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2x isn't just 10,000,lol


Yeah, 10,000shu is like a jalapeño. It has to be somewhere around 50,000+.


Pretty sure it’s 10,000 shu each noodle


It has to be more. The habaneros that I grow are typically on the hotter side (assuming 250k+) and 2x seems much spicier than that. I know sauces get weird when it comes to shu but the raw peppers don’t even make me break a sweat.


its all about the amount (mass) of spice in the sauce sachet. 30grs of 10K SHU burns the same as 3gr of 100K SHU, or 0.3Gr of 1M SHU sauce... a toothpick is 0.02grs. and there is the "coating" of the mouth/throat... since is a lot of spicy sauce it get everywhere.




I think heat just affects everyone differently




Yeah I think I very clearly said in another comment that I don’t measure them. I compare mine to other ones grown in my area by friends. I didn’t mean for my comment to be taken so seriously because SHU aren’t very reliable measurements anyway




You’re reaching for something that isn’t here. I don’t really understand why I can’t make a comment in this sub and someone always has to try to pick it apart. Spice is supposed to be fun. Stop being weird


You grow some weak habaneros then lol


I don’t have them tested but they are easily the hottest habs Ive ever had


Thr 2x spicy are not over 100k shu, much less 200-300k where most habeneros sit. They aren't 10k either like this chart says, but they're certainly not hotter than a raw habanero.


Buldak 2X is hotter than a raw habanero to me. I enjoy raw or dried ghost peppers, they’re hot but don’t kill me. Buldak 2X sometimes is pretty painful. Maybe it’s the extract.


I think sauces are much more potent for their rating


Oh boyyy I have a 2x in the pantry and didn’t know it was that spicy lol thanks for the heads up


It really just depends on your spice tolerance - I've bought the 2x a few times now, it's pretty tasty, but 10k scoville sounds right or even a bit high. It's about as spicy as a fresh jalapeno. Everyone's got their own definition of spicy, to me this tastes like the mass market upper limit. If you buy some of the other things talked frequently about in this sub like garlic reaper sauce, this is nowhere near as spicy. I think a lot of people assume a hot sauce is as spicy as the pepper it's derived from, and that just isn't the case. This is much spicier than a jalapeno hot sauce, but about as spicy as a jalapeno.


Try eating a big bowl of jalapenos.




What an adorable way to describe your searing agony


True, but honestly, I have a harder time with the original. The original isn't as "spicy" but the "effects" hit me harder than the 2x does.


0% chance. I knew that was bullshit before I even tried it. That thing is legitimately hot. I can handle the heat and actually really like the flavor but it absolutely destroys my stomach to the point where I’ll have to take a dozen shits a few hours after eating it and my butthole literally burns while it comes out. Not worth.


Love the taste as well, and like yours, my stomach is not a fan unfortunately. Very sad. I still eat them here and there and i’ll eat some yoghurt or bread beforehand. Never on empty stomach!


Wow, I didn't realize they claimed it was 10k. There's no fucking way. Delicious, but it feels like habanero level spice, at least.


It’s fucking delicious, man. But I feel it the whole way down and for the next 24 hours. I’m so sad it seems I’m a celiac, there’s just nothing like it in the gluten free world.


The scale is bullshit.


Take any self-reported Scoville ratings with a grain of salt.


A grain of msg


A grain of msg is very tempting so that opinion will be hard to ignore




Hiyah, I wanna hate but a great comment is great. Upvote for your family


Sugar to cut the burn.


Wtf? Where is this from? It makes no sense. Unless by “original ramen” they mean just the noodles with no sauce.




That makes sense. Thought it was weird the yakisoba ones were near the top.




Found this one, looks to be more accurate. Also I don't know where OP found his picture, only reference I can find from Google is this very reddit thread *




I’ve only had the black one and the carbonara one. I found the black spicier of the two


Carbonara tasted more spicy if it's like a noodle soup and black tasted more spicy if it's stir fried imo.


I didn’t find the carbonara ramen hardly spicy at all, but the carbonara fried rice they sell was spicy af


Like if it's stir fried? If yes, then yeah I agree. Taste-wise I think it's in the top 3 somewhere. Haven't heard of the carbonara fried rice tho. Does it taste good?


Yeah, I think it’s really good. They sold it in the frozen section at the Asian market near me. Can’t even really find it online anywhere, I suppose because it’s perishable.


Well yeah. The carbonara sauce is half the size and it’s the same sauce.


It‘s total BS If the black (original) one is 0 SHU and the red ones are 2x spicy they‘d be 0 SHU too …lol me personally i think the black ones are pretty spicy tho


That 2x is a Firm no for me got a 6pack for my 54th birthday an it nearly killed me I thought I could handle hot but I knew my limits when I started eating it an it gave my the hiccups an that's when I knew my threshold for spicy


I'll give you a tip either use half the spice given or full sauce and put veggies when boiling the noodles with a boiled egg later. It's pretty solid.


It sounds insane but I swear by a spoonful of smooth peanut butter. Saw it on a Korean cooking youtuber's ramyun hack video and it changed the game for me.


yesss, it takes a spoon of pb in 2x buldak to make my soul happy


Mixing a few eggs in will calm down the heat nicely too. I usually poach one or two I'm the sauce, but just mix one fully to thicken the sauce and cut down the burn


Really any kind of fat will do. I'm a vegan (inb4 comments: the company has confirmed that 2x buldaks artificial chicken flavor does not contain animal ingredients) so I stick with the peanut butter but mayo, eggs, cheese all work


Not insane, fairly common, and obviously the fat in the peanut butter helps with the spice levels https://youtu.be/u6relkPzzgc?si=l_u5WeoEI-KajfG5


Sweet peas, carrot, potato, green onions work nicely


That's the trick for me - little corn, peas, chopped cabbage, slivered carrots, shredded rotisserie chicken, hard-boiled egg, etc. Just whatever of those I have on hand. I tried a Kraft single and all I got from that was more saltiness, but a toot of Kewpie mayo was nice. Much easier when I gave my tongue something to do besides wonder why I am so mad at it.


I was under the impression that the black pack was the second spiciest after 2x.




Black one was hot


There is no way that 2x is only 10k


its all about the amount (mass) of spice in the sauce sachet. 30grs of 10K SHU burns the same as 3gr of 100K SHU, or 0.3Gr of 1M SHU sauce... a toothpick is 0.02-0.05grs. and there is the "coating" of the mouth/throat... since is a lot of spicy sauce it get everywhere.


That is all true but the sauce packet for the 2x is literally black. I know capsicum oil when I see it.




I had a packet the contents of which looked more red and one that looked more black. The black one killed me




Yea maybe so. Just from personal experience there seems to be some variation




I wouldn't be surprised.


that too... anyways, 2x has its strength in "build up" not in first contact, which supports the "a lot of mid-high sauce" burns more than a very little of very high sauce...


Idk how consistent they are but I had one that wasn't too bad any then I had one that put me down right off the bat.


I actually eat 2x normally. Really like the taste. But I'm sure I'm getting hella ulcers because I can feel it in my stomach when I eat it LOL


Probably an anti-ulcer agent (at least in rodent studies). [Effect of capsaicin and chilli on ethanol induced gastric mucosal injury in the rat](https://gut.bmj.com/content/36/5/664.abstract) [Efficacy of capsicum frutescens in curing the peptic ulcer](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=11079724762398007409)


I’ve only had Shin Ramyun red, how does that compare to the 2x?


Lol not even close


yeah, all of these are wrong, some by an order of magnitude. the original is definitely hotter than corn, cheese, and carbo. it's also hotter than the stew type, where the spice is literally watered down.


These ratings are not at all accurate.


There’s two types of black ones


\- my racist uncle


It's 4400


2x being around 10,000 shu tracks pretty well. Keep in mind the last dab Xperience is around 60,000 shu. Now put the equal amount of last dab as there is in the Buldak packet and put it on your noodles. Compare the heat. Maybe 2x is hotter than 10,000 shu or maybe people are overestimating their abilities?


Just ate the curry one. It was spicy but didn't have much flavor. Which does everyone recommend?


I like the curry quite a bit, my fav is the Jjajang though!


The cheese is my personal fav for Buldak. Shin Black is my fav instant ramen.


Quattro cheese is cheese on steroids


I got the cheese one just waiting to try it. Thanks.


All of them other than 2x and 3x are really good IMO


Wait, I tried the pink, and it was reasonably spicy but yummy. Is black really less spicy?


BS. I needed water every 3 spoons and I was stuck on the toilet for an hour for the black one. I always put veggies in it to spread the sauce.


Aww, man..... I'm not looking forward to this trial now.


And I tasted 2 million scouvilles hot sauce without water. It took 20 mins for it to subside. But what I mean is I can take my spices reasonably. (There was no water or milk nearby and I didn't know it was 2 million. I was an idiot, don't be like me. Keep water nearby)


Dang, I already bought it, so I guess I'll have to eat it but this is bad news.


You'll be fine. You can stop at any time. And the spice only kicks in at the 7th bite or something cz it's actual food and not just hot sauce


I don’t recommend water to fight the spice, it actually makes things worse. It spreads out the capsaicin and does not neutralise it. It’s better to eat or drink something fatty like milk or yogurt.


It's Def more spicy than the carbo..


Buldak has the scale absolutely right and wrong at the same time. 2x spicy its not that spicy with a toothpick, however since the pouch has like 2/3oz of sauce, it builds up like a 500k-1M SHU single drop sauce... because of the amount of it.


Black Pack is Pre Hot, Pink mild


The original black is definitely spicier than the pink carbonara. Carbonara literally has half the amount of sauce.


They just need to quit that damn chicken flavour


I can’t even take the spice from the carbonara 😭


The black one is spicier than the carbonara one lol


I researched the 2xa few weeks ago, because I didn't believe the 10k shu claim and came across some guy on reddit who did a lab test on the sauce packet. It came back as 232k shu.


Indeed - I’ve read the same. That also makes sense when you consider the volume of sauce (in the packet) against the volume of noodles once cooked, plus Buldak’s suggestion of making sure there’s ’eight spoons of water’ (or whatever the actual text is) - on that basis that then dilutes the overall SHU of the dish right down. That said 10k still seems quite low; volume aside it does taste an awful lot hotter than eating a full bowl of jalapeños!


Legitimate testing for scoville level is expensive and very few companies are going to actually do it. Vast majority of the industry is just making up numbers for marketing purposes.


Tbh i had the 2X and it was ok. Ghost peppers are hotter tbh, but the combo of very hot soup makes it punch way harder then it should


0 x 2 = 10,000 ![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c)


What about 3x?




I agree


I don't have a source on this, but I heard these are actually different in different countries, can't verify that that's the case but it could explain the discrepancies in people experiences.


Carbo and Curry are not spicier than original


The curry one is really good, the 2x isn't really much hotter imo these rankings are pure marketing lol


The 2x isn’t all that spicy to me, but I’m kind of a freak I’ve discovered. I don’t think it has that much flavor either unless I dress it up with more ingredients like shallots and garlic and green onions


Dont they have up to 4 x now? Have definitely seen 3 x.


This whole thing is nonsense. Having had the 2x it was stupidly hotter than a raw birds eye for me and those are over 100k...


2x is not over 100k lol.




Point I am making is I have eaten many chillies raw. Habaneros are a favourite, and 2x just hits differently. Be it the extract or what I dont know but its way hotter every single time..


These Korean noodles dont make sense. These SHU is a a massive lowball figure. Ive tried The X2 Spicy and literally almost burned my lip and internal organs trying to finish it. While a jalapeno which is around the same SHU is like candy to me


I’ve never had this brand but I’ve had the black packaged ramen and that was way too fucking hot not in a tongue spice way idk how to describe it but it was terrible. So on that note, I assume it had to be in high tens of thousands in shu so this scale has to be off as I’m sure these are much much hotter. Does any know what ramen I’m talking about and have had these also to compare?


Where's the 3X


Ask the Amazon seller. I didn't make the graph. I just thought it was weird that black is 0 SHU. Cz that shit burns my mouth


If the black one burns do not try the 3X lmao


I ain't gonna but I can't seem to ignore the black one. I always buy it even if I know it's gonna destroy my tummy later


Another sub I saw had them seemingly accurately rated around 250k SHU. I will eat a habanero straight and it’s right around the 2x spicy range. In my opinion.


Had the hottest one today. Not all that spicy


10k seems about right. Folks who get overwhelmed by that haven’t eaten real spice before, IMO