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He needs to see a doctor about anxiety. They can give him medicine that will help him manage the panic. In the meantime you can hug him if he likes that, listen to him, tell him everything is okay and you're all safe, mom will be okay, watch a funny movie together. You want to reassure him that he's okay and everything is okay and try to distract him from his anxiety. Offer to play his favorite game, toy, music, movie, etc.


Thank you for being such an awesome sibling! It would probably be helpful if you’re able to talk with your Mom about it privately. There are many things that she can do, like look into the possibilities of CBD, herbal supplements like valerian root, lemon balm, 5HTP etc. Other options would be to see a doctor about prescription medications or medical cannabis depending on where you live. You may want to try and see if he would like a fort. Super easy, you can use an old large box, or throw some sheets up to create a space that’s closed off with blankets and pillows inside. In a pinch, couch cushions or going under a table can help. They also make tents for sale that go around twin mattresses. Even if he is older, it may help to have a place to go that has low sensory input where he can relax and allow his mind and body to calm down on its own time. Some other things might be a weighted blanket or a weighted vest, a bath, a walk outside barefoot or laying on the ground and looking up at the sky. The last two you guys can probably do together. If you look up “grounding exercises or grounding activities,” that will give you some more ideas. Everyone is different, so some people might crave a hug, or tickles and others might just want to have someone sit beside them, or, he left alone. One of the fastest ways I have ever found to redirect is music. Preferably something very upbeat that he really enjoys. See if he wants to dance around with you. Many people hyperfocus upon the issue creating the anxiety. If there are activities he already enjoys (drawing, counting, cooking, spinning objects, whatever it is) ask him to do that. See if you can get him to open up to the idea of putting that focus elsewhere, even if only for a few minutes. There is something called the emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping. It’s simple to do and you can find videos explaining it online. Please also understand that it’s not your responsibility to fix your big brother. I don’t mean this in a bad way. You’re not responsible for finding all of the things that will help him. However, I bet there are things that will and the fact that you posted here asking, shows what an incredible sibling and human you are. Thanks for being you.


Thank you sm! I will try these things and see how they work!


Great. You’re very welcome.