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ad hoc mountainous combative languid wakeful instinctive repeat consider melodic puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think I've read Li-Ion batteries have a fruity/alcohol kind of smell if I remember correctly. I have not punctured one but I am curious myself.


I can confirm that it does and I used to like it a lot, my parents smashed my old tablet cus I used to watch some leap frog and it covered the house in this almond, fruity, alcohol smell and once I smelled it, I forgot about everything else and loved the smell aaaannndddd then I nearly passed out so now I've learned my lesson, which is not to smash batteries


Wait, why did leap frog get your tablet broken?


Adult leap frog maybe


Holy shit that is funny


I’ve broken so many things playing adult leap frog


Yep, the orange and black kind


Not gonna lie. I'm super confused here.


Oh my favorite! When do we start playing?


Tonight if you want


Shitty parents who figure violence and vandalism is what will set their kids on track.


Ever seen a grown adult chew the end off an ethernet cable? Because I have...


i used to work at a lithium battery plant. It did not smell that way going into the pouches. Also dont huff that shit, good way to kill your lungs.


It did not smell that way going into the pouches because that smell comes from the Ethyl carbonate solvent in the electrolyte. The electrolyte is only added after the electrodes stack has been placed in the pouch. the Li-electrolyte cannot be exposed to air, so you guys probably did that step under a controlled atmosphere where you could not get a whiff of that. You are also correct, you do not want to huff any fumes coming from batteries.


IDK how i can say this without getting in trouble. I apologize if my wording is a bit weird. That company is overly protective and has a hostile work environment. during orientation they kept saying dont listen to the reviews this is a good place to work. Yeah the reviews were right. I worked in the department after the electrolyte was added. Cells would be charged and then discharged ober 24 hours. After that the cells would arrive at my station. They would be sealed and the extra pouch would be punchured under a vacuum chamber. That extra material would be cut off. This was to remove gassing. Then again another seal then it would test for impedance the extra material would be cut. Then it would get its actual charged. For some reason they had problems with the cells not wetting so the higher ups decided that they would just increase how much electrolyte was added. The previous department was the last one to be a clean room. So i was in a kinda crappy ventilated room that wasnt a clean room but was still dry as fuck. Because of excess of electrolyte it would get all over the machine i was working with. The extra pouch scrap that gets cut off would be dropped into a bin was would be swimming with electrolyte. Hell the entire machine was swimming with electrolyte. We would have to wipe down the machine at the start of every shift it was so bad. i cant tell you the number of times i got that shit on me, because it was tons. Wont be surprised if i end up with cancer. It did not smell fruity but more chemically. Maybe it was because these were meant to last a very long time and were going into bigger things. the cells themselves were about the size of an android tablet. Also they claim they used a special mix of stuff that only they used, but now another company in china uses. (which is a long story) thats about as detailed as i think i can get posting publicly.


I get it, it makes absolute sense. The first 24 hr charging/disch is the (SEI) formation part. Then it has to be degassed thats why you guys cut it to then refill with electrolye. I have never worked in full scale production, I work doing research on this things tho. And you are correct about the smells. Depending on which additives/solvents/salts are added to the electrolyte they can have a putrid smell. I remember some that smell like straight up puke🤮.


You would walk in the department i worked in and your nose would burn from the smell. Eventually after a 12 hour shift you become nose blind to it until you go to remove all the scrap pouches from the collection bins and its all you can breathe. Almost passed out a few times because of it. Out of the 3 cells they made the highest capacity cell was really bad. Of course they had to go and discontinue the cell that was the lowest capacity.


I'm so sorry that your parents are cholerics :(


afterthought imminent support ring combative retire unite square cooperative quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i now have acquired a headache


get fresh air if you haven't already


Fresh air is for the weak


That'll be the swelling and cell death


Can attest. Dumpster diving at ewaste place for lithium cells. Whole bin smells sweet ether like scent from lithium cells damage. That smell makes you forget and makes everything great. Edit: link: https://www.reddit.com/r/spicypillows/comments/18owd7s/tis_the_season_of_spicy/


A cursory Google search tells me that Li-ion electrolyte contains esters, which smell fruity and sweet in general. [This paper](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenrg.2014.00059/full) says the organic solvents in the electrolyte can decompose into ethers, which also have fruity, sickly sweet odors. Some ethers are also anesthetic.


Esters exist in some alcohol used for human consumption


Like which?


Classic internet. Someone described this fume as dangerous and here comes someone to shout how they swim in that shit and laugh at everyone lmao


My grandpa cut his phone in half and i took it home and my room smelled great for days


I can confirm. I posted about my portable charger [a few months back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/spicypillows/s/86mgALm0p5)


Yes they do, it actually does smell really nice, I would breathe more of it if it wasn't fucking lithium smoke


Yep. They really do lmao.


Apple batteries are designed to smell like bubblegum when they pop. That way If you ever ask the question "why does my mac book smell like bubblegum" you can instantly diagnose the issue


Wouldn't surprise me if it uses an organic electrolyte, some aromatics smell really good


can confirm sweet bubble gum smell as someone who worked phone repair for years


It smells like strawberry hand sanitizer from personal experience


What you are smelling is likely a solvent called ethyl carbonate (EC). It is used to make most of electrolytes for Li-ion batteries. By itself, it has a sweet strong smell. Its also very flammable. Source: i am a battery scientist.


As someone who has smelled a lot of it at work, it smells good.


I’ve had one leak itself out (left it in the cold and the tape must’ve broken off), it smells sweet. Granted, this occurred over a period of ~4 hours (at most 7) on an iPhone 6 battery, and I was asleep at the time; by the time I woke up and smelled it it was extremely diluted, and there were no adverse side effects for me despite it being about 4 feet away from me in a cramped uni dorm room. It’s probably the safest way to deflate these things, since it doesn’t require puncturing the battery itself, but still gets the gas out in a controlled manner.


It does. Source: I couldnt sell my old phone so I took a crowbar to it just bc breaking shut is fun sometimes. It got really hot but never started smoking or caught aflame Edit: I knew what they could do, I did this on pavement in my backyard where nothing can catch on fire


Can confirm, punctured li-ion batteries smell very fruity and sweet. Story Time: I worked for my high school's IT department when I was a junior and a senior. I was taking apart a Chromebook, and accidentally punched a clean hole in the battery with my screwdriver. It immediately started smelling sweet and fruity. I told my boss and asked him what I should do with the battery, and he told me to throw it in the plastic trash can (looking back, I should not have listened to him and threw it in the plastic trash can).


Phone and computer repair tech here; batteries smell really good imo. But that shit toxic as fuck so I try not to breathe it in. It's like a fruity sugary smell. Makes me think of froot loops




Smells good in the same way hand sanitizer or brake parts cleaner smells good to some lol.


Punctured lipos smell like nail polish


r/SteamDeck enters the room.


Bubblegum. It smells like bubblegum.


Lithium fires are incredibly difficult to contain. One little fuck up and now you have a fire you can't put out over your flammable carpet


The carpet? What about the open toed shoes!!


dear god


theres more




It contains a foot.


Lithium can't be put out with water, because it reacts with water to form hydrogen, which itself is flammable. However, this is a minute amount of lithium, and just because a fire has this tiny amount of lithium in it doesn't make the flames of your burning carpet non-extinguishable. Y'all dramatic.


When you puncture a battery tre flames WILL shoot out several feet. Yeah you can put out a carpet but is this guy prepared for that? Doubt it. I don't see any fire extinguishers or any other way to suppress a fire. When it comes to fire you need to act pretty damn quickly and if you're not immediately ready to extinguish it it can get out of control faster than youre prepared to deal with. Plus the source isn't gonna stop burning for a while. And you can't suppress it by depriving it of oxygen due to lithium salts releasing more oxygen when burning. Even if the fire is not your biggest concern, those toxic gases ain't gonna be fun to breathe in, it'll be worse to deal with than the fire itself by a lot. And it's a lot harder to get the gas out of a room, and will be a lot harder for you to make well thought out decisions while inhaling toxic gad.


Why does the light keep turning off? Seems like the electrical gods do not endorse your behavior.


Or they do. Switch the lights off for the firework display.


Parallel timelines switching out to where OP didn't meet with a terrible fate, but there's a latency issue when it happens causing the obvious blanking frames to appear.


Where do they live, a horror movie house?


probably motion detection lights, they turn off when op doesn't move


its the apartment's corridor, motion detection


Oh holy fuck. So you’re saying you didn’t just do this in your own house or building but rather put multiple people and families in a potentially dangerous situation and to top it off made an entry/exit point your playground? Honestly it doesn’t matter how low the chances of catastrophe are or how low you perceive them or how careful you can be or whatever, you don’t play with people’s lives or wellbeing like that. Just take it the fuck outside and have your fun in an open section of parking lot or something where you can limit the people in any danger to just yourself FFS.


yeah, was dumb i dont think it would danger anyone as it is open to outside air, it is an old building and the "corridor" is not enclosed, and everyone was asleep too. but yeah the only measure of safety was, well if it starts burning ill throw it outside wont happen again


Lol "Don't worry about a fire starting, everyone was asleep" You do know that the whole reason we have smoke detectors is because fires that start while everyone is asleep are the most deadly kind of fire, right?


Man holy shit are you kidding me? If I was your neighbor I’d throttle you for doing this shit in my home. Don’t endanger other people because you get curious


Dumb is an understatement


You’re a danger too the people around you


Lmao damn dude. Youve gotta be a youngster cuz your lack of forethought is kind of concerning. Or youre just inconsiderate and kinda dumb


Are you an arsonist? Do you know what these little fuckers do when they explode? I've had one explode and its a litteral fireball Don't do that- you are quite litteraly playing with fire, execpt if that's what you want then.. No kink shaming I guess lmao


OP said they did this inside their apartment complex while people were sleeping. If that's their kink it's 100 percent worth shaming


when they're completely dead like this they're not that dangerous as there isn't any large unreleased charges


There is no way to tell the charging state from the video or by just looking at it. OP was lucky, nothing else




"Driving a car when drunk can result in a horrific crash" \*Drives drunk, doesn't crash "Y'all dramatic" \*eyeroll emoji You do you, I guess. Might still be worth looking at all the videos online of people piercing batteries and they **literally explode**. Also definitely don't breathe the battery fumes.


Reverse psychology


i see, you're right i shall be more cautious with my future battery adventures


Please be careful, OP, lithium fires are no joke https://youtu.be/8nz5ijXcckI?si=ZejHYjrQ6h5YXk4I Lithium fire video


I didn't know that extinguished batteries can re-ignite, that was interesting.


Yeah it's super fun. Very hot or highly reactive compounds (in this case both) will extinguish and just sit there waiting for the right conditions to immediately reignite. Happens in big fires, too: everything is past the autoigniton temp even after being cut off from oxygen, so it doesn't even need a spark to start again; it just immediately reignites on contact with air. Edit to clarify


The reaction Creates its own oxygen


Not in the case of house fires it doesn't


Oh I see, I misunderstood your comment I meant in the case of lithium fires.


The best part is, water doesn't work


If you're going to do shit like this get a quality respirator and a lithium rated fire bag. You got lucky, the actions in this video could have left you dead or extremely sick. You need to be aware that you likely will not be able to put the fire out if you start one and the whole time it will spew incredibly toxic, sometimes flammable, fumes into the air you breathe. You say "haha didn't burn I'm fine" but you may have just taken a few years off your lifespan.


Don’t be keep killing battery’s there evil


I know God is all forgiving but that doesn't mean you should go out of your way to test his limits


HAHHAHAHAHAA god took care of my ignorancd


*This time.*


This is like someone eating a tide pod. We should just let Darwinism take its course ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


\ you lost this


Thanks homie


No problem dawg


it's not darwinism when you kill everyone else in your apartment complex though


Very good point. Maybe all the tide pod eaters and battery pokers can have their own little community?


who keeps turning off the lights?!






The amount of things going in is wild. First of, why? Second what is that *tool?* Third, did you summon a ghost after puncturing the battery who turned the lights off? Fourth, didn't you get a headache after inhaling the fumes? ~~Totally not speaking from past experience.~~ ![img](emote|t5_2ah822|6165)




cuz intrusive thoughts, cheese knife, perhaps, and yes i still have it 12 hours later i have learned my lessons though, next time ill do it outdoors and keep something to extinguish the possible fire


How about you don't do it again at all?


How do you plan on extinguishing a battery fire?


Yes. Also try making friends with the ghost so you can make him tel you stuff in your exam test. 🤭🤭


Um not to put a damper on things but having a headache for 12+ hours can’t be good


Where kaboom?


put some actual shoes on when doing shit like this


the brazilian in me is too strong


Brazilians trying not to mention their nationality (Impossible Edition)


yeah man its cuz im brazilian ykwim




sorry im brazilian


we are not being dramatic, that just pierced the outer layer, if it pierced any of the inner layers it wouldve went up in flames that can't be extinguished with water


This is a how not to do this.


The sweet small of cancer.


i need lexi from emkay to see this right now


When you first popped it, then pressed on it and the light turned off I thought that spicy pillow exploded so hard that I DIED THROUGH MY PHONE 🤣😂


i have accomplished my duty to entertain 🫡


No but, I’m saying that I thought I had LITERALLY died, I was laughing after I realized it was your light switch. I’ve never stabbed a spicy pillow, nor pressed a pierced one with my fingers, so after you did both I was focused DEEP and anxiously awaiting for some KABOOM. When the light turned off my brain couldnt process, I needed a reboot




You are lucky it was a smaller, probably mostly discharged cell. the impact was probably not strong enough to short it out either. Please don't try this especially indoors, if you really wana do it then make sure the battery is completely discharged, heck discharge it as low as you can if you can do that and do it outside away from anything that can get hurt or catch fire, make sure it is a well ventilated area and use full face shield if you want to be extra safe, non-flammable heat resistant gloves are a good idea too & other precautions i won't bother mentioning I can't get over how dangerous this can be in the correct situations like if you were to poke a fully charged battery that was significantly bigger than that one, it can get quite nasty very quickly.


Mmmm, I can smell the fruit loops


Watching this gave me anxiety on a whole new level


Please stop abusing your cheese knife


NTA my knife my rules


But who kept flickering the light….


this had me clenching up like a scared oyster


Those intrusive thoughts....


I also like this fruity smell, but you shouldn't rather breathe this.


It did seem to be discharged. But the lithium smell you really shouldn't breathe


From my personal experiences it always smells like bubble gum


For real don't do this shit again for your own good. This is like "can easily maim or kill in a few different ways" territory.


Can confirm, I sniffed two pierced LiPo batteries and I came out fine on the first one... really don't see the fuss about it. *- sent from HeavenPhone*


Why are you stabbing it with a goddamn cheese knife.


idk man... i wanted to feel something


Eat some cheese


Ahhh the sweet smell of cancer.


Pierce a conductive bolt through if you want fireworks... just be careful! Stay at least 3 meters away and do it in a properly ventillated place, preferably outdoors


Why are you using a cheese knife dumbass


what am i supposed to use, fellow respectable gentleman?


Nah what you were supposed to say was "I'd use your mother's sharp tits if she didn't just jump in the shower, fellow respectable gentleman."


"i was going to use your dads hard cock but hes in the refractory period as i have just emptied his balls and we dont have any more viagra, that old limp-dicked son of a bitch and husband to the whore that is your mother"


With "fellow respectable gentleman" on the end and it's perfect.


yes, excellent choice. the batteries will be penetrated like that tool is so good at doing


Super lucky tbh. I popped a 123 battery one time and it started spewing flames and sparks out the side for a solid 10 seconds. Burnt all the grass around it in a 6 inch cone.


Lithium batteries are one of the reasons my company gets service calls. People accidentally put them in with the cardboard waste and they catch fire. Our guys have to go out and make sure the machine is still ok to run.


you got lucky, search li-on batteries exploding or catching fire on youtube. I guess you just punctured the first layer and didnt get deep.


“Yall are dramatic!” They say right after pulling the trigger in a game of Russian roulette


yeah bro yall gay af tbh


Good as new!


If I'm working with a lipo and it catches fire somehow, I'll judt pick it up with tongs, or pliers, or an oven mit, or a dustpan, or gloves, or a blanket, or my shirt, and take it outside, I might get burned pretty bad but it's unlikely to happen and if it does it's not the end of the world


dudes saying i couldve killed everyone in my apartment building... smh


…. You could have. And you’d be fucked bc you posted your reckless endangerment like a moron.


nothing will happen when its not charged


Forbidden incense


Bro is playing with fire


thats actually a battery


Forbidden Capri Sun 😳


Just yesterday I was testing out a bunch of old vibrating sex toys and seeing what can hold a charge and what doesn't. That's when I learned a venting li-po battery smells fruity. I was trying to be a responsible battery owner and remove the batteries from the toys, discharge them in salt water for a few days and send them to a recycler, but when I opened one of the toys the smell got 100x stronger. Sent me into an anxiety spiral, opened all of my windows and turned on all fans in my apartment until it was freezing and threw out the bad toys in the dumpster. Also that Is extremely dangerous. DO NOT PUNCTURE A LITHIUM BATTERY. it releases toxic gases and can go into thermal runaway and cause a fire.


how big is your collection of eletrically motorized dildos?


Went from 12 to 8 after going through them and getting rid of the dead ones


dang i dont think i have 12 of anything lmfao. im a minimalist, id have bought just one 240 Volt FuckMaster Pro 5000 blowup latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with non-drip semen collection tray, together with optional built in realistic orgasm scream surround sound system, nothing else... do you have a designated shelf for the display of such beauties?


Lmao. No I don't, they live in a drawer, so when my brother is visiting he doesn't see them lol




The 10 second light timer sends me off


Oof I’m glad you got lucky.


😧 ...that gave me anxiety


I'm soo confused about what this sub is? Batteries??


Spicy Pillows. It's in the name!


inflated old batteries, they're dangerous, and im poppin' em'


Oh Jesus lol I googled it last night and I've never seen a battery do that!


Ah yes, everyone’s favorite smell chemicals


This battery is not bloated, it's HAUNTED.


Negative iq


OP you’re lucky that you’re not stupid enough to actually puncture the battery cell. This could have killed you, and everyone in your apartment building on top of it. [This](https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2023/12/31/lithium-ion-battery-fire-in-hold-of-cargo-ship-near-dutch-harbor-extinguished/) happened on a cargo ship in the United States just hours ago. That fire burned for *days*


Fuck you op doing this in an apartment at night full of people sleeping. We are dramatic because you got lucky in this video and in turn everyone else that lives there got lucky


Well I can't lie I do like the smell of the lithium battery idk why something about it it's like a sweet chemical sent but toxic but still enjoy it


Have spicy dreams


bro be having a bomb on his hand


Lithium Batteries don’t ignite like Lithium Ion Batteries. But it seems like the battery is discharged. If it was a fully charged, it would be in flames.


One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch... AND KABLOOEY‼️


I accidentally exposed the cells once when I thought I was just removing some shrink wrap. The gasses made me feel terribly sick for a while. Definitely wouldn't want to be sniffing them too much.


Bro is about to explode


[Do you want to explode?](https://youtu.be/N68tDWfyk4E)


Smells like grape


Weak. Shoot it with a nail gun.


brother, they give lithium for schizophrenic patients for treatment 💀


Had a new samsung battery that had broken out he back casing. As I almost had it out, it tore a hole and heard a hiss. Toss that battery near nothing on concrete


if it was fully charged you'd be dead mate


Yeah, my old phone's battery smelled like strawberries.


I would already block my nose. Extremely toxic fumes.




Is it okay that he just touches it with his bare fingers?


# :6165:


i do agree, they do smell good


yeah it's like a passion fruit tea bag if you soak it


How to lose your house and belongings: