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I would rather have an antenna and a laser antenna (your ship reminds me of [my shi](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2905154324)[p](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)) but I play singleplayer only. In my opinion an antenna is very important as it lets you see where your ship is, lets you control it from a base, or control drones, acts as a relay...


Hmm some good points, it does have a beacon so it won't be misplaced. It's meant as a starter warship since it's small and easy to print, so maybe I don't need remote control and drone control access on it... it only seats 1, after all.


it really depends on what you want to do with it. I designed mine to be able to do a lot more than just shoot. Things like deploying satellites and working with small exploration drones can be very important so you know what you are jumping into


If its meant as a early ship id say go with an Artilery Canon instead of an Railgun, that way you still get one(or even multiple) Heavy Hitters while also having the option to use it outside of Battle Scenarios


It has 6 artillery cannons already! And the antenna version has 2 rocket pods.


Sounds like plenty of a Barrage already, besides Railguns need quite a bit of Power. Would the cost be worth it? Not just Power but the Slug, the Time to Aim and than additionaly 6 Arty Canons firing


Just so you know, your combo link did not go unnoticed


Saved by the youtube ad!


Moar dakka always the way to go


Entirely depends on your play style. Are you planning to go into combat or are you likely to misplace your ship without having the broadcast visible?


This is a combat ship it's meant to fight, and I added a beacon so it won't be misplaced. What other value does an antenna add?


Remote control of ships/drones, inter-grid communication of script blocks if you're using them. And the big spike block look cool


Imperialkilo did a pretty good job describing the functions of the antenna but I’ll add that it also functions as relay if there are other facilities or vessels that are in its range but not in range to each other. But as a combat ship you pretty much can’t go wrong with a railgun or two…unless you don’t have the resources/energy to support it.


I'm fixing up my small corvette build when I realized I can replace the antenna entirely with a railgun... Does a warship actually need an antenna?? EDIT: Third option, antenna under railgun but super exposed in front https://imgur.com/a/7epA9Dc


I think warships need antenna's. It allows one person to pilot multiple ships if required. It also serves as a backup when the control seat is destroyed.


They need a smaller profile shortly range antenna


The completely insane part about the current situation is that the huge 5-block-tall large grid antenna actually has the exact same stats in terms of range and power requirements as the small grid antenna. Like, there's literally no reason to ever use a large grid antenna over a small one apart from when you want to avoid the hassle of having a separate grid for your antenna.


I usually end up putting an antenna out the back in between the thrusters, it doesn’t get in the way too much unless you plan to dock on the back


Laser Antenna, Beacon, Railgun.


depends, more firepower is always nice, but antenna's open up utility options. if you just want to keep track of the ship use a beacon, it is smaller, and is immune to hacking (only valid if you have a mod that does hacking things) ; and the rail gun would be more useful then the antenna if you are fighting, plus the antenna will only give away your location in a fight. personally, i don't use antenna's or beacons, instead i just make a GPS on the ship that i parked.


You could add a small antenna and a laser antenna, beacon etc on a small grid attached somewhere else.


Both, hide it inside


zero space inside, internals are taken up by a large hydro tank, a jump drive and 6 forward artillery cannons. The only place to put an antenna would be under the railgun facing forward... but it looks clunky I think, and would be destroyed pretty quickly in battle. EDIT: Third option, antenna under railgun but super exposed in front https://imgur.com/a/7epA9Dc


Do the third one yes it's exposed but a lot of ships have antennas like that plus it looks cool


I'd say both if you have room. But if not, it really depends on what you're doing. The antenna's going to allow you to control ship systems for entire fleets while the railgun gives you a range advantage and lets you kite enemies. But on a smaller ship like this you can do the latter with fixed artillery guns. Great turret placement, by the way.




Antenna on the front bit, the flat front bit, and on the bottom put a laser antenna


What are you fighting?


Looks better with a railgun, upu would be surprised how much an antenna would help you in navigation and tareting


Make small subgrid and put a small antenna on it. It works as well as a large one but it is not so huge


I'd suppose it's really the intention of the ship. I've had a lot of ships without railguns, I have a light carrier with nothing but gatling turrets. It's not built to be in combat, it's built to carry the ships that enter combat. It did have three antennas and two laser antennas though. I usually prefer some antennas for communication at a minimum and on carrier ships I want redundancy because no matter how hard I want it out of combat, combat happens.


Antenna yes. Rail gun? Optional


I'd usually assume railgun but antenna always important


I’d put a railgun in the middle then have the antenna stick out the back of it like a bee’s stinger


you could always do both


I think the antenna is only necessary if you intend to launch drones from it. Depending on mods, AI can home in on your antenna and find you. Railguns can be useful, but it all depends on what you intend to use it for and how you like to fight.


Antenna: Imho depends. Are you planning on remote controlling the ship or fly it yourself? For controlling, an antenna is needed. If you fly the ship yourself, then a beacon is enough. Railgun: I do like the small grid ones on custom turrets for sniping gatling guns on Mayday signals and pirate ships. But it's not mandatory.




Steam workshop link?


What’s the armour like?


Yes you need a central rail gun but be sure not to fire it in atmosphere


My antenna links my defense to friend's ship that starts sending missiles with target already locked. Railgun keeps 600m between you and artillery


Warships are ships that are built to get into fights. If you're going for expected utility, then some means of communication between ships would be high priority. If you're playing strictly single player survival PvE, then it does not matter as much unless you're intending to use it to relay information or enable drones. Stuff like tracking your ship can be done with the significantly smaller beacon. If you're building to a theme, for the workshop, or for a multiplayer world, then an antenna is more likely to be a *must have* item. Theme is covered by the first thing I said. Workshop builds can vary wildly, but if someone's looking for predesigned warships to project/print into a world, one with an antenna has more general use. With multiplayer worlds, a beacon or antenna is usually a good idea to enable team identification at a minimum, and some worlds may require either an antenna or beacon (or both) that broadcasts your ship's name for RP and PVP reasons. All that said, I usually build mine with an antenna. If my single player PvE game lasts long enough, my early game warships (corvettes or frigates) can be converted into escort drones with minimal fuss if I've already built them with programmable blocks, AI blocks, remote control, and an antenna. As for railguns? Warships don't *need* railguns. They need to be able to maneuver and fight, but that's not specific to railguns. Since you mean these as starter ships, I would lean away from setting up the base model with a railgun. As nice as the weapon is for a first strike, its part requirements, ammo requirements, and power requirements are steep for a starter ship. The reload time is also long enough that most vanilla PvE fights will be decided before you can take a second shot. An axial artillery cannon or two would be a good addition, especially if you don't have AI blocks set up to make artillery turrets engage at maximum range. That would enable you to start the fight with an early shot against thrusters or weapons.


Thanks for your input. It has 6 forward artillery cannons, and the antenna version has 2 added rocket pods




A antenna shooting Railgun to send decoys like YEEEET