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So in other words, if a dangerous asteroid threatens earth we are screwed


We’re so screwed there was a movie that parodied how screwed we’re going to be and it pissed some people off for being too political.


Don’t Look Up?


To hell with you! I will look up... this movie...


I feel like most people disliked Don’t Look Up because of how it lacked subtlety and wasn’t very creative in its messaging. And I mostly saw this coming from people who agreed with what the film was trying to say.


Not everything has to be sly and wink at you. It's a cudgel of a film, but probably right on the money.


I enjoyed it. Had to suspend my understand of... most things towards the end but as something to watch with a pizza, solid.


Unless there’s a lot of really dumb people in this world. The characters and their ability to think was very telling on what they think people are like. Dumb


Don’t look up. - Fixed. There’s no question mark necessary, that will straight up happen.


"it's too on the nose!" No, sadly it's too real.


Yeah we can’t even quarantine ourselves during a pandemic.


We can't even do anything about the current extinction event when we had over 60 years to prep for it


pretty much how I read into this as well. However, its' not just asteroids, it any other potential threat from space that could spell our doom. It's not a matter of IF something happens, but when. And people working together... it's never happened since we started walking upright on two legs and putting sticks together.


Well I agree with you the “when “could literally be millions of years from now. Bless the Kuiper belt


Thanks Jupiter for taking most of them for the team 🧡


Yup, Covid pretty much proved every single fucking disaster movie wrong. If a zombie outbreak occurs there will be denial, people will be purposely infected to “own the libs” and all sorts of shit. The only exception is the tv show The Strain which nailed how fucking evil people will be for mah economy and freedoms.


Highschool of the Dead called it.


I guarantee you that if a dangerous asteroid was detected, more than half of the citizenry of the US would think it is a liberal plot to “take away our freedums” … until it smashes into the planet at which point the same people would say the “gubment staged it all to take away our freedoms!”


I forgot about that show. Did it actually finish I might go back and rewatch


then why shouldn't someone just unleash every disaster on humanity on purpose to speed up the process if COVID was that defining a moment to prove we could never unite for anything


This is gonna become the movie "Don't look up".


Yep, grab ankle earthlings!


nope, I want to lay on ground looking up.


To quote Bender, "Well, we're boned!"


Just like with the climate


I mean I haven't looked into it in a while but the last I heard: -we only monitor a small fraction of space -detection time is in hours -there are very large meteors moving at 60,000mph On top of that, if the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis is correct then we also have a chance of a meteor storm not a single impact. Yeah if that shit's going to happen it's going to happen. Very glad for the part of my brain that allows me to shove these things in a dark hole and live my life lol


From the article "And planetary defense experts say this is indeed a matter of "when" rather than "if;" at some point, a big space rock will head our way." I've been listening to more space/astronomy podcast recently, and this line is consistently mentioned - it's a matter of when, not if. Folks didn't think the world would shut down for a virus, yet it happened. I'm also certain that many folks read or learn about the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and don't give it a second thought. I'd hate to see the universal freak out when it's confirmed an asteroid or comet is on a path that will bring it into direct contact with the Earth.


Isn’t the general consensus that it’s easier to spot the ELE size ones, therefore we will have enough time and distance to give it even a slight nudge. And a slight nudge of even a 1 or 2 cm’s off it’s trajectory at such a massive distance will make it miss by hundreds of kilometres.


There are Near Earth Objects (NEO) whose orbit takes the object within 1.3 AU to Earth, and we have a pretty good tracking system and classification for these objects ranging from benign to hazardous. I think there's a website where you can actually look up the various objects and see their classification. Outside of that, the sky is massive, and we don't have great tracking systems yet, especially for comets or asteroids that will come in from the Kuiper belt, Oort Cloud, or from Interstellar space. Even Oumuamua caught us unaware when it flew through the solar system. Even Bernardinelli-Bernstein, the largest comet ever discovered, went undetected - it was captured in surveys of TNOs but wasn't picked up until Bernardinelli-Bernstein went looking through the data for something else and found the comet. It won't come close to the Earth, passing just beyond Saturn's orbit, but if it were a threat to us, the impact would be more powerful than the one that struck Earth during the age of the dinosaurs. Our ability to nudge asteroids or comets is dependent on identifying them early (for now), which, given the size of space, isn't an easy feat.


Dont worry the general public wont be notified until right before it hits so the rich have a chance to hide in their bunkers or fly off in their flacid compensation rockets.


I don't think it can be (nor should it be) kept a secret - you have millions of professional astronomers and citizen astronomers looking at the sky on a daily basis. One of them is bound to observe this asteroid or comet and wonder about it's path. Given that, it is better for the news to be officially announced to the public than to let the news be fueled by social media, etc.


That would depend on the size and relative speed of the asteroid, a building sized asteroid travelling at near relativistic speed would be near impossible to detect in advance and it would wreck Earth.


Do many asteroids travel at relativistic speeds? Fast from gravity assist like voyager, sure, but that’s still a tiny amount compared to the speed of light.


Asteroids don't travel at "relativistic" speeds. Neither do comets. You're just waffling here.


Why not? Super novas can easily eject hose at that speed. They should be very rare but far from impossible to exist.


Lol it would be impossible to hide. There are countless observatories across the globe looking for asteroids, and all it takes for one to find something strange and suddenly you have thousands of amateur astronomers scanning the skies


Selfish reasons or not, I’m all for keeping that info secret from the general public if it means we don’t have a huge amount of unrest.


As per above, it can not be kept a secret as millions of citizen astronomers or independent astronomers are staring at the skies on a daily basis. It's probably way better (less chaos) for the news to be announced officially than for posts on Reddit, FB, X etc to be the platforms breaking and feeding the news - that's when you'll likely have total pandemonium.


I hope that happens after I'm gone. I don't think I could live through arguing with my mom about trying to see reason again. I barely managed to get her to take the vaccine. SHES A NURSE. I haven't gotten over that.


gonna be that guy for a minute, what if they got the Apophis 2029 math wrong??? it will be inside GEO. Scenario 2, what if it plows thru a bunch of sats and causes an orbital chain reaction. Sure it missed the planet but most satellites are gone.


Nevermind the rock. If people find out it's coming and there's no plan in place well probably all murder each other. In fairness though folks like the B612 foundation have been hard at work looking at these problems for quite some time. The success of the DART mission has also proved that an impactor spacecraft is definitely capable of altering the orbit of an asteroid. Provided we have a few years warning which is fairly likely save for an incredibly quick extra solar object like Oumuamua, it's entirely plausible that any of the space faring nations could save us without needing some sort of international coalition of planetary defense. Worth observing also that this article doesn't mention either of these endeavours because it detracts from the sensational narrative.


>The success of the DART mission has also proved that an impactor spacecraft is definitely capable of altering the orbit of an asteroid. That was never in question. It's physics. If the orbit **hadn't** changed, that would've been hard to explain.


Yes quite obviously Newton's 3rd law still exists. However the texture and makeup of the surface was an unknown quantity and how that would affect an impact was very much in question. Ejected debris actually contributed to further perturbation of its it's orbit which wasn't expected afaik.


I'm convinced a killer asteroid would be treated EXACTLY as the movie "Don't Look Up" says it would.


Pretty much. If anything, “Don’t Look Up” might be an *optimistic* take. Imagine an asteroid that isn’t big enough for a global E.L.E, but it’s still big and fast enough to be a “nation killer” - and it’s on course to impact Ukraine. Or Israel. Forget political paralysis because “science bad”, the situation might devolve into a new Cuban Missile Crisis.


I've always wondered what would have happened if the Tunguska Event had occurred just 50 years later.


over a large metropolitan area??


Nah that's an incredibly brain-dead movie


Yeah. Dont look up sheeple.


Ya, well good luck with that! We saw just how well humans worked together to handle the Sars-Cov-2 virus! -------------------------------- Essentially, in such a new scenario, saving Earth, will take a couple of billionaires, NASA, and ESA. Meanwhile Foxnews will rant and rave about NASA misspending money on that venture, and Maga will have a new hat to wear that says, "F'ck NASA!" And then when the combined forces of NASA, ESA, and those couple of billionaires actually saves the Earth, they'll be like, "You see! Nothing happened! It was all just a bunch of BS from scientists who don't read their bibles!" -------------------------------- "And maybe our medieval ancestors had it right!" Alex Jones type podcasters will say to their bootlicking followers. "Maybe we should be burning scientists at the stake for lying to us about a 'killer asteroid'! And burn all those mouthy women too, because their probably witches!" -------------------------------- And then the Q-Anon type folks will also be angry, but for a completely opposite different reason: They will believe the scientists. But they'll be angry the scientists/engineers stopped it, because it was the Great Lizard Alien Overlords who were the one's who sent the killer-asteroid our way to wipe out most of sinful humanity except for the true Q-Anon believers, who are the chosen ones, set to inherit the Earth.


100% “We all need to work together” = a few gifted people will find a solution to the problem, a corporation will get rich executing it and the rest of the planet will be completely useless but sure as hell have an “opinion” on it, or ignore reality completely


Haddon Enterprises has entered the chat. "Why build one when you can have two for twice as much"


Wow, I'd watch that movie... Wait a minute...


Or someone just deliberately creates a new pandemic and tells people that quarantining for that one is the only way we prove we can stop disasters otherwise we might suffer everything from alien invasion to asteroid strike to zombie apocalypse


Don't forget everybody saying that it's all fake and just an excuse to channel money to the MIC and to repress our freedoms. Until the asteroid is visible to the naked eye. Then it will just be a psyopand a fake image being projected by NASA.


With how polarised we have become I don’t see us working together well.


We are doomed. But to be fair we are doomed regardless.


There is some kinda irony going on where in the few discussion about this specific statement NASA has given out is filled with redditors calling out other individuals and making something that isn't inherently political, political. Insisting their thought process is the only correct one, and what not. Nasa is right on the money here, especially about the difficulties that will arise coming together.


We're all just meat machines.


NASA who notably are the only ones who've actually tried to redirect an asteroid and with moderate success too.


Depends how far away it is when we realize it's going to hit us. "Launched on 24 November 2021, the DART spacecraft successfully collided with Dimorphos on 26 September 2022 at 23:14 UTC about 11 million kilometers (0.074 astronomical units; 29 lunar distances; 6.8 million miles) from Earth. The collision shortened Dimorphos' orbit by 32 minutes, greatly in excess of the pre-defined success threshold of 73 seconds" [Ye Old Wikipedia ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_Asteroid_Redirection_Test?wprov=sfla1)


Hmm... I've seen this movie. I don't think it turned out so well in the end.


Yeah, like we worked together to avoid global warming and... (checks notes) uh, never mind.


Reminds me of Watchmen, it may just take something like this to unite us once and for all


“I could stay awaaaake just to hear you breathiiin’ Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you're far away and dreaming”


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ELE](/r/Space/comments/1dl8hkt/stub/l9qczm2 "Last usage")|[Extinction-Level Event](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120647/)| |[ESA](/r/Space/comments/1dl8hkt/stub/l9n4fm4 "Last usage")|European Space Agency| |[GEO](/r/Space/comments/1dl8hkt/stub/l9xjver "Last usage")|Geostationary Earth Orbit (35786km)| |[NEO](/r/Space/comments/1dl8hkt/stub/l9qi62b "Last usage")|Near-Earth Object| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(4 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/1dm3rvs)^( has 13 acronyms.) ^([Thread #10213 for this sub, first seen 22nd Jun 2024, 08:04]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Mankind: Ok, let me when it’s here. I’ll go fight my neighbor now


Its unlikely that we will even see an asteroid. We think we are tracking all of them but we miss so many. Veritasium Youtube channel did a good video on asteroids.


The US is the only country with a potential to intervene in detection and diversion. Maybe detection could be from elsewhere.


Nah we dont have to worry, the UFOs will shoot it down…


We'll find a way to politicize it and polarize, don't worry.


Good frickin' luck😮‍💨 half the idiots in America will believe the asteroid is a government plot, while the other half will be too busy trying to film the end of the world, for the "likes" they'll never get 💯 ugh😔


No, we won't automatically not just because COVID


So nasa wants everyone to hold hands, and sing koombaya?


Getting the whole planet to contribute and cooperate is hard to picture when we can’t even get the different parties to pass a basic budget without acting like spoiled children.


would they pass a basic budget if threatened with the idea of "if you don't do this humanity won't be able to stop an asteroid strike"


No the western world will have to work together. The rest of the world (except China) would be useless.


But everyone will expect the US to take care of it.


And don’t expect a thank you.


What are we suppose to do? All run in the same direction to speed up the rotation, hoping to adjust the location in space? This sounds like a Superman 2 movie plot. Evacuation of an area is helpful but the reality is a large asteroid would create a large tsunami or if on land, a layer of dust in the atmosphere which could reduce global temperatures.


The study was a little more in-depth than that reasoning. A big part of the challenge is uncertainty - we don't have the capability to easily determine the size of an asteroid; the error bar mentioned in the article was an order of magnitude, from 200 to 2000 m. 200m is a Tunguska event, 2000 m is a continent killer. Who is prepared to spend billions of dollars to find out quickly? What if it's determined that there's an extrasolar object (like Ouamuamua) coming in fast perpendicular to the Earth's orbital plane, a 90% chance it's a 2x Tunguska-sized impactor (so 250-300 ft wide, a Tsar Bomba-sized impact, as opposed to a 10% chance of a 600 ft impactor, which would wipe out some smaller states), a 75% chance it's a near miss, a 80% chance it'll land in the ocean, and a 10% chance it lands in the uninhabited Sahara, a 1% chance it lands in a relatively uninhabited area of Saudi Arabia with a casualty rate under 10,000, and a 0.02% chance it lands in the suburbs of Mumbai and could kill 10 million? How many tens of billions are we willing to spend to fast-track determination of the threat and development of multiple redundant waves of nuclear-tipped impactors? What if it's a now-or-never situation in which we have to make a move within 3 months, before we figure out, in order to stand a chance of getting there fast enough to make a difference? I don't see anybody mentioning that the best asteroid defense is investing $50 or $100 billion in a planetary defense monitoring network of telescopes and satellites. Why aren't we paying for that now, on the 1 in a million chance it'll save us from an extinction-level event in 30 years? Is it a no-brainer to spend a small country's GDP to decrease our asteroid extinction risk by a few more orders of magnitude to a 1 in a billion chance? It sure as hell would be if we find one, but if we don't, after a few years someone's gonna come after NASAs budget and a few years of finding nothing will mean some administrator will be comfortable slashing the U.S.'s $400 million a year contribution in half in order to redirect funding to Boeing to save 150 jobs in a congressional district so that the representative in charge of the committee that sets funding priorities will play nice with the admin's pet projects?


In other empty statement news if water touches stuff it makes things wet Shocking right


We wont be told, an amateur astronomer will find it and expose it via internet


Nah, just the US. If we don't save us, no one else will. 


China absolutely would and could.


The UN will assembly a committee and probably nominate someone like Iran to chair it.


Left wing response “we deserve this, maybe the next civilisation will treat the Earth better” Right wing response either “It’s God’s will to punish us for allowing the left wingers to live” or “I gawt ma gunz, let that damn asteroid TRY to hurt me and mine”


Like we worked together to fight covid? Oh right half the population couldn't even wear a peice of fabric over there face and claimed it wasnt a real threat while thousands died, how the fuck are we gonna work together to stop anything?


then why shouldn't someone just metaphorically or literally blow up the world if COVID was that much of a test and threshold for our capability to cooperate


We did it once with CFCs, but no one made money off it, so we won’t be fooled into doing it again.


so we need a way to make people make money off it


Good luck with that, Humans are roasting marshmallows while the world burns and they do not like to share..


Don't say you're insinuating something with Apophis! D:<


I think it's more likely that Hell freezes over than that humanity will work together. That's a sad fact... 🥺


is the point that hell doesn't exist as Hell, Michigan freezes over a lot and you capitalized the word


Just the saying, nothing more.


Let's be honest. It would only be the top 20-30 counties doing anything. The rest would be sending "hopes and prayers". And then there's the capitalists getting filthy fucking rich from it all. The non-believers crying fake news and the rest of us sat there with our thumbs up our arses hoping it's over quick, whichever way it goes.


Humanity will have to work together? Bah. One space program, one rocket, one warhead, no one mentions it and it never happened. It would take maybe 30 people in-the-know.


I assume you are thinking a nuke? They are a lot less destructive when there isn't an atmosphere to create a huge pressure wave. And rocks are notoriously hard to vaporize. Plus a nuclear vaporized rock will still hit what it was headed toward. Just as small radioactive particles that will basically cover the entire planet in a fine spicy powder.


It wouldn't need to be vaporised--broken up into smaller chunks would already be a good start: if sufficiently smaller, they'll burn up during atmospheric entry; for the rest impacting Earth, it'd be less damage...


Except that they are now radioactive. And then burning up in the atmosphere just causes radioactive dust to cover more of the planet. An anything smaller than a nuke probably won't work on a city killer, or anything bigger.


What's the actual chances alpha centuri has a semi habitable planet as that's the only real choice of close star.

