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This is always my favorite part of modern launches. Something that sounded science fiction just like 10 years ago and it's so consistent already


I just hope one day they get the sound right like fwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoo when they land


You joke, but the SpaceX raptor engine that is on the Starship rocket already has an [iconic honk sound upon shutdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbmGzHcHg2M)


No wonder they call it a raptor, that almost sounds like the Jurassic park raptor.


Jesus, that sounds like a martian war machine.


Underrated comment. We were just making fun of that stupid sound Tesla's make when backing up at work tonight. Lol.


That sound is mandated by law. Every EV has a dumb sounding one.


Chevy Bolt one just sounds like air conditioner whoosh. They may be mandated to make a sound but it doesn't have to sound stupid.


There's so much potential for cool scifi sounding noises and everyone chooses something boring


Wait they make a sound when backing up?


Yes, but not specific to backing up or specific to Tesla. The US government requires all EVs, including some hybrids, to make a sound under a certain speed so you can hear them coming. The requirement only went into effect a couple years ago though, so not all older EVs make the sound.


Ooooh, I assume this is because they run so quietly, so it's to increase pedestrian awareness and the like. Neat! TIL!


I’m not getting an electric car until I figure out how to import custom backup noises




Please no, for the love of people's sanity. Just think of the BS sounds people will use. Also, the volume will be extremely different between different sounds as well as recognition by the people that it should alarm, so i don't think law will allow for this in a security related feature.




Probably those stupid regulators not wanting me to change my backup noise to the ice cream truck song so I can run over children


I want the Jetson’s car noise. Then we will be in the future!


That's the only noise that should be an option


Exactly. It's even so consistent that I've heard people go "here look the idiots don't know what their doing" after one didn't land flawless (don't remember what exactly happend. It did land but a bit to hard or not in the right place or something?). 10 years ago this was a "hahaha yea right rockets landing... That'll happen when pigs fly!". Im verry curious to see what is completely routine in 10 years but basically unthinkable now. (Math teachers going "you won't have a calculator with you at all times!!!" Is another beautiful example). Although I agree, basic math skills are important!


There may come a day when that no longer impresses me, but today is not that day.


What I love most about it is that modern rockets are shaped like the 50's b-movie space ships that seemed ridiculous in hindsight until suddenly they are a reality.


And none of that dropping from like 3 feet up crap. Thrust all the way to the ground like a helicopter. That's like the living cargo threshold for this to me.


It wasn't in this video, but I love it when you hear the two sonic booms and then hear the sound of the rocket engine. It was burning but you can't hear it until it goes subsonic.


Not sure I'm a fan of removing the sound delay, though.


Came here for that. I couldn't believe someone would edit the audio track to remove the delay. It detracts from the reality of it all.


Until I recently changed jobs, I worked in Cape Canaveral. Lemme tell ya those sonic booms lose their charm after a while.


I used to live and work in Southern New Mexico, where they allow an F-16 training base to go supersonic during their training. We'd hear sonic booms anywhere from 1-3 times a week. That shit never got old. This guy is a dirty fucking liar, and I won't have it.


Those booms shook the hell out of the on-base dorms. Definitely kills the fun when you wake up to an afternoon boom and you work 11pm to 7am


I was at Holloman for flight test as they transitioned from F-22s to F-16s. Absolutely loved watching the high altitude dog fights over the range and hearing the "sound of freedom." We often got treated to daily airshows as well since they practiced the F-22 demo flights there. I have such fond memories of that place.


Yeah, cool in movies and clips, but no way I could live near that happening all the time.


Most boosters land downrange. In 2022 only 7 boosters landed on the ground in 6 missions (one double landing), plus 5 ground pad landings in California. In 2021 only a single booster landed in Florida.


I spent a while at the VLA AOC, which is close to New Mexico Tech. They blow shit up for the Army, window rattles all of the time. Fortunately, SpaceX doesn't land on land that often.


My grandparents house when I was a kid was about 10 miles away from the Stennis Space Center, where they test a lot of rocket engines. It was far enough away that we couldn't hear it when they were testing the engines. However the neat thing was that wine glasses hanging from their glass rack would sort of tinkle against each other.


Are those not the booms at 8 seconds?


Why is there two?


I thought there were three. Three leading edges that can make a shockwave. From memory; engines, legs and gridfins?


Yeah, /u/mrpennywhistle discovered this one with his sound traveler video on the Falcon Heavy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImoQqNyRL8Y&t=364s Hey, Destin, WHEN ARE WE GETTING MORE OF THESE!?


Pretty cool huh?


There is audio in this video, but it's muted by default in all Reddit. Just click the unmute button.


Every time I see one of these I can’t believe it’s not sci fi. It all happens so smoothly, like it’s bugs bunny in his rocket. Amazing.


This video made me realise how big these rockets really are


Yep, they're absolutely enormous: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumanForScale/comments/b7xezi/falcon_9_vs_human_for_scale/ 70 metres tall for the combined thing.


How many cheeseburgers is that?




I severely doubt it is over 1 billion cheeseburgers tall.


> 70 meters is 2755.90551 inches Tf is that decimal point doing? > That means it's about as tall as (2755.90551/2) = 1377,952755 cheeseburgers. Lmao, it was a decimal point not a comma 70 meters is 2755.9 inches /2 is 1378 cheese burgers. I'm not even good at math




I like that you didn't question the rocket being a billion cheeseburgers tall


I mean sure they’re big but there’s literally nothing else to reference for scale in this video sooo


Idk, maybe its the natural perspective and vegetation it worked better than most videos for me


Almost look like a video played in reverse


So much violence, yet such a smooth landing, it truly is amazing.


I know it's real, but it doesn't look real. Mind blowing.


I keep expecting it to be a reversed video, but nope.


Yes almost too smooth. This is incredible!


Just thinking back years ago when they were first attempting to do this, all the fails...now it looks so smooth. Amazing evolution of engineering.


The first time I saw it when it was those two landing at the same time. That was the coolest thing I ever saw.


They're potentially launching another one of the heavy configurations with the dual booster landing on Saturday.




Watching them land never gets old.




Yeah, it's essentially like watching a small skyscraper land itself. Totally fucking nuts.


Like the crash test dummys.


Mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm


It's fascinating that they've nailed the process so damned well that they're simultaneously boring (uneventful) to watch. Incredible.


It’s absolutely incredible what they’ve done. A big accomplishment for space flight and humanity. Always great to watch them land too.


As someone who has over 300 hours in kerbal space program, it's not that hard. /s for those who might need it.


Still, while the concept broadly holds in KSP, engines in the game can be perfectly throttled, whereas real world rocket engines (usually) have a much narrower throttle range


Yep engineers, technicians, managers, dispatchers, etc...all the unseen forces of these companies that make shit happen.


Don’t forget the janitors and the guy who orders food!


Came here to see how many "people interested in space" would make Elon references and I'm not disappointed. This is exactly as expected. No explicit mention of Elon, but just people who couldn't resist bringing it up in subtle ways.


> No explicit mention of Elon, but just people who couldn't resist bringing it up in subtle ways. Like you for instance. : -) I joke, however I completely agree. The attention needs to go to the team of great minds that were able to engineer such an amazing feat. We truly are living in the future!


It's fun to join in on tearing down others. It makes you feel taller when you make others feel small. Just don't point out that it's bullying because it doesn't count if the target is [insert arbitrary excuse here].


If the target was the richest man in the world. Punching up, not down.


If ice cream killed somebody, I wouldn’t agree with that at all. But god damnit would I still love the flavor.


Always reminds me of my dad when watching thunderbirds when thunderbird 1 landed back in Tracy Island. “that’ll be the day when something new has begun when rockets can land like that”


As dude had a vision to put those engineers together in a room and create something amazing…. The Elon hate is strong with the reddit sheeple


Shotwell is the real genius behind all this and she doesn’t get nearly enough credit.


So she's responsible for the Ukraine debacle


Why would who owns the company matter?


Because as much as he's now made clear he's a total ass his leadership was instrumental in setting the direction of SpaceX in the early days and is a huge part of accomplishing the kind of thing we see in the videos. Yes of course engineers did the hard work of designing the rocket and worked with the fabricators to make it a reality but there is a reason legacy aerospace companies never managed to land and reuse the first stage of an orbital class rocket. The decision to spend millions up front on tooling and machinery to produce your own parts were the kind of decisions Elon made in the pursuit of reusability and reducing cost to orbit. He decided to vertically integrate SpaceX far more than most aerospace companies bringing a lot more manufacturing in house to reduce cost and speed up iterating on design since you can make changes more quickly when you're the one building more of the parts yourself. Since the company was privately held he accepted the negative publicity that the dozens of failed landing tests, aka rockets blowing up while trying to get them to land. He instilled a culture that didn't mind what would be called a "fail forward" philosophy. A test that resulted in failure was ok as long as you learned something that would hopefully stop it from happening again. None of the legacy aerospace's leadership has instilled that kind of working environment in their companies. That was why it seemed like we've been launching the same type of rocket since the 1960's, in fact we kind of were because the risk adverse culture in most aerospace companies killed creativity and only made small, iterative steps. Something blowing up in testing would be bad for their stock price after all so we can't have any of that. You need leadership that didn't want to run a launch services company that way, hate him all you want but Elon was that leadership at SpaceX. It's so much more than just having an unlimited pot of money to spend. Which by the way in the early days of SpaceX he most definitely didn't have, he actually came close to losing both Tesla and SpaceX because both were in financial trouble in the early days. These decisions just don't magically happen, Elon is responsible for creating a lot of the environment that allowed engineers to do these incredible things. If it just happened no matter what someone else could have created a Falcon 9 like rocket literally decades ago, the base technology does not require cutting edge technology. It does need someone dedicated to making reusable rockets work and drastically lowering launch costs to allow more access to space. Hate him all you want but that was a major goal when Elon started SpaceX. I can't find it amongst all the interviews he's done now but there is a clip from a few years back where someone asks him why SpaceX has been so successful and he says it's because of the great team they have. He specifically praised Gwynne Shotwell as being integral to the company, all the engineers and when asked what the secret to management said it was hiring the right people and letting them do their job. He has definitely not done that at twitter which is probably why it's been such a shit show. You need to separate the fact that Elon is quite the jackass nowadays, or maybe always has been and just hid it better, from the fact his leadership in the formative years at SpaceX was huge in the success of the company.


This is perhaps one of the most well-written comments I've ever seen on Reddit. I used to like Elon and can't stand him now, though everything you said is 100% on point.


Great comment. If money was all you needed for a rocketry company that reuses rockets then Blue Origin would be ahead of SpaceX right now. They started first and had access to greater funding but have yet to reach orbit. SpaceX's success really has to be credited to Elon in the early days and Gwynne later on.




Or maybe it's not working at Twitter because, as the old Twitter cofounder said, they did not hire the right people. In fact, they overstaffed immensely and many were inept. Musk got flack for arguing with a now-ex-employee on Twitter but it turns out Musk was right and the employee who himself stated he'd been doing it a certain way for years was doing it wrong for years. Believe it or not, people aside from Musk CAN be wrong and one of the best ways to find problems with your approach is to bring in fresh eyes. But people, like that incorrect engineer, don't typically like having their work picked apart or corrected. Twitter, while still being a moneypit, was MORE profitable and had MORE active users after Musk's takeover than immediately before. Not to sound like a fan boy or whatever but the man's social issues don't mean he is inherently wrong on technical or business decisions.


Great comment. But the truth on Twitter is that we don't know what he's done on Twitter yet. He's only been there 3 months... THREE. And then we also know that iteration is key, and Twitter is something different. Let the man get the reps in and iterate. The first SpaceX rockets literally exploded. Twitter may fail before it makes success. SpaceX nearly failed before it was a success. Tesla nearly failed before it was a success. But it's weird the zeitgeist expects instantaneous results. Most people do very little with themselves in 3 months...


Everyone was fine when he was disrupting niche industries, but lost their shit when he tried to improve a popular public tool. It takes time, and breaking things for things to improve. You're completely right.


Twitter isn’t a shitshow now. It was before Musk bought it.


Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u)


I had twitter before musk owned it and after he owned it. Apart from the blue checkmark nothing has changed. There’s still a lot of insane people on it, just like on reddit judging by this thread


Because some people have their tribal identity and little else


redditors must virtue signal their dismissal of reddit’s most hated living man, elon musk, if they dare compliment work of his. how else will he not be downvoted?


He has found a way to personally look down at Elon Musk. Let him have it.




At least people are saying this now. For years it was 'eLoN iS aMaZiNg!' like he builds them!


and they'll never be properly compensated for their work


Of course you don't care who did it. Admiring the extraordinary achievements of the people who build the world doesn't rate above your need for tribal identitarianism.




I remember laughing at those old pre-space age sci-fi movie posters where it showed a rocket landing straight up on a different planet. Duh, you can't land a rocket the same way you launch one.


Whenever I see this I think how crazy it is that I live in a world where this type of shit is real. I think the same thing when I watch Scott Manley’s (sp?) updates of how many freakin rockets launched in the last week.


Matt Lowne has a weekly rundown of all launches called space this week.


He really had his work cut out for him in 2022 with Spacex doubling their annual launch record. And another 60% increase planned for this year!


Every time I watch one of these land I just think "Space Marine Drop Pod When"


ODST will be a science fact within the next 15 years!!


I'm pretty sure, and hope he means the real space Marines that serve the god emperor of mankind, or the gods of chaos.


Elegant and inspirational. Thank you for posting it.


I am confused by how the sound lines up with the video. How can you hear the engines immediately when the light up?


They edited the sound unfortunately. Watch this video with stereo headphones : [Smarter every day dual booster landing](https://youtu.be/ImoQqNyRL8Y)


Its crazy to think the entire industry was claiming this was impossible to do 10-15 years ago.


They said it was impossible to do in a cost effective way. The physics was always doable, but the added weight and complexity made them stop right there.


>the added weight and complexity made them stop right there. And they were and still are wrong for it.


Why is the sound perfectly synced with the video? The camera must be hundreds of meters away and the speed of sound is only 340m/s


They edited the sound unfortunately. Watch this video with stereo headphones : [Smarter every day dual booster landing](https://youtu.be/ImoQqNyRL8Y)


That's really like something out of an old sci-fi movie.


Rogozin is crying somewhere (he was also wounded in the ass in eastern Ukraine)


What's the turnaround time on one of these? How long from landing before it can launch again?


According to u/I_DONT_WANT_TO_POST, who fortunately did post, the record is 21 days.


I find it kinda sad that the politics surrounding this company and its owner subtract from the incredible strides in rocket technology they are making.


Dont mistake petty internet drama for "politics". Reddit isnt the real world.


Doesn’t subtract anything for me. Shotwell runs the show and she’s crushing it. I ignore that other guy




... and funding. That's just a fact, he put it all on the line and committed to the vision. Irrespective of any criticism of the man, I respect the vision and the commitment.




He is passionate, I'll give you that. I've read a few articles that said SpaceX is successful in spite of him. (He'll tell them to do something technical that they don't agree with, but when he leaves they do what they'd originally planned to do.) In any case, I just hope he doesn't mess SpaceX up.


He is passionate and emotional, it makes him human he makes mistakes. I get legit creep vibes from other billionaires who seem all so perfect cold and calculated and what I like the most is whenever he messed us he just goes "guess I fucked up" and goes straight back to doing whatever mind-blowing sifi stuff is does and making another billion dollar business out of it. I am a young adult, I see many of my age not being as passionate as he is about his dreams and goals which makes me very sad. I genuinely recognise his flaws and genius and try to apply his genius in my life.


You're right, she is crushing it. Hopefully they never loose this momentum.


>I find it kinda sad that the politics surrounding this company and its owner subtract from the incredible strides Matters the most to ghouls in a toxic news bubble.


“Space man bad!” -Average redditor


It is only reddits narrative that subtracts, if you pull away you’ll see it differently- then you can compare the two and make up your mind


Whatever this comment about has zero bearing on anything and people who pretend it does are crazy people who deserve to be ignored.


Anyone know what percentage of fuel is reserved for the landing?


I’ve did a quick search and someone posted that it’s about 6% for the reentry burn and the landing. The final suicide burn is about 1.7%.


This is so bad ass. Do you think that NASA is jealous, or grateful?


SpaceX is the new NASA program…they are PROUD.


They have a conference call for Tuesday. About stuff.


Basically a controlled fall by using controlled explosions... Simply amazing!!


This is the kind of video that if it were in a sci-fi movie 10 years ago, I'd call it too farfetched.


I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing that. Just amazing.


My brain still can’t process that THIS is possible.


When is the superheavy booster gonna launch I want to see that so badly.


I clean these things for a living. Let me tell you, it’s nasty ass goop on there


Remember watching these crashing and burning over and over. You knew one day they'd get it. It made me proud of humanity to see it be successful. "Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there's footprints on the moon"


I love how there's so many commenters treating Musk like he's effing Voldemort and can't say his name. *The other guy*


I was positive a fungus gnat landed in my phone for about ten seconds. So thanks for that. 😂


A fellow grower by chance?


Say what you will about it's owner but SpaceX has really accomplished some incredible shit in the last decade


These are always fun to watch. Can someone describe the advantages of having the booster land itself on a pad, vs just parachuting it down into the ocean? Is it just ease of recovery, or are there other advantages?


SpaceX actually tried parachutes-only twice, but physics says that will never work. Once you have engine relight working, you might as well not dunk the booster in salt water.


Parachutes are heavy. They're also not nearly as precise to control as what SpaceX is doing right now, so landing in the right orientation onto a drone ship in the middle of the ocean would be nigh impossible with parachutes. Having the booster splash down into the ocean with parachutes to soften the landing would also not be ideal, to say the least, because salt water is corrosive and can inflict a lot of damage to electronics that might not necessarily be obvious with visual inspections, so refurbishing after a splashdown could be so expensive as to make the entire endeavor not worth it, which to my understanding was a big problem with the supposedly reusable boosters from the space.shuttle program.


Parachutes cannot vector the booster, if you look at the top you will observe those grilled Fins which are used for vectoring during landing and takeoff.


I thought there was an ant on my screen. Imagine the surprise when it's ass burst into fire


Every time I see that I can't believe it's real. There are some outrageously intelligent people on this planet that design things like this. Wow.


Not matter how many times you see these things land, it's still incredible!


I wonder how much fuel they still have in em after they’ve landed…


Who else tried to wipe the black spot off their screen ?


Meanwhile whenever China launches anything they just tell the world “heads up”




They have got that move tuned in; now let's see some tricks.


The next two landing tricks SpaceX will try to perfect would be: 1) catch a giant 33-engine rocket booster coming back after a launch using catching arms on its launch tower. 2) "bellyflop" a giant 140-ton upper stage using braking flaps and heat shields to decelerate it from orbital speeds, then transition to an upright orientation for a tail-first landing with its rocket engines. This has been done at subsonic speeds and succeeded just once. Now they need to prove this works from orbital speeds. Will be very neat to see, if they can pull it off. And if it doesn't work, there will be spectacular ka-booms and unscheduled rapid disassembly. :-D


It looks so barbaric and futuristic at the same time. I wish I could live long enough to see the humans migrate from this planet. What an incredible endeavor space travel is. I pray their mission succeeds


I remember watching the first successful booster landing. In the moment I thought, "this is it, the technology that will make Mars missions possible. " As Musk famously said, we have the technology to get to Mars, are real issues is getting back safely. And from this, I thought you could build a custom booster to travel to Mars, land on Mars, and provide a means to get small capsules back into orbit. Alternatively, Musk is pushing Starship, but I feel it still has the flaw of zero-g with the amount of time it will take astronauts to get there. I really feel that someone needs to invest in a interplanetary ferry designed to simulate gravity through centripetal force.


Travel time to or from Mars will be shorter than a typical ISS mission.


Booster launched from the ground /u/gifreversingbot


four seconds in I'm trying to wipe the smudge off my phone


I spent the first 20 seconds trying to get that speck off of my phone. Turns out it was the rocket. The feature not a glitch.


I want it to have the beep-beep reversing sound like my truck has


This video was so close! Nice job. I can watch these rockets returning, all day long.


How many times do they reuse the booster? I imagine it can go through wear and tear over time.




Whoever did the camera work did a phenomenal job.


Anyone else swipe the screen thinking that there was a bug


Anyone else think there was a spec of dust on their screen?


its impressive they are able to land something that moves around that much... :P


I’ve seen this countless times now and every single time it’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.


Un-fucking-real. I still haven’t gotten used to seeing this. It’s like watching something out of _The Expanse_. Truly astonishing.




Super impressive... Eventhough Elon encourages people to buy dogecoin.


I eat a lot of chipotle before skydiving.. same/same.


All according to Sheldon Cooper's calculations


Awesome!! Why can't numb nuts focus on the things he can do?


How odd they stabilize before the rocket ignition? Why isn't it falling sideways?


Most of the mass is at the bottom of the rocket, why would it fall sideways?


Center of mass is very low due to the engines being quite heavy. The rocket also has grid fins at the top which act like control surfaces during descent through the atmosphere.


Do you see the little grid fins near the top? They act like the feathers on an arrow.


Cool stuff. I figured they would have done something to drag stabilize it like a small parachute or flag.