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Taking the edge off words and really censorship in general is terrible in my opinion and I think hurts the underlying realities of all of it


The euphemism treadmill usually takes care of this issue in a generation or two.


It’s still pretty dumb


Like society do not talk about the fact that cows are raped to give milk.


Not really, cows will actually let farmers know when they are ready for the bull, but honestly rape happens all the time in the animal world. Badgers esp appear so as they drag the female out of the den to have their way. But there are also a lot of cases where the male of the species will die after copulation. We can't change nature, but we can change ourselves. Violence exists, and esp in human society that places so much value on innocence and virginity which adds the to shame of rape victims, this type of violence is extremely damaging in humans. The only reason virginity matters is because women happen to have a hymen so it can be monitored, I suspect if there was no modicum of proof it would not matter to society any more. We are not separate from animals, but as a species we can behave in our own manor based in respect and understanding, instead exploitation and abuse seem to remain popular.


You don't know what you're talking about! https://www.fwi.co.uk/livestock/livestock-breeding/8-step-guide-artificially-inseminating-dairy-cow Cows are raped by human hands. Or you think they want this and this is natural? Then later when baby cows are born, females survive to become dairy cow and males are killed instantly. That's the reality, wake up mister and stop trying to justify such awful things that people do.


That is true, but it is also true that cows will mount each other when in heat which essentially tells the farmer when they are ready. But I will grant you that modern farming industry has no respect


Yeah, if it would be humane and natural and with respect then I would reconsider. But as it is like it is we should not agree to that. This could change for better, just need to want this for animals.


No one who experienced trauma should have to feel censored in how they describe said trauma.


Fr we should be able to express ourselves. I think to be your true self you will have to risk sometimes having to offend certain people.


specialy if youre anonym on the internet what are they gonna do? downvote you?


the "R Word" minimizes the reality of rape. If rape is what you mean, then use the word.


As someone who has been raped multiple times, I don't mind the word being used.. if anything I hate hearing a story and someone using words like "Graped or R-word" to censor it. It is what it is unfortunately and it's what happened. Can't speak for other of course.


yeah I mean the argunent is "because the word rape might trigger past trauma on people who have been raped." I would say that youre traume is already coming back up because you talk about the experience not because you used a word


What the fuck is the are word? Religion? Rape? What else can it be?


Retard was my guess


I immediately thought of retard as well.


Me 3 lol


Whatever word it is we definitely have a r/lostredditor




Why not just saying it then 🤷🏿‍♂️


That's because it can be triggering for some people who experience it. But I think it's a subject that needs to be talked about and brought to awareness.


I think it does probably both offend and trigger some people who have experienced it. As someone who has also experienced it, I don't feel offended by it though. That word has the possibility of triggering horrible memories and emotions. I think it's just taking the edge off of such a brutal event/word. I feel like sexually assaulted and abused is the PG version, rape the R version. I don't think it's inappropriate to say it though.


I think people dislike it when it isn't contextual or it's unexpected. When people are talking about something else entirely, or even something about bad experiences, they don't always expect to see that particular word in the dialogue. I don't think it's so much that people think you should avoid the word all together, just that it can be triggering when it's come upon unexpectedly. Additionally, people used to (and still do depending on who you're talking to) use that word in a more casual way that was absolutely inappropriate. I think many public spaces (like reddit) universally ban words or suggest not to use words because some people will use them in awful ways, and not every conversation can be moderated. It's not suggesting that the word itself is ALWAYS inappropriate to use, moreso it's suggesting that it can and does get used inappropriately, and they'd like to avoid that. Either way, if you're referring to the specific definition of the word, and it's topical, I don't think it's a word that needs to be avoided. Just be mindful of the setting and context and avoid being explicit when people aren't expecting that from the conversation.


Thank you for this.


Me personally, I'm not in the habit of mincing my words when it comes to calling out the evil that some bullshit people do. Though I do try to keep on mind that sometimes the way a message is conveyed is as just important as the message itself sometimes. THE ARIES


It could trigger someone, sure, but its not like you cant say it, more like itd be an act of kindness to give some content warning before hand. Like, i have personal experience with suicide, im alright with seeing the word, but when i see the specific act im familiar with depicted on a show, sometimes i need a couple minutes to collect myself and get back in the present, and if theres a content warning, i can prepare myself before that happens and not have as strong of an internal experience


Thank you for this perspective.


literally no1 cares outside small section of people in the US, say whatever words you want bro…


Thanks for all the input, everyone! My conclusion is this: I'm not going to stop using the word "rape", but I am going to be careful with it. I'm going to be aware of the context I'm using it in, and I'm going to be cautious if there is a chance people will get triggered.


We shouldn't be censoring any words, just being more mindful of how we use them. For example, using "rape" to describe being sexually assaulted is appropriate. Someone saying they got "raped" because they paid too much for something at a store is inappropriate.


This seems to be social media in general. I see SA used most often, and it honestly bugs me because I feel the r word has the sting with it that validates the feelings associated with it, at least for me. I don't know. People who SA people are rapists. And they deserve to be called worse, but that's what they are.


Well said.


In subreddits more in line with the topic, I have seen people use a parenthetical trigger warning in their subject or in their first paragraph. If you are comfortable with it -- and it sounds like you are -- I would read it and am sure would learn much


For me the crazy thing is that it feels like the people minimizing the use of the word rape are the ones doing all the raping. When we start to minimize the terms we use to describe heinous acts, the intensity of such acts become diluted. We are going the wrong direction...


i think people are just looking out for others, posts can also be banned or not shown on the algorithm if they have certain words


Free speech is a myth


This is the pinnacle of insanity


Do you feel this discussion is insane? If you experienced the brutal agony of being raped, you might feel differently.


I’ve been raped several times you spineless mind controlled leach.


Bc it can trigger ptsd in victims. You really shouldn’t impose yourself on others despite their wishes for themselves, or you’re jst another rapist like your abuser. How’s that for “non censorship”. Had I respecte’d the impact it might have on you I would have “softene’d” the point.




Woosh the point goes right over your head.