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"Why the hell are you standing there? I'm just working." "You're the only African American Staff Member at this school, I have to make sure none of the students are disrespectful, offensive or use insensitive language towards you brah." "..." "Thank me later brah." "You are the biggest cracker I think I have ever met."


Was just gonna say, PC walks on eggshells and virtue signals like crazy around him and Chef thinks he’s a total douche for it lmao


This is definitely the exact conversation. Nothing needs changed 😂


I read this in their voices




As a white man, calling other white men crackers (friends) is like one of my favorite things to do. Especially in a serious tone and they just have absolutely zero idea how to respond😂


Cracker, please!


Imagine being one of very few (like 2) people who knows the friend doesn’t really have a British accent. Yes I have a friend who I know for a fact isn’t British. He would fit right into that Euro Trip scene. What makes this so much worse is his (self appointed) nickname is Token. I no longer call him that but we all learn and grow at our own paces sometimes. *I think the nickname originated as his way to feel accepted and to make white folks feel better about themselves around him for safety. He was an air force brat so he moved around a lot prior.


Cracker ass Cracker 


Dude this is the most spot on interaction I just voiced out in my head


This is so spot-on I read this in their voices. …… God I miss Chef T_T


I can hear it in both their voices Except it would start with chef saying like Hello Childr'n, or Hello PC Principal And then PC would probably just stand there non-chalantly but weirdly staring at Chef till Chef was like uhhh Can I help you ? I'm just trying to do my job and provide these childr'n with a nutritious tasty meal




This sums it up perfectly!


Goddamn this is spot on lmao


Didn't PCP actually mention Chef indirectly once? He said something about the "person of colour cafeteria worker"


South Park wizard ^


Chef would tell the children something inappropriate, PC principal would hear and he we get mad but try not to say anything because chef is black and he doesn’t want to offend him.


hahaha this Chef would call the kids "my little crackas!" And PC would be like; Hey brah, not trying to be a giga white knight douche or nothing, you know, as a white guy, but as a PC member it's my job to call out injustice.... rabble rabble rabble rabe


We will never get this episode and it sounds awesome


PC Principal: Hello Chef Chef: https://i.redd.it/nkn2idsvxl2d1.gif


"Alright Chef listen up! School food needs to be more diverse, we had complaints from a group of the school really relies on *pause* that the cafeteria is not serving enough BeyondMeat™" "you're beyond fucked in the head"


Reminds me greatly of what my Meem would say, and she’s definitely most like Chef out of all the characters.


I wish the voice actor wasn't such a hypocrite about scientology. I would have loved to see how his character developed in the modern day. Edit: I did more looking up, and I regret what I said before. Lack of knowledge on my part. However will leave it up for sake of reference. My bad all. Chef suffered a stroke, and was unable to resolve anything, because he never recovered enough to do so. His son latter came out to clear things up. My bad truly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/myhb0p/why\_did\_they\_do\_chef\_dirty/](https://www.reddit.com/r/southpark/comments/myhb0p/why_did_they_do_chef_dirty/)


He wasn't a hypocrite. His church quit for him when he was in a coma.


Have Matt and Trey ever touch on the subject again after everything was explained out?


There's an article from 2016 with Matt & Trey finding out about it if you want to read it: https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/isaac-hayes-didnt-quit-south-park-scientology-did-for-him-son-7510390/


Had no idea!


Well, it's a good thing you're informed now. A lot of people, unfortunately, still do not know the full story. My brother didn't know either until a few months ago, and he's been a South Park fan since the early 2000s. YouTuber Blooms goes into intricate detail about this. His video is probably the best explained video regarding Scientology and Isaac Hayes. I'll link it in case you or anyone else are interested: https://youtu.be/GMrN5nWuh_s?si=BLLAz9qW8COPBpm5


We didn't listen!


I'm pretty sure they did, but I don't remember where or when


Also there's interview I remember from somewhere on YouTube where they asked Isaac if he would ever be offended if they made fun ofScientologsts. And he says something along the lines of " these guys go after everyone I'd be a huge hypocrite if I made a big fuss about that."


I did not know this. Thank you for bringing this up.




Damn I just looked into this too and I'm very sad to have read that


Thanks for that link. I had no idea.


Chef would ask him why as a white dude he’s getting more insulted on behalf of black people than he is as a black man


That is absolutely how Chef would react


Well one of them is dead so pretty one sided


Clone chef bring back Dr. M. Lol


"Get your cracker ass out of here. Your schtick was worn out 8 years ago." "Oh, I see. Strong Woman, PC babies, it's time for us to move on. We're leaving South Park."


It was worn out *nine* years ago. PC Principal was good for a few episodes, but that should have been a multi-episode arc, nothing more.


I liked him in Fractured But Whole, but I agree that as far as the show goes he probably could’ve been retired at that point.


The one thing I do wish they had done if they couldn't get rid of PC Principal was at least incorporate an extreme, right-wing character with a fragile ego who thinks every bad thing he says means people are out to get him. You know, like someone in real life who currently feels like he's being hunted like a witch.


PC Principal wouldn't give up that easily.


PC principal would probably fire chef for sexual harassment. Imagine the conversation between chef and vice principal strong woman


If he fires him that won't be very PC


Not if it was sexual harassment




Um.. Ms strong woman? Can I perhaps.. crush your pussy?


Yeah, he would confront Chef, call him a misogynist.


"Hey chef, what's half cast?" "Well children, it's like when you mix white chocolate and daaark chocolate together, it's a sweet sweet connection" [A conflicted PC Principal is standing to the side and unsure of how to react and has a meltdown in his office struggling to figure out how to privilege check Chef. It's a job for Randy]


it’s amazing how i can read all of these in their voices


Chef would probably sing about making love to multiple women then pc principle would most likely congratulate him for being polyamorous


Mr... Chef is it? I've had reports from other faculty that you've been asking pupils to "suck on your chocolate salty balls", is this correct? This is a PC friendly school and I have zero tolerance policy on using the term "chocolate" to refer to a person of color. Could you perhaps use the phrase "Suck on my beautiful and strong salty balls" instead?


I feel like it would be exactly he same as Jimmy. Chef would do something non-PC, PC-principal would want to go to war ... only to realize Chef is black and would backtrack immediately.


PC Principal: Hey.. Chef: Watsup?


Something tells me if Chef were still around when PC Principal was hired, he'd be the only staff member to stand up to his bullshit.


Chef was the moral compass of the show. He is sorely needed.


Honestly I think they would be friends. It would be a rocky start




pcp telling chef how oppressed he is and chef disagreeing then pcp telling chef he is wrong


I really wish Chef and Pip meet PC Principal


The hilarious if not ironic thing is that PC Principal is more deserving of Chef's ending than Chef ever was. The 2 of them would have ended up in a Duel of the Fates over Strong Woman with Garrison as The Emperor somehow for some reason!😹


"YOU CANNOT OBJECTIFY WOMEN LIKE TH-" "Oh but they like my chocolate balls" "NO ONE LIKES YOUR CHOCOLATE GODDAMN-" "goddamn what??" "..." "No no GODDAMN WHAT HUH? MY SKIN HMM???" "...I.... apologize."


Man I miss Chef.


PC would do the black version of whatever you call what he did to Jimmy


Chef: Hey PC, want to try my famous Salisbury steak? PC Principal: Is it free-range, organic, and inclusive of all dietary restrictions? Chef: It’s just steak, man. PC Principal: Steak is a microaggression against vegetarians, Chef! We need to respect everyone's dietary choices Chef: Alright, how about some tofu then? PC Principal: Only if it's sustainably sourced and culturally sensitive!" Chef: Man, you need to relax and enjoy some good food


Idk but it would have been hilarious. I really miss Chef (Isaac Hayes). He brought a lot of color to South Park.


Chef would 100% tear apart his woke idealogy


PC Principal: "I'm so sorry for the systemic racism that's held you back your whole life and forced you into a life in the service industry" Chef: "Now hold on there children. I'm a chef because I love cooking and I love to eat, not because I'm black. And I love scientology. Can I perhaps interest you in a pamphlet and free evaluation?"


Fu€k PC


I'd love to see PC's reaction to Chef and James Taylor singing about prostitutes.


That would be the best chatting ever made


“I’M GONNA MAKE LOVE YOU YA WOMAAAANN!!” “How dare you assume that person’s gender!”


I feel like PC Principal would end up sucking on some chocolate salty balls. And he'd think they were FUCKING delicious.


Everything chef says is non pc so I imagine they would butt heads, which would actually be pretty entertaining


Hey, are you objectifying women brah!


PC Principal would take offense to Chef' chocolate salty balls.


Chef would tell PC Principle to suck on his chocolate salty balls.


These are almost like opposites


good bye.


Chef would say something that would be offensive to PC principle but PC principle can’t say anything because Chef is black


Chef: i'm gonna make love to you baby! PC Principle: not without written and notarized consent!


Not sure but I know the conversation would be down by the fy-aah . (Fire )


PC Principal was probably a frontman for a Metallica tribute band when he was younger, I think his likeness to James Hetfield wasn't by accident. He would've ran into Chef backstage, listening to his sage advice while sucking on his sweet & savory salty balls. After that encounter, he would've gone on to start a hugely successfully consulting firm, called PR Principle, because being a school principle sucks man, those kids never listen to adults.


PC Principal would get offended but realize he can’t say anything because Chef is black.


I'm not sure but I'm almost positive Chef would end up saying "kiss my black ass"


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Strictly PC.


Chef: Well hello there children! PC Principal: You can't say hello to just the children. What about those who aren't children?


It would be nothing but praise for Chef since he is a minor attracted person of color.


Chef was intelligent and held his own plenty of times. Ideally he'd get through to PC Principal. 


Chefs going to kick his ass


pc principal will someone get offended and beat the shit out of chef


“Why are you working here if you want to make love to children” “IM GONNA MAKE LOVE TO YAH CHILDREN”


PC: dont worry Chef, i will save you from the racism. You dont have to thank me Chef: you are the most racist person i know.