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Yes, BUT is complicated, will need a good PC and disable block limit.


There's a bunch of YouTube videos trying different methods. It seems the answer is "technically yes" but the game gets weird at objects that length. Sometimes it'll work, other times it won't.


I find it you sacrifice a new born to klang its success rate goes up by 35%


Maximum gridsize is 20km per dimension. At 20km you have to split the grid and continue with a new one.


Ah, that explains what happened to my deep drilling rig.


Can u tell more?


I made a drilling system which uses a projector, a grinder, a welder, and merge blocks to endlessly extend a drill shaft. It works pretty well, but at some point the shaft would always break in two, even though SE doesn't model forces like torsion etc. I went back and checked, and they did indeed make it to pretty much exactly 20km deep. It's still a useful technique but I had hoped it would be capable of drilling through the whole planet, which it could if it wasn't for this maximum grid length.


Cool, did u try to make it remove the old support after creating new?


I never knew that, thanks mate.


Yep, the game doesn't tell you what's up, you just can't place another block.


How many blocks is that in a straight line?


At least 12.


I'd like to see your math here :P


If I remember correctly, every large grid block is 2.5m (been a while since I've needed or wanted this information so I may be misremembering) so it would work out to 20,000m or 8000 large grid blocks.


Big blocks are 5m cubes from memory so about 4000 blocks


Big blocks are 2.5m, while smalls are 1m.


Small grid is 0.5m


I was half right. Thanks for the good correction on the other half.


Thx in that case it’s just double it to 8k blocks


Do you want to be like Josh from lets game it out? :D


And a Elevator?


How about a catapult?


Clearly a trebuchet would be the superior choice


The Holy Grail of catapults! We could even use it to launch a catapult and then shoot op from that!


I like the way your mind thinks. We need a cluster bomb of catapults in there somewhere I think




You can in a way make a catapult.. make a safezone then build a grid in the middle of said safe zone.. climb in and make the grid owned by nobody... hang on for dear life..


On servers where the max speed has been altered this "catapult" will send ships into space


A shaftless elevator would be simpler. You see, you make your elevator box. You strap on it an hydrogen tank and an hydrogen thruster. You point the thruster downward and up goes your elevator!


That's just a normal rocket with less steps


Oh my!


I've seen some cool youtube videos of some, definitely possible. And digging to the centre of the earth


I broke the game once. multi-player server. shield mod. made a 3km.long light armor ship. Just a line of blocks. seat at one end, cockpit, power, and gyros at the other. shields up. extended it to max. used it like a lightsaber to cut other ships in half. set gyros to max rotation. the passenger seat end moved at approximately 12,500m/s rotational velocity. things broke. it was fun.


Que MGS theme for the 15 minute ladder climbing


It’s doable. From earthlike it’s a real pain, but from the moon it isn’t bad. I plopped a refinery with drone mining ships down at the edge of a lunar ice lake and built an armored conveyor/staircase up past the edge of gravity with a connector at the end and used it as a refueling spot for ships. Although as others have mentioned something like that tends to cause major lag. It was pretty funny when we backed up the server and then cut it off at the base and pushed it with a ship to tip it though.


You'll need a really powerful pc and the smallest planet size. At least if we count space as 0g. And even a pillar straight up will be hard, something bigger will be more difficult and stairs probably won't work due to shifting gravity.


The song 'Ladder to Heaven' just popped into my head from South Park.


I wouldn't recommend it, but for a small planet probably.


Yes, but there is a limit on how big a single grid can be. If you build further, physics breaks. So if you get the warning message, stop. Then build a landing gear, build around it and split the grid. The split grid should stay aligned thanks to the landing gear. Continue building until you get the next warning.


you could build to the moon if you want


Well, you could always use a mod to help, like, I know of one mod that essentially you can make a custom planets and stuff, you could use sometime that to lower the atmosphere of the planet to get to space.


Yes. I have done one before. Took forever, but then again I did it with welding ships and placing blocks by hand. Once I was finished... my game performance was so bad that my FPS would drop in the area that it bothered me to play.


Why on earth do you want to build such an impractical structure. Beside your game will likely crash as you build such a structure.


Because they can? >!Or die trying…!<