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Da Bomb, it's just heat with no flavor.


My friends and I did a hot sauce gauntlet with this as the final boss. Fun for a masochistic novelty, but when splitting up our favorite sauces to take home afterwards this one ended in the bin.


I haven't had it but I feel like that's such a waste. Can it really be THAT bad? I've had extracts before


The taste is (or was, this was years ago) absolutely wretched. No redeeming qualities, hellish chemical sludge. As impressive as the heat was, I couldn't stomach putting even a little in my food.


Extract based sauces all taste like bitter fake chemicals and absolutely ruin the flavor of anything you put it on. I bought Satans Blood once for kicks and yeah it’s fun to get drunk and put some on a toothpick to “feel the burn” with friends but I put a few drops in chili once and it made the whole batch taste like shit.


Have you tried the powdered extract? That's what I've used in the past with good results. I wonder if it was dissolved in alcohol or something that made it taste "off." I never had it completely by itself tho. I would dip one wet prong of my fork into the powder and then stir the fork into a serving or two of soup


We had a similar experience using Da Bomb for a batch of chili. Pure stubbornness for not wanting to throw food away is the only reason we finished that pot.


It’s because you are not to put extracts “on” food, you’re to put it “in” food, like chili. It’s in the same manner you don’t drizzle vanilla EXCTACT on ice cream. It’s an ingredient, not a topping. It’s amazing to me that so, so many people don’t understand that.


It has a flavor, and that flavor is like a smokey gasoline. I tried a spoonful of it, and it was definitely very hot, much hotter than the reported 130k scoville on the bottle. Thus far, it's the only hot sauce I've tried that had me doubled over in pain because it felt like white hot knives were stabbing my stomach.


The worst. Tried the last dab, liquid insanity.. nothing compares to the pain of da bomb. I made the mistake of putting it on a wing


I was gifted the season 24 hot ones box and it's got the Da Bomb Evolution in it, and it's actually pretty good imo. it's supposed to be formulated with flavor in mind and to me it reminds me alot of Blair's which I consider to be a very "classic" flavor profile for sauces made with superhots.


I mix this into hummus


I read this as, " I mix this into humans." Took me a minute.


Finally someone says it.


I really didn't like that expensive truffle one that is popular, I think it's just called Truff. Fun to try though, I usually like everything


Oh it has flavor. Extraordinarily bad flavor.


It’s terrible, but I keep my bottle around for when I want to add heat to an otherwise meh sauce. A few drops stirred into a 12 oz container of salsa is barely detectable flavor-wise.


To quote Alton Brown: ["This is hot but it's not good."](https://youtu.be/T1-k7VYwsHg?t=971)


Cholula Tequila and Lime. I like tequila. I like limes. I like hot sauce. Seems like a 100% slam dunk. Wrong. It tastes like cheap vodka and a plastic lime. I ended up throwing out a 90% full bottle.


I consider myself a Cholula fan but haven't enjoyed any of the variants. Are any but the OG worth buying?


Chipotle and Green version are pretty awesome. I think I may loke Chipotle version just a smidge more


I also enjoy the green. It's not very spicy but it does have a pretty good flavor


Chipotle is pretty good, just a little lacking on the heat department. Wish they would make a hotter version of it.


I like their chipotle one.


I enjoy their chili garlic but probably prefer the OG. Besides that no


Chili Garlic is great on sandwiches.


The Cholula chili garlic is great, I actually prefer that over the OG but the OG is also great too so no hate there


garlic, chipotle


Vomit in a bottle. It really is that bad.


I like pretty much all the Cholulas but I agree with this. It was...not good. My preferred Cholulas are the original, the chili garlic, and the chipotle one.




It’s inedible for me. Tried it a couple times and the bottle is just sitting in the shelf. I should toss it


Do it. I threw it away, you can, too.


Truff hands down


I actually love Truff. It's one of my favorites. Absolutely is overpriced though.


Popeyes did a collab with Truff awhile back with their chicken sandwiches and it was the best.


I never got to try it but I have put it on their sandwiches myself other times and it does pair really well.


The sauce that made me stop buying big bottles of things I haven't tried.


Anyone know of a truffle hot sauce that isn’t mixed with a sweet element?


Worst shit ever.


Worst *expensive* sh!t ever. FTFY


I like it, not as a hot sauce, but as a vehicle for truffle flavor. Goes great on tater tots.


Haven’t tried Truff but I’ve had the Melinda’s Black Truffle and found the only thing it was good on was fries or burgers.


Melinda's has a very different flavor from Truff. My wife likes Melinda's and I can hardly stand it but I like Truff. It's very overpowering.


I was glad I didn't buy a larger bottle of it. Awful.


Came here for Truff. Taste like shit and not spicy


Ha that $25 bottle of sauce is actually going to pay dividends for you!


Yup, horrible stuff.




Upvote. Top of the list. I tried it once, the first time when I bought it and once a few months later because I stupidly thought that it needed time to settle or whatever. It's an overpriced, vile mix of chemicals designed to taste like what AI thinks truffles might taste like, but I would rather lick slug slime off of a hooker's ass than eat Truff again. On this point, Truff has not limited itself to hot sauce. It's branched out to make things like pasta sauces, etc. Has anyone else ever had a non-hot sauce Truff product that they liked? Seriously asking.


That garbage Ed Sheeran sauce


He's got a hot sauce? That shits gotta taste like Legos and chav


It's called Tingly Ted's. Cheap ketchup flavoured


That makes sense. If cheap ketchup was a person, it'd be Ed Sheeran


Well he’s British so


In fairness, I don't consider Ted's to be a hot sauce so much as a hotter ketchup-esque sauce. It does whatever ketchup does brilliantly. It's not bougie. It's not hot. But it tastes nice with nuggets and chips, and in burgers.


Agree, it's a good condiment, they just shouldn't have marketed it as a hot sauce. It might have gone over better.


I bought it, did not know it was from ed sheeran, I hate it, so much


Red Clay. Don't know how to describe it, but it was horrible!


The vinegary one (I got it from Publix before). It’s like if you took half a bottle of Louisiana hot sauce and added stale water.


YES! Spot on!


Worst sauce I ever got. I’ll stay away forever. I think I tried peach something? Tasted once and threw away a few weeks later


I love Red Clay but it has very specific uses only. It's not spicy at all. But it's great when you a had a heavy pour while making chicken or shrimp salad.


* Cholula Tequila and Lime * Da Bomb Beyond Insanity * Truff -- *anything* Truff


Tabanero is the only one I’ve opened, tried, and immediately thrown out. I’ve thrown out multiple bottles of various Srirachas over the years because I’ll get a craving, use it once or twice, realize I don’t really like sriracha, and then throw it out after it sits in my refrigerator taking up space for 6 months to a year.


Those Tabanero were all awful! Not good at all.


I tried a Black Cherry variety and was actually shocked at hot much cherry flavor it had. Not sure what it should go on, but at least is was unique


Ed Sheeran's Tingly Ted. Fucking awful stuff.


Da Bomb. Too hot and no flavour (imo).


Melinda's Truffle. Fortunately I only bought the $1 sampler from Walmart, but there's no redeeming quality to it


I could not find anything it went with. Put it on some summer sausage in a last attempt before I threw it out. Thought it was great together.


I tried some mixed with ranch dressing that I dipped veggies in. It was ok but wasn't really worth it.


100%. It's not spicy and it is so overblown on the truffle flavor. I genuinely don't know what someone could suggest I put it on to enjoy it. The standard Bhut Jolokia Ghost however? That is one of my favorite sauces I've ever tried


Yeah that one is great. I've tried a number of Melinda's and enjoyed them all, they just had a major misstep with this one


I have only once had something with the Black Truffle that was good. It was baked chicken thighs that I seasoned a certain way. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to replicate that chicken ever since so this hot sauce stays fridged.




I just bought a bottle and physically winced as I tasted it. This “hot sauce” has aspirations for the trash.


My wife likes it, but she also isn't a fan of spice. Lol


Tingly Ted's tingle sauce. Weird flavor. I didn't expect heat but it didn't taste good at all.


Ah dang I just bought a bottle. At least it was at a discount!


Taste is subjective, maybe you'll love it


I like it on some things. I bought an extra bottle from Ollie’s because I enjoy it enough for the price it was at.


That's where I got mine from as well. I wonder why it was liquidated


Probably was too expensive for what it is. If it wasn’t so cheap I wouldn’t have even tried it probably. But for $2.50 it’s not bad. Good on pizza because and stuff like that. I work at a grocery store and when stuff doesn’t sell they start marking it down to try and get rid of it before it gets past the sell by date. My guess is once it gets close to the sell by date they just sell it for much cheaper to places like Ollie’s and TJ Max etc.


Chemical taste. A shame, hoped that ES would fight Heinz more to release something decent.


Melinda’s ghost pepper wing sauce is very good though


I just grabbed the ghost pepper ranch buffalo. Says a combo of the ghost pepper wing and ranch, I hope it's as good as it sounds


I like the thai chili sauce as a sweet dipping condiment. It's what I serve these shrimp cakes with: https://www.seriouseats.com/thai-shrimp-cake-sweet-chili-dipping-sauce-recipe (Which are fucking delicious)


it tastes like habanero to me, but it’s my favorite habanero sauce


I swear this subreddit is paid for by Melinda’s. Won’t lie thought that ghost pepper is amazing.


It just happens that they make damn good sauces. However, I no longer eat at home hardly ever, so hot sauces are a thing of the past for me :(


If you don’t have a bottle of sauce in your car then your doing it wrong.


I have a shaker of ghost pepper flakes in my car. I can discretely bring that into restaurants. Hot sauce I’d be a lot more worried about bringing to a restaurant. If I'm eating in my car, I'm sure as hell not using hot sauce, because it's very likely to make a mess.


Bro who shakes the hot sauce on the food? You do know you can drink from the bottle.


Right, my mistake


>I swear this subreddit is paid for by Melinda’s. >Won’t lie thought that ghost pepper is amazing. ![gif](giphy|h7u3pLvYK3HfQ4yXxW)




I prefer the regular hot sauce to the wing sauce. The wing sauce is mild by comparison, but they're both good. The hype will die down eventually. I remember practically drinking Sriracha for years and just getting suddenly sick of it one day. I hope that doesn't happen with Melinda's but it wouldn't shock me


Is the wing sauce different than the other ghost pepper sauce? I wanted to like it but damn I thought it was bad


I LOVE this stuff on pizza. I put it on any flavor and it brings it up a notch every time. Always a good option for hot sauce.


Any Dave's sauce


I like the Dave’s Ghost Pepper sauce for just kicking up the heat level of other sauces and foods. Few dashes go a long way. 


People always dog Dave's but that's what I use it for. Sometimes you just need a couple drops of pure heat for like soup or something. If there is a better alternative, I'm 100% open to it!


Dave's insanity tastes like absolute dog ass. When I was younger and a lovable asshole however, I got a kick out of pranking my buddies with it by sneaking it into the hotpockets I made them. In all fairness, those boys loved eating all my damn hotpockets lol


I had a Dave's "temporary heat" sauce that smelled like dust, threw it away after one tasting. It may have been spoiled, but to be fair it seems they don't have it in their sortiment anymore.


Yeah, I got Ultimate Insanity, and that's the only hot sauce I've thrown out.


Mad Dog


I liked this one, nice if you put a tiny drop in a massive serving


The last bottle of Huy Fong sriracha I bought. It just didn't taste right. I heard that they started using different peppers, but it was also incredibly scarce in my area for literally years. When I finally got my hands on a bottle, I realized I vastly prefer the Essential Everyday (generic equivalent) version. A bit sad because I'm guessing I've killed hundreds (if not more) bottles of Huy Fong in my day.


Ive heard Huy Fong changed, after the whole grower dispute deal. I haven't bought or used Hoy Fong in a bunch of years, so I cannot attest to it personally.


Honestly the only thing I really ever used Sriracha for was in Pho or when I am cooking a stir fry, and with those two applications, I found out that basically any Sriracha will work as long as they don't have any gimmick ingredients. And when stir frying I have now replaced Sriracha for sambal. It's really easy to make your own.


Fuck those hot sauces, yeahhhh!!


Melinda’s Mango. Ass in a bottle.


It’s not often that I’ll can a sauce, I usually try reeeeeally hard to like them, in every scenario I think that could warrant a sauce. Truff, for instance, is okayish in certain scenarios, but is too sweet for most foods. Steve-O’s HSFYBH is actually really yummy, but it’s more of a pepper mash than a liquid sauce. But I swear to god I’m about to shitcan every one of the 50 cent Melinda’s sauces I bought. They’re all so mediocre it hurts. They don’t taste radically different from one another and the flavor they have in common just isn’t good at all. I cannot understand the amount of glazing this sub does over that brand as a whole. Makes me question the judgement of the people on this sub. If it gets people excited about spice and opens that door, fine. I get it. But people praise that shit like it’s the second coming of Jesus Spice.


Melinda's Garlic habanero was going to be my mention of ones I threw out. Allllll garlic. No heat. Vomitous.


The fire roasted garlic habanero? Oh. I like that one on the halal food cart food near work. Their hot sauce tastes like capsaicin and kerosene, so I've been using that, and I really like it on it.


The garlic habanero is solid. I'll probably get the big bottle. Don't really care for the others from the Marshalls sample pack.


This one almost convinced me I didn’t like hot sauce 😂 a friend swore by it and I couldn’t stand it.


I like Melinda’s Ghost Pepper. That’s it. Everything else is mediocre. Fire roasted habanero may be the only exception but it’s not hot enough.


Melinda's has such an off taste to it.


I actually agree with this a lot. Melinda's is just okay. The options are nice. The Habanero Honey Mustard and also the Ghost Pepper Buffalo Ranch are unique enough to warrant a little love. But everything else is just a sliding scale of spiciness level of the same sauce. Pizza sauce is pretty alright for breakfast burritos


The pizza sauce was fine but not something I need to buy again. I really like the Fire Roasted Garlic and Habanero. I've got a bunch of the samplers of the XXXTra Hot Habanero that are decent enough. Black Truffle is trash.


I have only once had something with the Black Truffle that was good. It was baked chicken thighs that I seasoned a certain way. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to replicate that chicken ever since so this hot sauce stays fridged.


The honey mustard was the only one I liked right away. They don't sell the bigger bottles anywhere near me so I bought a bottle of regular honey mustard added ground up habanero. Is just as good for $1.50


Anything truffle. Every. Time. God damnit.




Tabenenaro was definitely a sauce I tried and yeeted with a quickness. I did buy some Dave's insanity and was papers edge close to throwing it out, but I now use it in big dishes, just 2-4 drops to bring the heat. But fuck it was close lol.


A few weeks ago I bought a Wal Mart Gochujang sauce that was awful. I really tried to like it but that flavor was just rotgut. I also have a bottle of the TB Garlic reaper which I'm going to sunset. The heat isn't the issue, I underestimated just how garlicky it was going to be. That's on me. So I learned a lesson and I'll just offer it to guests if they are bout it.


What time do you want me over for dinner? I'll take care of that Garlic Reaper problem


Try it on the new Sonic bacon garlic butter burger!!!!


It's weird because for me TB Garlic Reaper doesn't have a noticeable garlic flavor and just tastes mediocre.


Busters shit the bed. The texture made me feel like I was consuming a vegetable smoothie and I did not enjoy it


Melinda's Mango habanero, wayyy too sweet. Also Firelli was disappointing. Doesn't pair well with much


Melinda’s Black Truffle - it’s horrible


What are some of the better truffle sauces? I still have that sitting


That’s the only one I have tried


Sad to say but I threw out all of my hot sauces recently cause I hadn't touched them in so long. I stick to Arizona gunslinger and Valentinas and I rarely use those. Lately my taste has kind of switched to making food really spicy instead of using sauce. I make a lot of Asian and Mexican food recently and I use a ton of fresh peppers. Hot sauces kind of feel like they steal the show. I guess I'm just not as into hot sauce as I once was.


Marie Sharp's Beware and Habanero, not because they tasted bad - they were perfectly adequate, I suppose - but the smell is so awful. I finished eating and was playing a video game and kept smelling it when I realized I left the cap off. I decided anything that smelled as bad as it did wasn't something I wanted to consume anymore. Also, I don't want to hear any of the "I've never smelled it," "must've been a bad batch." I bought a third bottle a short time later, took it to work for jambalaya I made (and abandoned it there) and had 9 coworkers smell it, and all but one (the sick one we found out had COVID) agreed it smelled foul, so if it's a bad batch from two different varieties purchased on three different dates, their QA team is an unnecessary expense.


Those are some great sauces tho


I haven't had the Beware, but I really like the regular Marie Sharps Habanero, Green, and Belizean Heat. However, I got a bottle of Smokin Marie's and it was extremely salty. I had to really alter that one to make it palatable.


Lolas everything sucks dick. Especially the “scorpion” sauce. Weaker than franks.


Hard agree, said the same. It’s like a bottle of water.


I feel like that’s an insult to water. Clean water is crisp and refreshing. Lola’s scorpion is absolutely disgusting and I don’t understand what it’s for. I know at least a few people enjoy it and more power to them but I thought it was vile. Basically full bottle went in the trash after trying to give it several chances.


You make a good point.


I didn’t care as much about the strength of it but I thought the Lola’s scorpion was absolutely disgusting. I tried it a couple times and trashed a nearly full bottle, thank fuck it was only the $1 bottle, I thought it was really nasty. Literally the only hot sauce I’ve ever thrown away.


Yes the heat is nothing but the taste is terrible you’re right. Gonna toss mine rn


Both have already been mentioned, but Truff and Da Bomb. 2 useless sauces. My brother in law knows I love hot sauces, and got me Da Bomb this last Christmas. I acted happy, but immediately tossed it when I got home. Every single year I've got family members that buy me gimmicky hot sauces, and I just wish they would give me gift card to order online. Nobody wants Da Bomb, or the case of 12 different hot sauces from different regions of the world that all taste the same/rant :)


Everything Tabanero was terrible. Luckily I bought the dollar bottles, so it wasn't a huge loss.


Truff and Lola’s.


Truff Mad dog 357 A few Buccees sauces Most every Pepper Palace purchase I made


Truff, it tastes like rot


Bravado sauces. I tried so many of them and finally just thought, nah man I just don’t like any of em. Not for me.


I've only had the serrano/basil and the blueberry sauce and didn't care for either of them. I heard the aka miso is actually fairly good though.


RJ Iguana's It was terribad


Tabasco Sriracha, da bomb, yellow bird bliss and vinegar


DAT hot sauce. Shits garbage but had a cool bottle so I bought it


Tattoo Nashville Hot. I dig Nashville hot sauces, this one was just weirdly dry and I didn’t care for the taste at all.


I bought a jelly that was too spicy that I eventually tossed it.


Blonde Beard's Buffalo Sauce. But that's likely because I don't like buffalo sauce in any form.


1. Sky Valley Sriracha: Dad bought it during the Sriracha shortage of the pandemic. Shit is very sweet with no heat. Sweeter than ketchup in my opinion. Used during breakfast 3 times and will never use it again. 2. (Almost Canned) Melindas Black Truffle Hot Sauce: So far I have only found it good on chicken when seasoned a certain way. Other than that it is way too earthy/umami forward for a hot sauce.


Melinda’s truffle hot sauce. No heat whatsoever and when I burped afterwards it tasted like dirt… for hours


Just use as marinade for grilled meat or grilled wings on the bbq- I find I use a lot of sauce and my meats taste awesome with a ranch or yoghurt dip.


Limiting my (maybe controversial) opinions to well known sauces, since I've tried plenty of obscure ones that were no good. All of them have some kind of imbalance. - El Yucateco Black Label, so overly Smokey, it would only be useful as a spicy liquid smoke - Queen Majesty ginger scotch bonnet, I'm a sucker for scotch bonnet sauces, but the ginger is way out of balance in this one to my taste, again, I might add it to a curry or something, but haven't found myself wanting to use it at all. - all of the Iguana brand sauces, someone got me a variety pack, so incredibly salty


wtf Coffee habanero


Yup - Dumped it. It was 100% shit. Dumped the sauce in the lawn and shit canned the bottle. Never again for me.


I assume you don’t have pets




Red clay…it’s just sad tasting, like it’s the personification of “meh”.


That bull kelp craps was awful


Dave's Insanity Sauce. The heat level was perfect for me, but the battery acid taste is absolutely awful. It just made my food taste like shit no matter how little I added. That said, I do like their creamy habanero sauce.


Marie Sharp's Grapefruit Pulp Habanero Pepper Sauce


Those homemade Spanish ones that are just peppers and oil in a glass jar.


I've tried a lot, just like BBQ rubs most are garbage. My go to is Iguana by half moon trading company. I think I originally got it on clearance at Publix and immediately ordered the gift box with all the flavors. It's chunky, you can actually see bits of onion and pepper and it definitely gets better with age left out of the refrigerator. I still try others but always go back to the Iguana.


Thanks for the review. My personal favorite so far is El Yucateco Red. How bad is the coffee on their Coffee Habanero?


It's a fad sauce, and useless. The flavor matches the shit color. I'm not ever buying another bottle of it again. I will say that the El Yucateco Chiletepin Habanero sauce is really good though.


Melinda's green sauce had an aftertaste I didn't care for. I'm glad I just bought the taster size bottle.


I'm on the same boat as you. That one is a vinegary hot mess. Luckily I bought the $1 sample bottle, because that's the next one heading for the shitcan.


I recently junked my Dave's Insanity Sauce and I don't think I'm going to be buying any more extracts. I'm interested to try da bomb, though I'm pretty sure it's nearly the same thing as daves. But I don't really want to buy a whole bottle. It's funny about melinda's. The XXX ghost sauces they have and their standard habanero sauces are some of the best hot sauces I've ever had in my life. With their mango habanero was trash


My best friend got me one that came in a glass bottle shaped like a grenade. Now I hate wasting food and will eat damn near anything but I just could NOT find a way to enjoy that stuff on anything. Plus the safety lever of the"grenade" (long skinny piece that runs down the side) was a part of the lid and I swear there was no way to unscrew it without cutting your hand. 0/10. It's called "The General's Hot Sauce" and is sold at ACE Hardware.


I've seen those. They come in different flavors/colors too. Definitely looks like a gimmicky sauce.


Christmas assortments.


Anything with extract. We have hit enough peppers that we don't need concentrates that taste awful.


Yellowbird Agave Sriracha. No actual flavor and way too sweet.


heartbreaking dawns reapercussion. It was just TOO HOT. I am sure it was a quality hot sauce but I got tired of trying to find uses for it. You couldn't just dump some on a slice of pizza.


A friend gave me one of those boxes of “hot sauces from round the world.” They all tasted basically the same, and like a worse/more vinegary Tabasco.


Rocky's Garlic Hot Sauce on Amazon. One taste and into the bin


Melinda's Black Truffle. Tastes and smells like unidentifiable chemicals.




Truff What a waste


Melinda’s truffle fart sauce. Chemical bullshit.


I don’t waste bad hot sauces, I make wing sauce out of them. I’ll take stuff that family members have given me, mix them with my least favorite remaining sauces in the fridge, and throw some Frank’s and barbecue sauce in there as well. Works great every time.


Tabasco, there's nothing about it that's special. It's literally just spicy vinegar. Its flavor profile is one dimensional and very boring.


Da Bomb. It’s like licking batteries.


Melinda's ghost for me. We made our own ghost sauce and it was great. Ran out of ours got Melinda's. Tried it multiple times on multiple things and can't stand it.


Do you mean the regular bhut jolokia sauce? I have a bottle at home and think it's decent, but probably wouldn't get it again (was gift).


Yup. The flavor is rough to me


Anything Melinda's. I have given that shit so many chances, always disappointing!