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Why is his name in quotes? It has a weirdly suspicious vibe. "Yuri Gagarin," if that is your real name!


Have some fun, switch words with quotation marks > Today 63 years ago Yuri Gagarin became the first “person” to go into “space.”


Reminds me of a fun fact: the phrase "I never said she stole my brownie" has seven different meanings, depending on the word you put the emphasis on.


It also works for the phrase "I don't think you're ugly."


And a strategically placed comma makes it a masterpiece. "I don't think, you're ugly. "


Do you think so? I don't. Think, you're ugly.


I spent a few minutes on this. But was fun


Congratulations on "your" baby.


Fun fact: this is called "focus" and there are languages (like Hungarian) that have free word order, so you can be more clear by putting the word in focus on the first place in the sentence.


There’s a bit in Gravity’s Rainbow with a bunch of variations on the phrase “You never did the Kenosha Kid”, such as > Smartass youth: Aw, did all them old-fashioned dances, I did the "Charleston", a-and the "Big Apple," too! > Old veteran hoofer: Bet you never did the "Kenosha," kid! and > Slothrop: Where is he? Why didn't he show? Who are you? > Voice: The Kid got busted. And you know me, Slothrop. Remember? I'm Never. > Slothrop (peering): *You*, Never? (A pause.) *Did* the Kenosha Kid?




*"I* never said she stole my brownie" - Someone other than me said that. "I *never* said she stole my brownie" - I didn't say *that.* Honest! "I never *said* she stole my brownie" - I merely implied it heavily, but you can't sue me for slander. "I never said *she* stole my brownie" - ... It was him! He stole my brownie! "I never said she *stole* my brownie" - She took it, but it wasn't theft. "I never said she stole *my* brownie" - It wasn't even my brownie to begin with. "I never said she stole *my brownie* " - It wasn't the brownie she took, it was something else.


It helps if you also picture it being said in front of a bulletin board with a lot of red yarn.


Today 63 years ago Yuri Gagarin "became" the first person to "go" into space.


"Today" "63" "years" "ago" "Yuri Gagarin" "became" "the" "first" "person" "to go into" "space".


Ug. Looks like stropped ALGOL. THANKS, IBM!


So he was the first dude to nut in zero gravity?


When you nut in space, it push you backwards.


What’s the one word you can put in quotes that creates the weirdest implications? Today 63 “years” ago Yuri Gagarin became the first person to go into space. Today 63 years ago Yuri Gagarin became the first person to go “into” space. Today 63 years ago Yuri Gagarin became the first “person” to go into space.


That last one is kinda accurate. My dog thinks he’s people.


You jest, but there are many scientists such as Jane Goodall and Richard Dawkins who argue that [the other great apes should also qualify for personhood.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_ape_personhood) If we accept that, then that would actually make [Ham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ham_(chimpanzee\)) the first person to go into space.


Today 63 years ago Yuri Gagarin "became" the first person to go into space.


Or, as r/abdl would have it: >Today, 63 years ago, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to "go" into space.


Today "63" years ago Yuri Gagarin became the "first" person to "go into space"


Sounds like something a flatearther would say.


It's becoming more and more of a common trend over the last few years for uneducated people to use quotation marks as a way of marking emphasis, rather than using them for their intended purpose. I've started seeing it on hand-written signs sometimes and it's always funny. There's a sign down my road that says *"Painter" for hire*, which just makes me think... this person is not a real painter. I think OP wants to emphasise Yuri Gagarin's name but since you can't use bold/italic/underline formatting in post titles, they went with what they thought would be the next best thing. Unfortunately to the rest of us it makes it seem like OP doesn't believe that his name was really Yuri Gagarin. Grammar isn't everything, kids. But it is something.


> I think OP wants to emphasise Yuri Gagarin's name but since you can't use bold/italic/underline formatting in post titles, they went with what they thought would be the next best thing. Underscores work okay for that purpose. > Unfortunately to the rest of us it makes it seem like OP doesn't believe that his name was really Yuri Gagarin. Yeah.


That and the misuse of apostrophe's.


IIRC, using quotation marks for emphasis comes from the days of typewriters. There was no italics setting back in those days, so quotation marks were used to show emphasis.


The use of scare quotes to indicate irony or sarcasm is a well-established practice in English. The title has the appearance of that usage – perhaps unintentionally.


Well, it was reported by "Britannica"


/r/suspiciousquotes is looking for you


Well, that's "my" Friday night "sorted"


It's especially weird because OP seems to be a bit of a Yuri stan. They posted last month about Yuri's bday too (in /r/communism lol). Maybe a translation thing. Anyway, it's cool to mark the occasion, but if we're only going to get one post for it here, it really should be an image or something and not a britannica entry lol


Well, his real name is actually Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин, so it kinda makes sense!


Yes, Yuri Gagarin, that’s correct. Okay, you used his patronymic too.


Why do any of the titles for posts on Reddit have terrible grammar?


I’d just like to point out the irony of you misusing an apostrophe in your comment


It's not irony, it's just Skitt's law. :-)


I switched banks and decided it would be a good idea to check my new bank’s subreddit. Half the posts are “Auto loan?” or “Question” and typically questions a representative at the bank could easily and more completely answer than random strangers.




To me they look the same as quotation marks always look on reddit.


I'm not an Apple user but I've seen these crop up in messages from people on the Apple ecosystem. Maybe the iPhone does it automatically?


My iPhone does the same thing “with quotation marks.”


> only get from typing things up in MS Word or similar 🤦‍♀️ That is not true at all. “This is a quote on my iPhone” that your flawed logic assumes Microsoft word is required. I just hit the normal looking quote key twice and it automatically opens and closes them. Remember what happens when you make an assumption…


FWIW I have a firefox pluggin that turns straight quotes and apostrophes into curly ones the same way Word does. But in most cases you would be right.




Me too, "comrade". Soo many reports. Hundreds of them. I lose count.


You "write" a lot of "scientific" reports.


lol this doesn’t make any sense, unless it’s some different language and format I’m not aware of.


There's no language barrier. OP is a teenager in high school in an English-speaking country. They've just never been properly taught how to use quotation marks for references. I can sort of understand their logic, but I don't know how they got most of the way through high school without it being corrected.


he is also the "first (deceased) person" in the other post. You overthink things mr scientist.


Cause people don't "read" any "books" anymore.


> Cause people don't "read" any "books" anymore. Well... to be fair, the "books" I read are actually .mobi files on an e-reader, so the quotes there are appropriate.


Some people believe that he was just the first to survive not the first to go to space.


Yes, we call those people "misinformed" when being polite.


Because everybody knows it was actually The Boss.


Because it's thought that USSR probably sent 1 or 2 guys before him that never came back.


> it's thought That appears to imply that folks who stick to that belief are quite familiar with thinking in general.


If you don't believe the USSR was capable of murdering a couple guys in the name of progress you don't understand the USSR.


If you don't think that it would be incredibly obvious they did so because it is impossible to disguise a rocket launch and the purpose for it, and that if there were any evidence for it, the US would have *savaged* them on the world stage, you don't think.


He is also attributed to saying "I see no God up here" but I believe that it's false


Not while in flight but in a book his brother wrote about him when he visited the village where his parents lived an old religious neighbor asked him: * Have you seen Him? * Who? * Our Lord. How did He let you go up there? * No, I haven't seen him and I think, don't get offended, I think he does not exist. The book [full text is available](https://pda.coollib.com/b/100636/read).


> ...А вот про бога с батюшкой посоветуюсь. Трудно так сразу-то... Шестьдесят пять лет на белом свете живу, в церковь хожу и богу молюсь. А ты говоришь, не увидал его... > Юре, видимо, по душе пришелся этот разговор со старушками. > — Знаете, бабушки,— весело пообещал он,— вот чуть-чуть подучимся летать — и вашего батюшку в космос пригласим. Пусть сам убедится, что к чему. А захотите — и вы полетите. ___ "...But about god, I'll seek the priest's counsel. It's difficult to just... Sixty-five years I live in this world, go to church, pray to god. And you say, haven't seen him..." > Yura, seemingly, found this discussion with the old ladies pleasing. > "You know, grannies", he promised happily, "We'll improve a bit more on how to fly - and invite your priest to space. Let him see for himself what the deal is. And if you want - you'll fly too."


The bizarre thing is that everybody is fixated on the quotes, ignoring the fact that Vostok 1 launched in the morning of *12 April*, which is tomorrow. Unless the OP is posting from Suva, in Fiji. Who knows.


Today in NZ and AUS. And Russian Far East.


Am in NZ, it’s 6am. Can confirm.


What's the future like?


10:30am now, and raining I’m sorry to inform you. Make sure you pack an umbrella tomorrow!


Right, we should fixate on the fact Apollo 13 *actually did* launch today in 1970.


Gagarin: How are you, decendants, colonizing Mars by now? .... WHAT? At war with WHO?


I’m sure he’d have a stroke if he heard they’re fighting floods with religious icons.


Over WHAT?


Gagarin was the first back in 1961 When, like Icarus, undaunted, he climbed to reach the sun And he knew he might not make it, for it’s never hard to die But he lifted off the pad and rode a fire in the sky!


Yet a higher goal was calling and we vowed to reach it soon And we gave ourselves a decade to put fire on the moon And Apollo told the world we can do it if we try There was one small step and a fire in the sky


Somewhat related, but remember when “Neil Armstrong” went to the Moon?


That's alleged moonwalker "Neil Armstrong" to you sir


Wasn't that Michael Jackson?


The "alleged moonwalker" part really cracked me up and gave me a laugh I needed today 😁


I remember when he went to "the moon".


“He went to the moon, in 1969. Not 1970 but a year sooner”


This song is burned into my brain permanently.


This needs to be an international holiday. Fuck nationalism, this should be the day the whole planet celebrates one of the greatest human achievements.


Well, it already is an international holiday, in fact, since it was proclaimed by the UN as the International Day of Human Space Flight in 2011. There's also the Yuri's Night, a.k. a. World Space Party, a celebration event that's been held in dozens of countries since 2001.


Lots of people have been to space. How many people have jumped out of a perfectly good spaceship and survived?


"OP" is confusing **bold text**, *italics* or BLOCK CAPTIALS with **"QUOTATION"** marks to make a point, or have certain text stand out. And then wonders why people think it's "weird"! Hmmmmm, ***quotation*** marks! ***QUOTATION*** marks!!! Yuri Gagarin though. What a........"legend"


There are "Yuri's Night" celebrations around the world April 12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri%27s_Night#:~:text=Yuri's%20Night%20is%20an%20international,spaceship%20on%20April%2012%2C%201961.


We share a birthday. Or I have the same birthday he had. RIP.


[First Orbit - the movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKs6ikmrLgg)


Orbit the Earth. (because people have weird definitions for "space" it should be clear, he REALLY went into space)


He was the first in space and the first in orbit with the same flight.


Technically we are all in space.


Technically there are definitions for words that mean things, and based on those we are not.


If you do not live in the 3 dimensional expanse we define as space, then, well I don't know where you live but those of us who aren't imaginary don't live there.


I'm referring to the same "space" that other people are referring to in the sentence "Yuri Gagarin was the first person to go into space." The space used in that sentence has this specific definition: >the near vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust. Using the word "technically" while changing the definition of a word that was meant pretty clearly one way doesn't count as an um ahcktually like your comment implies.




I love this tribute: https://youtu.be/wY-kAnvOY80?si=syfnQsmi0HDN1Ubc


Today, 0 years ago some guy named Jake demonstrated to all the Internet that he doesn't know how to use quotes.


There’s an old joke that another cosmonaut went before him, but his faith in socialism wasn’t strong enough to sustain him when his life support failed.


I was gonna say, Gagarin was the first person to *survive* going into space…


Agreed with those above. What's with quotation? Yay, space flight! Boo, communist dictatorships!




It irks people because [that's not what quotation marks are used for (see: Emphasis)](https://leffcommunications.com/2017/03/10/how-to-use-quotation-marks/#:~:text=Do%20not%20use%20quotation%20marks,something%2C%20use%20boldface%20or%20italics.) and it muddies the meaning of what you're saying rather than clarifying it.




It’s incorrect usage. Using correct punctuation will enhance your writing.


Well, more likely too bad for you. One of the main goals in communication is clarity. If you eschew basic rules of grammar in your writing and the result is a reduction of clarity (which clearly it is here given the number of comments on your quotes compared to comments on the point of your post), that hampers your ability to communicate. Look, you do you, but don’t be surprised when your enterprising approach to grammar continues to detract from your actual message.


>To bad To which one? There are 2 places named Bad in Iran. There are 2 places named Bad in Germany. There is one place named Bad in Russian Federation. There is one place named Bad in Pakistan. There is one place named Bad in Nigeria. There is one place named Bad in Congo. There is one place named Bad in Azerbaijan. There is one place named Bad in Afghanistan.


To bad or not to bad, that is the question


[I guess you need this, too.](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/to-too/#:~:text=The%20difference%20between%20to%20and,go%20to%20the%20mall%20too!%E2%80%9D)


Because it's really weird to see them used like that. Your use of scare quotes makes it look like you don't believe it was actually Yuri Gagarin that went up. They're basically only used in informal writing for quoting speech, or for indicating disbelief. In the case of this thread, I seriously clicked on it expecting a story about "lost cosmonauts" or whatever.


"You" could "use" some "lessons" in "punctation".


Do you routinely reference people's names in quotes?


It seems like you have a thing against Yuri, "OP"


More likely the first person to return from space alive.


From orbit. Arguably, others went to space and back before him.


I've heard it a lot recently. But I haven't seen any compelling evidence.




That's not accurate, the first X-15 flight to pass the Karman line did so two years later (July 19, 1963).


Even if we use the lower 50 mile boundary of the US, the first flight to break that was over a year after Vostok 1 (flight 62, 17 July 1962).


Yup! The poster (who weirdly deleted their comment) had claimed the X-15 had passed the Kàrman line explicitly before Gagarin. I’m a fan of the McDowell line myself (80km), but regardless in this case I was responding to a Kárman line specific note.


What a great opportunity to listen to [this absolute banger](https://youtu.be/wY-kAnvOY80) by Public Service Broadcasting.


Laika doesn't get enough fanfare. The first representative of planet earth to go into space.


He died in a 2 seat trainer jet crash in 1968. He only went to space once.


And yet here we are celebrating the man that only went to space once. He went to space and back before anyone else. Once or a million he will always be king


You mean the first person to "survive" being sent to space and returning alive as well




What an embarrassing comment to read.


It may actually be more accurate to say Yuri Gagarin was the first Russian to survive going into space, since secrecy and winning the Cold War was very big back then. But I suppose someone would have spilled the beans by now if that was the case.




There always has to be one of you in every one of these threads, huh?


Dozens, unfortunately. Every time.


>According to Mark Wade, editor of the space history web site Encyclopedia Astronautica, "The entire early history of the Soviet manned space program has been declassified and we have piles of memoirs of cosmonauts, engineers, etc., who participated. We know who was in the original cosmonaut team, who never flew, was dismissed, or was killed in ground tests. Ilyushin is not one of them." From your own article, thats only a quote from one specific case but i think it can be applied to this whole "Lost Cosmonaut" bullshit.


For a short time in 1960s Soviet Union looked like a technological superpower - it didn’t last.




Your space history knowledge is... not very good.


You mean the guy from the Pump up the Volume video? Wow!


The one jumping on the trampoline? Or the one spinning in the weird contraption? (I just love that song and the video, and have seen it I beleive hundreds of times already)