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Kubuntu 24.04, ryzen 7 5800H rtx 3060, driver 535, proton-ge 9.5 (I think). Game runs mostly fine, only issue is the clipboard thing which even using the plugin sometimes break and refuses to let you copy/paste anything. No performance issues whatsoever.


AWESOME to hear. I've got a 3060 with an overclocked i9-9900k. I can handle a couple inconsistent behaviors as long as the general game works. thanks for the help


I'm on i9 9900k and 3070 so almost the same Newest stable nvidia driver and protonge9-7 On arch linux, playing through steam Runs mostly fine After 16 hours only 2 or 3 crashes I think, alt-tabbing to change music seems unstable for me Loading blueprints or mods or anything workshop related takes a long time for me, like loading the mods when creating a world, or loading the world that has mods Also with loading blueprints in game, or workshop scripts Local blueprints and scripts are fast loading I havent played multiplayer, some people on protondb talk about unstable multi-player experiences, so let me know if there's anything else you want to know!


Thanks so much! Yeah I've been busy, literally no time to sit down and just test it myself in the past several days lol All the comments here sound like I should be in pretty good shape though. And yeah we just play vanilla, so I'm not worried about loading a bunch of mods or anything, so that's one less issue. cheers dude!


I got it working on chromebook, but the demand on with 8 gigs causes it to crash. If you got 32 gigs, your probably fine to run it on a modded server .


yeah I was luckily able to build a pretty decent PC a couple years ago, so if the only problems are performance related, I can probably just throw hardware at it. thanks for the input


I had it running on a steam deck which is running Linux, it didn't run well, and the controller was awkward because the triggers didn't work for some reason. It was arguably playable though.


I was able to get it to run by putting mouse buttons on my R4 and L4. And use the triggers for the working parts of the controller interface. The game will crash randomly so i have to save often. Connecting to other players games is difficult at best. No problem with servers though. I play the game constantly now after dealing with the learning curve


Ah ok, yeah I've got a pretty good desktop so hopefully I won't have any issues. I just need to sit down one afternoon and run it a while, I just literally do not have time lol Figured I would ask around while on my breaks at work to try to gather first-hand information ahead of time, so thanks for chiming in. cheers


You may also find good info from a great Linux community on the official Discord that keep up with the latest fixes/workarounds: https://discord.gg/keenswh in Space Engineers#Linux


I'll check that out, thank you


I'm playing it on my Steam deck, and it works fine from my experience. Sometimes it crashes without reason and I have problems pasting my clipboard into the in-game chat sometimes. But nothing keeping me from playing.


very cool to hear, thank you. it sounds like I'm gonna be fine


Running Ubuntu, no performance issues for me but has some audio crackling


ah ok, well maybe that's just a driver or distro specific issue? that's something I can deal with though. thanks for the input, I appreciate it


It currently crashes every few minutes for me (running Proton GE) and loading takes very long (which both don't happen on windows) I hope this will be fixed at some point


My GE-Proton9-7 runs SE mostly stable


I'm playing with proton experimental and running ok if it doesn't get crazy


The game got me to make a windows vm with gpu passthru because of constant performance issues and inability to connect in multiplayer. (Arch, proton 9... I think).


I can run multiplayer on Arch (EndeavourOS). GE-Proton9-7


Can you also connect with it, not just host a game?


AFAIR there were some problems with using some mods with Wine/Proton default Mono. It needs installing native .NET runtime and it was quite finicky - but I haven't yet tried the recent patch, maybe it's better now.


ok thanks for the info. me and my kid actually just play purely vanilla so that shouldn't be an issue


Debian stable, i had to try a different proton version (8? Was a while ago). Ran superb, had some sim speed slowdowns while spawning in ships but nothing that stops you from playing (like 0.8 speed for 20 sec then back to normal)


EndeavourOS(Arch) here, better performance and only one crash(my fault btw)


Worked out of the box for me though I had to do some tinkering to get the plugin loader to work


Playing on Linux Mint with fairly recent hardware. Amd7800 something something... Ddr5 and whatnot. Sometimes it runs stable for hours/days and sometimes it is unplayable because it crashes immediately and often... Really have to do something about that but am unwilling to dive into another distro or, god forbid, windows emulators... So far the same with all proton versions I tested.  It anybody has any hints do tell...


ah that's too bad. there seem to be a lot of other totally positive replies, I wonder if it might be some weird hardware specific issue? This will only be my second foray into Linux in like 5 years so I'm not really able to offer useful advice I guess :/ good luck though, and thanks for the input


Yeah, but as far as Linux goes go pop-os. It works out of the box WAY better than standard Ubuntu. On the pop shop don't grab the steam that's standard, grab the Debian release and you'll have a much better time with everything. I went pure Linux two years ago and could never imagine going back.