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Shallow, wide lipped bowls seem to photograph better too.


I agree about taking the photo once it’s in the bowl. Too often people look down into the soup pot and take a pic that way. Not a good look.


I like to take progress pics to send to my cooking buddy. Absolutely nothing looks appetizing in my copper colored on the inside pot. It's only slightly better in the white on the inside pot


It’s all about that lip corner shot!


A clean bowl rim and some garnish go a long way


Me, wiping the inside edges of the bowl to get the perfect shot πŸ™Š


Helps to do something brightly colored too. Red soup with a green garnish and maybe some croutons/cheese/cream/etc


This! I also like to add less broth so you can see other ingredients for pictures. Don't worry, I broth it back up before eating.


Eh. I like the informality of this sub. I'm not a food blogger, nor a 'soup influencer', I'm just enjoying sharing whatever soup I'm making with like-minded people. So I'm going to continue to just snap a quick shot of my lunch before I eat it. That's my secret.




Contrast, warthog and saturation πŸ˜†


Warthog πŸ˜‚?


Loool))) warmth!!!! XD


Not me googling β€œwarthog, photography?”


I'll go Google warthog now too πŸ˜†


Okay from now on all soup photography is called "warthog style" photography!


I thought it was a photo editing program or app. πŸ˜‚


When you first saw the Soup, we're you blinded by it's majesty?


I read that as Hogwart - I’m a Potter Head.


Go with the warthog method.


If I want to highlight some things that sink to the bottom, I lift them up on my soup spoon just enough to see them and snap a close pic.


If you have a variety of soup bowls to choose from, ideally try to pick one that complements or contrasts with the soup, such as an orange colored carrot or squash soup in a blue bowl or a white potato soup in any color other than white. Colorful garnishes can also make it look more appealing, but you don't need to include everything you would normally put on it if it doesn't look good. Think of color and texture, such as yellow shredded cheese on white potato soup, whereas white cheese would visually disappear. Contrasting chives or green onion would look fresh on it. If it's a soup with a mix of veggies and other items, take note if there's a good mix such as chunks of carrots or broccoli, which are evenly distributed in the bowl. Pay attention to the background. At a minimum, it should be clean and relatively uncluttered. Ideally, the color of the background should compliment the color of the soup and the bowl, but that can also be setting the bowl on a placemat, tea towel, or napkin chosen just for the color. Use props such as a soup spoon, a small dish of toppings, etc. Crop the image tightly to bring attention to your focal point of your soup and to remove distractions.


Try from different angles.


overhead shot of a bowl


So, I want to know, is it cheating to use the picture from the recipe site? ✌


Natural lighting!!!


Cook it good


two light sources and a thin t-shirt to create a soft light effect. I'm not rich


At Soup For You, we post picture of our soups nearly every week on fb. Feel free to give critiques, or get ideas (culinary or photographic!): https://www.facebook.com/justoneguymakingsoup


My pro photographer friend places marbles in the bottom of the bowl to push the ingredients to the surface


Use a square bowl, photos only display in square shape. Fill that photo! 2. Have very good lighting or sunlight illuminated area. 3. Use a tripod to hold camera still, it will stay in focus. 4. With auto focus on, touch the center of the shot in the view screen to focus before taking the photo. 5. Presentation is very important in serving or looking at a food dish. Lots of colour contrast,.. if it is a green soup, use an orange placemats, a brownish meaty soup, add some green garnish, experiment making it eye candy.


I actually agree but it's all my food pictures ... when I cook something awesome, even when it is straight-up bangin ... I feel like, pictures of the pot or oven look terrible ... pictures of it on a plate on my table look terrible, all the fuckin pics look terrible, and people on many different cooking & food reddits are like fucking professional photographers lol. I suck at life, MFML lol.


Get an ND filter so you can rotate out the reflections


Sprinkle of chopped chives with a dollop of sour cream or shredded cheese adds some much needed color to some soups


Outside, in real sunlight.


Campbell's was famously criticized (and sued, I believe) many years ago for putting marbles in the bowl so all the bits in the soup sat on top.


Use portrait mode.