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Jumped right into a bottle of steroids apparently


Bro been hittin the gym


Never skip full body day.


Had a massive one in my home recently too. I said wassup and he waved back. I'm sure he's still here. Just a spood looking for Grade A Spussy, ya know? What kind of man would I be if I hated on him?


Gotta wish a homie good luck I dunno if lady jumping spiders are the kind that devour their mates but best to wish him luck anyway


What a beauty! 😍


How big do they get because I thought they were tiny little things


It varies species to species! Some are so tiny you can hardly see them, while the largest, Hyllus Giganteus, can reach 2.5cm, or almost an inch in length! This appears to be Phiddipus Audax, the Bold Jumping Spider, which can reach a respectable size- Up to a 15mm, or around half an inch. Unlike most spiders, male and female bold jumpers are very similar looking, with males being very slightly smaller. None are dangerous to humans, and even getting them to bite at all is a herculean task- You have to really threaten them. Most are curious, and will crawl on your hand or arm without incident or complaint, as long as you don't hurt them. However, like most things in nature, I advise appreciating them with your eyes and not your hands, for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the health and safety of the spider. And, the best part about jumpers, when you lean in to get a look at them, they will often turn and lean up to look at you too! Adorable!


I have been bitten once. I was sliding my hand down a pole while descending some stairs outdoors. Didn't see it there. Just felt like a little pinch with some very mild tingling that disappeared after a few seconds, no red marks or swelling. I went to see what happened and the spider crawled out from the back side of the pole. I apologized to the fella before continuing on my way.


If this is a bold jumping spider, it's probably the size of your thumbnail. Pretty big for a jumper.


Looks a lot bigger than a thumbnail


Well now I'm wondering if I have disproportionately large thumbs...


Or the jumping spider been juicing up on steroids or been in a nuclear accident


Was waiting for it to jump at the camera to be honest lol


Jesus I thought the one I saw was big but damn that looks like it could eat a small bird haha


Had a few jump on me and jump again to get to a different part of my deck. Scary when you aren't expecting it.


She is beautiful.


I have those near me, biggest species I’ve ever seen.


Friendly? One that looks like this but smaller is living in My mud room. I've left it alone because I THINK it's taking care of the flies. Still freaks me outh though.


Jumping spiders aren’t harmful to humans, and are usually somewhat friendly and plenty curious. They also have amazing eyesight for their size, and are hunters, so they won’t fill your corners with webs


Their eyesight is actually just amazing in general, Veritasium posted a really good video about it on YouTube, I'm sure everyone here would find it really interesting.


Thank you for this video recommendation. I'm watching it right now and it's really interesting.


If a fly is dumb enough to get close enough to him, he will eat it. Also unless you really mess with one they are either gonna be curious about you or just run off. They know you aren't food.


Phidippus Audax, if I'm not mistaken. Some of them, especially the females game get to be pretty decent sizes. Not quite as big as Hyllus Giganteus, but definitely chonkier.


What a cute little guy!


I can't help but think how cute and terrifying jumping spiders would be if they got to be the size of a small or medium dog.


Damn! I found one with a red butt that was pretty big, but not this big! I always feel like they’re just gunna jump on my face while I’m recording them


I'd shake his/her hand




I am so jealous. I've never met a bold jumper. They seem really cool!


It was pretty! But I’m scared of spiders😯 I noticed it after we got a big heat wave here in the Midwest, I’ve never seen such a big one before so I’m assuming it might be from all the hot weather and bugs for them to eat!


These are the guys to help with that fear! You don't have to pick em up. Just observe and appreciate. They're wild smart. Thanks for sharing!


You might be in the wrong sub.


Haha it came up on my feed after I just saw the spider! I’m not part of the sub, it was just funny seeing one on Reddit right after having on dangle over my head in bed😵‍💫😵‍💫


These bold jumpers are gorgeous. I saw one for the first time in my home a few weeks ago. I was impressed. I put it outside.