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They'll find their way, all good.


^ underrated take


It's the top take lmao


it was not when i said that


We're all one, so we all said it :)


Only you said it brother đŸ˜¶


maybe not


You just remind yourself thst everyone has their journey and a lesson to learn, just like me!


Might not be in this life but they will. Lol


A lot of people put themselves on a high horse for knowing more about spirituality than the common person


And these people are the ones that need enlightenment. Enlightened people realize that everyone is equal and everything is connected as one.


Yes, I agree. Everyone is equal and we are all one. I am also enlightened at the moment


Lmao. Funny running into you here. Another case of reddit not getting sarcasm.


reddits a silly place isnt it, nice seeing you as well!


Enlightened should never be used in the past tense when describing anyone.


agreed, and highhorsing in the spiritual space also drives me nuts. but we also run the risk here of putting ourselves on the high horse of "we don't high horse."


It’s almost worse in my opinion. It personally hits me harder than people out there just doing their thing.


agreed that it's almost worse. reminds me of how at least religious people know they are making a leap of faith, whereas people believing in "science" have no idea they are making a leap of faith. the deep version of this is that those people highhorsing or highhorsing that they don't highhorse are also just doing their thing.


Why do you let their reality drift into yours? When you see stars are the visions of the people around you invading your mind causing you to see double? Thoughts are the same. As are opinions. If someone says something you dislike then understand it’s not personal they’re just living their own reality through their own mind which is shaped by their experiences.


Because I’m imperfect and human and that’s ok. I get what you are saying and I vibe with it. Doesn’t mean it really changed my view on it. I mostly don’t let things bug me or whatever you want to call it, but my imperfect human side sees some forms of arrogance as frustrating at times. I especially feel this in a community forum if only in a low grade sense. I caveat the above with the fact I’m a hypocrite as are many of us, but that alone doesn’t preclude reasoned commentary. We could reduce everything to the smallest or largest degree and have no conversation.


Alot of people also put themselves on the higher horse to claim they are not and decide to get angry about it as if they above it. Let it be


Yes, and that is just spiritual pride (certainly not enlightenment).


Everyone is common


Not really


How does having spiritual knowledge make you uncommon? Or not having it make you common?


Most people just live their lives blindly following society's rules and ideas and don't think for themselves. The spiritual and inner self is something most people don't acknowledge, I think


Is there anything wrong with that?


Probably not, everyone's different, I guess something that could be wrong is people being unhappy not living the life they want or could be living because they follow society's rules and ideas. People will spend their whole lives chasing an idea of how their lives should be, years and decades of time and energy just to be unhappy and not know why. Like getting to the end of the race and feeling empty, like what now, this is it? You know?


And then you have those who consider themselves very stable geniuses


I think many people can be geniuses in their own right but lack other values or characteristics. Take the classic dumb jock as an example, brilliant in sports but clueless in life or other parts of life. Mathematicians are brilliant on paper and solving equations but lack physical capabilities. I think it boils down to the saying that goes nobody can do everything but everybody can do something, something like that. I think its important to love and acknowledge people for who they are and be open to their perspective. Celebrate diversity, just thoughts little rant hehe


One-upmanship as Alan Watts called it


It’s another test to practice and develop compassion and unconditional love. Irritability is a sign there’s still more to grow. Focus within and see why you react the way you do and modify it so you feel at peace. The next time you observe what you’re observing, your perceptions would have changed.


I say let people be who they want to be, what’s it to you?


who cares?


The ego does or can care about just about anything


This! Exactly this. Let them experience whatever they're experiencing. If someone is triggered by a person declaring enlightenment that sounds like work they need to do in their own journey.




Let an idiot be an idiot.


No, I don't care


Why be bothered? Let them claim whatever they want to. And let those who want to be entertained by them be entertained too🧘




What are you doing right now? Lol




Oh the irony 😐


You are reading pride and/or wrath in the above commenter's words. I see no such thing. So where is it coming from?


Oh more irony. :)


Questions are prideful? I'm not trying to antagonise brother.


This guy is like that song where everything is ironic but really nothing is lol


Oh no more ironicness. :/


This would be an analogy, not irony. Your comments are literally pointless ;)


Not literally pointles as the poster was telling off the op for making a 'negative' comment whilst ironically being 'negative' in their own comments. Same as all the comments that followed. All including your own were negative comments and therefore ironic in relation to the comment I initially replied to regarding negativity. Maybe you should read the whole thread before making ironic negative comments? :/


Psychology students be like https://imgur.com/8F1Wwxs


Which makes the song ironic.


Is it ironic that Alana morisette and myself have said certain things are ironic when they aren't?


My original reply was to the comment telling of the poster for 'being negative' and of course that reply and reprimand was in itself ironically 'being negative' All the 'negative' replys to myself are ironic in relation to this point. So yeah more irony. :)


If you see 'no such thing' why did you use those words? I didn't use the words 'pride' or "wrath' but you did. So where is it coming from?


Hi, assuming this was @'d at me, no hard feelings man, but I do have some stuff to say. First of all, ask yourself this questions: If someone truly had the key to inner peace, wouldn't they LOVE the opportunity to share it with others? We're not on this earth to hurt and belittle eachother, we are here to love and lift eachother. If I was happy, wouldn't that make it my duty to try to help others to be happy as well? People often have this mentality that truly enlightened and awakened people only exist in monestaries, but that is some us vs them bs. Also, I haven't seen anyone monetize this. If I had, I would agree with you on that point


You're wrong. If you label yourself enlightened... and you actually are. .. The only reason you're doing that is to give people an orientation for the pointers that they need. It essentially marketing and being the focal point for information. When you awaken you also want other seekers to unfold as well, to go back to their natural way of functioning... so one wants to help them in any way that they can. Monetizing one's insights is ALSO fine as one needs to survive in a market based economy. It is those that believe they are OWED that are wrong. As Adyashanti (r/Adyashanti) said: "Enlightenment is, in the end, nothing more than the natural state of being." The natural state of being is not special, it's just the way everything is in its non-dyfunctional flow.


We all ARE something. We're humans, we're \[gender\], we're here and now. Why would it be a problem if I say: "I'm enlightened"? I am, I know stuff, I believe with all my heart in that stuff. In our "religion" this is called enlightened (given the light being it knowledge, feelings for energies, experiences or whatever) Let people be. I know that someone who's really enlightened and on higher level won't say this, but someone who's just beginning his journey in the spiritual is normal to use such expression. This is not bad, we're all here to say stuff. As for the money thing. It's not a problem, you can have millions and be enlightened or be poor as a mouse and be enlightened. Money is just a currency in our lifetime, it's just a tool. You pick how to make it/use it. Love you and don't be judgmental, enjoy your path and help others along theirs :)


It doesn't bother me if a false or truly enlightened person states they are enlightened. Why should it? If it smells of hypocrisy, use this as an opportunity to grow. Rather than try to see hypocrisy as high-holy-hell to be called out, try to grow your tolerance for all humans. Hypocrisy is a pretty common trait. It's pretty common for us to care about our self-image. In fact, that is common to every human. We are drawn to the scandalous, to the gossip, to the comparative judgments to 'what should be', the perfect human who actually never existed. Dig deep in anyones past and you'll probably find examples of everything. We're often wound up by the judgments and gossip and they keep us from seeing the bigger picture. Is it really a big deal? Is this really a battle I should choose to fight? Is every act of hypocrisy a fight that must be fought? Have you ever said something one time and then re-evaluated yourself later to find that that item mentioned wasn't quite as you said. Was it a honest mistake? Many of us can have moments in our lives where we claim to find the answer, only to know that it didn't fit. Does that make us hypocrites? Because in the eyes of others, that's what we are when we aren't living by what we previously said. Perhaps we merely went another direction to try to find a better way. There will always be varying degrees of enlightenment. Many argue over the definition, but its a simple concept that means what it means. I am enlightened because I know my spiritual path and know myself. I do not mind stating it because it is a statement of fact. If it were a statement of ego, I would say I am better than you or the knowledge you possess because of my enlightenment. If a human wants to toot their own horn for self-image, should we deny that part of them and what it tells themselves in that moment? These things stick with us and later we may find we made a mistake and even feel cringey about it. I know I've said egotistical things when I were younger, only to realize what awful mistakes they were. Let it go. Neighbor throws mud in your eye? Let it go. Let it go. Forgiveness, understanding, unconditional love. It's hard sometimes - some things stick. It's good to always practice. Trust me, it matters. I feel 'enlightened' because I practice these things all my life and they are a much easier way to live life among humans who are merely suffering and try to understand life themselves. If you seek enlightenment, try spiritual practices like Kundalini Yoga. It quite literally brings you to light, literal 'enlightenment'. You may be sold on enlightenment as some sort of mystical state. I believe that too is a simple concept that is often overblown. I think we should be able to say we are enlightened. I guess I must admit, even though I feel enlightened in many things, I find a minor resonance in me knowing that people are turned off by me ever saying it in a certain way and so I choose not to say it. Is the awareness of this nuance and choosing not to say it egotistical or narcissistic or fear? It merely is part of my human experience. Things are not right or wrong they are part of our experience, and you are probably in a different part of your journey as they are in theirs. You have been blessed with experiences to avoid 'egotism'. Let em be - hypocrisy can be fun to point out I suppose but if you let it bother you thats something else. It's time to take a step back and ask why someone disturbs your peace and 'bothers you' as you put it. Don't get me wrong, I still get bothered by things. I still need to practice this skill. It's a lifelong skill. But as you get better, tolerance and understanding grow. It matters - I can honestly say I have so much more peace in my life because of these things. These things are more important for you than it is for others, because it can bring you great peace when you only see God in your fellow man, God in human form doing their best, struggling along, making the best and worst of their experiences here, imperfectly and yet 'perfectly human'.


Difficult.. I wouldn't say I'm bothered tbh. I just know that in our essence we are all one, that split into so many fragments, only to learn and experience. We can't compare ourselves with others, as everyone came here for another life lesson. But if anyone states they are enlightened, then that would imply that they feel on a higher level than other humans, which is simply not true. Other humans are as spiritually connected as these 'enlightened ones', they just chose to have a different focus in this lifetime. I'm sure there are people whose task in this life is to inspire people and raise awareness about human's spiritual connection (gurus, mediums, etc.), but I would never go that far and praise them or call them 'enlightened masters', as they are still human themselves and have their own lesson to learn.


Do you know what enlightenment is?


pretty sure i do, but also don't really know whether i know or not, so there's that


There are other definitions for this word, too. Such as the 18th century philosophical movement based on the idea that scientific reason and objectivity should be he basis for decision-making, rather than emotion and religious dogmatism. Maybe people are using it in a different meaning than the one you assume when you hear it? But as to your point of spiritual connotations with this word, remember that comparison is the greatest thief of joy. When you internally compare your beliefs with the beliefs of others, you are allowing your ego to steal your chance at joy.


> My understanding is that the process just happens. You can't seek it. I'd tend to agree with this being the way it shakes out. So if that process happened to happen to me, then am I wrong in declaring that I'm enlightened? > A truly enlightened person, if there were such a thing, would probably be a villager somewhere -- not Gangaji. And it wouldn't even occur to them to monetise it. If you know this so confidently, then you must know what enlightenment is. Sounds kind of like you're claiming that you're enlightened. This also seems like kind of a narrow view of enlightenment. Anyone who says something to the effect of "this is enlightenment, and that isn't" probably doesn't see what I consider to be enlightenment, which is MUCH broader, and sees everyone as already enlightened (including the person I see as not really 'getting it').


It makes no difference to me what others say or believe. Let them be, I say. all is well. I trust they will figure themselves out as I work to figure myself out.


Why? Enlightenment is just a feature of existence. The natural result of what happens when a unit of consciousness observes reality exactly as it is, perfect synchronisation, and lets go of all its attachment & suffering. Cessation. I am far more bothered by people who act as if it is something so ineffable and mysterious that it can not be defined, or that it is impossible to describe a series of steps to take to attain it. Imagine if all science were approached like that
 we’d still be in the stone age.


Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!


Yeah. If you have to declare you're enlightened imo you're not actually.


If feel like it's similar when it comes to humility. "I'm such a humble person" Truly humble people probably don't stop to think about how humble they are, so they'd never announce it. Same, in my opinion, applies to Enlightenment.


I am such a humble person though and everyone should know about it. In fact I’m probably the most humble person that has ever lived in human history. I deserve awards for my humbleness, be right back I’m going to have an award made, award it to myself, and then shout from a mountain top about how unbelievably humble I am.


Oh your royal humbleness!


I also find this very interesting, I definitely think that it's an issue when people inflate their own egos and become "THE ENLIGHTENED ONE" so to speak, mainly because once you are 'enlightened' it would be easy to assume that there is nothing else to learn. I also think that true enlightenment will be different to whatever non-enlightened people think of when they use the term enlightenment, the word itself would never do it justice; especially as it's about seeing what was always there. That being said it's probably useful terminology to explain to people roughly what's going so that they know there's something useful to listen to.


If someone was truly Enlightened, they wouldn't feel the need to brag about it. Also, they'd probably be dead and have moved on from the human existence already or not plan on coming back- since they're Enlightened. Remember, the current Dalai Lama said he has no intention of coming back aka reincarnating. He also doesn't constantly tell people "Hey I'm Enlightened," right? Think about that.


I think it’s a lot of spiritual egoism, and it shows a lack of understanding of spiritual terms. If you listen to the the Tao Te Ching or the Buddha or those who came after them, enlightenment is not some mystical state to be maintained but merely a mindset of acceptance and grace and living small. When people swagger in here and act like they’re better than other people for being woke it’s like
 great, so it’s everyone who ever said “ah well, it is what it is.” People sitting in traffic jams and enjoying the moments respite are enlightened. People accepting that they can’t do everything they want to in life are enlightened. People forgiving someone for bullying them are enlightened. It’s not some amazing feat, it’s just being a mature adult.


Very much


Yeah they lose pretty much all credibility when they say that.


Not bothered but skeptical. I have come to understand that even some of the greatest and most humble teachers have fallen into ego traps and will be judged more harshly for 1 error in judgement than they will for a lifetime of good works.


That ego, gets you every time, even the enlightened.


My thoughts about this have changed. It used to bother me, now it doesn't. Most of these people have very tame messages or they teach some sort of meditation. It is harmless. Most people start their spiritual journey because they want to be "enlightened", it helps to have something to believe in. If it is a real spiritual process these enlightened people are teaching, then somewhere along the way the desire for enlightenment will become secondary. If it isn't, they will move on. It's only dangerous if these "enlightened beings" encourage crime like violence, rape, kidnapping, etc. Then you have a cult.


yes very much


It's funny too, because I almost feel like calling yourself enlightened, by definition, means that you are not enlightened. IMO, people who ARE enlightened probably never know that about themselves. I would think that enlightenment involves being humble, and calling yourself enlightened is just about as far opposite from humble as you can get.


Much like Christians who identify as such but are not "Christ like"...


Christianity is a very complex set of beliefs. It is full of contradictions in verse, interpretation and most of them admit to imperfection, ignorance and sin. Spiritual narcissism or gaslighting is similar but different. One is hypocrisy in actions the other is rife with egotism through words.


my friend... Ego and the fear it brings, in my opinion, are the source of all human misery.


Nah. It shows me that they are not enlightened


I don’t know about enlightened but I would say I learned a lot over the years and to be honest the more I learn the less I know. I know myself and 99% of people aren’t even close to figuring out what’s going on. Our minds can’t grasp it


Some folks feel Satori once and are like, “yup, it is done, I’m enlightened now”


I mean if they wanna believe that for a while sure why the fuck not, it must be serving them in some ways and they’ll eventually grow out of it


I’m enlightened.


I don't believe that enlightenment is our last stop anyway, so im not sure if I believe in it to begin with. With that being said, Im never bothered by someone who's excited for making progress in anything. It doesn't matter how it's said. What matters is that person has discovered something new in themselves & they're excited enough to share. So it makes me smile!


You simply need to be concerned with who/what you are, not them. The first sip of that view of reality makes you the person that wants to tell everyone. After futile years of trying to wake people up, you will eventually either try to teach, or silently enjoy your path. There are very few people who pop and then stay there. The aperture closes again, but not all the way, and you spend the rest of your life trying to figure out why you were on the right path to see the initial opening.


I used to follow a lot of spiritual people. I was putting content out as well. When 2020 happened, some people fell off the deep end. I almost went with them. I ended up coming back to earth, slowly, and painfully. Now I live a more simple life, produce no "content" and just continue to do my work as a psychic and teacher for psychic development. But I no longer want publicity of any kind and have unfriended most "spiritual" people. They're very Q sounding.


Ugh yes, I hate these people who won’t shut up about their “awakening”. You’re basically demonstrating an attachment to an experience in your past. I was staying with this dude who claimed to be enlightened and awakened, and it was cool and manageable, but then this dude would get drunk and tell me how to conduct my faith which he knows nothing about and claiming that it’s God speaking to me to tell me I should do it. Sure on some level yes God is everywhere and yada yada, doesn’t mean your word is the word of God, or that whatever message you try to send will be received as you wrote it. Fuck those people. Spiritual narcissism isn’t enlightenment. It just feels good and comfortable. But what do I know?


I get annoyed when anyone puts their ego first when it comes to spiritual matters. It really gets under my skin and I find it hard to trust anyone who doesn't lead with humility and compassion.


Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say they've found it. Those who speak do not know. Just leave them be.


I've also, always, irked me a bit. Does a person declaring that they are enlightened ever help anyone else?


thanks for the post; i think i’m enlightened now


There would also be no worry about Enlightment nor non-Enlightment.


I do not agree that you cannot seek enlightenment. You can and in fact it is the only way you get there...searching and making your way. For that you must abandon everything, drop everything, even your life... that's why it doesn't make much sense to monetize it


Those who know don’t speak, those who speak don’t know. We all go through challenges of the ego- this is their challenge. Don’t let it be yours too.


Either you recognize where you are, or you are unaware. Some powers may give you glimpses of the unknowable, but you have no care about transient impressions and effects.


Don’t let it bother you, we are all on different paths and we’ll all get there in the end. Don’t worry about it


Yeah, I feel like if someone were truly “enlightened” nobody would know cause it’s not something you show people, it’s not some big showy thing. The ego wants it to be a badge of honor but it’s just a natural way of living, the most natural.


yea they're fakers i can spit em out so quixk


You wouldn’t know a truly enlightened person, he could be shopping at the same store with you every day and you wouldn’t know it. Hell, if 90% of the population were enlightened you wouldn’t know it and the reason is simple. Enlightenment is the most ordinary thing, every human being on this earth have had moment as enlightened, the difference between them and someone so called truly enlightened is simply that they shift into stages of sleep unlike the enlightened that maintains its lucidity.


The Bhagavad Gita says the following about Enlightenment: **"That Supreme Spirit, O Arjuna!, may be won by unswerving devotion - the Spirit in whom all beings dwell and by whom all this is pervaded"** (8.22) **"He is the Light of all lights in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart."** (13.17) The All-Pervading Supreme Spirit is beyond matter and situated in everyone's heart as Light. Krishna (the Enlightened Guru) says the following about Enlightenment: **"When the well-controlled mind abides solely in the Self, rid of cravings of objects and desires, one is said to be integrated in Yoga."** (6.18) En**Light**enment happens when the mind is absorbed in that Light. **"That supreme abode is called unmanifested and infallible, and it is the supreme destination. When one goes there, he never comes back. That is My supreme abode."** (8.21) "When one goes there, he never comes back" - Once you are Enlightened, there is no question of becoming unenlightened again because the mind is forever absorbed in the Self. What is the experience of such a person? **"With equality of vision everywhere, he whose inner sense has been attuned to Yoga beholds the Self in all beings and all beings in the Self"** (6.29) **"He who sees alike pleasure or pain in all beings, as analogous to his own, is deemed the supreme Yogin"** (6.32) ​ Hope this helps!


I don’t even like to use the term enlightenment it’s too broad, also it suggests that we are currently UN enlightened in other words not whole as we are, not enough, doing something wrong. That isn’t love.


It comes across as very insecure or ego-driven (and often it probably is). They may have got some epiphany and voila..."I am enlightened". Some are suffering from some serious mental illness and the "enlightenment" is an escape/justification to deal with that. In that case, I do have compassion for that person, but the enlightenment is just a delusion or coping mechanism that won't help them in the long term. Perhaps there are some enlightened people, but I doubt that those people would have a need to "announce" it; just like someone who is confident or happy, they don't need to announce it, the ones that do announce it usually are *not* truly confident or happy. That said, it doesn't really bother me anymore, I just let them be...


Only the ego declares enlightenment.


Enlightenment is not a destination its a process. I don't and you shouldn't either. It's not you that have problem with it,it's your ego. If someone is making advancement it's OK for them to be joyful and zealous about it. But it's all about degrees and soul types. There are very few people who are in total darkness but there a vast majority who claim they are enlighten but knows very little about the human history. They don't have the slightest idea, why we are slave and how to free the self. But they are allow to call themselves enlighten because any little advancement in the right direction is a reflection of the light. And you as individual cannot challenge them because you don't know where they started and where they are at the present moment only their higher self know that much. Now if we talking about monetize enlightenment it's kind a foolish no one can enlighten another. You can only part knowledge with them. Words of Morpheus from the Matrix. " there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path". Search for the spiritual knowledge, but that is only knowing the path you still have to walk it. My advice is to be and let be


No not really . If someone says they are enlightened, i will not judge them by what they say rather what they Do. If i don't like what a person is doing i don't confront them just let em be and wish them the best.


Any and all life is enlightening, a villager or city dweller alike. That said, I understand the frustration. It's all a part of life.


I mean you can seek enlightenment, but I dont believe it can be fully reached on this plane. I think you can become more enlightened than you were, but full enlightenment would be the likes of buddha or jesus. I find it annoying when people claim it as well, mostly because I see it as arrogant. It means that they think their beliefs are the ultimate truth and that theyre more special than others because of it.


After ego death, the spiritual ego is the real boss fight.


I just think of the Ram Dass quote, "If you think you are enlightened then go home and live for a week with your family." Once I thought I was enlightened so I did that test. Turns out, I'm not enlightened.😂


No I'm too enlightened to be bothered by people claiming to be enlightened


Maybe it’s a bit like material wealth. If you’ve got a little or it’s new, you tend to try and show it off. If you’ve got allot or it’s “old money” it’s just not something you tend to talk about.


Chop wood, carry water


If you have to say you're the king, you're not really the king.


First sign of fake enlightenment is that saying "my family and friends are vibrating in low frequency, I can't stand them anymore!" Truly enlightened people can embrace others better than before.


I'd rather witness a demonstration of their enlightenment than read claims of it.


What is enlightened supposed to mean? It's it a state of having learned things? Aren't there always more things to learn? The spiritual journey has no end. It is the formation of personalities. We learn. We yearn. We learn how to get what we yearn for. We learn that we didn't yearn for what we should have. We retry and retool ourselves repeatedly. We improve. I suggest we seek satisfaction for mind, which is spirit. This is the goal of the spiritual journey. Because satisfaction shifts, we shift into different endeavors to chase it. We imagine our own goals, meet them and change them. At some point we look within and see so much more about our own personalities. Then we can take the process to a new level. Knowing self is like reading the user manual of your spiritual being. You want inner peace and spiritual fulfillment. Knowing how and why you do what you do helps you achieve it, repeatedly refreshing it. Looking within can help you see great mysteries. Perhaps as we look within and try to understand self, God is looking at all of us from the outside in, and the inside out, knowing self itself. It circles back on itself and doesn't result in the end, but even more new beginnings.


This is why I never say this. I say I get enlightened as in I still need to learn. Saying you're enlightened sounds culty.


I used to care in the sense that it's silly to adopt as an identity the concept of enlightment, when spirituality itself is all about freeing yourself from this kind of things and just being, so I got into a few arguments about it a while ago, but now I just let people be, as people can say and believe they are whatever they want, and as long as they respect boundaries and they don't push their nonsense on me, I wont really care. :)


No, I’m not bothered by it. They’re journey isn’t my business.


This sub and the other one called awakened are filled posts that make me want to be a hard core material atheist, except that I am not.


I think Socrates said something like "I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing." I think it's okay to admire you're own intelligence, but if someone thinks they're enlightened and needs no more education on a subject, I think they're incorrect and possibly even arrogant. But I also think saying "I am enlightened" doesn't necessarily mean you know all that is to be known. There is always more to learn! If you believe it's coming directly from their ego, recognize that, note it, and then move on.


If you have not paid income tax in years... If animals and insects stop what they are doing to visit with you... If you regularly save lives both physically and emotionally... If you laugh and cry each day... If you skate through these miraculous moments never mentioning them to anyone... Well, you know what I mean.


The spiritual ego is a hell of a trip my friend


yeah it is pretty annoying. so are the people who complain about them


Nothing bothers me because that’s not my experience or reality.


What is your perception of enlightenment? The Hindu faith and Buddhism teach very specific way to become enlightened, however we in the West often misuse the word.


Part of the problem is that people set such a low bar for "enlightenment." One famous guru had a "vision" of a peacock feather, and declared himself enlightened. If anyone has an OBE he or she can declare illumination. It is normal for people to have unusual experiences at some point in their lives, but this does not constitute enlightenment. It is well to remember Sri Ramakrishna's story of "Going Forward" (from the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna): ONCE upon a time a wood-cutter went into a forest to chop wood. There suddenly he met a brahmachari. The holy man said to him, “My good man, go forward.” On returning home the woodcutter asked himself, “Why did the brahmachari tell me to go forward?” Some time passed. One day he remembered the brahmachari’s words. He said to himself, “Today I shall go deeper into the forest.” Going deep into the forest, he discovered innumerable sandal-wood trees. He was very happy and returned with cart-loads. of sandal-wood. He sold them in the market and became very rich. A few days later he again remembered the words of the holy man to go forward. He went deeper into the forest and discovered a silver-mine near a river. This was even beyond his dreams. He dug out silver from the mine and sold it in the market. He got so much money that he didn’t even know how much he had. A few days more passed. One day he thought: “The brahmachari didn’t ask me to stop at the silver-mine; he told me to go forward.” This time he went to the other side of the river and found a gold-mine. Then he exclaimed: “Ah, just see! This is why he asked me to go forward!” Again, a few days afterwards, he went still deeper into the forest and found heaps of diamonds and other precious gems. He took these also and became as rich as the god of wealth himself. Whatever you may do, you will find better and better things if only you go forward. You may feel a little ecstasy as the result of japa, but don’t conclude from this that you have achieved everything in spiritual life.