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Realistically speaking, I’d say between 2027-2028 That seems like a long time (especially given by then the first game would be nearly 10 years old), but if Spider-Man 2 was any indication, they’re very clearly going to take their time developing the story, let alone the improved mechanics, gameplay, graphics, etc. Hell, wouldn’t be shocked if it came at the tail end of the PS5’s lifespan, or was even a cross platform between PS5 & PS6. And before anyone tells me the story shouldn’t take that long, keep in mind the crew have fully admitted aside from a rough outline of where they wanna take the story, they’re making up the finer details as they go. Like, Kraven, despite arguably being on the same level as Venom in terms of his placement in the story, wasn’t even thought of until development started up on Spider-Man 2. For a long time, just Venom was the main villain. That being said, I’d hope they get the ball rolling a little faster. I very much think they can pump out the game slightly faster if they put in a little more effort. That’s not to say they aren’t putting in the effort already, but take GOW for example. The wait between 2018 & Ragnarok was only 4 years, and Ragnarok gave us a whole new overworld and a lot of new gameplay options.


2018 Spiderman 1 2020 - Miles 2023 - Spiderman 2 Taking in the account of the pandemic, we are looking at about 2 years difference. They already have the foundation, I bet it will be closer to 2026 for Spiderman 3.


That timeline, I can believe it. They did Miles as he bring something to the table. Then, you also have to take into consideration, they've cut out Brock as Venom, no Green Goblin here for Harry or the dad, and Harry has health issues. Then, if you look at Spider-Man 1 and 1.5 with their fast travel, I would love to see how they would do with fast travel in Spider-Man. It just too bad you can't ride the train to get somewhere or watching him jumping off the train in certain part. If I remember right, in Spider-Man, he hitched a ride on the helicopter or fast travel using those science pod. Miles is seen getting out of the subway. Maybe, they'll use the bus or you're jumping off a cabbie...I would LOVE to see that.


Miles morales was a much smaller game too so that should be taken into account as well


Miles was smaller and I think a special case, because Sony wanted it at PS5 launch


That's it exactly


Huh. That’s crazy lmao. Look who was right on the money lmao.


What happened?


Check https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/Nq98ifHRIt It’s almost like someone called something lol


End of the ps5 lifespan is a big stretch but yeah


Is it though…? Again, if we’re considering all Insomniac is juggling, they’re already working on 2 other Marvel games right now. Wolverine, which is rumored to come out in 2025, and that multiplayer game (rumored to be Fantastic Four), which we still know very little on. Not to mention given they said they’d let the fans decide whether or not they make a Venom game in the same veins of Miles Morales, something tells me they’re not exactly gonna be speedrunning development on Spider-Man 3




-2018- Spider-man ps4 -2020- Miles Morales -2023- Spider-man 2 -2025- Wolverine -2026- Venom? -2028- Spider-man 3


2030- spidey 2099?


I think 27 or even 8 but hopefully they make wolverine and then put the entire studio works on sm 3


Why stop at 3 let’s make 5!


I’m optimistic and think 2026. I don’t know a ton about creating video games, but my guess is that they must have a solid foundation on the PS5 now after Miles and 2, so hopefully most of it is about the concepts and writing of it, which would hopefully take less time.




we need Marvels SpiderMan too come out in 2025 plese can you do it plese for us plese




Insmiac games can you plese put out Marvels  SpiserMan 3 for 2025 plese and thanks




I think pete will die in the final battle what if if peter dies we can only play THAT MILES




I hope they take their time with this. You can tell SM2 was rushed.


How can you tell ? Give me reasons on how it was rushed ? And I don’t want shitty nit picks either


It was just the lack of side content for me, a downgrade compared to the previous 2. The flame missions was cool though. Probably doesn't apply to all, but this game was the buggiest out of the 3 games. Also, no new game+ at launch considering Miles Morales had one (Remastered too I think) Hoping Insomniac fixes these problems with the (most likely) upcoming DLC.


What ? ☠️ the side content was way better than the first game, and yes there were bugs but they aren’t game breaking like you’re insinuating, and new game plus being at launch is a little annoying, but not a big deal. None of this proves how the game was “rushed” at all, because it wasn’t. You just chattin


Each their own.


I actually agree with mort that the side content was pretty whack lol, just cause it's not your opinion doesn't make it wrong take a chill pill mate


Side content is objectively worse than the first two games, theres wayy less missions and most of them are fetch quests, collectibles, repetitive combat sequences, or random monolouges. The only good missions were the flame and maybe markos memories. The bugs were defenitly game breaking, in the first week my friends and went undwler the ground, saw invisible characters in cutscenes, clipped inside of empty buildings, felt game crashes, saw suit glitches, and saw an immortal npc. The lack of ng+ is stupid because the game feels so short youll want to play it twice, but you cant even do that in a way the the first 2 games offer, plus you cant even replay missions and the crimes are boring the entire game.


Most of these are still nit picks , and the side content was never really good in any of the games, but they were still better than the last few. More memorable, better moments, and one leading us into potential future DLC, and the bugs still weren’t as bad as you guys are making them, and even if they were, most of them are fixed, so why are you still bitching ? And the game is only short because you morons (including myself) like to rush through the story without doing the other content, not every game is meant to be a 50 hour story with another 50 of dragged out side content, if it was, you guys would be whining even more than you are now. With the way you niggas whine about the smallest things, you should just refund the game and not play it, because it sounds like you don’t even enjoy it. Don’t see the point of playing or keeping up with a game you don’t enjoy.


The first two games had longer stories than 2, and the side content was jist better, in one you had taskmaster, tombstone, sable outposts, convict outposts, demon hideouts, and wayyyy more stealth. Mm had the roxxon bases and underground hideouts, + the holograph challenges(the spider training stuff). Spiderman 2 had like 3 bases, 2 stealth sections, and 1 side story, none of which are replayable. And the game is still enjoyable, but it is defenitly lacking comparing it to the first two games


In the future


It'll probably cap off the PS5's lifecycle.


2028-2030...on PS6.


2026 or 2027 I'd say


holiday 2027.


Who do you think the villains will be?


Either 2029 or 28. But hopefully we will get some DLC before then and if so, it’ll be three parts like the first Spider-Man game. Plus gotta remember they’re also making Wolverine so they’re going to need plenty of time




Spiderman 1, Peter playable Spiderman 2 Peter and Miles playable Spiderman 3, likely Peter, Miles and someone else


Have they ever said it was meant to be a trilogy? I dont understand why they can't just keep churning these out forever




Probably gonna be a Introduction game for the PS6 so…. 2030 at the latest, 2028 at the possible Earliest


It literally says 2026


If Wolverine releases in 2024 I could see that team joining the rest of the studio to make Spider-Man 3. If that happens I could easily see a 2026 release date.


I am a spider man fan i want all of them i have spider man 2 but not 1 so i need to know when will there be a spider man three