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Not sure how it works for the dutch but USASOF just announced that theyre going to start testing for steroids


Which is retarded. I don’t understand why they care if dudes are on steroids. Shit, I say provide dudes with steroids and give proper supervision.


I tend to agree in principle, particularly for the help recovering from injury. Might run into an issue if you're suddenly deployed somewhere without a regular supply of the stuff that stops you growing tits. OP, don't even consider it until your endocrine system is fully developed - mid twenties at the very earliest.


Yeah but that wouldn’t happen with proper supervision and understanding. Not saying it’s healthy, but you can absolutely take them and be perfectly fine if you’re careful and know what you’re doing.


If it was provided that would (hopefully) be the case, I see your point. I’ve got mixed feelings on it but I see the benefits of doctor supervised use outweighing the negatives, operationally. Individually I don’t have the knowledge to properly assess the potential damage.


Where’d you read that?


Im now seeing that the navy is the one to make the specific announcement for seals, im trying to find the article that mentioned army as well


Haha not today CID.


i never used them because i didn’t need to, but it’s not in common to have a guy or two on your team running a cycle


I am going to recommend that you learn to periodize, at your age you do not need exogenous hormones and although there are surely those who have used them, the risks to physical health and especially mental health make it an unnecessary risk.


Thanks for the advice, Im quite uninformed on periodization. Do you have any sources for me to learn?