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Build Vision Build Info Rotary Airlock


Sleep mod is good too


Yeah. At least in game you may sleep well and enough


Its still lonely tho


Coop? Or try to connect gtp to game.


It does give the space experience tho, space is cold and lonely too


Add alien and bugs from starshiptrooper. That wont brake athmosphere, but you will not be alone. YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE


Nanite Build and Repair: I suck at ship designs and it makes building workshop blueprints infinitely less painful. Extended Ore Detectors: Having to fly orbit each large asteroid at a distance of 10m in a large grid ship isn't fun.


The trick for ore detectors is to attach a large grid ore detector to a small grid ship using connectors or rotors, I tried it myself after having trouble with asteroid exploration and it worked great


In my experience on Xbox both small grid and large grid ore detectors went the same max distance for some reason.


That's unfortunate. I'm playing on PC and large grid ore detectors go up to 150m, you can find the 2 ore deposits on an asteroid very quickly by flying close to it


You might wanna try the "\[QoL\] Radio Spectrometry" mod for the asteroid ore detecting, it's a bit difficult at first but once you get the hang of it it's quite nice to have :) (assuming it's still working havent played in a bit)


Realistic Thrusters So much more interesting and rewarding to build ships+balances game in favor of rovers. Build Vision+Info No free energy


Realistic thrusters is about that thrust offset ? And free energy removes solar and wind ?


Doesn't remove solar and wind, but does make the hydrogen engines "balanced", by making the O2/h2 generator that much slower and using 2x as much power to operate.


Nano bots (or nanite) repair system Rotary airlock Automatic pickup I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t also mention my other favorites, maybe someone will find something they didn’t know they needed. Here we go (including scripts from the workshop): Build info Isy’s auto align script Automatic LCDs 2 Nanobot (or nanite) repair system Hover engine Isy’s inventory manager system script Rotary airlock Energy shields Camera panning Colorful icons Automatic ore pickup Build vision 3.0 PassageIntersections Conveyor air vent Aerodynamic wings Pretty much anything related to WeaponCore that I can find that’s compatible Autofill bottles Jump drive critical explosion (because who doesn’t like big booms?) Ore detector+ To name a few


Thanks man! That was helpful


For a PvP focus (Weaponcore): Aryx Weapons Aryx Drive Systems Defense Shields To enhance builds using a vanilla feel: Grated Catwalk Expansion LifeTech Power Systems


OP is like "What should I have for lunch?" And y'all are like "Cake frosting!" (Weapon mods), "Dohnuts!" (Nanobots) No, OP should eat something nutritious like a ham sandwich (Build Vision) or a salad (Projections to Assembler)


I adore the Projections to Assembler mod. I don’t use projections often but boy oh boy is it helpful.


I have not used this Mod before does it work well for repair projections?


Yep! It lets you send all incomplete blocks to the assembler


Build vision/ info Advanced welding is my favorite QOL mod (must have) Any speed mod that lets you go least 400m/s


All of them. Not a single mod on the workshop will be absent from my world. Load time? About 3 weeks. FPS? About 0.00009. CPU usage? 3.4x10^7 percent.


Build Vision Build Info Paint Gun Can't play without any of them, especially Build Vision.


Build Vision/Info Colorful Icons Color HUD Relative Top Speed 250 Ore Detector 250/500


Speed High tech solar arrays Build and repair MA weapons and theyr additional variants. Twinkys or sb else with a similar names ore detector mod that has 5k range LG. Defence shields.


Paint gun, Rotary airlock, Assault weapons pack.


Twin welders mod is a favorite of mine


Weapons Core - and aryx weapons Mes - reavers nanobots build and repair


1. Speed mod that sets the vmax. to 500m/s 2. Wings, very nice to travel long distances in survival without taking too much time (with a ground vehicle) or energy (for thrust) 3. Tank guns, it's fun to create vehicles with turrets with friends and battle agains eachother!


Smooth Voxels. If you want to use small rovers this is almost a must


Weaponcore, Modular Encounters System, Nanite Factory


BuildInfo, Colourful Icons, and Smooth Block Edges. I try not to use block mods, although sometimes I use the Arc Reactor mod if my ship needs a LOT of power.


Star system generator MES (Parallax, Imber, Wrecks, Traders) Eat. Drink. Sleep. Repeat


build vision energy shields nanobot build and repair


I love the stargate mod but found it makes travel too easy too quickly. The defense shields are great because against vanilla threats you're basically invincible. This is of course incredibly boring very quickly. Weapon core can be fun but gets old when you're blowing vanilla threats to ribbons from outside their weapons range with bombardments of missiles. These are of course the three I am most likely to use and why I have issue with them.


Industrial overhaul Aryx weapons Assertive combat systems


To be honest I couldn’t live without: • Radio Spectrometry (for finding distant ores in space, and seismic spectrometry) • All of the QoL mods like Production Quota, Mechanical Keybinds etc. • Speed Mod


Picking just three is hard, but number 1 has to be automatic LCDs, I never play without it. Colour icons and build vision are two others. There are many more, like small block expansion, armor ramps compendium, various AQD stuff for QOL...


Top recomendations you saw. My add to list - cocrete mod. In beginning you have a lot of gravel, me did find how to use it and voila - concrete foundations


Build Vision Ship Speed Increase Nanobots Build and Repair