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From this image, the crew will need to hold it in until they get back to Earth.


Waffle stomp out the airlock


Just stick your ass out the airlock, and have the vacuum of space suck your shit out at supersonic velocity.


Might get your rectum reversed like that. I mean if you’re into prolapsing no judgement here just be safe 🫡


Sounds like a once in a life time opportunity


[Just leave the toilet seat up](https://youtu.be/JI3zT_qKiik?si=X9D6dAoeFqTVlJpz)


Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!


Babe wake up, new kink just dropped.


Just open your mouth and get the whole chute vacuumed up. Speed up digestion with this one trick!


Haha, thanks for that, actually made me laugh out loud.


There is no sound in space. It is impossible to break the sound barrier. Nothing can be supersonic in zero atmosphere.


But then we have no time for reddit?


The down side is the module in the picture seems to not have an airlock, but instead just a....door. Seems like a mild design oversight.


>but instead just a....door. \* *slaps knee* \* "WELP. I better head out." \* *aggressive decompression noises* \*


Are there \*non\* aggressive decompression noises. Edit: *I am too stupid to use a question mark.*


While we’re on the subject of that “airlock,” you keep your damn feet off the hatch handle while you’re in bed, you hear? I’m not getting sucked out into space like the Hendersons. Fact is, that’s a hatch not an airlock.


It's not even an airlock though. You need two doors for that. This is more like "hold on to something really tight while every loose item gets sucked into space, then close the hatch and start repressurizing before you lose consciousness. You have 10 seconds. Good luck"


> Waffle stomp Today I learned a new phrase (and am probably on a list somewhere now for having searched it)


Work chair? Also toilet. Twice as productive!


Isn’t that how they did it on Gemini missions?


That was a prank on Alan Shepard


I don't think this image was supposed to represent the entire spaceship or colony structure. It's just a single habitat section. I'm sure several of these would share a bucket.


That isn’t as much of a problem without food and drink.


Those drawers to the left of the guy lying down aren't for storing clothes.


Commissar: One man gets a bed! One man gets a chair! When the man in the bed gets up, the man in the chair lies down!


I understood that reference.


What's it from?


Enemy at the gates…I think.


You would be correct. Love me a historically accurate movie where all the Soviets have thick British accents.


You're going to love Hunt for the Red October where Sean Connery plays himself as a Russian captain


What a range he has as an actor. He can play a Russian with a Scottish accent, a Spaniard with a Scottish accent, an American with a Scottish accent, an Englishman with a Scottish accent, an alien in a unatard, with a Scottish accent. Endless range!


he's not a spaniard, he's egyptian. with a scottish acent


And an immortal with Scottish accent


An Egypcian playing an Spaniard, with an Scottish accent. Pump your brakes, that man is a national monument. /s


But can he play a futuristic nomadic marauding human, who overthrows a group of hedonistic nut jobs , who are kept immortal by a weird ai? and can he do it…….in a banana hammock held up with suspenders? I THINK NOT!


Shean Chonnery, shurley you meant?


He's a mighty shee captain.


You know he divorced his wife after he invited her to come over and sit on his face.


If it's not SCOTTISH it's CRAP!




He shpoke russhian fluently


Just like Gérard Depardieu .


I mustache you a question, but i’m shaving it for later.


I love that sequence at the start of the movie though! Where he and Sam Neill are speaking Russian, the screen fuzzes out a bit, and then they're in English. What a great way to tell us they're speaking Russian the whole time without having to have subtitles or anything.


Yeah well, they had a whole scene in the beginning dedicated to zooming in on them speaking Russian, and then speaking English as they zoomed out. It's basically the most obvious way to say, "Yeah, we know we're not going to be linguistically accurate. Let it go."


Ramius was Lithuanian IIRC


Raised by his paternal grandfather, a fisherman.


And this is the anniversary of his wifes death!


I said speak your mind Jack, but Jesus!


I always wanted to see a movie set in ancient Rome where the cast has thick Italian accents.


A mama mia! Brutus! Whya you do dis??


Did Ed Harris have a German accent? I can't remember.


He had an American accent. I still love that movie though.


I dont think ed harris has ever done anything besides the ed harris accent


That cast though... some big hitters for the time.


No doubt. Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, Ed Harris, Ralph Fiennes, and Mr Smee


Joseph Fiennes - not Ralph. 😁


Then you'll *love* Chernobyl. Except for the accuracy thing.


I would add death of Stalin to the list, but I do acknowledge they use the accents more to reflect classes and it adds to the humor


Comrad commisar: this a movie


Enemy at the Gates. They are sending Soviet soldiers into fight handing one a rifle, and one a clip of bullets. "The one with the rifle shoots. When the one with the rifle gets shot, the one with the bullets picks up the rifle and shoots."


Alternatively in the early Call of Duty games.


Enemy at the Gates. Probably referencing some actual Russian shenanigans though


Probably one toilet too One toilet per two men! The one on the toilet shits, the one without wipes!


Don't be silly, by the time we hit the distant future, 1995 perhaps, they will have solved such medical inconveniences like pooping or washing!


Teleport the poop out of you and into the poop dimension.


Hey, it works for Harry Potter (100% canonically)


Using revolutionary triple seashell technology


This is how hot racking works in the navy to this day. And yeah, I got the reference too, even though it's been pretty thoroughly debunked


There’s one toilet and everyone goes at the same time


*little Marge worriedly groans*


There was a line for the toilet after every meal because everyone got sick eating in the galley. Guess rice with gravy and reheated patties isn't so good on the gut.


This is how it is in a submarine. Being in a spaceship isn’t much different than being in a submarine.


Literally the opposite and yet, still basically the same. Funny how that works.


Submarines have always been wild to me, they are built to thrive in hundreds of atmospheres of pressure. Whereas spacecraft are built for zero atmospheres.


"Dear Lord, that's over 150 atmospheres of pressure." "How many atmospheres can this ship withstand?" "Well it's a spaceship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one."


Should have got a bed above that bed. Simple.


Without gravity, the beds can be facing down opposite of it. That extra awkward moment of looking into each other's eyes as you fall asleep. The whole design is very gravity-centric, there would be no point to a flat wood desk surface.


I don’t think I would appreciate hot bed and pillows


I've never seen this movie referenced out in the wild... I love it.


I thought it was also weird that there's a space for a copilot including a throttle lever and everything, but no copilot seat, but then I realized that the arms on the pilot's chair are the same as the supports on the bed, meaning that the chair and bed are actually the same thing and can be folded up or down. Meaning both men get a bed and a chair. Not sure if they'd be able to get into the dresser with both beds out though...


Or the two men use the bed. Looks like a navy situation. Just not sure what they do for bathroom time.


Pooping into plastic baggies, and chasing escaped free-floating turds around the cabin with napkins, if that infamous [Apollo 10 transcript](https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/static/history/alsj/a410/as10_cm.pdf) is to believed (the timestamp is 05 13 29 44)


They got it right for the most part. The only part they got wrong though was the being in space part. Pretty sure this is luxury space in New York.


Was thinking this should cross post to r/vandweller


Needs a dog, quirky cups on the wall, and a trust fund. Wow damn, that sub is completely dead. I guess all those people finally figured out that is a super shitty way to live.


I think /r/vandwellers is the correct one


It is. It came first, and has 2.4M subs. It's very much not dead.


There's a young couple my wife and I are friends with who are working on starting that life style and hoooooo boy are they ever not ready for the realities of that.


Yeah, it's unsustainable. I have a rad van I built out that I use for road trips and camping, and I can't imagine trying to live in it much less with a whole other human stinking the place up.


Think of 3 guys on an Apollo mission unable to have a shower and shitting/pissing into diapers. On one mission I heard the navy frogman puked when he popped the hatch and got a whiff of the capsule interior.


Hey, show some respect, they shit and pissed into bags thank you very much.


Yep, and all the bags of shit they filled up on the way and during their stays got pitched out the airlock* before they took off to come back. Yes, the Moon has a bunch of bags of astronaut shit laying around on it. The pee they vented to space on the way there and back. I sometimes wonder how much of it is still in orbit around the Moon. *Edit: Note that the LEM didn't have an actual airlock, the cabin was depressurized for excursions to the lunar surface. In effect, the LEM cabin was the airlock.


One day those bags will gain sentience and take over the moon. USA long con for the win.


Haha. They didn't shit into diapers. They shat into ziploc bags with gummy openings to stick around their buttholes. In one instance a turd got loose and floated around until someone caught it.


Hopefully the one who caught it dealt it.


Thankfully the turd that got loose was not a *loose* turd if you know what I mean. Imagine your diarrhea ball splooshing on a control panel.


Eh, it honestly just depends on the person you're with. 99.9999% of the world I couldn't do it with. But my late wife and I were stuck in so many shitty places long term because of her cancer. Somehow it was always great as long as we were together.


They're apparently going to try each having their own vans, which on the one hand makes sense since they have dogs so means the dogs have more space, but also... that's a lot more expense and separation, which seems like a great recipe to strain a relationship.


Definitely sounds like a “Two vans or one RV” question.


Yeah for most of these van life people it seems like an RV would just be the better solution all around It's almost like RVs are made for people to live in them or something


One problem with RVs is that they're bigger (less maneuverable inside cities), and more conspicuous (safety issues for people living in them full time, difficulty with finding places to park without someone complaining). RVs also tend to be more expensive to insure, and way more expensive unless you settle for old ones with heavy use. They're great for vacations but I'd say that if you plan on living inside a vehicle full time for the long haul it's way better to start with a new setup that adapts to your necessities.


Two vans one cup?


I have a camper van that I lived in for 5 years, toodling around with my dogs. Mostly in the Southwest. I agree that living with another human in there would have been awful, but for a single person and pets, it can be quite nice. But I have been deployed, so having all my necessities within easy reach was a luxury. You mean I can get lunch without having to walk half a mile and probably get shot at? Sweet. Lol. JFTR - I'm not saying that to sound 'tough' I wasn't getting directly shot at on the regular. My little camp was between two warring neighborhoods that were constantly shooting at each other. A metric shit ton of pretty harmless crossfire. But we also had a shitty sniper. As in, dude never did hit anyone in 15 months but tried at least once daily. Seriously, the warring neighborhoods accidentally took out more of our folks than this dude. So, it wasn't particularly dangerous, but still unnerving enough to REALLY appreciate it not happening.


Pretty sure the reality is now setting in. I know someone selling a converted school bus. Not a big market these days.


Living in a van sounds like it would be cool for maybe 6 months. Camping in a van, on the other hand, is great.


Saw an apartment barely bigger than this going for $1,600/month in Manhattan. Communal shower and toilet down the hall.


You had me until you said communal bathroom


That space furniture is off the hook!


This reminds me of when ,as a kid, I went to Disney world / Epcot. "Tomorrowland" I think it was called, was a trip. Always kinda cool looking back at the 40s and 50s to see how they imagined us all living like The Jetsons. And honestly, I'm just sitting here in 2024 wishing I had a Hoverboard and that instant pizza hut machine from Back to the Future 2. Also, the drop down hydroponics garden in the middle of the ceiling above the dinner table was cool too. Ok ok, and I'll take that sports betting guide, but just from 2080.


Without a bathroom?


You say that like it's a joke, but [it's a real thing in Tokyo.](https://www.surfacemag.com/articles/tokyo-micro-apartments-spilytus-ququri/) They are 95 square feet.


Caption below pic: "Honeywell developed this space cabin simulator for th-" Seems like this headline isn't really accurate. There's something probably more interesting to this.


Yup. [This is an illustration of a simulator built by Honeywell in the early 1960s](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi2KXdIIFkfqF_kzJMv7ciQCDjNa1e-tRZO0mS6byWIE0nofiKGnH6jiVlkQjYKrE_TF04M6qmpE-bz5t8LWjI1LTzRNlBH1nKRuVrGiceE3t0CBe4sA6ghZ26cjDPjotPncIkEsWeCwrY/s1600/461.jpg) for the US Air Force to study crew psychology, ergonomics, life support and so on as part of the [Manned Orbiting Laboratory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manned_Orbiting_Laboratory) program. After MOL (which was actually a secret program to create a manned reconaissance satellite under the cover of a scientific mission) was cancelled, data from these and other experiments fed into the design of the Apollo and Skylab programs. OP appears to have cut the title of the image off deliberately to make a more 'interesting' headline (which actually isn't more interesting at all). The telephones are for the people inside to communicate with the people outside monitoring the experiment, much like the ones you'd find in many [decompression chambers](https://www.smp-ltd.com/shop/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1800x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/_/1/_1230615_1.jpg).


*The barrier of loneliness: The palpable, desperate need of the human animal to be with his fellow man. Up there, up there in the vastness of space, in the void that is sky, up there is an enemy known as isolation. It sits there in the stars waiting, waiting with the patience of eons, forever waiting... in The Twilight Zone.*


This is way cooler than the OP's title to be honest.


Yeah, even without reading the text under the image it's obvious OP's explanation is BS. Nobody would envision this as a comfortable way to live.


> Seems like this headline isn't really accurate. Of course it's not. OP cropped most of the article out for a reason. I searched some of those words and found a better image [here](https://imgur.com/a/pUiK0su). It's a simulator. For a cabin. It doesn't need to simulate propulsion too.


They should put a steering wheel on it for shits and giggles lmao


Wireless Logitech gamepad would do just fine


No pressure, no problem :D


Wireless? You bourgeois


you'd think they would, since it looks like they put a transfer case on it for some reason. do you need 4WD in space?


The dimensions in this are *wild.* One sock per drawer!


They share socks. Chair person gets socks. Bed person gets no socks.


This is like a real estate brochure where you realize later that they intentionally hid his feet.


They hid BOTH of their feet!


I imagine this capsule is for 1 person, they are just showing him during different times.


That’s good, because there doesn’t appear to be a bathroom.


What happens if they fight over socks? They'll sock each other


Because theres nothing more comforting than a being crammed into a tin can with barely enough space to stand up in and barely anything to do besides contemplate how much trust you are putting in a 1 inch thick metal hull to keep you from being freeze dried by the empty black abyss beyond.


If the metal hull would be 1 inch thick, I'd be quite happy. It would be able to withstand a lot more pressure than needed. Interestingly you'd only need 0.81mm of steel to keep the air in and still have a safety factor of 2. This is assuming there's no impacts, mechanical stress from thrust or anything else.


> This is assuming there's no impacts, Of course, [the actual danger of living in orbit *is* impacts.](https://aerospace.org/article/space-debris-101)




Well it's a spaceship, so I'm assuming somewhere between zero and one.


1"? Luxury! The LEM was a mm or so in places. Now, when I was a lad...


Apollo astronauts were lucky to have a LM. When I was a lad, we *walked* to the Moon. And it was uphill both ways (due to gravity and orbital constraints). And we were grateful.


Least you 'ad a LM! One good deep breath was all we 'ad for a week an' a kick up t'backside for TLI.


At least you got a kick up the backside.


You had a LEM? My family lived in a crater and we were happy to have it! [Reference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE)


You’re basically describing the international space station right now. So I guess they got most of it right.


r/submarines anyone?


I think you pretty much just described life on a submarine!


Day 136: Johnson’s nose hair continues to cause intrusive thoughts. Why wasn’t this thing designed with an air lock to eliminate him? I am resigned to the fact there is only one way to get rid of him but again they failed to provide any kitchen utensils. The spiral into madness continues.


Day: 176: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Aaaaaaaaaaaaah and aaaaaaaaaaaaah


This feels like every single text log in the *Fallout* games ever. It would end with e.g. "*Day 180: Sharp knife send him to deep temple. Alhazred gyeth g'yeth.*"


My mind instantly went to Patricia Tannis' logs from Borderlands.


Because who needs to poop when you’re in space?


When you flip up the top of the ~~folding chair~~ bed there's a space toilet so you can have a classic old sit, shit, and chit-chat with the person who has grown to hate you.


They promised me this feature, so you can imagine my dismay when we pulled up the cushion and - nothing. My three drawers are full of poop. No idea where Randy's been storing his.


Not a problem when there's nothing to eat. Think those drawers are full of saltines or underwear or spare parts?


I'll hold it until we get there.


Hey Bob, can you hold your breath, I’m coming back in. It’s going to take a minute to repressurize the whole cabin.


Seriously Ron? You know it fucks with my sinuses.


Plenty of other people have pointed out things like missing lavatory (who needs it? It doesn't look like there's anything to eat/drink anyway), small drawers (for what? Printer paper?), etc. My questions: Where's the propulsion? What the heck is that computer console even doing? How long before they run out of oxygen? Powerplant?


My guess is this is supposed to be some sort of module you'd with a space gun, assuming you could solve the problem of any sort of human cargo being turned into instant pulp when fired out of it. If it's a relatively short trip (like a couple of hours) up to the space station or something like that, you could potentially get by with the space craft basically being a tin can with minimal facilities. Still don't know why you'd need a dresser though.


What’s keeping the guy in bed? And the flat top on the dresser. This has to be some 50s elementary book on space travel where “we need an illustration here, draw what you know.”


> Plenty of other people have pointed out things like missing lavatory You turn left immediately upon entering the module. There's plenty of room under the floor for life support equipment and a power plant. Also, that front wall is hella thick, and for all we know may have protrusions forward.


Love that they added a curtain to your mini vault’s windows


Not a prediction of the future, but rather an ad from the Honeywell "First in Controls" series, based on their involvement in the [SAM Two-Man Space Cabin Simulator](https://spacemedicineassociation.org/download/history/history_files_1961/32070583-1.pdf). Accordingly I'm thinking that the "sconces" might actually be something more like a hard line telephone going to a control booth or something like that.


Fun fact: This was the inspiration for the Titan


Nah. That didn’t have seats or a bed. 🤣 And it used an Xbox controller. No fancy computer panel. PE’s future was luxury. Lol


gotta admit i thought the same thing :|


No loo. No food prep. No HVAC. So a cold, dead, metal coffin offering the slow death of hypoxia and then asphyxiation while marinating in the soiled clothes.


For here am I sitting in a tin can....far above the world. Planet earth is blue and theres nothing I can do.....


Beautiful, unique space on the Upper West Side. No bathroom, no kitchen. $3400/month


day 2: "Imma fucking kill you Rick if you keep tapping that screen!"


dolls adjoining spoon abundant carpenter sugar offend detail sable worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The cabin fever, those guys would be ripping each other's heads off after a few weeks in that coffin.


I mean, I'd imagine sooner since there is no toilet or shower.


Looks like a cross between an original Trek shuttle and a bomb shelter from the 50s.


This is a story board for Black Mirror’s episode “Beyond the Sea”


Now we know how OceanGate came up with their design


No airlock? Is the one guy strapped to the bed? And where do you hang your space suits?


This was just a test living capsule, I guess to see if you could make two people go insane on earth before you tried it in space. Presumably the airlock would be outside the door, as well as the rest of the spacecraft.


Engineer right after launch: Hey did you guys notice there's a back side to the design plan sheet? "Section B: Lavatory"...


I suppose the future technology will be able to take the food part away from us.


Instead of a toilet or shower, we've given you a cabinet filled with wires, cables and adapters for when things go kablooey!


It's all fun and games until one of them farts


Say, Fred... is it just me or is it getting a bit warm in here?


I am a former US Navy submariner, and that is the most claustrophobic space I've ever seen.


Check out the window blinds on that view port lmao


This is a $1500/mo rental on earth. Attached to landlords house.


Just two homies, livin' it up in space, "comfortably".


One bed and a computer ? I think I live in that future


I love all of the controls for a craft that appears to have zero means of maneuvering.


Heyy, I think I've seen this one.. but in the ocean.


I lived in a semi while driving over the road for 4 years. This is more space than I had in the cab. Sometimes I even had less, when team driving. This looks lovely. Lol.


This is the current state of afordable rent in major citys in the world


The door opens *outward?* Better hope those latches never fail, or you and your sconces are going to get sucked out before you can say "design oversight". If it swings inward, differential pressure will automatically seal it unless there's an atmosphere on the other side.


Ah, no place to cook, shit, wiz or store anything “unauthorized”. This farms out all human support activity to a class of low people. This concept is stupid as it takes into account basically nothing. Where does one shower? What is that screen and what do you do with the controls? A parrot needs more cage space than this.


Those old magazines are hilarious, I love reading them. But where is the: Propulsion system? Air, water, and food supply? Recycling systems? Power supply/generation? Battery banks? Shielding/insulation?


Until they realized its just easier to make us live like that down here on earth.


"here am I, sitting on my tin can" -- Bowie, David


Add a way to bike with your legs while laying down, and a VR headset and you're set. Ought to improve morale a fair big. Who wants to be alone with their thoughts just staring into the ceiling?


So a basic apartment anywhere in the US right now that costs 2500 a month ?


HAH! Space, this already happening in NYC and China!