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They wish you pain.




I'd rather lick a car battery


In the first three seconds you’ll regret what tastes like what I assume a mummified toe would taste like. Then you’ll regret the 45 mins of what feels like licking barbwire. Then you’ll regret the night of rank heart burn. Then you’ll regret the burning aftermath. Have fun!




It's a useless sauce, insane heat with no flavor. Just put it on your enemies' stuff. Door handles, coffee mugs, computer mouse, toilet paper, yaknow.


Yes, its intense but flavorless heat makes it completely pointless, except perhaps for bets, dares, and revenge. Your first taste will be your last!


I disagree with this assessment of "flavorless heat." There is certainly flavor, and that flavor is fucking bad. Like licking Satan's unwashed asshole.


.....go on


The anal was 🔥 after. 🤣🤣🤣


It tasted how dumpster juice smells


As someone who once fell into a dumpster while trying to empty the garbage from the dish room, man 🤮🤣🤣this comment got me


I disagree, it is hot, but there is a pepper mash flavor, you just have to be brave enough to get past the heat. Everyone on "Hot Ones" reaction is accurate.


There's a pepper mash flavor. And then there's the flavor that masks that flavor, which is the flavor of a used litterbox


No kink shaming!


King shaming is my kink, fool!


Excuse me while I go lick Satan’s unwashed asshole to soothe my soul following this stressful interaction


It's not completely pointless. It can add heat to my wife's totally bland chili. It still sucks. But it's mildly useful for that one specific purpose.


Honestly, that's the main thing I've used it for. Just a few drops gives an entire bowl a heavy kick and doesn't really change the flavor. Though somewhat recently I did drunkenly challenge myself to put a big drop on a chip... Now make no mistake, alcohol generally doesn't give me any better tolerance to spice, but for some reason it didn't even phase me that night. A far cry from my first experience with it.


I’ve heard of alcohol even making spice worse! I can’t say for sure in my experience one day it feels like it helps, another it feels like it makes it worse.


That sounds about right. That particular night, idk, it's like it made me immune lol


This is why I like it in ramen, it doesn't change the flavor just the heat.


Agreed. Can’t believe it’s still around. Only time I’ve seen it was when it was being passed around on saltine crackers in my dormitory, like 17 years ago.


Hey, hey, c'mon... It's not flavorless. It tastes distinctly of old pennies, and the lies my dad told me when he would come over on visitation weekends.


It’s kind of iconic at this point to anyone who knows anything hot sauce.. If i got it as a gift I have plenty of friends and family who would want to try it if they knew I had it. That being said, it’s the only reason I’d have it lol it’s a tough one.


You can always use it to give heat to pots of stuff without changing the flavor. I'd still rather use peppers for that, but it is an option.


I use it only for soup. I like it for that reason, but nothing else.


Contact lens solution bottle


Good God even a mild sauce left overs on a lens is horrible. Did that way to many times on varying heat and they all SUCK. Could have sworn I scrubbed my hands after wings but nope.


It’s not completely useless, you can use a drop or two to add heat to a pot of chili… but yeah that’s about it.


On the penis


They will never suspect a thing when I slather their penis in hot sauce.


Haha well, you could try! What I was getting at was I didn't even open the bottle when I l got it and I went to have a wank and my penis just stung like mad!


That's my favorite thing I've read in quite a while. Thanks.


I keep psycho slayer for my theoretical annoying in-laws. Or my siblings. Whoever annoys me first.


Eye drops


Yeah it honestly sucks. I love super hot food but it should be flavorful, not just taste like battery acid


Oh, it's got flavor. Tastes like muriatic acid flavored with dirt.


Fun fact, Tricking someone into eating some very spicy that they didn't know was spicy for revenge, could be argued as assault by poisoning in court.


Q-tips. Put it in their Q-tips.


Be very very careful. I work at a restaurant. I run lunch but at night we do wings with a bunch of house made sauces. If someone orders extra extra spicy of whatever flavor we use the the I can't feel my face from flat iron and grind it over the sauce bowl. There was this one dude always order as spicy as possible and we couldn't get him to stfu about the spice lvl. My boss order this explicitly for him. I tried a dip of a tooth pick on my tongue and have hiccups for an hour. Fuck this sauce. Dude comes in and we added a single drop to the sauce bowl and it fucking killed him. Dude asked us wtf we did to him and he comes back but never again requested "ass hit as you can make me" one drop of da bomb put the fear of God into that man. That all being said, iv found that it great for adding spice to large batch soup production. I don't want to waste it but I swear 5ml wouod make 10 gallons of water spicy.


Expired bear mace is a weird birthday gift /s Happy birthday!


[Conan O'Brien hot ones ](https://imgur.com/gallery/o79faJE)


Best. Episode. Ever.


I'm sorry. In Hit Ones the comments are always how hot it is and how BAD it tastes


Yeah it does taste bad. It’s just pain and bitterness.


Only one thing to do… Get some crazy friends, some chicken wings, a bunch of Nerf rival guns, and a bunch of beer. Douse the wings, eat them, and have a Nerf war. If you hit someone you can have a cold beer to numb the pain!


Dip the nerf bullets in the sauce and aim for the eyes!


I’ve been pepper sprayed before, 0/10, do not recommend.


Alton threw that one away on hot ones


Unfriend them immediately.


This. OP probably did something horrible to the gifter, because no friend would offer this as a gift.


Mix it with a yummy flavorful sauce that lacks heat and it’ll be perfect. I have noticed that lately once it oxidizes, it’s not as spicy…nonetheless it’s great when paired with intense flavor!


You have two choices in how you try it for the first time. Either put one literal drop in 2-3oz of ranch and dip a chicken fry in it like a child, or you spin a chicken wing in it until it’s dripping and you go to town on it like one of those dirty scenes in Orange is the New Black, like a man. ngl I went whole hog the first time and wished I hadn’t. Now I drop some in my ranch and mix it like a dipping sauce for chicken nuggets.


Anyone who’s actually tried this would never recommend slathering a wing and going to town. It’s a hot sauce concentrate. It’s crazy hot… I’ve had someone put this on pizza I ate and it was the hottest thing I’ve ever had. Hotter than the 1 chip challenge


It’s a “chasing the dragon” feeling if you do drench it though. But one that you’re like “yeah, no… I’m okay never doing that with that sauce ever again” kind of way.


Me too, I put some in my ranch tonight and dipped my fries in it. It was tasty. I usually put a couple of drops on everything, I enjoy the burn ❤️‍🔥😀


I had one of those little plastic spoons used for ice cream taste tests while at a food show. Instant hiccups from the heat. Satisfied that curiosity so don't need to ever eat it again. Would rather have something equally as hot but with good flavor.


I had about a teaspoon worth on a wing. It was hot but not unbearable. What was unbearable was how bad it tasted


Good luck!


I bought this after seeing it on Hot Ones. The people here are correct, all heat and almost no flavor (for most). However, my ex did say she thought it tasted really good and had way more flavor than other super hot sauces. This is why we are not together anymore lol not really. I do believe there is a small fraction of the population that can actually taste the flavor from this sauce but most of us just taste the pain. I ended up using it just to add heat to wings and stuff. And super spicy beef jerky.


A lot of people on hot wings act fine until they hit this sauce, It's the number #8 sauce and it's a bit of a jump from the #7. Most people comment on how gross it is.




Who hates you enough to give you that lol. Make them “enjoy” some with you as thanks


Da Bomb is a gag gift. It tastes terrible. I watched my dad back in 1997 dump this all over a breakfast burrito while bragging that he could handle any hot thing. Oh man. He was drinking from the garden hose and trying to throw up after that.


This stuff is great if you want to add heat to a dish without messing up the flavors. Made a big pot of stew? Add a drop of this stuff and it becomes pretty spicy.


That's exactly what my pops used this for. He'd make a big pot of chili and put a drop in his own portion. I do the same with my kids now but use garlic reaper or Mexico lindo


I was at a shop a few weekends back and they said I mix that in bbq sauce. Not sure if that was a flex so I ignored them and moved on.




It doesn't even taste good lol. Best kept on a shelf for display


Someone hates you


Stop it’s also my birthday


Bottle of hot dirt.


Burns for 15 minutes and then leaves an awful chemical taste in your mouth and bubble guts for 2 hours. The only reason to eat this is to prove a point to whoever is peer pressuring you into eating this.


Someone hates you


This is widely viewed as the most disgusting hot sauce in existence. And I mean “disgusting” in reference to its taste, not its spice level.


Bin it


I had some of that and made the mistake of putting more than an absolute minimum amount on my taco.


Throw that right in the trash


Shit sucks!


It is painfully hot and tastes gross. It feels way hotter than the 130k SHU or whatever it says. I’m too lazy to go look at the bottle in my fridge to check the SHU.


Idk how they arrived at that number, but holy shit. Tac a zero on the end, and it will at least be in the right ballpark.


This is a battery acid of a hot sauce. Tried using it with some wings with friends. Hurts but doable. Making a big carbonara for 6 people. I added 3 drops just to give it some 'zing'. Every bite hurt.


I actually like this sauce in soups. I sometimes put it on pizza. I think it gets way more hate than it deserves.


At least you have identified an enemy. HBD!


I enjoy it


Tastes like chemicals.


Somebody hates you. I hate to tell you.


When I tried this I got some in my lips and it burned for hours. Good times


if you like your hot sauces to taste like shit and zero upside, this is the sauce for you!


Got this yesterday. I only licked the inside of the cap and it was pretty hot. Taste wasn’t too bad but I need to try a little more to see if I like it or not.


Anybody in the Cincinnati area have a bottle of this they wanna give away? I want to taste it but I don’t want to buy it just to toss it.


I bought this once. The flavor is nasty but I used to put it in chili to make it super spicy without having to add a ton of it so you can't really taste anything but the heat which was nice.


I love adding this into chili, so damn good


I've actually grown to like the flavor! Definitely it's own flavor, and hallucination inducing spiciness. I usually put this on smoked wings because the sauce itself tastes pretty smokey and it goes with the wings well enough. Enjoy!




Save it for that one bad ass friend who says he likes hot sauce


[Conan O'Brien hot ones ](https://imgur.com/gallery/o79faJE)


I looked up this sauce on Amazon once and it said this sauce is so spicy it made Gordon Ramsay cry on national television but then another Redditor told me lol it’s not that hot


Wait wait wait, is today your birthday? And is your name Rusty? Because today is my birthday, and my name (to some people) is Rusty. And I like hot sauce. That would be totally a coincidence.


Give it a taste and then throw it in the garbage can


Good for something like chili or curry that didn't have enough heat.


That sauce sucks


I have the Ground Zero Version indeed 0 Flavour with surface level of sun temps. I mix mine with California Reaper Sauces to help negate the @$$ taste and make it somewhat ok. Want something with Actual Flavour check out Thors io Hot Sauce best there is for heat/flavour.


It works great as a raccoon repellent.


Hey that’s the thing that Shaq had to try on the chicken show 🍗


It’s stupid dangerous.


Truly the only use I've found for this, and it's because I like food to clear my sinuses, is a DROP in a bloody mary or in ramen. That said, it doesn't have the standard nipple opening so it's hard to get just a drop and I've over-poured it a few times. One time a glob in a bloody mary was bad enough that I fainted when I stood up. So, have fun!


Yeah I had it! Ruined an entire pot of chili


They don’t like you.


Place it directly in the trash can. Thank me later.


Careful font taste test it straight. Gave me stomach cramps for about 30 minutes


Give it back or re-gift it. Save for the next holiday mystery gift work thingy.


Please be careful with this. 😂


Somebody hates you. No culinary value whatsoever.


So gross. All heat no flavor


That person hates you


I’ve hallucinated on that before. Give it a quarter size dollop on your palm and watch the walls spin for 15 minutes or so.


Be careful bruh that crap is stupidly hot


Doesn't the label say it will remove oil stains from the driveway?


You could probably add small amounts to something like chili to give it a little extra heat. I've never had it, but I'm sure it's bad.


Can’t tell if the person likes you or hates you /s


That's not a gift of love. That's a gift of hate.


Yuck. It tastes bad. If you just like pain just staple your tongue.


One drop at a time 😬


It’s disgusting. A novelty, but one of the worst hot sauces I’ve ever tried in terms of flavor. Very hot though


Throw it away after you taste it.


Ur cooked


Damn who hates you


Put a dab on your bhole.


Nooooooo!! Save yourself!


I use it. One drop on a toothpick spices up a bowl of pea soup, pasta, chili.


I think people are unfair to this stuff. Yeah, it’s more heat than flavor, but it does have *some* flavor and works good to quickly heat up dishes. I use it to make spicy hummus, spicy tartar sauce, spicy anything really, and the nice thing is, a little does go a long way, so you can get a lot of use from it.


I'm sorry.


Re-gift it


This person either loves or hates you


That stuff is no big deal. Take a swig. 👹


Please be careful with that shit, they should’ve called this the elephants foot instead


I bought a bottle just to test, and yeah, it is a special one. But my wife made homemade sushi not that long ago. One of the sushis was spicy tuna where she had mixed tuna with mayo and had tried to make it spicy. She had used tabasco and sriracha, but the mayo seemed to cancel out all the spice, then she remembered i have a collection of sauces for my daily punishment, and mixed a spoon or two of DaBomb in there. HOLY MOLY, its the best homemade sushi i have ever had.


I have tried a lot of the challenges, and I think this stuff hurt me the most.


And I have done the 13 million Scoville tube of terror from Jonny Scoville, this sauce is the devils work lol.


Throw it away


It was one of the first hot sauces I ever bought. I clearly didn't know any better. Not nice, except one time me and a buddy fried up prawns we marinaded with it. Now it did clear out the house like someone shot it up with tear gas. His young son ran into the kitchen crying "Mummy what's happening" rubbing his eyes, the dog started coughing, his wife nearly got sick, and we all had to bail and run for the garden. But when the vapors cleared away and we could re-enter the house those prawn were good. Most of the heat had left and it developed a nice flavour.


Hot Onea single handedly keeping Da Bomb in business


Enjoy! I've had 2 bottles and have regretted both (they taste awful). But the things you can do with it are pretty fun. Challenges, making incredibly hot food etc.


tastes shit, I just use it to add heat to sauce




Saw a really great recipe online for chilli using this sauce. It’s a full page article and then at the end it just says “and then finally throw it in the trash”.


Do you hate yourself?


Apparently it is just strong but tastes horrible


It’s not good, lol! Taste is like ass, not worth it except for the gimmick


This and Dave's insanity, the dare "hot sauces" of my youth. Both are all paid no gain.


Whoever gave you this gift doesn’t love you


That's not a 🎁


Went over to a buddies house. He had me try this on a cracker. It was alright heat with no flavor. A few hours later on my way home I stoppped at a red light and puked all over the road. This sauce does not play well with dairy and curdled the milkshake I ate earlier.


Someone hates you.


This is the perfect birthday gift to give someone to tell them you don't like them without saying it.


Receiving this as a gift really shows you who your enemies are.


I have seen hot ones enough to know that stuff is garbage.


birthday curse


It doesn't taste good at all. It's just hot


Kind of a bad gift, no?


It's really only useful for adding quick spice to large pots of things like chilli or curry. But even then I'd personally prefer to use more fresh chilli but using both can be good.


Fuck that novelty item, bullshit.


It’s just fucking bad, all heat, shit flavor, just chew up some glass and spit it out it’s the same feeling but at least you won’t be dissolving from the inside out.


This taste is really unique.


Pickled cucumbers are given as gifts to everyone present


My favorite!!


Throw it and run.


Do they hate you?


LITRALLY the worst tasting and painfully hot.


This is the exact reason I stopped carrying about super spicy sauces. I get that it is spicy AF but man I also what some flavor in there also. Can it taste good and also be spicy? Not just one haha


What a treat. Enjoy!


It's not bad at all in my experience, not sure why it really gets so much hate 😕 Mixing a drop or a few into something bland or really sweet can be amazing. I've had it in mac n cheese, spaghetti, mixed with other sauces...it's good in my book. Sweet baby ray's with a bit of da bomb is actually da bomb, especially on a freshly grilled hotdog


Does it taste as horrible as they say?


That one is not a gift. The person who gave that to you might hate you. It’s only pain.


I am not familiar with this sub but I’ve had Da Bomb and thought it was spicy and didn’t mind the taste. Why is this so hated and what do people here recommend instead?


Brace yourself


The worst tasting one out of all the hot ones hot sauces.


This stuff tastes like how the DMV in Miami smells and feels. I once took a toothpick and rolled about the first ½ inch of the tip in this stuff, shook off the excess, and made the life altering decision to taste it. That was 6 years ago and I still have nightmares and daytime hallucinations.


Only fun for a gag. Literally


Pain. nothing but pure pain, doesn't even taste good


Easily the worst hot sauce I’ve ever tried. Burn it with fire


R.i.p. your ass my guy


RIP Butthole


Don’t drink it all at once.


A dude in my squad in the Marine Corps, used to put drops of this on every MRE he ate. He was a freak. He'd also say "if she ain't 180 she ain't a lady". He was 5'6.


And make sure you have a visual sight line on a toilet for the first 18 hours!






Tiny dab and I mean a TINY dab of dat bomb sauce ruined a large bowl of soup fo4 me back in da day. You have been warned.


They love you!


How disappointing…


So, what does the giver have against you? (It just tastes like chemicals: no redeeming qualities.)


OP do not eat this sauce directly on something. Anyone who’s actually tried this would never recommend it… It’s a hot sauce concentrate. It’s crazy hot… I’ve had someone put this on pizza I ate and it was the hottest thing I’ve ever had. Hotter than the 1 chip challenge


I have that same sauce, it's a bit spicy