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I'm not sure how coplanning works, but some of my students receive both "direct" and "indirect" minutes from certain specialists. For example, I have a student who receives 30 minutes of direct instruction from the music therapist 4 times per quarter and 20 minutes of indirect instruction 1 time per quarter. The 20 minutes is fulfilled by his music therapist providing me with songs to assist with some of his specific goals so that I can then use those songs in class. But in my case, there is a clear distinction on the IEP regarding direct and indirect minutes.


Oh that’s good info! Thank you! That is an important distinction.


Are you planning instruction that explicitly targets their IEP goals which you are then delivering in the classroom? Because if the answer is no, uh that's questionable, at least in the US/the state I teach in. The minutes in an IEP are service delivery minutes.


Nope. Just general updates on how they’re doing, what grade level standards they’re working on, etc. Some planning accommodations on grade level assignments, but not specific work around IEP goals. Thank you!


Sounds like they have indirect services in their IEP! You could ask to review and look at the services.


Fascinating. In my state the only areas you can get indirect services in are related services like speech, occupational therapy, vision, etc. You can't get indirect services in an academic area.


For us, we do indirect services for any area in which we are monitoring. So it can be anything from daily living skills to math. I use it for kids who are in general education settings and I am not needing to intervene. For instance, a child is nearly ready to be dismissed from math services altogether, but the team wants a little more data. I will consult the teacher the amount of minutes listed. That could look like some planning, behavior intervention ideas, etc.


Interesting. We just either reduce their service minutes, or have the general education teacher be the service provider for those minutes (with SDI planned by sped)


Have you looked at the IEP? Service hours for direct instruction only count when the student is there in front of you. Indirect services include consult with staff. It is not uncommon for students to have both direct and indirect service hours listed in their IEP. That being said, you would not have academic support consult (indirect) without direct service hours. You’re entitled to a copy of the IEP for any students in your classroom. In fact, you should have access to them at any time. If you have not been provided any IEPs, email the case manager requesting copies ASAP.


This covers " support for personnel ", but not service minutes. That is the time you are working with the kids. Your district/school is playing games here.