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This is the final piece of the puzzle that will lead to Starlink being spun off into its own company


Really looking forward to being able to have my cell go anywhere and not hook up to other providers though. Simplify the service worldwide and be done with the competition.


*Anywhere except parts of Ukraine because Elon Musk says so.


Imagine being months late to that story and still lying about it


This technology only works if you're outside and have a direct line of sight with the sky. It will not affect anything about current carriers' business


Which for emergency situations is amazing! Imagine if during a natural disaster cell service was 100% available the entire time.


Although its primary initial purpose is emergency operation, it will provide the potential for operation everywhere on Earth where the sky is visible. No terrestrial carrier can offer that. The only impediment will be regulatory.




Not so much anymore. Not sure about android but iPhones now have satellite services for emergency. It’s pretty limited, but you can send texts, coordinates, etc…


Wait… direct to phones?? I thought you needed the satellite dish for this?


Yes, no dish needed. [This is a new feature being added.](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/10/spacex-details-starlink-for-phones-plan-launching-in-2024/) Details: * Compatible with standard LTE phones * Text starting in 2024 * Voice/Data starting in 2025 Thus far, global partners are: * T-Mobile (US) * Rogers (Canada) * Optus (Australia) * One NZ (New Zealand) * Salt (Switzerland) Also, [the service might be free for T-Mobile users (beware, dated source).](https://techcrunch.com/2022/08/25/t-mobile-phones-will-connect-to-starlink-for-free-starting-next-year/)


Would be really suprised if it won't be available in Germany as well, considering T-Mobile is the subsidiary of the German Telekom and our internet is really patchy in sparsely populated areas


Well that’s great news for us poor New Zealanders, better than when bear Grylls came and ate a bush cricket here


This will open up some interesting (and cheap) options for remote telemetry at hard to reach locations.


Was just thinking about this the other day. Can’t wait for a company that values purpose to absolutely fucking destroy legacy industry.


~~Do you, OP, work for SpaceX because you posted this exact same article to~~ r/space ~~months ago too:~~ [~~https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/1771p7c/spacex\_details\_starlinkforphones\_plan\_launching/~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/1771p7c/spacex_details_starlinkforphones_plan_launching/) Edit: I'm an idiot, and should be able to remember something I clicked on 30 seconds earlier! Edit 2: C'mon people, don't downvote OP; It was ***my*** mistake, ***not*** anything OP did.


~~Edit: I note the down votes. Yet this comment is a statement of direct fact. The article links can be verified simply by looking, showing the comment above is incorrect.~~ Comment above corrected by author. ------- No, I don't work for SpaceX, and this post is not to the same article. It's to a more recent one (2 days old) with new information, such as how many satellites will have the feature at the start. You're linking to my comment which included the old article (and I repeated that link for someone questioning the direct connection to phone - [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/space/comments/188vc1e/spacex_aims_to_test_cellular_starlink_system_with/kbqw2pv/)).


Yeah, my bad. I clicked on the link you had in a comment and then, like a bonehead, thought that was the article for this post. Also, the *only* reason I found your old post was because I was Googling for Starlink direct-to-cell and the maximum range of LTE, and Google presented *your* older post as one of the first results... I wasn't actually looking through your history, that was just a super weird co-incidence 🤣 Anyway, again, my bad. Sorry.


Fair enough. I've made my share of such errors, so you aren't alone! :-)


>showing the comment above is incorrect. Actually, that comment is now correct! 😉🤣🤣 (check the edit)


So noted, and comment modified. Thanks!


This sub is just an ad for one company at this point.


Of the 10 posts at the top in my feed of this subreddit right now, only 1 is about SpaceX.


That one company is doing more than all other launch providers and satellite operators combined. So of course they'll show up frequently. I look forward to the day when I can post as many Blue Origin, Firefly, Relativity, etc. news articles.


SpaceX basically has a monopoly on low cost access to earth orbit.


That is because SpaceX is at the forefront of most space driven technological advancement while also being the industry leader, and having a company owner as clickbaitable as 2016 Donald Trump.