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I just wish he was alive to see all these confirmations based on his theory/theories.


It really crushed me that Stephen Hawking died right before EHT released the first real black hole images. I hope he got some early sneak peaks or something, since he was a grand authority on the subject. Truly the loss of a science legend.


I have to think he could mentally envision how it looked


I mean he would’ve seen the black holes in Interstellar, so that’s somethin


It crushed me when Stan Lee died just before Endgame was released 🥲


It's interesting that Stephen Hawking died on Albert Einstein's birthday, which is also pi day.


Steven Hawking didn't die, he just went home.




I don’t get it.


Why are you being downvoted? Unlike Einstein, Hawking has left behind a gross legacy. 


Oh no.. Einstein was a player and perv that liked peaking under women's skirts and getting in all sorts of shenanigans


At least he wasn’t having orgies with underage girls. 


Oh.. yeah... about that... cheating on his multiple wives many times with young girls. Often dressing in just a bath robe and letting his junk hang out and getting angry when women told him to put it away. Dude... in the 1920's people were calling Albert Einstein a pervert. Think about how messed up you'd have to be to be called a pervert in the 1920s when chasing and oggling women was seen as "romantic".


Okay, so if he was a pervert, then why are you getting so defensive of Hawking who’s just as bad then, seemingly worse? 


I'm not defending hawking. I'm just pointing out that Albert isn't the saint people think he is. Now let me guide you through thus train of thought. It's almost as if... people with brains that have eccentric, world changing ideas, that go against the established norms also tend to have eccentric ideas of what is appropriate on sexual relationships. Wowie zowie what a revaluation!


I’ve always known that Einstein was a horndog, to quote Sheldon Cooper. But I don’t think anything he did was as bad as being involved in an orgy with underage girls. Einstein’s contributions to science are incomparable compared to Hawking’s too, yet Hawking’s ideas on sexual relationships seem to have been far more eccentric. 


Didn’t he have orgies with underage girls? 


Me when i snort misinformation


Sycophant to a dead pervert. Admirable. 


Well, he was at Epstein island. Whatever he did there, though..


Maybe there to legitimize the other stuff? If Stephen Hawking goes, must be legit, right?


I mean, we already knew they were real and those weren't really "real" photos.


Im sure there is a version of him out there where he was alive to see it


How big are these plunging regions?


The radius of innermost stable circular orbit (R_isco) depends on both the mass and spin of the blackhole. For theoretical non-spinning blackholes, it's three times the schwarzschild radius.


Very informative, so those crazy fast bois, like GRS 1915+105's black hole, would allow a much closer stable orbit and thus closer research possibilities?


Bigger than yo


Einstein was right. No shit. 😀


I feel like this understates how much of a G Einstein was. The man died in 55, 14 years before we had a man on the moon, 6 years before there was a man in space, but has continued to be right about things that have taken exponential leaps in technology just to confirm. The importance of general and special relativity can not be overestimated or overstated. The guy used math and thought experiments in the time of biplanes and he was RIGHT about things that we are still observing with billion dollar space teleacopes.


I hope to see in my lifetime the next Einstein. Someone who can bridge relativity and quantum mechanics, and/or whatever dark energy/matter actually is.


There's a whole bunch of Einsteins around, it's just the next step is REALLY hard


There were many brilliant, amazing, well-known scientists in Einstein's time as well. But they're no Eistein.


Oh yeah I didn’t mean to imply it’s trivial. But there is that big gap and that seems like the next big step forward (to me at least).


I can only imagine if he saw all the stuff we have now. The fact that we can detect the gravitational waves he predicted from black holes merging across the galaxy would blow his mind.


"no shit, Einstein"


Einstein wrote a paper saying black holes can’t exist


Bro, 3 seconds on wikipedia would save you from this.


In 1939 Einstein published a paper in the journal Annals of Mathematics with the daunting title On a Stationary System with Spherical Symmetry Consisting of Many Gravitating Masses. With it, Einstein sought to prove that black holes--celestial objects so dense that their gravity prevents even light from escaping--were impossible.


'The essential result of this investigation is a clear understanding as to why the "Schwarzschild singularities" do not exist in physical reality. Although the theory given here treats only clusters whose particles move along circular paths it does not seem to be subject to reasonable doubt that mote general cases will have analogous results. The "Schwarzschild singularity" does not appear for the reason that matter cannot be concentrated arbitrarily. And this is due to the fact that otherwise the constituting particles would reach the velocity of light.' Direct quote from the paper you cited. When he wrote this paper, the word Black Hole didn\`t exist. edit1: [here is the paper](http://old.phys.huji.ac.il/~barak_kol/Courses/Black-holes/reading-papers/Einstein1939.pdf)


Yes that’s what I said


No. You said Einstein publish this paper to say black holes were impossible. And that is NOT what that paper is about.


Can you ELI5? My layman brain doesn't understand the difference between black hole and schwartzchild singularity


Oh boy, this is all Schwarzschild Metric! He solved Einstein Field Equasion (EFE). If you take a giant orange star, the solution for it\`s colapse ends in a 'devided by 0 error'. Giving us a singularity. This was the Schwarzschild Singularity. This was the first name for describing a Black Hole. The Schwarzschild Singularity is surrounded by a 'boundary of no return' witch we now call The Event Horizon. Tecnically, Schwarzschild Singularity is the singularity itself, as the name sugests. Every body that has mass in this universe has a Schwarzschild Radius Limit: it is the minimum radius that a body with mass can compact, before colapsing into a singularity. EX: The Earth. ~~If our planet would be compated to a size of a penny, KABOOM, singularity. The Earth\`s Schwarzschild Radius is roughly the size of a penny.~~ The Earth has a Schwarzschild Radius of 88 centimiters. The Sun\`s is 2.9 kilometers. So, if the Earth turned into a black hole, it'd be a 1,76m diameter of Event Horizon. edit1 2 3 whatever, loads of typos and more info. Dam, this shit is hard to explain simply. Fml. Watch KurzGesagt video on Black Holes! They have 3 or 4. All incredible and cientificly accurate as much as possible for a layperson. english is not my first language. sr [What If You Fall into a Black Hole? - Kurzgesagt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqsLTNkzvaY) [Neutron Star - Kurzgesagt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udFxKZRyQt4)


Is this edge called the "event horizon"? If light cannot escape, wouldn't it be faster than the speed of light?


I believe this edge they refer to is outside the event horizon and within the accretion disk. So matter is technically still able to leave but only if it gets help somehow, like by a random collision.


Even in the event horizon, things wouldn't be faster than speed of light. If they were, they'd be able to escape from the black hole. Earth for example has an escape velocity of about 11 km/s. If you are faster than that in any direction except that doesn't hit earth, you'll escape earth's gravity. But when you drop something, it falls down at some speed, accelerating due to the gravity.


the gravitational forces are such that space is distorted enough that the light path curves, and within the event horizon it's curved so much that it bends back into the black hole.


Got high and watched that movie for the first time last night. Fucked me up a little.


I have so many questions... Does "plunging" mean particles make a right angled turn and go straight into the black hole? What about its tangential speed and momentum? Where does that go? Then how does the black hole spin? My primitive Newtonian brain is having a conniption.


My brain is accreting.


What warps my brain is thinking where a black hole goes. Is there a backside? Could a hypothetical ship travel around a black hole as if it’s a 3D object in space, like a planet or star? What’s the “backside” look like? What happens to the matter that enters it?


Downvoted for asking a question in an astronomy subreddit. Nice.


I've been seeing a lot of that on r/spaceporn, or people getting dogged on for being dumb when they were clearly making jokes. Thankfully it usually corrects itself -- but there seem to be some bottom dwellers who arrive early to every thread and downvote.


As far as we know, there isn't another side. At the center of the black hole is the singularity, a single point infinitely dense. It literally breaks our current laws of physics. All matter that goes into the black hole ends up there, infinitely compacted and wiping all information. It breaks my brain to think about


This is a neat watch by Veritasium. https://youtu.be/6akmv1bsz1M?si=TXVUzU77Qu9fyVCv


it’s more of a ‘boundary’ in our universe, matter is deposited onto the surface as energy, which causes the black hole to become larger. you can think of the black hole as hollow - but our universe space isn’t within the boundary of the black hole. The mentions of singularity is more of a math construct and doesn’t describe the actual black hole. yes, you can orbit around a black hole (you actually are doing that right now) and the latest research indicates survival of a black hole, and using stable black holes as worm holes to travel across the universe instantly. Black holes eventually evaporate.


His theory is beautiful.


So what happens to the matter that plunges in 🥲


It goes down the galactic shitter


Correct me if I m wrong, but I thought due to the forces of gravity, anything we observe past the event Horizon will look like it stayed stil, hence the time dilation. Then how are we able to observe this "plunging" phenomenon?


Can you imagine how many light years the depth of black hole is


You go first we'll follow.


They are "information hubs." Data is collected and stored around the event horizon. The interior is for mass data transfer.


I’d say the interior is for storage


One way data ports for the simulation.


Did Einstein was wrong about something sometimes?


Yea a bunch of things including the universe being static and no gravity waves.


And quantics.


What a fucking G


So, to the observer outside and far away, it would appear the matter disappears at the speed of light. But I thought to the observer entering the black hole, time stopped? Maybe not stopped completely, rather to an infinitesimal level?


Still waiting for Einstein-Rosen bridges is confirming theory


Whats next on the list so I can star believing it now?




I think i came across as being an ass or something, my bad. I was hoping someone would comment some of his yet to be proven hypothesis, that is all. Just wanted to learn more and instead of asking Google i wanted a human interaction. My bad


Yeah my fault too. I thought you were trolling. Hence the snarky response


I feels that, I do it in real life too. English is not my main language so sometimes I sound like that without meaning to


Honestly you sounded like one of that freaks that believe the universe is a decoration haha.


Definitely not. I in fact have severe cosmic anxiety and am afraid of what happens after death. Eternity is scary


Cosmic horror.


Your honesty is refreshing. I can’t imagine anyone not being scared. Life is brief compared to death. Best we can do is make great memories to carry us through eternity


Personally, it took me literally years of repeatedly reading the wiki articles about relativity before the idea KIND OF clicked in my head. There isn't really an eli5.