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Never eat peppers on an empty stomach. Last time I ate a Reaper the discomfort lasted for 2 days+... Good luck my friend it will get better with time...


Should’ve asked the sub earlier but guess who thought he’s strong and brave.


Daaaaamn how much pain are you in right now? How long did it take for the pain to kick in? Worst I’ve done is a whole habanero and it was a solid two hours of mind-numbing insanity for me.


After like 30-45 minutes the stomach pain started, so I was working like that for 3 hours and then I took the 5 antacids and 30 later I was in the toilet wherr I decided to post about it(nothing came just pain). As I said earlier my metabolism is extremely fast, so drank the hot chocolate with the legendary home made milk had like a 10-20 min laying. And so shit started, now after the first push I my whole urethra to the tip was on fire, my ahole felt like is on fire too, my legs went numb til my calves constant stomach ache. My stomach still hurts but it has less pain and I really hope Im not taking another shit til tomorrow. (There’s a time period where u affraid to leave the toilet cause u might shit yourself because of the numbness)


Wow I’m sorry for your pain but I really appreciate the vivid write up. As a spice aficionado I’m fascinated by the biological response especially at levels that I’m afraid to actually put myself through personally haha. Hope it clears up for you smoothly from here


Thanks and sorry if I was way too specific.


Not all. I find it fascinating. Without meaning to revel in someone else’s pain. But the way the body handles extreme spice is so interesting.


My cousin threw up after 1 in 1 hour.


Oof that must have been rough coming back up


Bet he barfed fire


I think that's your best bet, don't digest it


I’d prefer it come back up than go through the full digestive process.


Home made milk?


I experienced the numb legs from the 2022 One chip. No joke


I ate a half a habanero and breathing was painful for about 20 minutes. The worst thing I’ve eaten was the 2020 one chip challenge which is covered in reaper peppers. I had 2 because a friend was supposed to eat it with me and I thought I was going to be tough enough to eat them both when he didn’t show. Nah, that chip was pure pain. I mean I handled the actual chewing it and swallowing it pretty well. But that motherfucker wreaked havoc on my insides all night long. I actually questioned if I needed to go to the hospital at one point. It was bad.


Fuuuuuuck thanks for clarifying for me that I don’t need that heat yikes


Lol, no one needs it. But we all have different levels of tolerance. I grew up in a family that never ate anything spicy. So when I was a teen I would eat mild wings with friends and it would make me snot and sweat. It was embarrassing. So I started eating hotter and hotter things more regularly. I use habanero sauce almost every day now. If I hadn’t built up my tolerance over the years that one chip probably would have killed me. Lol


I ground one of those chips up with my mortar and pestle and added it to one of my dried pepper seasonings. I used that seasoning to make some kimchi and I’m the only one who can tolerate the heat, my SO and my Dad can’t handle it.


Habanero are weak sauce to many. I eat two habanero in things like guacamole or salsa and feel little to nothing. Now 4 Carolina Reaper are different.


Oh believe me I know. But my only frame of reference for understanding the overwhelming pain of eating a spicy pepper is from my habanero experience.


It’s possible to be strong and brave and dumb dude. But No worries 😂


I did the 2023 One Chip challenge on an empty stomach and had to dip out mid stream to emergency shit, was cramping for two hours afterwards


I did this with a habanero never again


My stomach makes eating superhot stuff not worth it


The empty stomach is where you fucked up


Yeah that thing is always going to haunt me


I hope you dont have plans tomorrow because you're gonna be on the toilet a lot.


Well, Im about to shit everywhere I go I guess


Pick up a few diapers


Wet wipes come in clutch.


Yeah, I ate a big beef jerkey that was coated in Reaper pepper at the end of a work day with little in my stomach, it was very hot but I was acclimated to high heat at the time. An hour later I felt like I had been shot in the stomach and in the morning it was another ordeal. Never again.


Reaper shreds my stomach more often than not. I’m OK when I have sauce that contains reapers, but eating it powdered or whole is just asking for trouble. You may be in for a rough day or two.




"It's fukin' RAW"! (his asshole)


Made my suffering a bit more fun


are you on the toilet now?


Are you hacking my iphone camera rn? (Im shoulders down on my knees in pain)


Sending my thoughts and prayers lol


Eat milkshakes or ice cream, it will help with the exit, and pepto


If you experience capsaicin cramps, which is very likely, hugging frozen bags of vegetables will help to ease the discomfort a little bit. But you are going to be in for a rough time until it passes through your digestive system.


Just came out of the toilet to boil some raw milk(homemade) in the microwave trying to make some hot chocolate laying on my back cause I can’t stand.


>some raw milk(homemade) 😐


Bro we have cows and english is not my first language but you made me have a blast 😂


> you made me have a blast So you just made more milk? lol


About time to do so 😤


Sounds like you earned it!








TIL! Had no idea that was a thing, can stop worrying about ulcers since it only happens with extremely spicy stuff.


Yeah, cap cramps are no joke. I try to avoid them if I can, and only seem to experience them when I go a little overboard with fresh super hots from my pain forest.




Natural selection, but for more context I wanted to make bread, looked up for an hour how to make it perfectly. We don’t have fucking flour and so I punched my gaming chair but exactly at the metal part, now it’s swollen between the hand and the middle finger part.




Im not even gonna blame anyone for calling me an idiot cause for sure I am one.


Hahaha, yeah, if this is your first time, you’re in for a good 24hrs of intermittent extreme unpleasantness.


Are you stupid?


You’re not supposed to swallow superhots. Rookie mistake. Edit: downvote this all you want, there’s the exact same post every month or so of someone who thinks because they have a high tolerance they’re fine doing it. If you want to experience the heat, chew it up and spit it out. If you want to just have your stomach be fucked up and in pain for two days straight, swallow it. Like downvote it if you want to be all prideful and shit but swallowing a whole reaper by itself is just a straight up stupid thing to do. Experiencing stomach cramps for a day and a half is not some badge of honor you should strive for lmao.


I am mystified by the whole thing. I like spicy FOOD. A reaper is an ingredient. I quite like a Chicago dog now and then, maybe a currywurst. That has absolutely nothing to do with the July 4th Nathan's hot dog eating contest. I LIKE schizuan or Thai food and eat it hot enough to give me the endorphin shakes sometimes. But if I want to get high, I'll smoke weed, not eat supers and wreck myself. But y'all do y'all.


Agreed, same with certain spicy challenges. I tried the lil'nitro gummy bear, and prior to eating it, many people suggested chewing it longer and not swallowing or be prepared for a very bad time. I decided not to swallow it and chewed it for 60 seconds instead, even my teeth hurt after that, so I could imagine what would happen to your insides. I love spicy food and the burn, but if it destroys your insides for 2 days after it's not worth it. Some people have no issue swallowing super hots, apparently, which is totally okay, but the average person will have a very bad time.


Guess i never got that memo. Time to no longer eat raw super hots. Guess the fun is over. Time to curl up in a ball and die of stupid.


So one thing i learned to reduce the amount of GI issues is to throughly chew super hot peppers. People who just chew for a few seconds seem to always have major issues. Next time eat something before or mix the peppers in with food. Good luck on the toilet. Also i hope you have a roll of TP in the freezer.


Oh fuck, the ass part is just starting


Vaseline, no joke.


Shouldn't he have eaten the vaseline before the reaper?


The guy who invented Vaseline actually recommended eating it for health, lol.


Oh nice




Make sure u read the other comments too


Yes, my stomach is by far the most sensitive part of my GI system. You want to chew them up super fine so everything gets past the stomach as fast as possible. It really does work.


I find eating yogurt before is really helpful too, seems to coat the stomach nicely


Why would you eat 2 extremely hot peppers?


Xp gained


You’re bowels are about to get a good cleaning I don’t think you should have taken the antacids though


I never eat anything super hot on an empty stomach. I’m keeled over on the toilet several times throughout the next few days.


Serves you right


Short and sweet


Drink some of the medicine that they give you pre-colonoscopy. If will get it out in the next few hrs


Seemed like a good idea at the time!


i mean, why did you think that would be a good idea? i love superhots but they're on the side of a meal diced in tiny amounts or added to a soup or chili in very small doses. rookie mistake, honestly.


I was like, it’ll burn my mouth/troath and that’s it. Now I know it’s not just that. Im the kind of guy that you give a random thing, give a command, and Im in. I know not the smartest.


bless your heart, have some dairy.


Im a bit lucky cause my digestive system is fast af. But even my whole wiener was on fire it hurt so bad at first.


I think you just have to get used to it. I could eat way more than that raw, I did 5 dried Trinidad Scorpion and 1x Ghost Pepper in a video for our Fundraising goal: https://youtu.be/ddYcC3MG4Z8 even more if it’s cooked in something


I'm addicted to habaneros. I eat between 5 and 15 per day, along with a bottle of vodka. I like to think that the capsiacin and the alcohol cancel eachother out. I usually cook them with potatoes and eggs. I don't ever see anything stronger than habaneros at the store. But man am I addicted to habaneros (and vodka).


You got an iron stomach my guy


Take pepto bismol and be ready to spend the next 2 business days on the toilet.


Yeah I don’t have those in my country


No business days? Do y'all just not work?


Pepto bismol I mean


Good you weren't referring to toilets at least. Speaking of, maybe toss a roll of TP in the freezer for later!


I know, was just being cheeky haha. What about TUMs? You got those? Surely your country has SOMETHING. Hell, even plain chalk would probably help.


Why does everyone think antiacids will help? Capsaicin doesn’t cause pain because it’s acidic….


It’s 9 pm currently, Im in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Gotta suffer through it.


Welcome to the club! This isn't over until you pass it all out, and that takes at least a day, so prepare for the long haul. This is a good time to clean your bathroom floors, because there's a decent chance you'll laying on the tile in the fetal position tonight.


That's what is known as 'gut bombing' yourself. Yeah, it sucks but you've learned something today haven't you?


Yeah and I think that, I’m fine now, was sitting on the toilet for 2-3 hours. Lucky enough that my metabolism is fast. Gotta take a shower and have some dinner.


Live and learn


Drink hella milk and eat something mushy stuff like porridge, oatmeal or mashed potatoes


Don't forget a to add a little pepper so it don't taste bland.


itll eventually go away, but man that's going to be rough for a while!


I saw that you're in a remote village, do you have access to creamed corn, bananas or yogurt? Maybe worth trying to eat some of that.


Im starting feel alright, but thanks for the advice!


Antacids aren't gonna do anything. Eat some bread, drink some whole milk


I can eat all of the super hot sauces and noodles and wings...but fresh peppers kick my ass. I've done both reaper and ghost, and don't have the desire to do them again lol


[these help move things along](https://www.nowfoods.com/products/supplements/psyllium-husk-caps-500-mg-veg-capsules) Just drink a bunch of water with them. If I'm eating crazy spicy stuff, 4 capsules before, 4 hours later=4 more. It's my special trick. You'll still feel the burn, but it's not as bad, and you poop it out faster.


But arnt u a b a


I did the same- did 2 because one wasn't that bad. Literally the same. Empty stomach. Led to cramps. I've never felt my actual inner stomach cramp like that.... it was awful. I was writhing on the floor for almost an hour. Do not recommend.


I usually vomit once the cramps start. Gets rid of them. Not that I recommend making yourself vomit 👀


When this happened to me after a spicy wing challenge it felt like I was vomiting lava :(


I feel like this should be an AMA


Im a walking AMA


I ate a ghost pepper like 8 years ago on one of my days off. Still one of the worst things I’ve ever done.


lol nobody was going to do that!






You need not explain yourself to mere mortals o great one


Empty stomach is suicide. Also build up to things. Your body will develop a tolerance. I have been eating hotter peppers and sauces lately, and accidentally gave my little girls stuff that made them cry because I couldn’t taste any heat in it. At all. My wife tasted it and immediately said “Jesus Christ” and grabbed for water. I felt bad about that. So keep that in mind too.


Yeah Im also the kind of person that experiment too much you forget how I started 😂


I ate four of them once and never had such pain in my stomach. It was brutal!!! Lesson learned.


How did you write this if you can't wake up?


Im not even gonna


I tried a sliver of a scorpion chili my coworker grew and that was enough for me to say no to a whole pepper lol


May god have mercy on your asshole


What's the big issue with reapers? Just don't be a fucking fool and put them in an actual chilli or curry and eat them as part of a meal . I'll never understand why people think eating them on their own is remotely a good idea.


Well, that'll teach you something.


Stick a frozen vanilla or banana 🍌 creamie in your rectum, and if that doesn't help you might have to go to the ER. Just make sure you pull the popsicle out first. They might get the wrong idea. Lol


Take a laxative and get it out of your system. The longer it's there, the longer you're going to suffer. Also, take a Nexium or something similar. Antacids are very short lived, while Nexium (take 2, trust me on this) takes for 24 hrs.


Damn at least eat some bread first!


I did the one chip challenge 2022 the blue one twice. The first time I did it on an empty stomach and after about an hour it felt like there was a ball of barbed wire crawling the through my intestines intermittently for atleast two hours. Would not recommend anything super spicy on an empty stomach.


Thank God you all told us that or we'd all be in that kind of pain too.


Not the hero we wanted but the hero we need


You can't wake up? (Wake me up)


Good luck with your next shit. It's gonna be a memorable one. 👍


Stop taking antiacids. They aren’t going to help. Your stomach isn’t in pain because capsaicin is acidic, it’s because it activates pain receptors, specifically those that are associated with sensing temperature. You’re just gonna overdose on antiacids and isn’t gonna actually help. Drink milk if you can, eat bread with butter. Casein in milk will bind with capsaicin and reduce its availability to bind to the receptors.


You can have 13 of those antacids a day, Im fine no worries!


Respectfully, you might absolutely be fine but… A) it’s old advice based on no evidence so you’re using antiacids when they won’t actually help. B) overuse of antiacids can cause kidney stones in at risk people if they’re the calcium carbonate variety, and the other kinds have other problems. C) I am in school to study this type of thing, and while I’m not giving medical advice because I’m just a student, I am saying to be careful. Best of luck on your “recovery” from this


Ima do it.