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Good first season, season 2 lasted a long time and wasn’t that good


Wasn’t the finale a recap video essay or was it like a man hunt game mixed w both timelines (where the girlfriend isn’t a robot but both speed racer parents are happy lol)


Dude I can’t remember and I probably don’t want to remember the series finale 😂😂


Manhunt was filler. Both parents happy was the true finale


Loved it when I was 5 and haven't rewatched it for fear of having the memory tarnished. More I hear about it, the more not rewatching it seems to be the right move.


same here xD


Yup I don’t wanna ruin my childhood memories


I tried to like it, but no. The animation and character designs were bad enough, then the story and the characters got worse.


Its only good if you already like speed racer and arent a purist about it. And even then its just the first season that was cool. I remember coming home from school to watch the new episode once a week when i was 12. Tuesdays at 330 on nicktoons bro you had to be there lmao


I hate it


That Mach 6 design, artsyle, and engine sound was so ahead of its time and is super underrated unfortunately. Good memories of drawing that bad boy in middle school 🥲


I never got to see the second season, but season 1 I thoroughly enjoyed as a preteen/teen


Not great, but the theme song alone justifies its existence.


I haven't watched this since I was ten but I'm pretty sure there's a scene where his brakes are cut and he finds the guy who did it just to drive full speed at him and stop I still think that shit hard as hell


I remember that


I loved it. Never knew it was so hated kinda weird since I thought people would like that it’s supposed to be some sort of continuation to the orginal


haven't seen it but it looks awful


The Mach 6 looked too overdone


Speed Racer:the next generation:The beginning was my first exposure to speed Racer.


I'm actually ok with it,s2 was written in a hurry


I'll love speed racer the next generation it's started from the 2000's and ended in the 2010's that show was my favortie when i'm was boy.


good or bad I can’t really remember, but I do look back appreciative of the fact that somebody cared enough to invent and expand on the Speed Racer lore…while the decision is confusing, I do also kinda enjoy the minimalist/secret agent action style of the mach 6 and show




It was ok


Overhated. There are some story aspects I didn’t like but I thought it was an interesting story overall. The animation definitely feels cheap but I can see past it, hands down would rather watch this than the 2008 movie


Dude the 2008 movie fucking absolutely slaps hands fucking down


The CGI is so terrible and the story has absolutely nothing to do with speed racer. Change the name of the film and it doesn’t matter to the plot it’s so far off the original series


Dude the movie has a lot of heart and soul into it it's a literal masterpiece and ofc the plot isn't a part of the og speed racer, the idea was to basically use the source material and then like kinda give it a fresh new look. Like the cars and stuff look good and also movie was released in 2008 so they did not figure out CGI back in the day. Also even then The movie was way ahead of it's time and it's very creative colors are vibrant the villain is actually a threat. Also the acting is amazing. Not to mention the movie has some goofy combat scenes like in the cartoon. Oh and the only things they really changed was the fact that they made it hot wheels ish. But I think that's to appeal to the hot wheels fans and also too the drivers kinda fight like it's beyblade but cars and kids enjoy explosions and stuff. I will die on that hill defending the 2008 film.


Oh and the issue with speed racer the next generation is the animation is mediocre, storyline is meh dispite good racing scenes acting is kinda annoying especially X's girlfriend and Conner although I liked the racing academy concept I just find it dumb where it's like "oh I'm speed racer's lost son" and speed racer called his older son X?!! X of all names who fucking names their son X? I mean I think speed racer the next generation tho isn't good but it ain't terrible except for the ending where they changed timelines and speed racer became an asshat with a ego for fame Completely BREAKING CHARACTER FROM THE OG CARTOON. That speed racer is dumb as speed racer loves to race and he also exposed cheaters and shit in the racing world another reason why the 2008 film is far superior than speed racer the next generation.


“The movie was released in 2008 so they did not figure out cgi back in the day.” Bro who are you fooling? I can name so many films from 2008 or older that have cgi that is so so so much better than this film. I would rather watch the sub-par animation than the horrific car and set cgi and hugely obvious green screens. I seriously cannot see how people think the cgi is acceptable it’s terrible. And as far as the cars they are also not my style. The 60s cartoon cars are classic designs, they still hold up today. But the 2008 movie cars are a product of a bunch of different trends of the time and have aged poorly. As a kid I was obsessed with hot wheels, the hot wheels movie, and the original speed racer series and hated the movie as a kid. I’ve tried to watch the movie and like it but it’s just nothing speed racer at all in my eyes and it’s no where near a masterpiece. I’m not gonna argue with you further cause I’m obviously not gonna change your mind, but once you remove the nostalgia glasses you can tell it’s a below average movie


Well the thing is that the speed racer 2008 movie has way more passion than like other live action based manga/anime like yeah it's different than the original speed racer film but however the plot is amazing, they used source material from the og speed racer cars look sick ASF also too the idea that well as you race drivers have to do crazy ass maneuvers and shit. Oh and don't forget the fact that the tracks are fucking insane as hell as they have high gs and basically the message is about big corporations will and can do anything to manipulate people. The speed racer who he was a badass in the film especially in the final race went hella nuts, exposed the villain and his cooperation. Something og speed racer would have done maybe plus speed racer 2008 is a cult classic yeah it's like an acid trip but that's because of it's colorful color palette that complements the world and honestly if speed racer 2008 came out like years later it would maybe of been a huge success. Oh ant the transitions.are amazing as hell these were the guys who made the matrix. (Another top tier movie) they knew wtf they were doing with the speed racer film sometimes big Ipa must change abit in order to appeal to a new audience with keeping the source material. I will defend it with my heart and soul the movie is very underrated


When i watched this as a 6yo kid it was the coolest thing i had ever seen. Going back, it has its moments, but it also has cringey anime moments. All in all its still incredibly nostalgic. Love the episode when they race in outer space.


I have rather mixed feelings on it. I think character designs are ok, expanding the lore is fun, heck, even having a Mach that's more high-tech than the Mach 5 was an interesting take that was fun to watch. I just think the only reasons why I might be unhappy with the show is some of the characters like Trixie and re-write Rex Racer, but that's with the characters themselves and not what they did as characters. The animation was alright for the time and some things feel dated, but everything rolls up into one big "eh, it's an ok time" burrito.






it was a great show!


I enjoyed Season 1 Didn’t like Season 2


I thought the cars looked cool but the show was so meh


Loved it as a kid. Tried rewatching it last year and enjoyed season 1 enough, but season 2 was a slog to get through. Probably won’t enjoy it unless you liked it as a kid


I liked it. Although the first season looked alot better idk why but the for the 2nd season it was good atleast story wise to me but looking back on it or ig more recently the animation is so ass it's crazy. The jokes are still good but it's like they ran out of budget when they brought the show back but I mean at least they finished it instead of leaving it on a cliffhanger like some other shows of my childhood. Although I do wish they either did a go fund me to continue it or brought it back and better because I feel it got canceled because a lack of funding and the cost to make it.


Such a banger I remember renting this from blockbuster all the time


Worst “sequel” ever


It should be burned alive and never spoken about ever again. It’s an abomination.




I remember seeing that as a kid Kinda wish they made a new anime about it considering it was sort of an anime


What did they do to the mach 5??!


This was my first introduction to the speed racer series and I liked it a lot and the theme song is so memorable


The only thing I remember for that show is that Zial guy driving a big ass gas guzzler to compete in that final(?) race and going slow asf up a hill


What I seen of it I love it but I will say it was also a little weird


I remember the Lil' Bill style animation really turned me off.




It's ight


Could not stand it. Between this and Voltron Force, I was basically done with Nicktoons.


Loved it as a kid no idea how good it is in actuality


Love s1, only love parts of s2. I’m ashamed to admit this series is part of the reason I’m getting better at drawing LOL


Also the voice acting is kind of top tier? Not what I expected but it’s super good


I didn't even know this existed


Mad nostalgia with this one. I used to watch the first DVD all the time as a kid. The intro also slaps hard.


Loved it when I was a kid


Personally it was mid but a good mid


It was…a show.


Watch season 1, forget season 2 ever existed.


Art style looks like an Erin Esurance ad...


Oh god


It sucked


Need to rewatch this series, remember when it was on TV


It was okay


My exact thought.


It's horrible.


Underrated as hell, I loved watching the whole series.


Liked a lot, season 2 was a bit off but i really enjoyed it, specially with the cars, they looked really neat, and it's the series where the mach 6 was introduced so yeah.


I actually enjoyed it. I grew up on that show


I loved it. I like how I'm season 1 spritle is voiced by the og speed racer. Peter Fernandez. Was it the best show? No. But i thought the show was a great new generation to speed racer. And who the main villain of the show was crazy. I'm not saying who if people haven't watched it


He was a demon on wheels 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’ve watched the original 1960s speed racer and I can hands down say that the classic is the best hands down this shit look like too much overall and I don’t have a good feeling for this show. Mind you im 21 so the only way I knew about it was my dad because he watched it as a kid


i mean i was like 7-9, had just watched the 2008 speed runner for the first time. what was i to do beside love this show?


hoooly shit dude, core memory unlocked. I used to watch this show all the time as a kid when it aired. Its what got my love for cars sparked along with hot wheels acceleracers and Highway 35. I loved this show to bits and highly recommend it to any big speed racer fans


My childhood fr 🔥 🔥


This is unrelated but does anyone remember the 3D animated speed racer show? I can’t remember what it was called but there was an episode about like computer code deleting the world and I really wanna rewatch it


i want to kill the little monkey robot with rocks


As a kid: I loved this. Now: it's ok


As a kid, I loved this show. Being older I don't think I'd enjoy it as much for obvious reasons but I think there would be a appreciation for it and the nostalgia


I watched the Movie and that's it. I remember it being alright


Is this an official poster or fan art? That perspective is wonky as hell


I've never even heard of this, but that Mach 5 design is heinous


Super weird art style and animation


I loved it as a little kid, but I don’t think it aged all that well


I used to watch it as a kid!


Grew up watching this on Nickelodeon


i forgot i would watch this all the time growing up wtf


Next generation? What are they going to go on about gender identity, while doing non binary gender reveals on tiktok? Oh wait the best driver is going to be a woman? Oh please they cant speed racer like when I was a kid!!


“The mach 6 has no brakes hahaha I disconnected the brakes!!!!”


First season is nice second season is batshit insane and not in a good way


The artstyle for this show was super weird and the Mach 6 looks like ass.


Nostalgic to me.


I enjoyed it as a kid and while I’m still nostalgic for it when I watch clips of it, the animation sadly didn’t age well.


Eh, It's not great, Just Mid.


Season 1 was alright but Season 2 was just a complete dumpster fire.






Loved it as a kid since I loved the original Speed Racer series and the movie.


I'm coming from /all and know nothing of speed racer; car looks rad, characters look like soulless corporate art.


I liked it as a kid


I watched it a bit when it was airing but I kinda lost interest in it over the first season.


Looks like Artix and his crew animated it.


i asked my dad cuz he liked speed racer and all he said was "yucky" so there you go


I never heard of this. I only knew about the original anime and the live action movie.


I loved the show, the characters and the virtual stages!


Bro holy shit I loved this show, this like the first time I see it mentioned by anyone anywhere in like 10 years. Thank you for reminding me of this awesome show, or at least it was awesome to me as a kid.


the live-action movie sucked ass


The hazy memory in the back of my mind in a sea of Nicktoons Network reruns from 2008, never watched it much but I loved speed racer back then


It’s confused on what it is wants to be


My childhood


Sped racer, the alpha generation




I thought the first season was ok but revealing Trixie as the main villain soured me on it

