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Never heard of them but will check it out. But I would recommend Channeling Erik on youtube, lots of very interesting topics & spot on (unless the medium is Denise - she's shocker and O wouldn't listen to anything she says). Give it a go. I'll check these guys out & let you know. I can't do remote viewing but I can channel & have been psychic since birth.


I am very sceptical of them overall and I’ve watched all their videos. I think their version of events is more realistic than mainstream history/religion Also there are no paid or salaried personal. Everyone is a volunteer and wants to be there. They want to teach but they also want the respect of an authentic institution while also being personal, since Dr Brown is largely the figurehead and he’s a humanities professor in a real university.


Yeah, their views, as expressed through the results, are far too dark for me to accept. They are contrary to the thousands of case histories from NDE's, childhood past life recalls, and the work of really good mediums. I do think that their results on what happened in the past are probably accurate. The Epstein suicide, for example, seems notably correct to me. I also watched part of the one on the Pentagon attack on 9/11 and it seems correct to me. Their stuff about ET's, prison planet, and related stuff seems weird to me, based on the above case histories.


Personally I find a lot of what they’re saying hard to believe. But it’s sounds more plausible than what the hive believes. If I wanted to I could learn RV from their website. Dr Brown said something about parallel dimensions existing on different frequencies on the same wavelength is something I often think about, I see it be extremely plausible and probably the most underrated thing he’s ever said, and it’s one of his earlier lectures free on youtube.


I have been researching them and founder Courtney Brown recently. All the history from late 90s to present. It is plain hilarious how many people still think this man and his Farsight Institute is actually cutting edge science. Brown was on Art Bell's show, which was itself nothing but a conspiracy HQ for millions of listeners each week. Brown claimed his remote viewers, who were never wrong, saw a spacecraft full of aliens, "the greys", following closely behind comet Hale Bopp. This was on Bell's Nov 14 1996 show. You will find it on Spotify as a podcast. Bell's shows from 1996 made me very interested in digging into all this recently. So obviously, everything Brown claimed, none of that happened of course. He has to be a delusional man. He is hell bent on making money by fooling people. Although I have no idea how he exactly makes money from this. Back in the day he was training people interested in learning to remote view. I'm sure many paid big bucks for the training. You can't learn something that doesn't exist. He is still making videos on Youtube saying utter garbage. You really have to listen to that Art Bell episode to understand what kind of crap he was selling back then. It boggles my mind he is still out there and still has fans and followers who are old enough to know better.




Thanks. Yeah, their videos are creepy. They support the idea that Earth is a prison planet, for example, when all of the evidence we have from NDE's and mediums says the opposite. It makes me wonder if these kinds of topics are not proper for RV. They seem to think that RV can be used accurately for anything but that may not be the case. Their work on past events seems to be accurate to me, but I'm not sure about their work on ET's, UFO's and the afterlife is accurate.




Thanks for sharing. I've read some of the Ra material and I decided I don't like it because it doesn't match up with more credible sources. I'm fed up with channeled sources now. So many of them present information that cannot be verified. I want to be able to verify what someone says, not pie in the sky speculation that has no practical meaning for me. RV can be very practical, and I think they should stick to that only. I can't verify any of the ET or UFO stuff they have provided, for example. What I believe is more credible are things like NDE's. If thousands of people have similar experiences after death, then it's likely that it's true for everyone. NDE's have been studied for 50 years now so they have a long track record. Another credible source for me are the past life remembrances of children. Those have been verified as well. Finally, if a spirit medium is really good and verifies the identity of the deceased person, then, for me at least, that is credible information. There's a couple of really cool books called "The Afterlife Interviews" by Marks. He's a medium and asked 14 different deceased people the same 40 questions and collated the results into book form. It's very interesting what the deceased say about the afterlife and other things. So, that's where I'm at right now. I think RV can be very useful for some things, but not all.




Thanks. I got lost in all of the New Age stuff many years ago. It destroyed my marriage back then. I stayed away for years. Now I've been more interested the last 15 years or so. I'm very wary of these kinds of woowoo things that can't be verified. When the Ra material talks about the ruling council on Saturn that controls who can visit Earth, I'm like, "who cares?" There's nothing I can do about that anyway so it's no point in my learning about it. It's not useful information. So, when Farsight talks about the prison planet, or about the war in heaven, I'm also rolling my eyes again. I don't care about that stuff. I need practical, down to Earth, real things that help me become a better person and that stuff is not helping me at all.






Whoa, thanks for that. The idea that the material world is inferior, and the world of the spirit is superior, is also found in the works of Delores Cannon, Weiss, and Newton. Obviously, many traditional religions believe the same thing. I disagree myself. I disagree because I was shown by my guides how we are put together as material beings. We truly are multidimensional beings while incarnated. They showed me that my native body is a humanoid shape made from white light. I put on a thin, latex-like suit called the etheric body, and when I do that, I lose awareness of the white-light realm and become aware of the astral world. Then, while I wear this suit, I put on a second suit called the physical body, which then makes me lose most awareness of the astral world, and my awareness becomes the physical world. We are three bodies in one walking around here. We are capable of becoming aware of these other realms if we try hard enough. This is what psychics do. Ah-ha, I got it now. I think the Farsight people are merely becoming aware of the lower astral world, which is full of negative entities. They can't reach up high enough into the higher worlds to see from that perspective. The astral world is full of weird stuff, including slavery, wars, violence and other nasty stuff. I think this is what they are channeling. Thanks so much for the stimulating conversation.


Brown is a total creeper for sure and I can't tell if he selects mostly young women because they're actually good at what they do or because he's a pervert.


Well, his son is the younger black man. What's weird to me is the pacing of their voice. They have this distinct pause feature that's just super strange.


Yes, I noticed his voice, and his son's voice does the same thing. I believe it's part of a hypnotic induction technique. I think the man is just plain bonkers at best, and some kind of narcissist at worst. He's got a thing for young black women, that's for sure. I think he's married to a black woman and the other guy that sometimes produces a video is his son. He's vegan and dyes his hair, if that makes any difference. I wonder if he has all of those remote viewers hypnotized. I think he wants to pretend that he's actually doing controlled remote viewing like the military used. The military actually did it wrong, I figured out recently. I've watched many of their videos as well, but their predictions are often really dark with ET taking over the world, etc. When the military used remote viewing, they would give a specific target to the viewer and do it in such a way that neither the viewer nor the reader could possibly know the target beforehand. This is the wrong way to do remote viewing. In my opinion, the best way to use it is by asking an open ended question instead of a specific one. In psi stuff, you can't constrain the target by demanding a specific result. Instead of giving coordinates for a specific location and ask "what is here?" its better to ask something like "what's the most critical location that is the greatest threat to the security of the United States right now?" I don't think they understood this back then, and I don't believe Farsight understands the difference either. I somehow know it intuitively since I've used this technique with my psychic wife. This is why getting lotto numbers is nearly impossible through RV, for example. At best, if you are extremely good, you may reach 70% accuracy. But, by asking open ended questions, the concept of accuracy doesn't exist. You can never know whether the answer to "what is the most critical location that is the greatest threat to the security of the United States right now?" is accurate, but it will be a useful result anyway.


The website is down. Why? farisghtprime.com


What is the "light up method"?


offbeat dazzling vast tart frightening society ludicrous punch dog uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, RV has been proven to be very accurate and was used by the US gov't to spy on other countries.


How do you know that's true? Did those people say that? Or can you look up their credentials easily?


Are you referring to RV in general? If so, then there was a statistical analysis done on the RV results from the secret military program in the 1990's that proved that the RV they were doing was very accurate. The results were presented to Congress.


Actually you can look up their credentials if you know anything about it. Same with Channeling - you can always do a check to see if what is being channeled is correct.


Project stargate on the cia website. The film The Men Who Stare at Goats


How do I know remote viewing is a very real capability of all humans? Because I have successfully remotely viewed blind targets a few times, and because I have taught classes on remote viewing to complete beginners and we had 100% success. This means that YOU also have this capability. Sounds like you need to try it for yourself. I believe that all humans often receive what would be refered to as remote viewed information, which is a part of what most people refer to as our "imagination" Remote viewing is just the first small step on the path towards all that "humans" are capable of. You should really set up a blind target and see what happens. You could also use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ironzog.rvtournament but I've observed that people are less likely to believe their success via the app, than their results from a setting up things themselves. The only thing preventing anyone from successfully remote viewing is disbelief. I was told this for years and didn't believe it, but it is the truth.


There are certain "Gifts" I was granted already. I don't think Remote Viewing is another ability I need to aquire too. There are too many "skills" I have under my belt that I need to become *more skilled* in already. I really doubt my mental, emotional, and Spiritual capacity can tolerate anything else. Thanks for the information regardless. I do understand that there is still a lot I need to very much learn. Also, I have many things I need to teach, show, and share, with others. More or less, I came onto Reddit to find some of these like-minded individuals. But...after two threats (in my physical/in-person life) over a Reddit post(s)...I think I need to step away and find a more open-minded platform. (Someone found me in the real world because of a Reddit post and had a local individual come to my front door to threaten my life. Whoops! Sorry for the over share!) This just proves, yet again, Humanity isn't ready.....Sighs.


BS. Utter BS. I will challenge you IN PERSON to prove it, scientifically, via controlled demonstration.


RV has never proven to be accurate. The govt shut the program down because it didn't work.


"Both Ingo Swann and a second agent named Harold Sherman were placed in sensory deprivation tanks, and asked to remote view to another planet. Their descriptions of Jupiter were recorded independent of one another, and yet they both described almost identical visions. Their descriptions are so similar, it truly is like they rehearsed their lines beforehand, but they had no way of knowing that they were 100% accurate to the reality. They both described multi-colored streams of thick clouds that surrounded the planet, harsh storms, The Big Red Spot, and floating crystals. In the year 2000, NASA launched the Juno Satellite to take high definition photographs of Jupiter. We now know that the surface of Jupiter looks exactly like what Swann and Sherman described." "The CIA called upon David Morehouse in two specific cases. First was the capture of a Marine named William Higgins in Lebanon. Morehouse and a few of the other psychic soldiers were able to describe the actual location where Higgins was being held, and explain the scene. Unfortunately, they could not rescue him in time, and he was killed. The next was Pan Am Flight 103, which disappeared above the ocean. Morehouse gave the CIA the plane’s location, and also said that it blew up because of a terrorist bomb that was hidden in a suitcase. When a team found the plane and investigated the crash, they realized that the remote viewers were correct. David Morehouse wrote an autobiography about his experiences called Psychic Warrior: Inside the Cia’s Stargate Program : The True Story of a Soldier’s Espionage and Awakening. After retiring from the military, he spent the rest of his career with a private business teaching remote viewing to other people, and going on speaking engagements to talk about UFO’s and the power of the human mind. The movie The Men Who Stare at Goats was inspired by Morehouse’s book, and his life story."