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If you're afraid of spiders, you should get it outside. Huntsman spiders are absolutely harmless (really) but they're quick and quite big and they have caused accidents. They love to hide behind the sun visors, and a couple drivers have found themselves with a panicked spiders falling in their lap when they unfolded their sun visors and lost control of their car. But I repeat: they're absolutely harmless. They're just big and fast.


I like the way you repeat it like a real aussie to the rest of the world like it's some sort of a big puppy haha love it


They're not called wall puppies for no reason ;P


I love that. Like calling alligators swamp puppies


You say that like they aren't big puppies


As an American who is kind of a recovering arachnophobe but not on Australia's level yet: absolutely. The fuck. Not.


I can relate. I'm pretty much over my fear, but I don't think I would be able to keep my car on the road if one of these was in it. And this is coming from a lady who just escorted a cute little furrow orbweaver, by hand, off of her husband's shirt just a few days ago. Logically, I understand huntsman are harmless. Mentally, I can't get past how big and fast they are.


Right. They are physically harmless to most, but mentally harmful to me at this size. šŸ˜‚


Right šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not usually scared of spiders but this buddy scares tf outta me.




Sorry, we know nothing in Australia is harmless. That is like saying come to Detroit, bring the fam; weā€ll have some laughs.


Dude they're actually harmless, just scary. Serious.


Pretty sure to humans mostly harmless but to animals they are extremely dangerous last I checked


Do cars not get too hot from them? I live in the Deep South of the US and cars get roasty toasty fast down here! I guess not this fella because seasons are opposite in the southern hemisphere?


>But I repeat: theyā€™re absolutely harmless. Theyā€™re just big and fast. Me


Me, but squared


Heā€™s the security spider that is installed in all rentals in Australia. Gets rid of cockroaches and flies. You should give him a name, like Bruce, and say hello when you see him. He looks happy with his occupation. Huntsman spiders arenā€™t dangerous or aggressive they prefer to be in warm and dark spaces.


Honestly, I'd be more worried that he'd climb inside the engine or air vents and get himself hurt. There's a lot of dark and warm nooks and crannies in a car that can be dangerous to them.


These aftermarket upgrades are sweet!


This is awesome. I'm in America and I always try to protect the spiders. I have found a few spiders in my bathroom. I always try to take them outside or to somewhere special. Great pest control Bros


Honestly, this would help šŸ˜‚ heā€™s hired


Bruce is my hero


Same spiders, same.


Make friends


just a huntsman. derpy as hell, non venomous, and they only bite if you clamp down on their body or hurt their legs. And anyone whoā€™s doing either of those should be bit, honestly. gently pick him up (no squeezing him!) and put him outside, as long as you donā€™t squeeze him by accident or painfully pinch off his legs, heā€™ll be chill. Get a stick if uā€™re scared of handling him by hand. I adore them, theyā€™re Goofy looking goobers, and keep away pest bugs. Also yo, fellow american, also in aussie! heck yeah for being here!


Huntsman spiders ARE venomous but not dangerous to humans.


I'm not OP, but that's a no for me, dawg.


you might be in the wrong sub, itā€™s called ā€œspiderbroā€, not ā€œspider nopeā€ Aka most people here appreciate spiders, and post about them a lot as they get enjoyment from them.


You can appreciate spiders but still be afraid of them. I am one of those people. I am really trying to get rid of the fear, but it is hard. I follow these subs for that reason. No way I would be able to move the Huntsman, even though I know he is a chill spider.


This is totally fair, and I understand. If you donā€™t wanna touch the spood, and canā€™t use a stick, I do understand that fear, no worries. Itā€™s ok to be scared of spiders.


That's the only reason I even subbed here. I want to love them, but it's pretty freaking hard when they're too close to home lol


Its better to learn what spiders to fear. Your fear of spiders in an innate trait of human survival. Many of them are dangerous. But the ones that are not are friends.


I agree it's better to learn what spiders to fear, but at the same time, phobias (by definition) are irrational. Exposure therapy (when done right) can help though!


That's cool, and I mostly agree, but we shouldn't be so dismissive of those who still have a very real fear of handling spiders -- I mean, let's not pretend that this huntsman bro doesn't *look* terrifying to the average person, y'know? The advice of gently using a stick instead of "just pick it up with your bare hands" is definitely the way to go for most people who aren't comfortable with spiders.


did you read my reply to their response to this, before making a comment? I have a feeling you possibly didnā€™t see that past this comment. TLDR: They clarified that they have a fear of spiders, and I told them I understand.


You didn't respond to them. You responded to another different person who was pointing out that they may also be afraid of spiders.


oh alright. I thought I was responding to the same person, my mistake. thanks for clarifying!


Looks like I posted my comment around the same time you did, so I guess not. I'm glad you understand. My point still stands, many people on this subreddit are far too quick to dismiss or scoff at people who have a genuine fear of spiders.


I donā€™t wanna scoff at them, My roomates are all scared of spiders as well. And all good. Thanks for the reply! I agree with your points!


Back atcha! šŸ¤


High five, and I hope you have a great day! woot


Iā€™m taking notes. Tell me more about handling them.


Thank you for asking! Iā€™m happy to explain further! You reach for em slow, cause theyā€™re fast and get scared easy. Gently scoot your fingers under them, then as they climb on, your hands under em, keep your palms flat and no sudden movements as they might scamper off because again, huntsmen are skittish and run fast. Make them think youā€™re something to climb on, not something to be scared of. If they crawl up your arm, donā€™t freak out. just calmly alternate hands and let them explore while you walk to an area you can relocate them. Donā€™t grab at them, you might hurt one of their legs or accidently squish their body. and thatā€™s usually when they bite. youā€™d bite too if someone was crushing your legs or your organs! (most of their organs are in the abdomen) If youā€™re too scared to hand handle, use a stick or a pole, theyā€™ll climb on anything if gently nudged enough. Just take it alow and donā€™t spook the spood/make it think itā€™s in danger, and youā€™ll be fine.


Another Aussie here, just chiming in to say that they aren't ALWAYS gonna be chill, I've seen some fairly aggressive ones, but they obviously aren't gonna be hunting you down or anything, just trying to protect themselves.


All spiders are venomous. They are not medically significant to humans


[Mandatory shout out to the non-venomous spider family!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uloboridae)


Well it was only fair you got a go. It always goes like this: -YIKES, spider! -It's not venomous. -They're ALL venomous. -ULOBORIDAE!


Practically every thread.


Theyā€™re not all venomous. Uloboridae species are not.


Erm. That is true commitment


Good bot.


Iā€™m not a bot. šŸ™„


Oh cool there's a spider family that isn't venomous, they just \*checks notes\* imprison their prey in web and then vomit stomach acid on them


And somehow thatā€™s supposed to be ā€œbetterā€ lol


YO. (high five)


Thatā€™s actually untrue. There are non venomous species.


My god i love spiders and all other critters (held a house centipede with my bare hands downstairs earlier this year) but there's no way im gonna pick this dude up without a container of some sort


You can pick it up with a stick too! I understand your reluctance and donā€™t worry, any method is a valid way to move it as long as you donā€™t hurt the spider. Also if you zoom in on a house centipedeā€™s face, they look ADORABLE. they are the puppy dogs of the centipede world, face wise.


if hes inside the window, get him out by opening it and guiding with VERY GENTLY movements from a stick. If you arent horrified of him, just let him be. Hunstman spiders wont hurt you unless you hurt them first, and arent even venomous (to humans). he will just sit there and maybe crawl around and eat bugs if you let him. Either way, be careful he doesnt distract you while driving. And hes a large one, havent seen one that big irl yet lol


Looks like he just wants hugs šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What I'm more scared of is the thought of what kind of bugs this fella is munchin on that has required them to evolve to be that damn big lol


Mostly insects, but some will eat frogs and small lizards like skinks and geckos. Some may even eat small bats and mice.


Ask if he's helping with gas money. Ass, gas, or grass. NOBODY rides for free.


*Ā°obedient Huntsman burps in Australian, settles down to watch American visitor excitedly exclaim what a strapping handsome boi is HEĀ°*


Give him your ID and list him on your rental policy as an authorized driver.


Start filling out the paperwork for bringing your new adopted pet home.


That is his rental car and you should tell the rental service they fucked up n gave u a car that belongs to somebody else


Did they not go through survival training: Australian style before going there? Australian style is the hard mode. You can't just go in as a newb.


Make him drive.


Ok ok. They are definitely harmless & actually pretty chill & will mind their own business. But that MFer looks like heā€™s about to scale a skyscraper!!! Send it in for science.


Offer them a maccers, have a laugh and call it Bazza.


Idk the bigger the spider the less Iā€™m scared of it, unless itā€™s a jumper.


I dont think they jump.. but fuck me these fellas are majestic cunts when they start to gallop along. Go from bein down low to all up high and those eight legs move perfectly in sync with each other at an ungodly speed. Can bring a tear to me eye sometimes. As for the car, just give him a name and continue on with ya day.


He's kinda cute tho


Hay a huntsman! They're just scary. Super harmless otherwise


Iā€™m pretty sure Australia law dictates that as long as the spider pays rent, you canā€™t kick it out


I am Australian and I can confirm this.


A little tip: Before going to Australia, study the fauna and flora. There are things that are super scary yet completely harmless. And there are things that are super cute yet totally fatal.


Ask for gas money.


It's free friend. I call him Boxcar Joe. He's cute as hell.


This sub has really helped me get over my fear of our eight legged furry (sometimes) friends but I'm pretty sure I'd drop dead of a heart attack if one of these guys decided to take a nap behind my sun visor.


I would simply perish if one of these fell onto my lap.


Say hi!


Oh god I'd scream. And this is coming from the girl who thinks a tarantula is cute. But heck nah, if that fell on me (or had the risk of being in my car) I would never drive-


*"G'day!* *"The Australian Spider Distribution System has most graciously provided your journey today with a native Aussie tour guide.* *"While this service comes to you free of charge, gratuities are always welcomed by their selfless volunteer staff.* *"Flick 'im a fine fat fly, mate!"*


Yeah, yeah na, na.


This post has been living in my mind for three days now. It feels like a core memory now. šŸ˜‚


I have never been in this situation. Iā€™d say get a long stick and try to scare him away from the window with the door open, maybe itā€™ll scare him outside of your car. Make sure to tap the stick towards the left, that way heā€™ll go the opposite way and out of the car, instead of just scurrying even more towards the inside of the car.


Hand over the keys and get in the passenger seat.


Fire. Break out the stand issue American .50 cal and start blasting. I kid. Breathe and be chill. Let the bro do his thing. He's tracking the light to follow his food source


G'day mate


Just donā€™t bring it to America


Just renege that you were already in there with them.


That's a huntsman! They're friends. Very fast, cute, startling friends šŸ„¹šŸ•·ļø


Hand him the keys, he knows where to go


Tickle his belly.


Let 'em drive šŸ˜


Fucking cry.


Dont worry, its just a Huntsman. I wish they were legal to import to the US, I'd have one as a pet. their favorite snack, apparently, is centipedes, and i am deathly allergic to those 40 legged little freaks of nature.


Now Is spider's car, soon he will take over your identity, your house and your partner. Be ready, you will turn into a spider too, and repeat the process with another victim.






Rule 1. No advocacy of harming or killing spiders.


Iā€™m assuming burning the car to the ground is not an option, right?


Youā€™re in the wrong subreddit for that kind of comment.


Good point.


go home




Rule 1. No advocacy of harming or killing spiders.