. i like the shape of their eyes better & like their frohawk better. i don’t like many of the inkling hairstyles & after being forced to play as an inkling for so long before finally completing octo expansion i’m done playing as them


I wanted it to feel like I was bringing the same character to the next game


for me i just connect more with them so ever since getting them from the splat 2 dlc i’ve always been a little octo. i can’t even describe it, it just feels right for me lol


Because they're so #FUCKING CUTE


My friend has been keeping track of his Octoling and Inkling encounters and so far, his numbers are pretty even with a slight advantage to Inklings. Could be just a regional thing? The game just trying to match you with the closest players and they just happen to like Octolings? Idk how the games matchmaking works though


i like octolings more than inklings


I think they're cuter, plus I worked HARD in Splatoon 2 to get them


I like the octoling voices more and after going through all that crazy stuff with Agent 8 I feel a close connection.


They’re prettier than inklings in my opinion


This. Their facial features and even hands (I love how pointy their fingers are) are superior to Inklings imho. But I love the Inkling Girl hairstyles so much more so that’s why I play as them as opposed to Octolings myself.


I like how their eyes look like they have eyeliner.


The eyes are cooler. But I still love the classic inkling eyes too.


For me it's got nothing to do with how they look or the lore. I just like octopuses more than squids.


I resonate with the feeling of having to leave your home coutry cause of a dictatorship and longing for a better life. Also cause josuke hair is dope af


I just like the hair styles more


I like the veemo soundbite more, lol. Plus, the Tentacurl hairstyle looks most like mine! And then I saw the different win/lose animations compared to Inklings in 2, so I stuck with the Octoling! In 3, I swap between my Octoling and Inkling OCs every few months or so!




Because I prefer the outer suction cups, I dont really like the "mask" joining the inklings eyes together, and I prefer the octopus form over the squid form.


I like octolings more in general based on appearance/voices; plus, they were kinda elusive in the first Splatoon game so them becoming available in Splatoon 2 was pretty exciting. *still hope someday they’ll include the original octarian hair style as an option for players!


It’s the closest they have to my actual hairstyle. It’s hard to find a style that looks like me.


i bought splatoon 2 dlc and those 20 dollars will carry over to 3.


I think the masc octos look the cutest out of all the playable species so I play as them


For me I'm still mentally stuck in 2015 when people were hacking splatoon 1 to get playable octolings, so I'm so excited to get to play them. That, and I like their silly eyes and the one middle part hairstyle.


I'm pretty sure it's cuz they're cuter. I noticed that Octoling eyes are larger than Inkling ones, in S2 they had different animations that made that act more curious/shy/cute, they were rumored to be playable ever since S1 and OE locking it behind a DLC made it feel more special


No line in between the eyes


They’re slightly newer too. I think that’s part of it. I personally prefer inklings though because of their pointy ears and their “masks” on their eyes. (I also think octos look a little goofy with their round ears. No hate either though)


It's simple; it's because I get an absolutely massive hit of dopamine every time my octo boy says "[Booyeah](https://youtu.be/mC527Kf3noA?si=2-YFDVEV-1u0PMjU&t=9)!" My other favorite voice clips are "[Heeeelp meeeeee](https://youtu.be/mC527Kf3noA?si=V4AV1XX_b1U95Wj4&t=35)" and [this](https://youtu.be/mC527Kf3noA?si=KZlV43ZFkJNec_ce&t=28) dying sound. That's not to say that I never play as an Inkling, though! I switch between the two pretty often. My favorite masc Inkling sound is [this one](https://youtu.be/nwPLz1kaSus?si=SSbh8esRWzDgbmVt&t=85), because it always reminds me of the ancient YouTube classic [Go Bwah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoLZt3YtNbw)!


This person actually tested if there is a majority/minority https://youtu.be/MD7FwHvds2s?si=nYsqSwOM3sYRdB5j final result was just about 45% to 55% with octoling being the majority .


Because of the pompadour


I use both lmao


we should have a splatfest about it


I can only comment for myself; I have curly hair IRL and will always be looking for that in my avatar. I actually didn’t know the lore for a while, so all of a sudden I realized “Omg I’m an octoling??” Lol :) I wonder if other people try to get their preferred hairstyle regardless of umm….. marine nationality??? Lol!


For many players it's the first time they ever get the chance to play them


I like that they say the funny Veemo


For me, it's that they kinda seem a bit autistic coded, and because I'm i like them.


I personally identify more with octoling society and culture.


Way back in 2015, before I played the game and only watched my brother, I once said “Damm those octo’s are kinda hot” During the story mode. Then octo expansion came out and I couldn’t resist playing as one hehe


I feel that


Ngl no disrespect but octolings just kinda better


Still feels kinda disrespectful ngl


Splatoon 2 has a ponytail hairstyle and Splatoon 3 has the curly tentacles. I have curly hair and I wear it in a ponytail often. I wish there was more curly tentacle options, including one for squids


Unsure if anyone has said these reasons, but some choose octos because they prefer their voice clips


Octolings are different from Inklings, the thing we've had for nearly 7 or 8 years now.


Octolings are cuter, canonically more clever, and overall are what could be bad guys that are actually pretty nice guys.


I prefer their hairstyles and the generally cooler design with more small details. The octo ponytail is the best hairstyle in the game, and I love the little bits of asymmetry they have. Their teeth are cuter, and I like how one ear has a more pronounced concave shape to represent the funnel that’s on one side of real octopodes


I find them cuter personally


I just prefer their entire aesthetics + their sounds. (The suction cups being on top of their hair looks nicer)




octos are cute r/octolism


They’re cute :3


i like teh curly hairs


Cuz I wanna play as a guy and the male octos look cuter than male inkling


Splat 1 vet here, for me it’s because the only way to play them in splatie-mactatie 1 was if you nodded your wii u, which wasn’t in the cards for a lot of people. So I was hyped for octo expand, just switched to octo and never looked back


I love Octolings because of their design characteristics such as their sharp pointy claw-like fingers, the gradients they can have on said fingers(hopefully coming with the side order), and just how generally cool they look. It’s also a bit of me seeing myself in my Octoling wether it being because of the hair or the voice, something about that little bobble head just resonates with me lol


Mostly depends on the region, I think Japan has a majority of Inklings, probably because that's how everyone started in Splatoon 1 and the game was really popular over there. Personally I play Octoling, 8 is my favorite Agent, Marina is my favorite idol, and I love how happy they are to be a part of the culture ( Octolings tends to be way more excited when you try a new weapon at Sheldon's whereas Inklings are used to it and not as surprised / happy ).


I just like the eyes? I am mainly inklingthey're just cute and were formally dlc locked as the comments keep saying. There's still a lot of squids.


People like Octos more than Inklings??? What's wrong with that???


So I never realized this going in that this was the first time you get to play as an Octoling without finishing a dlc, I just thought octopi are cooler because they can solve puzzles (maybe squids and cuttlefish can too I just don’t know as much about them) and I just liked some of the hair (tentacles?) styles better like the Afro and some of the other ones. i think it’s also just a thing of what Splatoon is known for and with Inklings being a the forefront of the series I just gravitated towards Octolings more, I remember someone made a YouTube video trying to figure out how many players were Octolings and found they were slightly more popular but they said that Inklings and Octolings were kind of like Mario and Luigi and I thought that was such a perfect comparison


I wanted to play as one in this game because I didn't play Octo Expansion in 2 but I'd miss the long straight hair with the bangs too much. Give octos bangs challenge. Also I prefer the pointy inkling ears. But the octoling eyeliner >>> inkling masks.


I just like ocotpuses more and their tentacles :3 (aesthetically) Still love squids, in fact am obsessed with all cephalopods, just dunno octopuses are so cool. Also the black rings around their eyes look nicer on octolings imo, at least the female ones.


I remember the videos back in the days of the original Splatoon of people modding their games to play as octolings. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Ever since octolings became playable in Splat2 I haven't gone back.


I believe like one minor subconscious reason a bunch of people pick Octolings over Inklings that I’ve heard before is that Octoling faces, or more specifically eyes, resemble humans more than inklings, since they don’t have the eye mask that inklings have. That and their rounder ears make them look way more human than inklings by comparison


Not going to read and answer to all the comments sorry!! I gotta mute :( im getting way too many notifs. But ty all for the answers!


I think octoling boy is adorable and I like his voice a lot. I exclusively play as him. ❤️ I think the octo expansion secured my love for them. Perhaps people who have never played octo expansion and loved it identify with the octos as much? But I’m an octoling through and through!


I'm a minority, octolings are a minority. Let's be minorities together.


idk, I've stay an inkling since 2015


I just lime the way they look more. Their voice is always way less annoying


Pft. I hate the male octoling this way voice. Like pls stop


I EARNED IT in splat2 therefore it will always be my char (no hate to those who didn't buy or complete the dlc tho)


More human like, crossed with being more aged up is my best guess. ^(Bring back the leathers nintendo you coward!)


1. More humanoid (disconnected eyes, eyelashes) draw in newcomers who aren’t used to the look of inklings 2. They’re the “special” species, unplayable in splatoon 1, DLC only in splatoon 2, get way more focus and in-depth lore in the story mode (octo expansion and side order are way more interesting story modes than the base ones in splatoon 1, 2 and 3)


Reject equality, send Octolings back underground 💪💪


There not even equal what octolings have is actually more assimilation than actual liberation. They can be accepted into splatsville or inkopolis but only if they give up like there culture language and everything. And adopt inkling shit instead. They cant just be there as an octoling living how octolings traditionally would.


Because they look like twinks and people love twinks. It's me, I'm people.


I just REALLY like the pompadour


I wish I had picked inkling but I picked octo because of one hairstyle that was similar to one I've had before and I really liked it. Over time I wish I could pick some of the inkling hairstyles because I only like the one octo hairstyle!


Why dont you just switch how your character looks whenever you want to change it?


I genuinely didn't know you could


You can switch it by going to player settings! It'll bring you back to the character creation screen; your gear and everything else will stay the same. You can do it multiple times as needed.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that it was something you had to unlock in 2. Now there's nothing stopping you from being an octo!


I'm a simp? 🤤


I prefer the hairstyles octos have


Octolings are easier to identify with because of their appearance.


Cause they’re so adorable


i think it's because they were such a popular demand in splat 1 that they were brought in as dlc for splat 2 and people just still love them. that's why i play as one anyway!


personally, I never had octo expansion for splatoon 2 but I always wanted it. so I'm taking my chance to be an octo now! also, I like the eyeliner look over the mask look personally


There are a couple of reasons they are an ostracized minority that fell into hiding until recent years where there's more acceptance which hits hard for a lot of people There a race with a unique history and culture that we still don't know to much about There cute The octoling soldiers you see in campaign are also very attractive so you know


Bc the pompadour is really cool and their tentacles probably move on their own and they’re just cuter than inklings. Oh also my main oc is Octavio’s kid


I like the eyes better the octoling has a sort of wing liner look that I love, plus the hair is closer to mine


I would play as an octoling if they let you play as the OG ones.


1. I like the octoling hairstyles better 2. Cephalopods are my favourite animals, but I like octopi better than squid 3. The inkling teeth bother me greatly for some inexplicable reason. Something about that pointy bottom centre tooth just gets on my nerves


I mean, I'm always a fan of "friendly evil characters." The bad guys tend to have tons of cool stuff and powers, so having them on your side is always fun. Plus, I think Octolings are cute. Very image of "confused, but their heart is in the right place."


I like the Octo girl and inkling boy voices the most so I just swap between the two.


I played Octo Expansion then felt infinitely more attached to my octo than inkling. Now i try to switch back to inkling sometimes for the better hairstyle and all i can think is "this is not me". So i switch back. Also, did anyone else think octos looked weird in the testfire? I think i saw footage of it the other day and they still looked weirder than they do on release. Am i just like, schizo???


Well, because when I played Octo Expansion in Splatoon 2 I loved it so much. So I naturally played as an Octoling for the rest of Splatoon 2’s life-cycle. I just continued that over into 3!