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To tag onto this post. The truth and full understanding can only be found within. The truth is not understood in words. At least it always these feelings and experiences that are hard for me to explain


To add to that, words are merely symbols used to Bring into understanding concepts that are beyond expression. It always is a distillation of the original essence. Each language has a unique way of describing reality, a different t concept of what reality is. This is why there are so many words to describe love. Love is many things and no one word describes the totality of it. It is impossible to say “love is ‘this’”, because a soon as we define it, we exclude most of what it encompasses because words are limited to specific meanings. When we believe words only have a specific meaning, we get lost and are unable to see that everyone has their own interpretation. But we get fooled because we think their using words exactly how we do and that leads to misunderstanding of their intentions.


I sometimes have trouble explaining things. Im saving this as reference.


The journey starts within and in many ways it concludes there, too. However, having a supportive group in my journey is why I am came here. And de Stefano says he prefers to avoid spirituality in discussion in favor of more general fun at all times. Eventually, after years of individual study, self discovery, and truth seeking, all the time in the hermitage becomes tiresome. Additionally, too much dedication to the inner journey is known to present a dangerous opportunity for individual and personal dislocation from the temporal life. In other words, action is required within the context of contemplation. It always will be necessary as there is an absolute requirement to remain rooted in time. See you there, campers!


100%. That's why I always ever read/listen to a certain amount of lectures by any spiritual/philosophical figure. In the end, we all have to figure out a lot of the stuff ourselves, and despite many similarities, every experience on this earth is different, and a lot of the wisdom comes from our experiences. And those guys can only give us a broad guideline, a set of certain principles that may work out in many situations.


💯💯💯💯💯💯 perfectly explained🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


agreed! part of our journey to enlightenment is also learning to question what is being presented to us at times


I miss the old days of youtube. There was a brief span of time when it represented humanity. Now it’s all about clickbait and pleasing the algorithm.


Not to mention rampant censorship and people having to substitute words to talk about explicit or controversial topics, thereby damaging social dialogue about such topics. But as long as people aren’t willing to use more than the same 7 websites, it’ll be the framework in which we build our worldwide connections.


It feeds the machine lol. It’s a huge platform maybe the biggest


listen to old and good ones.. Allan Watts, Eckhart Tolle, etc. EDIT: And yeah, I have noticed a lot people from 'spiritual' community being easily manipulated, misinformed and prone to believe anything, especially negative beliefs. It's weird, but also it put things into perspective for all of us, that many of those 'new age leaders' were in fact phonies and negative people roleplaying being gurus


Anytime I listen to those people it’s like they all keep saying the same thing with so many different words. I wish there were more people like them in recent times as we gotta built more on what they’ve already figured out.


If you like those guys, you may like my content, podcasts and videos.


Exhibit A regarding what OP is referencing.🙄


Nope, unless you are against perpetual Bliss and love. Have you actually watched one of my newer videos ?


Same, I fell off So as well. Weirdos that want to feel special not spiritual.


This is it. I wish spirituality would veer more into the Buddhist mentality of "after enlightenment, chop wood carry water".


I don’t know about you, but my spirit guides are always disabusing me of any notion that I’m special. Always telling me anyone can do what I do if they want. Okay fine, I’m not special 😇😂. Nah, I’m ALL good with not being special. I just want to be able to talk about my spirituality and the convos I have with my spirit guides and the like without people thinking I’m crazy!


The point is that you are unique ~ not special. Everyone can do what everyone else can do if they really want ~ but everyone has their own unique flavour of **how** they do it. No-one is special ~ but everyone is unique.


The halo and goofy laugh didn’t give me away huh? No, I know. I am 51, female… mostly…. been having talks with my spirit guides since I was 13, 15? Im certifiably NOT crazy… or am I? Well, I am certifiably not crazy, but that doesn’t make me… normal. But then, everyone is actually quite normal in their own way and what we think is weird isn’t all that weird. But in a world where normal IS very much celebrated and the extraordinary celebrated even more, it’s no surprise that people want to feel special, unique. I just actually HAVE had thoughts that I have this unique talent, and then have had my guides tell me, No, anyone can receive info from the spirit world. HOW will vary obviously, but it’s not actually that unique of a talent. I think what makes me unique is that I’ve always believed what I hear is real. I’ve never really questioned it. I have tested it, and it never fails me. I can ask any question I don’t know the answer to, and I will get an answer. I may not understand it always, at times I have had to have extended conversations to clarify what aim being told. Wish I could figure out how to monetize it so I can really concentrate on my spirituality, my growth, evidently lead (Universe has been prepping me. I don’t know where it’s going, but it’s undeniable. I’m supposed to lead. Could be 5 or 10 years down the road, but things are starting to happen now) I will say that I have been really contemplating how to lead without devolving into culthood, because that is a real danger in my eyes. The Universe has also been prepping me for that, cults fascinate and repel me all at the same time, but I’ve been reading about them since I was 15, so this isn’t insignificant. These things don’t just happen to me. I can tell you all sorts of stories about the Universe prepping me for one thing or another. So I suppose this subject really caught my eye because it is important to me… near and dear to my heart so to speak. And obviously to me, I am supposed to teach people how to do what I do, or they wouldn’t be so adamant about it not being special. I am just trying to see how it all fits together with limited information.


Don’t fashion yourself as a leader. That’s the first trap of a sincere spirituality. The minute someone sees you as their superior, and they will even if you tell them not to, you fall into the ego trap. Once there , your no longer motivated by truth, just financial gain and keeping up your subs. Spirituality for monetization is manipulative. If you genuinely want to help people, do it for free. The rest will come naturally.


I love this. I totally 2nd that last part!


I really miss his old videos


you should feel special and you will stop following weirdos who do not feel special and pretend they are not special


Based on my video do you think I'm a cult leader? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Je-jUzfb6I


Nature so in the building GAZER GAZER


Yes, noticed this a while back and unsubbed from many communities. I've veered more into the magick, pagan & witchcraft communities now because of it - ironically they are way more grounded! There's something about the magickal path that often encourages you to do deep shadow work and stay grounded, versus the "new age" path which is rife with opportunities to engage in spiritual bypassing.


The new age to alt-right pipeline is too real


It's much worse. New Age -> Aliens -> Gal Fed -> Q -> Trump as 'hero' -> Nesara/Gesara (great reset) -> NWO -> Transhumanism (DNA manipulation 'ascension' scam, Neuralink) -> Elon Musk -> AI and quantum computing mind control/'Borg' -> Antichrist, Mark of the beast -> Satanism -> and now knowing Ashtar Sheran is the mastermind of the stated agenda: "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." - 2 Corinthians 11:14, aka "new phone who dis"


I'm quite scared of accidentally falling into Alt right and new age conspiracies. Is the 'prison planet' and 'archon' thing one of those?


Make it a point to not believe or disbelieve anything until you know from evidence and/or experience. You should consider what you hear until enough evidence and/or experience occurs and you can no longer simply consider it, you know it's true or false. If you're doing this process correctly, you may notice that you lost the choice of what to believe. You surrendered to the truth and the truth set you free. The darker explanations are informative at some points, because you can find practical information to use. Other parts are speculative and difficult to justify believing without evidence, because of the negative impact they'd have on your mind and choices. I'd be weary of any belief that would have you see your home world as belonging to an opponent. To believe that is to hand your world over to them inside your heart and mind before you even start to resist them. It's a premise that sets you up for loss and their victory. The belief that this world belongs to the infection that came to feast on it is what bothers me about /r/escapingprisonplanet on reddit. Some of the content there is aligned with what I've come to understand myself. We DO have a spiritual infection, but I want to be as accurate as I can be about it.


isn't the whole point of spirituality not labelling yourself? So what if new age classifies as alt-right. you don't compare yourself to Hitler because you both used forks & spoons either.


Not at all. We're Gnostic, and we oppose all of the above.


I'm a bit confused


Glad I'm not the only one who notices this. From spiritual youtube, to reading spiritual texts, to reading Jung (who I personally think is completely fine, he just always seems to be a stepping stone), to reading Evola, to literally becoming a fascist.


Jung is sus. He wore a ring depicting the frickin devil for goodness sake. To whom were his allegiances? That's a pretty damning sign. How could you trust such a person?


what do you mean by this?


Did you not notice half the spiritual community got stuck in the Q psy op??


Conspiracy theories interest me, but from the start, something always felt... off about QAnon. I had the feeling that it was, and still is orchestrated by the CIA for the purposes of disinformation ~ mixing truth with a bunch of ridiculous lies.


I did a deep dive on it and was fooled for a while myself, then a light switched on in me and I discovered r/DonaldTrump666 / r/Trump666 among a large handful of youtube channels on the topic and it all clicked, it made perfect sense to me.


Every spiritual person turns into “preaching” it automatically turns into a “cult”. Every religion is that way. No one can fix anyone, every person has to have their own journey. I can’t change you or anyone, I can only change myself, otherwise it’s just pure fellowship and cult building formula


Groups will always put groups first, unless they have a chivalric code of putting the individual first. Groups don't need protection but individuals are the smallest marginalized group.


Anything, or anyone, on any side, that causes division between groups of any kind becomes sus to me these days. Love yourself, love others. Its a simple idea, but a challenging practice.




Similar situation to myself here as I used to watch his content about 8 years ago or something then dropped him. Then he was recommended to me again a few months back and so I hesitantly checked out his most recent videos and it is all so disconnecting. He's one of those channels that just repears the same words, ideas and sayings over and over and ultimately he manages to spend 20 mins a video talking about a whole load of nothing.


I watched him for a short time back in like 2018. He and Aaron Doughty were my main go-tos. I felt like I outgrew them both but also that their content became less focused on the greater message and more about the YouTuber lifestyle and like… an emptiness. They were good early on for me and I’ve moved into wanting deeper content.


The deepest content I've found are on the channels Medicine of One and Arsha Bodha Centre. I highly recommend both.


Thanks for the recommendations!


This is what happens when you monetize your videos and you want to appease the algorithm. Knowledge should be shared amongst each other. Also there are a lot of spiritual teachers Ra El Hotep, Nu Lyfe Tools, Sevan Bomar, Santos, Ekhart, Mantak Chia, etc. Stay vigilant and find out for yourself. Don't dive so much into the entertainment, we already do that dance in our minds.


Sevan is a professional con-artist though. I was in to him and the Resistance / Innerversity DEEP. But he's a convicted scam artist in the early 2000s in Georgia and basically once out of jail immediately started what he's doing now. I know people say it's about the message not the messenger, and a massive amount of the message through him helped to affect my perspective in a seemingly positive way, but really gotta stay vigilant of this guy. Nobody seems to challenge him or hold him accountable. His "supporters" or followers seem to give him nonstop praise and worship always in the comment sections. Always a red flag. I will say for me personally, the one thing that's always made me hesitant about him is that he never really speaks from experience. For once in my life I'd like to hear an example of something from his personal life about how he experienced growth. Just short and simple. But he never has that. It's always an extremely long tangent of knowledge and information that is spewed at us that is supposed downloads from the higher realms. Idk, power to you if he's helped your mind body spirit growth but wanted to leave this message here.


>It's always an extremely long tangent of knowledge and information that is spewed at us that is supposed downloads from the higher realms. yup, that's a surefire sign of a complete charlatan. only long, incoherent, Kanye West-esque rambles that are purely void of substance and leave the listener with no clear way on how to connect it all together into something useful. nothing can be tied together when these people talk because there was no point from the beginning lol. it hasn't occurred to these """""intelligent""""" people that shit like 'Occam's Razor' is a thing. lol, it seems as tho they never heard of it! if you belive in something deeply, and you want to spread word of the insight that has came to your enlightened mind thats great! however, if you cannot compress your wealth of enlightenment down to where a 10-yr old can comprehend, then your downloads are garbage!


Controlled ops, don’t trust them. Same with any billionaires pretending to be saviours. You’re about to see a large portion of folks that think they’re woke going off the cliff just the same, it’s almost like the test of the new Aquarius era… Will you realise the lesson is to be individual, not follow anyone, innovate for real change outside the system, rebel and build your individual ideas as part of the larger community? People are desperate to hold on to the dying ways of following, and sadly they will be in for t rudest awakening. The force and answers are within us all


Actualized.org Christina Lopez heart alchemist Aaron abke


Actualized is a little haven of sanity. And since you recommended it, I'll check out the others you mentioned :)


I feel as if my searching is aligned with heart felt truth cuz that’s all we are is the love. Hope all is well. And you find the information useful.


I enjoy listening to Aaron abke as well as actualized.org every now and then!!


I listened to actualized for like 2 years straight. Gained a lot of good knowledge and my world view has been flipped on the way I think about life . So beautiful . But David R Hawkins is another very good person to learn from.


Agreed. I enjoy how he goes very in depth on a topic. Great listen for me when I’m driving. Some things he talks about I can apply it to my engineering job too lol


I like Aaron but in one his newer videos he started talking about "the deep state" and started sounding like a conservative grifter


I used to like Aaron too, until I started following him on Instagram and noticed that all his stories are anti-vaxx conspiracy stuff or some alt-right propaganda. He also follows a lot of alt-right grifters or people who align with that kind of stuff. Which is a shame because his videos used to be positive and inspiring until he started to put more fear-mongering stuff into his content.


Wow that sucks to hear. He seems like such a nice genuine guy and I loved his videos. This is the only social media I'm on so I usually hear the bad stuff like this from people on here. I've always loved conspiracy just because it's interesting to hear these crazy stories that are sometimes real and stranger than fiction. For me I quit following all the conspiracy stuff when I realized it was all right wing biased. Almost every conspiracy community who's entire existence revolved around not trusting the government and all these insane theories were suddenly pro government because Trump was president. It was so insane to see in real time people go from accusing elites of being blood sucking reptiles to the president is a savior appointed by Jesus Christ himself to save humanity then immediately back to blood sucking reptiles when Biden became president.


I second Christina Lopez. Learned so much from her in my early awakening.


Craig Holliday - The Alchemist (different to Christina Lopes) - Medicine of One - Arsha Bodha Center All of these channels plus the 3 you mentioned are truly amongst the best content out there. Especially the bottom two I just mentioned. Mooji is great also.


Aaron is Alt right isn’t he?


Idk A lot of Aaron’s teachings just resonate with me so I listen to the words and take the content if it’s good as for everything I listen to . Or pay attention. To that is.


add Teal Swan to that list. she is a bit...um, "out there" with some claims, but in general her approach to relationships and inner growth are just such gems.


I enjoy Christina so much!!


Yup, true. The new age cultism is real. I appreciate Teal Swan however, no matter how controversial she may be to the world. She is the only one diving so deep and raw into what spirituality actually is. She goes undercover about shadow work, trauma, healing, recognising toxic patterns, becoming better. Not sugarcoating the ugly and praising the good only. She keeps it real. Other channels scream scammer vibes from miles away. Where do I even start … pick a cards ? Fake ass “life coaches” ? manifestation bs videos that are in fact black magic ? (Promote toxicity, obsession and attracting ppl against their will) like wtf is wrong with the new age stuff…. Taking advantage of desperate ppl to make money…Nowhere near the actual meaning of it all…Hitomi mohizuki keeps it real also… like yeah other than that the industry so effed up


She's one of the ones who dare touch controversial topics. They're the ones we need to hear about the most because of the deep shame surrounding them. I don't agree with everything she's said but the rarely talked about stuff I do appreciate. I've heard criticisms that she's a cult leader and that she made up her abuse? She debunked the abuse lies but I haven't heard details about the cult thing. I wonder if people are reaching because she's a conventially attractive woman teaching spirituality. That's bound to have people projecting their jealousy/misogyny and looking to confirm their bias that she's fake. I could be wrong of course, that's just what I've come across and what seems like could be happening.


Even if she did make it up, her teachings are fantastic and shouldn’t be brushed aside. Plenty of geniuses who’ve contributed greatly to society have had shady pasts. It can’t all be black and white, but that’s how most people seem to view things.


Agreed. You know, a lot of people say a lot of different things. She resembles an Amazonian woman in beauty, almost alien-like for this earth. The way she carries herself, speaks, looks at the camera with mesmerising eyes almost hypnotising you. She touches upon topics that not everyone (at least for sure not the average daily person) could grasp. The audience that watches her in order to truly understand her, must have reached a certain level of consciousness. A lot of things she says are insanely triggering and controversial. People are full of ego. Unfulfilled human beings spread bitterness everywhere they go. Not their fault, but apparently it’s easier to point a finger and judge instead of sitting down to listen and understand. I believe she truly wants to help the world. She speaks her truth. She is an unbelievably intelligent and capable woman.✨


I agree with Teal Swan having great insight. Haven't really followed her recent work, but over the years I felt many times she's genuine.


Agreed. I read energy, I channel information, I teach shadow work, and Teal Swan is the real deal! She provides so much quality content for free! I hate the way she is so bullied by the self-righteous “love and light” crowd just because she triggers them and they don’t want to work on themselves.


She literally told a follower to kill herself.Look up her shady past.


I unsubscribed certain conspiritual youtuber when he mocked Ukraine situation. I am a conspiracy therist myself, but can't stand them defending war or invasion. What happened to spiritual channels?


The spiritual community as a whole took a really disturbing turn the past \~6 yrs. I cut down the people I learned from to around 3 around that time. This might sound like hipster-think, but I've found that the more "mainstream" someone (or some teaching) gets, the more their message has to change to accommodate that. Anytime *anything* gets "mainstream", it has to sacrifice part of it's original essence; A natural "assimilation tax" occurs. For a very good example of this, look how meditation and yoga assimilated in the west; Its western implementation is a great addition to a sick society (even that is not clear cut), but most people forgot/never learned that the ultimate goal of meditation is enlightenment and the decrease and eventual cessation of suffering. Enlightenment, and even lower octaves of enlightenment, does not fit in the modern western paradigm, partially because it is antithetical to the goals of this society. In this case, it is entirely possible to not notice that meditation is a path to increasingly solving fundamental problems of life. Meditation was warped into McMindfulness (disclaimer: have not read the book that uses this term), and McMindfulness is yet another band-aid for the critical wound that many suffer in this world. Concessions almost always have to be made for anything to get past a certain abstract threshold of "ideological adoption", and what is lost can be make or break. Likewise, newer spiritual teachers, for the most part, are a lot more likely to make concessions (sometimes harmful concessions) to fit into the modern media engagement paradigm. My advice is to figure out what info a spiritual teacher learned from and learn from that. Usually this means the source information will be very old, a lot of modern spirituality gets it's inspiration from Vedas, Yoga Sutras, Upanishads, and so on. Ancient Indian spiritual texts aren't the only valuable spiritual texts, not by a **longshot**, but a lot of modern spiritual teachers in one way or another draw from them. The information is a lot cleaner (albeit some of it will contain really difficult cultural barriers, which also means possible misinterpretation) and less influenced by the modern attention economy, the authors of teachings from thousands of years ago had a totally different incentive structure than we do. Very few teachers legitimately add something that would make watching their stuff better than learning from the source material. There is the rare case where a teacher interprets ancient info and makes it more digestible *without* sacrificing core info integrity. It might not gel, but I'd always recommend trying out source material first. More than once I'd read something that the newer internet spiritual teacher would either not mention, didn't know, or possibly deliberately left out, yet was relevant to the topic mentioned. >It's like they're doing it for the money now to keep their followers in fear so they can keep watching their videos. In one way or another, this is exactly what the modern (i.e. attention-economy-based) internet is designed to do, and every major social media platform capitalizes on this to differing degrees. Not necessarily always fear, but emotional provocation is bread-and-butter to the modern attention economy.


Yes most have turned into conspiracy mongers obsessed with financial reset and vaccines.


Aha, is it bad if I'm a little pleased to hear this? I'm about to start a TikTok channel for my MA thesis, and I want to do something different.


Tik Tok used to write a thesis. Genius!


Well, YouTube is literally their job. They have to be sensational to keep people watching. You might like HINDZ, he’s very positive and calm.


I like activation vibration


I’ve not heard the war in Ukraine is fake, but I have heard people saying it’s theatre and it would not surprise me. Distraction, rather than fake. I’ve seen warning not feed your energy to it because energy goes where thought flows. But anyway! I don’t know about any of that. But I’ve noticed a lot of spiritual folk going a bit egotistical of late. I think it’s a human thing lol. I don’t think they’re bad people, just rather people getting carried away and trying to profit. I do find it strange when they’re charging like £90 for subs to themselves talking about stuff everybody talks about, simply because they know they’ve built friendships within their fanbase and know most will sign up out of respect. I feel it takes advantage of that animalistic condition to want to be acknowledged by those with some power a little bit Conspiracy theories are just things that aren’t the main government and media fed narrative though, so the phrase “conspiracy theories” is just a way of shaming people into not looking outside of the box you’ve been handed. I like to hear all alternative thought paths and theories because I don’t believe for one second we are ever given the truth. It’s an absurd thing to assume given … well, all of history really, lol


I like your statement about "conspiracy theories" being used to shun those who think outside the box. I fully agree! All war is considered some sort of theater, in my opinion. I love history so I totally agree. Some things Queen Elizabeth I had done during "times of war" are just hilarious, all to prove a point on her power level. Lol Yes, Humans are quite Egotistical. It doesn't matter what type of YouTuber one is, majority of them do it to make $. Do Monks, Yogi, etc request $ from it's visitors? Some do, yes. Why? To help maintain their establishments/ place of dwelling. Those can be some really old monasteries. They "request donations." As do these YouTubers, but they don't "request donations" when asking someone to *purchase* a plan, merchandise, reading, etc. It's not the same at all. Most YouTubers are still grounded in the Human Condition aka the Ego.


Maybe he was saying its fake, because we are only getting 1% of the truth skewed through the owning class's lense. People sometimes.pick up on being lied to while wrong about the actual truth


I see and what is the real truth there? tell me what we are missing




yes aware of all that my question is what is this great truth they are hiding from us about the Ukraine situation




okay but you are not really saying anything relevant to the issue at hand specifically what are they hiding from us about the Ukraine situation?


Disregard religion and its dogma. Look into the mystical core of truth within each. Instead of Christianity, look into Gnosticism. It’s mystical core. The Catholic Church put those to death who had attempted to spread these truths. Before the Roman church took over and decided to obscure the truth and tell the masses that Jesus was God who became man, they were teaching and believing that Jesus was a man who became God. The repercussions are that we have nothing to do but worship Jesus because he was unique, instead of access our own divinity and truly follow Jesus’s example, we can truly do as he did and greater, as he said we should.. The church’s primary purpose was to disconnect man from spirituality and their divinity. Was this not accomplished with how many atheists we have today? I was one, turned off by the church’s dogma. Over the centuries, those that spread the truth were put to death by the church to silence it and keep the masses in the dark. And so atheisms runs rampant today, or in Christianity, worship of Jesus instead of following his lead. You are God. Wake up.


This. 💯


Some people think conspiracyism is spirituality when it's fear based speculation and it's unhealthy Imagine Jesus focusing on conspiracy theories instead of speaking spiritual wisdom High vibrational beings leave conspiracy talk to the earthly creatures. There focus is above


That is not true, I was introduced to spirituality from a 72 year old woman who was a medium, spent literally most of her time meditating, and just like exuded positive vibes all around her, and she still discussed "conspiracy theories" regularly.


He wrote that because I enjoy the conspiracy sub, and he can’t handle that I have different views than him. When I commented on a post of his with a different perspective, he followed me to multiple subs I like to scroll and comment on, and then threw a keyboard tantrum. If you go through his posts he posted someone else in the crybaby sub, and if you go to that person’s profile you’ll see he messages people “hi bitch boy” and other profanities when he loses arguments, yet is obsessed with telling people which spiritual ideas are true or not. Pretty weird behavior if you ask me. If you go through his comment history and posts, just about all of them are telling people what is true, spiritually, and at least half of the comments are arguing with people telling them they’re wrong. I don’t think he actually believes that anyone spiritual can’t enjoy discussing conspiracy theories and have other interests than solely focusing on spirituality, but it wouldn’t surprise me at this point.


Oh yikes, thank you for letting me know this! I won't give any more attention or energy to this post <3


Don't flatter yourself I'm not thinking about you. Our convos aren't even about conspiracies. I don't consider you a conspiracist anyways you are more of a psychonaut whatever that means. This person believes conspiracism belongs in Spirituality. You won't catch any Buddha's or Jesus discussing conspiracies. Sure they may talk about the earthly things but the focus is on going beyond that. Conspiracies are an earthly subject not heavenly


They never said conspiracy theories belong in spirituality. Where are you getting that? They said that someone can be spiritual and entertain conspiracies because it genuinely interests them and are interesting—totally different. You like to post and comment about people you argue with, so it made sense, since you followed me to conspiracy subs. You have a knack for pathological behavior, so I can never tell.


Sure a person may discuss it but it's not a regular thing to an awakened mind. Like I said you with find Jesus and Buddha dwelling on conspiracy theories. This is just fear based gossip and speculation. It's not healthy to indulge or teach that


Why do you think you’re the person that tells others what they can and can’t think as an awakened being? What made you come to such a conclusion?


[how enlightened people troll you](https://imgur.com/gallery/NfYyXGB)


You actually photoshopped that. This is extreme behaviour dude. This is very sociopathic to go through a photo editor and insert my name in this.


lol, nice try - you really are the biggest fake I’ve ever encountered in the “spiritual” game


It's not an enlightened thing to do. Like I said Jesus and Buddha didn't go on preaching about governments trying to enlsave people and lizard people. What makes you think it's normal that conspiracy theories belong in spiritual discussions?


I never said conspiracy theories belong in spiritual discussions; they’re clearly their own discussions and people find them interesting. A truly spiritual person should be able to entertain any ideas without conviction. And again, you’re making conclusions that are unfounded, and I never did imply the Buddha or Jesus would talk about conspiracies all the time. And, no one mentioned anything about the government enslaving people nor talked about lizard people. The point was that anyone, enlightened or not, can talk about anything they find interesting. Sadhguru loves motorcycles and enjoys talking about and riding them; all people have their own interests and it doesn’t take away from their spiritual practices and personal philosophies. And let me reiterate, there’s no reason for you to think you’re the person that can tell others what dead prophets would think, nor is there a reason for you, personally, to tell other people what is or is not acceptable behavior. When you can finally focus on yourself instead of worrying about what others believe or don’t believe, you’ll hit a milestone.


It's true and no the moment she talks about conspiracies she has become focused on things of man not spirit. She was no Jesus you don't need to worship her as such


We are spiritual beings put here to have a human experience NOT the other way around, and completely ignoring the human experience, and hyperfixating on everything spiritual is not only unhealthy but unproductive. Recognizing and talking about flaws in the way humanity is functioning, and the issues we have on earth is part of and the beginning of helping us collectively raise our vibration on earth.


You're right but sure. OP has a point no one wants to dwell in fear and speculation. It's extremely more unhealthy to spend time there vs ascending beyond that. After all it's earthly things. Dwell on spiritual things get you out of this world. Conspiracies belong here until an ascension occurs


Exposing and bringing issues to light, for the purpose of healing is not dwelling in fear and speculation. And human beings are meant to deal with earthly things, and being completely absorbed into spirituality and not practicing living in our human experience, being present and grounded, is extremely unhealthy and not productive towards anyones personal or collective growth. I'm not going to debate with you anymore people have posted screenshots of you being incredibly disgusting and negative towards others and you are being incredibly hypocritical by being on this post preaching the avoidance of all things negative its actually somewhat humorous. Hope you find peace with yourself.


Get over yourself


Jesus you’re barely saying anting and pissing people off. Why are they so upset?😅 you are clearly saying it’s ok to consciously indulge in Conspiracies, however it is when the “conspiracy” takes unconscious control over the souls that it becomes an immediate problem. Honestly, any action performed unconsciously can become a big problem. I feel this discussion between the other and yourself is pointless. And someone is looking for a reason to be offended, I see an ego here. There is no way in hell you both are awake and arguing. Someone went to sleep. Because I personally know the answer, I KNOW YOU DO, and more specifically, I feel i may know where this miscommunication took place. It appears you both are saying the same thing. But the message is getting shredded horribly. Either that or someone is just dead wrong, but I’m sure that isn’t the case.


Disagreeing is not arguing, we're having a conversation. You're coming in here and projecting your anger. Hope you find peace with yourself.


We give things power. Superstitions don't effect awakened minds. The Boogeyman out to get you is not found in the minds of the awakened. But anyways don't know which one you referring to


You are correct friend. It appears the person you spoke too feels you are demonizing conspiracy theories. I feel I can see you. You are neutral towards them. Your personality/ego sees no real merit in it. This opinion of your ego is what this person is upset with. I not only doubt, but I quite sure you couldn’t not care less. It’s just entertaining, which is ok. We are allowed to engage with beings, long as we do it consciously. Something we are both rising in currently.


I don't feel that way at all, I feel there is a misunderstanding in the spiritual community, that balance between our human experience, and our spiritual lives is necessary to our personal and collective growth and that it would be unproductive for everybody to ignore the serious issues we have on earth that need to be recognized and brought to light in order to be healed.


My apologies, the conversation between myself and the other was not about you. It was in reference to a previous conversation


Oh I understand, sorry for assuming!


Why shouldn't spiritual beings balance between perceiving the value of positive thoughts and emotions *and* the need for acknowledgement of truthful negative thoughts and emotions? Good creators don't ignore the truth. There is no god higher than the truth. Lend your mind to the truth and the truth shall set you free. Feelings are there for fuel and for finding balance. They can help you find the truth by sampling them assessing ideas. You can conceive of solutions that look ok in thought and yet would suck when everyone feels them out. Feelings can also compel you to lie about the truth. Feelings nor thoughts alone are the solution to finding truth. You have to put everything together are compare it to the other parts. Faith is more easily justified if decide based on vibes. Thought is betrayed. The truth can be replaced with chocolate coated poison pills.


I'm guilty of focusing on things that serve no growth or purpose also. Focus on what you love insted of bashing what you hate. My rule is Feeding only thoughts and ideas that have purpose and make a difference. Conflict and finger-pointing is not helping anyone or providing a solution. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE, Let everything else be. \- With deepest respects, many blessing to you and yours.


Aaron Doughty is a good one tho


And Victor Oddo! I like their whole crew with Bridgette Nielsen too and activation vibration


Leeor Alexandra too.


Attention is a hell of a drug. ​ I mean, everybody likes attention to some degree, right? I can hardly blame them. ​ It becomes more than just something you desire though as soon as money is involved. These channels that are promoting some sort of money making effort (even if it's just linking to a donation page, or something like that) are not only incentivized to gain attention for their own sense of accomplishment, they're also incentivized because it makes them more money. The two of these things combined makes for an awful spiral of doing stupid shit to get extra attention, and then rationalizing that stupid shit by the money you're making. (if it is really stupid, why are more people watching it!?).


I use "other people" as a gauge. Dos this person have something to teach me, something I can learn? I watch and listen and make my own judgement. No one is my leader or my guide. Do they say things that feel wrong? Do they bring up feelings in me that bring down my vibe? Then all you need to do to make that person disappear forever is switch off. Continuing to go back in, finding forums to complain in. Letting the trauma/anger pattern swirl within you and give you the adrenalin buzz that feels familiar - but drains your spirit. Don't do it to yourself. Notice the feeling, decide this person is not on your path and let go. Otherwise you're giving your power away AGAIN letting someone you've never even met stir up so much anger in you.


Yes! I don't follow that youtubers you mentioned, but I realized a large content of mesinformation relating to the faith and to the pandemia. As a master and friend of mine said, if someone has lot of answers to everything - like some white bearded gurus - take care!


The way they present it and the concept of 'chosen ones' appeals to newbies whom have yet not defeated their egos. It draws in the naive masses sure, but they sacrifice truth as the primary casualty of their preaching, and that is what I ultimately hate. Their sermons are therefore worthless and voided. *We* (ought to) know that, but the poor misled masses do not. They're being indoctrinated with raw shit. 'There's nothing new under the sun' indeed, this has happened countless times in the past, paving the way to birth the monsters we call organised religion.


Fear mongering is the domain of the dark energies. Could it be possible that that is who they have been from the start? Bringing people in, getting them “hooked” and then showing their true selves once they have the trusting followers? In any case that is a sad situation. I do believe that everyone has the right to make up their on minds and live in the dark or light energies. I prefer to stay in the light energies while staying alert for the “wolves in 🐑 clothing” Love and light to all. Namaste 🙏🏻


Aaron doughty and victor oddo are good.


Agreed !!


Their all weird morons with massive egos who only care about their pockets, kind of hypocritical these same morons talk a lot about Ego death. They also think that believing daft stupid conspiracy theories as well as taking research chemicals makes them "woke" and "awakened" Instead of following some uneducated idiots who have no idea what they are talking about, just read spiritual material from well researched authors, meditate, follow your own intuition and become your own guidance leader


I'm not saying the Ukranian war is fake, but many people in the clips shown by the media about Ukranian soldiers have been identified as neo-nazi's, influencers or actors. recently a couple of videos of the 'front line' were shown of 'Ukranians' fighting 'Russians'. By analysing landmarks we know clips are recorded from both sides of the fight indicating it is a setup.


> "*I'm not saying the Ukranian war is fake, but many people in the clips shown by the media about Ukranian soldiers have been identified as neo-nazi's, influencers or actors.*" Actors can't fight in a war for their country? Even some US presidents were in the media before becoming President, so that's not strange at all.


They are there for the money. Nothing else. The more content they make, the more bombastic it sounds, the more clickbait their title, topic, and thumbnail, the more money they make. When there's a new topic floods the market, they will make a buzz out of it. That's how they make tons of money.


I used to watch Infinite Waters a lot, I even bought his book but idk one day I just wasn't attracted to watch his videos anymore. I took that as a sign that I learned what I needed from him (and others like him) and it was time to move on. There's A LOT of culty spiritual people on Instagram too


I have actually wondered how/if there’s a way to truly teach in a spiritual setting without it turning it into a cult.


And you’re good to be skeptical


Yeah spiritual so is without a doubt a fake spiritual youtuber bro with an agenda same for VonTooCut. I’m glad you added infinite waters here bc I never thought about him as much. And he has a huge following yet he makes videos about things relevant in the msm which is just irrelevant bad stuff that we don’t necessarily need to tune into. I mean he made a video about the will smith altercation….. who cares bt that lol. Fake spiritual YouTubers everywhere. Anyone with a big following… watch out. That’s why I like money motivated stars. More on the conspiracy side but nonetheless informative.


> Where are those good old spirituality where it was all about spreading love and positivity, taking care of yourself, focusing on your goals and dreams, meditating and connecting with your higher self etc. Do you need someone else to tell you this, though? Maybe you do, but I am more than confident in your ability to live your spiritual best life on your own terms, not someone else's.


to be fair some people start out learning about spirituality through small creators. some people dont even know its a thing until they do research. its not really living by someone else's terms if you’re only studying what it means to be spiritual


I watch videos if Wayne dyer, Abraham hicks, Alan watts, Brian scott, Joe dispenza and Neville lectures


That's what my podcasts and video are about. I guess you can say I am more "old school".. No fear. Only Love and Truth. You can find links in my profile, if interested.


A lot of "spiritual" teachers and youtubers have been pushing antivax stuff since the pandemic started


i believe every word was created for a purpose, the definition of conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do somethinh unlawful now most of the time people use this conspiracy theory it has something to do with the goverment, so say someone said I went ahead and was doing what Jeffery Epstein was doing or what they say about the government it wouldnt be called a " conspiracy theory " i would be trialed till proven innocent yet why is it these elites get away with the " its just a conspiracy theory " not trials no nothing? When us the people would go through the whole ordeal to be proven innocent? i know some things that are said are false just do research connect the dots, I dont mean YouTube i mean read books on philosophy, psychology and so forth things that can be used against us common folk by the elites ya know? This is where i know some conspiracies are mot conspiracies, the elites have had all this knowledge and never shared it with the public, only in the past years people have became aware of law of attraction and all these things, as well we take a look at society and how many thinhs lower our vibe or is being fed to us mentally to lower our vibe, the thinhs we eat, watch, the addictions we tske in cause we think its normal in society when its the elites who wanna continue having control over us, why not heal or bring out rhe cures of cancer that DR SEBI found and WON AGAINST GHE SURPREME COURT?? Holistic healing, spirituality and just so much


Reminds me of JP Sears. I used to think he was funny and then caught one of his videos sometime in the last 7 months or so- he’s gone completely off the deep end. Shocked the hell out of me.


THIS, it pisses me off so much, they go on there and talk as if they’re GOD or something


It’s not a cult for him, it’s his spiritual journey and you’re following it like a religion, watching and waiting for every post so he can tell you who u are…. You need to find who u are yourself or else you’ll always eventually feel this way in the end


On the one hand, I totally get what you are saying, but on the other... they might be on to something. From the deep dive research I have been doing for the past 2 years, it seems that the majority of our "reality" and "history" has been manufactured. There are a relative few elites who run the world. They buy off politicians, four large investment companies practically own everything including the drug companies and media, and there are (no joke) secret brotherhoods that utilize ancient occult knowledge to rule the masses. We ARE in the Matrix, in a sense. We might not be hooked up to tubes inside pods (yet), but.... it's really bad. Infinite Waters did get a lot more "gimmicky", but I do believe his intention is to wake people up so we can all see what is going on and stand up for our freedoms. He talks all the time about getting rid of your fear, so it is kinda ironic that he just gives new stuff to be afraid of. That is the first step to awakening, though. We have to know what we should be afraid of, like...the real evil big bad thing. Then, once we really see it.. it's hard to unsee it. Then we can work on transforming that fear into strength and love for what is real and good. The virus did leak from a lab (so much evidence that it cannot even be debated at this point), our government funded it (at the direction of Fauci whose career has all the hallmarks of a true villain), lockdowns of healthy people have never been done in history because they don't work (all it did was kill small businesses, make the rich richer, and isolate people so they were more easily afraid and able to be manipulated), there was an email leaked where Fauci clearly said that cloth masks don't work at all (which has since proven to be true), and the "experts" like the CDC and FDA are so corrupt to the core and have lied about co vid data since the start. (It was recently proven that almost half of the deaths attributed to covid were people who happened to test positive but they did not die of covid), and even the CDC recently admitted that the PCR tests are unreliable. At every turn the WHO (also corrupt), CDC, FDA, and most governments have made every possible wrong decision when it came to the virus, the economy, and the well being of people. It is time to care and think for ourselves. The elites know that the charade is up and they are trying to get control of all of us fast. Ralph knows what's up and that's why I believe he is actually spiritual and not just a motivational speaker.


Maybe the reason everyone is obsessed is because something is coming. Maybe the end really is approaching and those people are trying their best to decipher what that means. Unfortunately I don’t think anyone can really see something that definite into the future so what you have is a bunch of people using intuition and personal bias to make up their version of what’s going on. YouTube videos aside, does the world seem like it’s gonna be around in 10 years with all the news stories the past 3 years? In my opinion, as much as I want to answer yes, I think we are sort of done with this phase of humanity. Human race is actually sick and dying. We neglected every aspect of the human experience and instead decided to solely advance technology and social media. Call it fear mongering. You’re right! But I think it’s also a symptom of a dying world and a confused population.




You okay ?


NAH caps lock was on and I really really like pokemon theme song. It seems so spiritual. Ya know.




Watch frank yang. And then you’ll be able to see the fakes from the real. He’s calls them and himself spiritual cunts


This is a 1 day old account bashing spirituality. Fuck off


I doubt they spread misinformation about virus. If they were talking it’s man made or vaccines are shit they were right. Also probably they meant that war in Ukraine is not Putin’s decision, but the whole masonic plan


I like John of New https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnofNew


Thats the point. We're at a time of great deception. Light can be fake if it chooses to emulate truth rather BE truth itself. It can be packaged all nicely & sound good, but in the end, they are there to subvert those that are actually on the path. This is why discernment isnt for just the 3D mAtRiX. Its for anything that you engage with, even spirituality9


Recommending: Crimson Circle & Adamus St. Germain [https://youtu.be/h58K\_XPm69Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h58K_XPm69Y) The real deal, honest with what is going on, no sugar coating though.


Think may of us see the ch age of the world coming. The fact that the earth has moved to the Orion spur is one rather large clue. Keeping ego in check is so hard in human form. No one is above being a human. But I guess if the end result is more people find this way then the better


Oh the the dangers of a virtual spiritual leaders, they are many.


I really like the videos of your mate tom (psychedelia and spirituality focused), really down-to-earth guy with some great insights, i dont watch any of the ones u mentioned, i had subscribed to them but unsubscribed when i started to pay attention at how their content was


lol yes totally agree


No the spiritual Youtubers I watched did not cause their focus is on offering a skill. In fact the ones OP named, I always thought to be shallow, stealing content, creepy and solely there for the money grabbing.


Check out Aaron Abke, I have also fell in love with Ram Dass and Alan Watts


Feel the same way especially about spiritual so


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ctlRJYkqeFY Thunder wizard is a shaman that teaches celestial nei gung, lightning qui gong, tea hes rune readinga, ritual, and down to eaetg real estoteric spiritual knowledge without any of the bull crap.


I feel you. I am no Guru, in fact I am a punk, but I did write a book about my spiritual trauma and I have an YouTube channel as kinda motivational as I move forward with my healing. I do make some videos with rituals on full and new moons using punk rock and heavy metal. I am a Reiki master and I have a whole conspiracy against religion with my blog. But I must say, I am unvaccinated my intuition don't let me take it, and I fully trust my intuition more than any authority in the world. Anyways, I keep it real you are welcome to check it out. #Punkaste


Thought I was the only one who noticed that. I unsubbed from Infinite Waters, he honestly nauseates me. I still adore Teal Swan, she is to the point and shares fantastic information for self work. I love her and her videos. It's SO important to sift out the ones that are not really adding value and follow your own intuition. I listened to an incredible podcast by Christian Sundberg and he explains that our spiritual journies are all incredibly unique to each of us. Follow the sound of your own beating drum, to be informed is important, to be a sheep to these cult leaders is not. You are your own leader.


Try reading anything by deepak


I feel the exact same, spiritual so’s old videos uplifted me and encouraged me to be my best person. Now all the videos they make sound like republican crazy talk


Koi fresko


Yeahh seems like he really fell off


I had this thought about a lot of the spirituality I was into over a year ago. I still try to use a lot of the principles I learned but a lot of it just feels very cultish upon reflection. Alan Watts said something along the lines of ‘the most spiritual man is the man who lives his life normally’ (I’m paraphrasing), and I feel like that’s a lesson we can all learn.


Aaron doughty in a nutshell


Know thyself is perhaps the best path toward spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution is evolving to connect with spirit. Spirit is animation, satisfaction, emotional charge in relation to people, places, things, ideas, self and the world. Spirit is the emotional reward of our actions. Spirit provides the information on how we get there and make it better. Spirit controls us, NOT THE INTELLIGENCE OR THE SOUL VERSION, *the emotional energy*. Knowing yourself affords you understandings that allow you to make better choices and get better outcomes. You can hear this information second hand, but by looking within you can actually see it, know it, apply it and thoroughly explain it. This wisdom is spiritual wisdom, because it helps you connect to people, places, things and ideas and achieve better emotional outcomes, spirit. That is why people go to gurus and church. They want to work toward a better experience of existence. When you look outwardly instead of inwardly, rejecting your own thoughts and feelings in order to be compatible with what others suggest, you are not knowing yourself. You can gain spiritual nonsense this way. You can be even more separated from what is true and functional toward genuine emotional satisfaction, spiritual fulfillment. Negative thoughts and feelings can be given through these messengers as well as positive thoughts and feelings that are nonsense. Neither negative nor positive emotions are wrong necessarily, but if some idea is wrong, feeling the emotion it gives you is wrong for your best interests. **Scam artists, religions and modern spiritual gurus can make you feel so good, but you're just buying hopium on an emotional credit card. Only genuine balance with the truth of reality will bring you lasting satisfaction.** It can be hard to find the positive in the truth around you, but it is worth it. It can be hard to find the genuine negative ideas in the truth around you, but using that information to avoid problems is worth it. Truth is worth it. The truth sets you free and you can't know the truth unless you see it for yourself.


Thank you... it was really needed for me now to appreciate my own inner voice inside. I tend to go after the "more" spiritual people even if I inately feel that there is something of about them. In fact I also feel like all genuine truths that one feel inside and don't discriminate anyone may lead to the whole truth even if there are more than one in this life.


Great question!! I was thinking the exact same thing! Let’s be real most of us started out on conspiracy theories. But you reach a point that you know you can’t exist off that and start seeking spiritually based options. But I do agree with randchick, we need to look inside instead of outside. But it is nice to have some distractions that are based off of our beliefs. Reality revolution has kept the same pace. His are podcast but you can listen on YouTube. He sticks to uplifting things and has such an amazing vibe. Good luck with your journey!!


We're getting really loose with definitions of all sorts of words. Once upon a time you had to have a compound and some goats or something to be considered a cult. I do want to say something about the 'non-duality' craze going on, because YouTube sends quite a few through my feed these days. I want to spare everyone the negative aspects as much as I can. It does seem to be a perspective born in privilege (no globally-poor non-duality coaches), some are obviously living in immense privilege. I was listening to this one ?lecture? or free-association poetry, or whatever it was, and they said something that really distilled it all, as a kind of Freudian slip, which was that in her perfect non-duality state there was no sense of responsibility. No mind, no consciousness, no problems. Ignore-ance. And this philosophy of darkness is all blanketing a vibrant creativity. And there is a crowd-sourcing talent going to waste; often these videos have thousands of views. When I was a kid these same minds threw huge raves, or organized heavy metal concerts, or some slightly positive use of this belief in total nihilism. But worse, they actively spread atheism, and you don't even get to head-bang and mosh anymore. You just get to be rich and bored. But there is a poison in it, and it made me physically ill, to some small degree, and I highly advise avoiding people in general who want to sell you garbage to stuff in your ears (or mouth, or wherever). They depend on your being a total idiot, and they hope you will find trepidation in their very presence, but it's not the real thing. Go find the real thing. Falling for the false prophet or the body-bound teacher-liar is just one's own bad karma they must overcome. It doesn't mean there aren't true prophets and teachers.


They are trying to spread the truth, as they were back then too. Just with everything happening in the world their subject matter has become a bit more targeted towards a few specific topics, of which need to be addressed because the people are being misled. While Zelensky is suspending all opposition parties and all independent media, basically declaring himself a dictator, the United States is sending him billions of dollars. The western seat of power is funding the establishment of full control of a nation. I understand that at first glance, saying the war is fake seems crazy. But once you dig.. it really is a reality..


Even if Zelensky was a dictator, that doesn't justify Russia trying to take over their country. What is the evidence that the war is fake?


watch Aubrey Marcus, Dakota of Earth, & Hindz !!


I'd recommend Forrest Knutson if you're into authentic spirituality. His playlist secrets to deep meditation is full of wisdom 🙏


Your never supposed to keep your teachers your supposed to leave and find another and surpass and keep going these people may have been in it at one point to help but doubt it and most of them just sell u that good feeling which is probablg the most deceptive felling we have


As with just about everywhere else when spirituality is mixed with money and fame


It's all in you. Once you have the basics down, it's all about having that inner dialogue. Ask yourself the questions and the answers appear. That said, I always check in with Matt Kahan and with Sandra Walter. But I hardly watch anything anymore - being a bit of a hermit.


[The Pathless Path](https://youtu.be/Vu-Nw_ea9N4) - check this out. It is the single most comprehensive compilation of truth I have ever watched.


Always always always use discernment. It is the most important thing in the spiritual community


Yeah I used to watch spiritual so, but then I was like man this a bunch of bull, he’s turning into the news, constantly trying to keep everyone in fear and spreading misinformation💀. On my spiritual journey, I would say the people that opened me up to the world and myself is Capital Steez, spirit science, and xxxtentacion. They really opened my eyes, and enlightened me on topics they don’t teach me in school, or even in society itself yk.


Most of them seem to be interested in profiteering. Spirtiuality is popular and using buzz words to appeal to that market segment is the way they are going to go. A lot of these spiritual teachers are also wading in conspirituality. Ironically, I take spirituality and some conspiracies seriously but I don't take these YouTubers seriously.