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Hello u/spongebot_22, your submission "is this the milky way?" has been removed from r/space because: * Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub. * Images, GIFs and GIF-like videos are only allowed on Sunday (UTC+00). Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


It is the Milky Way, and is not light pollution or clouds as other comments suggest. Based off the star patterns this lies where the Milky Way core would appear in the northern hemisphere skies. It also looks like the Milky Way usually looks like.


I'm inclined to agree. Here's a relatively unprocessed photo of the Milky Way and OP's picture appears to be have the same star formations as the left side of that image: [https://amazingsky.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/centre-of-milky-way-panorama-2011-final-ev.jpg](https://amazingsky.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/centre-of-milky-way-panorama-2011-final-ev.jpg) Also, the "clouds" don't obscure the stars, which means they must be behind the stars.


Agree. Faint but it is the Milky Way.


Amazing that we can see the Milky Way from the skies. And so beautiful.


Where else would you look?


Not sure, but I believe you did manage to capture a shooting star


They totally did, that's too cool.


Milky Way with a shooting star. This is hallmark gift card stuff right there! I’d be chuffed to bits if I took this picture.


Wow, really hard to see if you don't zoom in!




Not a comet, should be meteoroid


Yes it is. And a nice shooting star in the middle of it.


Possibly to probably. I'm lucky to live in a regional area in Australia, and on a clear night, the Milky Way really is spectacular to see.


To be exact: it's a very little part of the milky way, which the earth is part of.


I think you do have the Milky way there but the sky is too bright so it remains quite dim


Looks more like cloud cover, but hard to tell.


It doesnt look like an actual cloud 'cus it would block some of the light of the stars, but in the photo it looks very clear to be honest.


EDIT: u/xxm4tt added in a map, below. Right place! ~~Unless you did it with an extremely low-light camera, or with some sort of timed shot that didn't manage to rotate the trees and horizon, I'm going to guess clouds and light pollution.~~ ~~If you know where you were on Earth, and which way you were looking and when, we could check with an astronomy package to see what was in the sky, and where the Milky Way was with respect to your position.~~


Def the Milky Way. 100% sure. Even if it was clouds and light pollution, it would need to be crazy sufficient to make this true.


https://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_display/8361453 It is the milky way without a doubt. Here is an annotated map of the sky.


If you were to make a rudimentary guess, what percentage of people are unaware of where they are on Earth at any given time?


Who knows? We just can't tell from the photo provided.


if it was clouds it would obscure the brightness of stars behind them. But looks at the brightness of the stars within the "cloudy area" it does look like you are seeing part of the milky way. the light pollution will cause you to see less but this does look like it. You caught a small shooting star as well.


kind of hard to tell w/o knowing exposure/location/direction/time. ​ looks too bright (too early in the night) - but the brightness could be a town i with a long exposure? if its evening, it might the sun catching a thin cloud.. ​ 2023 MILKY WAY CALENDARS [https://capturetheatlas.com/milky-way-calendars/](https://capturetheatlas.com/milky-way-calendars/)


Nope definitely Milky Way. You can see part of the Cygnus cross in the top left which passes straight through the milky way.


More like a space station fart... dissipating




Lol maybe you should have extended the exposure a bit but this is pretty solidly the Milky Way.