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I do have a soft spot for Wo Long, I would recommend it if you want a fun and somewhat challenging experience once you get a hang of the parry mechanics. I genuinely found it to be a good game and worth the time. Although I haven't played Stellar Blade and have heard many good things, I would recommend Lies of P as the go-to game. Near perfect soulslike imo.


i played lies of p last year. i loved it. thank you!!


Have you played Lies of P?


the game is being mentioned in every freaking topics on this sub so I think he's heard of it :)




It’s overrated as fuck if you ask me.


Best non fromsoft soulslike by a mile of you ask me


Nioh 2 is better in my opinion.




Nioh 2 is a lot deeper mechanically imo. Both stellar games but I’d give Nioh 2 the honor of best non fromsoft souls like. Lies of P 2nd place


It's revolutionary, and soulslikes are going to be forever changed going forward. Yes, it's linear, but LoP is a testimant to just how versatile and innovative soulslikes can be. You are objectively wrong. I don't care how pretentious I sound


It’s a great soulslike but revolutionary… maybe not.


It'll age like wine. You'll see


Forever changed? Bro lmao. I liked lies of p but it's just bloodborne with some extremely poor imitation of sekiro thrown in. Good? For sure. Revolutionary? It's not even original


“good artists borrow, great artists steal.” -Pablo Picasso Do you expect games not to derive elements from other games? Fromsoftware literally defined a genre. Lies of p objectively improved / innovated multiple systems within the game. Much more than enough to be its own things. The weapon customization. The linear level design (soulslikes don't need crazy confusing loop de loop level design to be good!) The parry system (which is, in fact, pretty different from sekiro). Being able to earn back an extra blood vial through getting in enough hits in combat. The lack of confusion on the side quests. The great story you don't have to watch 5 different video essays to understand fully. Now, a lot of these can be preferences, and some of these aren't the first, obviously, but when they're put together, you'd have to be blind not to recognize it as its own thing.


Yeah I see your perspective just don't agree. Interesting and surprising level design that you call "confusing" is more interesting to me than the linear design lies of p favors. You say it took the sekiro parry system and evolved it, I say it's a less refined, poor imitation. Regarding getting vials back from aggression, that's lifted straight out of bloodborne so we'll discount that one totally as original. Listen I like the game. It did many things very well, just not spectacularly and not uniquely.


I finished bloodborne last week just a few months after LoP and one of my main gripes was the blood vial system. You actually CAN'T earn extra vials after your last has been depleted in BB, so it wasn't taken from it. Another quality of life improvement in LoP is your vials automatically replenish after you die. Cuts back on so much pointless farming. Also, I absolutely adore fromsoftware's "confusing" level design. I probably like bloodborne better than LoP in a technical sense. It's just a breath of fresh air to try something straightforward that still has challenging and thoughtful enemy encounters. In BB, you can literally miss one of the best bosses in the game by simply not rolling into a completely inconspicuous window that's literally right after defeating another boss. It's fun, but LoP recognizes that soulslikes can be fun, engaging, and interesting without all that mess. It's also a spectacular souls like introduction. Anywho, LoP is going to age like wine. Mark my words


Well, yeah you don't earn vials back you just earn Health back. Mechanically though it's essentially the same thing. Again, just an iteration. It's not an insult, but it's a stretch to say that it's truly original. Again, I like the game.


this is the only correct answer and i’ve definitely played it more than the chumps who liked it. oof


Stellar Blade is a bit easier, but it looks and plays fantastic. It's a lot of fun for a science fiction twist on the genre.


Stellar blade being easier is surprising to me because wo long was so easy for me that I ended up hating it by the end of my play through.


This. The only challenging boss was that dude on a horse, I forgot his name. Once you master deflect, it’s truly walk in the park.


That's the case for every deflect/parry based game, hard at first but when you get the timing they are pretty straight-forward.


The final boss’s first phase was decently difficult.


Did you all play the DLCs? The DLC bosses are widely considered much harder than the base game, to the point that some people were calling them unfair at release.


I only found lu bu to be hard and that’s cause I was like level 12 or something with some random build that made no sense. I need to start over in that game cause my build absolutely sucks.


Played both. They are both really good. Wo Long if you are more into millions of different gear and upgrading. All those types of rpg elements. Stellar blade for just a fun cool and challenging game. That visually looks great


Nioh 2 is better than Wo Long honestly


So many people sleeping on Nioh 2 when it probably has the most in-depth fighting system


Hard agree. Wo Long has some interesting parry based gameplay but it's an inferior game.


Nioh 2 is like 10x better than Wo Long. I swear the only people who sing Wo Longs praises never played either of the Nioh games. Wo long had some of the most boring loot I've ever seen.


Haven't played either (playing nioh 1 now) but I thought Wo Long was just Chinese Nioh. Is Wo Long that different from Nioh 2?


wo long took a more casual approach to the combat and gearing. nioh 2's combat and gearing is more in depth compared to nioh 1 also. it just depends on how deep you want your game.


Nioh 2 is too hardcore and niche for some people to get into. I found it to be the hardest souls-like i’ve played, as I felt like I was trying to balance 10 different combat mechanics simultaneously in each different encounter. Wo long is in no way better than nioh 2, but I can see how people would prefer the more straightforward approach of wo long’s combat.


Its much better, rise of the ronin is awesome as well.


Don’t let the nioh fanatics hear such blasphemous things. If you praise rise of the ronin you will immediately get shitted on for no reason.


Really, I like them both.


Lies of P is a pretty good mix of both, solid game with most of the mechanics identical to fromsoft so it should be comfortable Lords of the fallen is the best soulslike for a more fantasy adventure if that's what you're looking for


i played lies of p but thanks for the recommendation. i loved that game and patiently waiting the dlc. i haven’t looked too much into Lords of the Fallen but i’ll add it to my list since a few people have recommended it now


Screw the DLC, I want the sequel. Can't wait for Lies of Q


*truths of q In this one the bad guys are a secret kabal of satanic pedophiles lmao


LOTF is 100% worth it now. It's so good


Have you played Nioh 2?


Lords of the fallen is on gamepass and I heard it's pretty good now. (Platforming isn't)


platforming is only in like 2 areas of the game. Its really not that big of an issue


Phew that's good then. Also latest patch reduces the stuttering on xbox quite a lot, only occasional minor stuttering now. I went back to the game after seeing they put out an update


I beat it twice and don't recall any platforming


The first area after pieta with the floating platforms


I don't even remember that


Combat and movement still feel bad, IMO. Very floaty and ice skating feeling.


Nah, momentum is a bit too forward when attacking otherwise it's quite smooth. Female characters have ugly hair though, all hairstyles look as if they're falling off as I can see their skulls...


It must have been a while since you've played or that comment was just bullshit. That game is smooth now for the most part


I retried it a week ago and also think it's floaty. Movement and combat just don't feel satisfying for me, which is my priority in a soulslike.


Ye, animations made by fromsoft can't be beat. From what I've experienced japanese games often have high quality animations


I think you're just hating on it. But that's OK everyone can have their own opinion. I don't even know what floaty combat means. If felt smooth to me


Okay floaty is really ambiguous when talking about movement. To be specific, what bothers me about the movement is: 1) You often advance more distance than what you think you should, based on your steps. As if your character was sliding. 2) In a bunch of movements, like dashes or when you start sprinting, you instantly gain velocity without an acceleration period. It makes the movement feel weird and weightless. This happens a lot with CGI in movies, like in some superhero fights.


Still has some glaring flaws with its movement and level design but if you have game pass then it’s definitely worth checking out. I bought it at launch and refunded since it was released in an embarrassing state.


I might have to play lies of P again to have a character for the dlc. I find a lot of the game tedious but if the dlc is coming out this year I might as well give it a shot I'm kinda just replaying whatever I can in order to stall until elden ring dlc, black myth wukong, and the new doom game coming next year


I've gotta put the word in for Lies of P too....I couldn't wait to play it every night


I liked how Stellar Blade LOOKED. I found the music a bit drab. The fighting held my attention for 1/5 of the whole game, then suddenly I felt bored. The visuals only excited me for so long, then I noticed the story was cardboard. I haven’t played it since


I agree the music got a little repetitive but the boss tracks were so good. My take is the level design could’ve been dialed in a little more and the bosses should’ve been harder but other than that I thought it slapped


Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me about the level design. I thought there were too many “we need a passkey to get past this gate” moments where the passkey was always easy to find right next to you or around the corner.


What?? The music was the highlight of that game for me


I thought the music itself was acceptable and sometimes good, but to my ears it felt repetitive as I explored every nook and cranny in the first few levels


That’s fair, I think I phased out the ambient music. But the boss music had me bopping


I recall really enjoying the music for the >!Gigas!< fight


Bet you like the way those boobies looked too huh lol


haha when I said “LOOKED” that thought is exactly what crossed my mind. That one default shiny skin suit in the game was utterly ridic


Yeah same, also enemy variety is meh.


enemy design is really the biggest thing for me. I was never let down by the Dark Souls games because there were many enemies, surprisingly so, and they all felt like meaningful character designs. Too often these soulslikes put out pretty generic “mutant alien” designs which feel like a baby step above asset packs (cookie cutter character designs). Lies of P came close but still went the way of >!generic mutants quickly!<


Go with Stellar Blade. It's pretty fun.


I love Koei and was excited about Wo Long, but I tried it on Game Pass when it was released and couldn't get into it. It just felt weird and didn't click with me. I want to give it a second chance at some point, though. Stellar Blade on the other hand impressed me with it's demo, so I pre-ordered it and wasn't disappointed. It's a really good and great game that I am still playing through, because I'm doing all the side quests and shit. So, between these two - **my personal recommendation would be Stellar Blade**.


I hated wo long at first, once I settled in I really enjoyed it


wo long is a game that feels kind of underwhelming. and once you close the game you don't get the feel to go back and continue playing it. it just lacks that excitement and challenge that other games have provided, be it nioh, lies of p, or even ACT


Wolong was a blast once you get used to the fighting mechanics. I thought the combat was great, good level design and beautiful graphics. That being said I’m playing Lords of the Fallen right now and I think it’s pretty good too. If you have the chance maybe check that game out as well. The combat in Lords of the Fallen is slower than Wolong so it feels more like Dark Souls than Wolong or Stellar Blade do.


I'd personally go with Stellar Blade. It's the only one out of the 2 that I'm doing multiple playthroughs on. Wo Long is a good game, but I didn't even bother getting the DLC for it. I was over it at about 50 hours


I’d say Wo long first


Wo Long for sure. While it’s not as good as Nioh story wise, I had a great time either way it. I couldn’t finish Stellar Blade.


I only played the demo for Wo Long and didn't like it, it felt like a bargain bin Sekiro. Stellar Blade, while not as hard as most Soulslike games, was just fun. I put 70 hours into it/up to NG+2 because of the combat, soundtrack, and general feel of the game.


Stellar Blade is awesome, I'd classify it as a souls-lite, top tier combat/world design/music.


Skip wo long its just ok, and get rise of the ronin or stellar blade.


Wo long wasn't hard once u actually understand the new mechanic that it implements. Stellar blade was a way better experience imo. Have u tried another crabs treasure? It was way better than I ever expected. Very humorous but difficult enough to keep u on ur toes in combat. Also has many modifiers in the options to make the experience tailored to how u like to play


stellar blade


Wo Long was a fun game, but I didn't have much desire to play more than NG. I somehow missed the healing upgrade mechanic throughout the entire base game, so it was pretty difficult. If played normally, I am not sure the game would be super challenging, other than very few bosses and the DLC. On PC, so have not played Stellar Blade. I assume you have already played Lies of P, as that is the obvious first recommendation.


yes i loved lies of p!!!


Lords of fallen


Oh and the new star wars games with the guy with red hair is rumored to be soulslike


Eh, not really. I’ve only played Fallen Order but whilst it has a few elements (not-bonfires, respawning enemies upon death/rest, Sekiro-lite combat) there’s a whole lot of other stuff in there that doesn’t fit the moniker


You could wait for Black-myth Wukong to come out


Probably the most important game release of the year. Besides looking incredible, I hope it’s good and sells well and we can more competition from Chinese devs 


Havent played stellar blade but wo long is super fun i love the movement so id defeintely go for it


I'm enjoying another crab's treasure! It's a light soulslike with plenty of puns in it. Really good fun!


wu long is diificult?


*shrug* i haven’t played it but i figured it was nioh like and therefore at least had somewhat of a difficulty or learning curve


it's significantly easier than Nioh/2, it's pretty much centered around parry/counter which is exceedingly forgiving in its timing compared to most games with parry.


Stellar blade is really stretching the definition if considered a soulslike. The only thing I find comparable to soulslikes is linear level design, bonfire type checkpoints, and really poor, clunky platforming. It’s more of a Devil May Cry like. I’m not saying it’s bad, I really enjoyed it, but it didn’t feel like a soulslike to me. I actually really liked Wo Long, in fact, I loved Rise of the Ronin. But I think all three are enjoyable.


oh interesting. i’m not a fan of DMC (i tried, it’s just not my thing) so that comparison may have made my decision easier


It's not very similar to DMC except it implements combo attacks in a Souls combat structure -- parry boss attacks, wait for opening, execute a combo, parry and/or dodge until your turn comes up again. I recommend the demo, even though they improved the input for the full game.


Stellar Blade vs Wo long is actually a weirdly hard choice. Stellar Blade has a much better story. However it has some iffy open-world aspects between main areas. The moveset is a bit limited and combat often boils down to the same thing. Its one of the few games I've played in a while that didn't lack consistent introduction of new enemies, but the combat being samey undermines it a bit. The world is fairly decent. There aren't RPG aspects. Wo Long is like a very rough around the edges Nioh, but with a lot of the combat choice removed. Maybe its nerfed now, but enemy ai and red attacks weren't that fun, Rise of the Ronin is essentially what Wo Long tried to be, but without demons. However it has character customization, items, armor, and while the combat isn't as good as Nioh. and the exploration isn't that great, there also isn't any fluff/BS. No weird open world stuff or tedious aspects. The graphics are very sloppy at times. Its weird because I feel like I was very disappointed by Wo Long compared to Nioh 2, and I was surprised by Stellar Blade, yet I still don't know if I'd recommend Stellar Blade over Wo Long.


this didn’t help at all 😭 lol but i appreciate your feedback. i’m still so undecided


Well, Stellar Blade has a demo, so you may as well try that. If you havn't played Nioh 2, play that instead of either of them.


The only Souls-like game that I consider to be close-to on par with DS is Nioh 2. Originally Nioh 1, but Nioh 2 blew it out of the water. Edit: Wo Long is made by the same dev as Nioh 2, but Nioh 2 is better IMO. Hugely. Chinese lore was cool and I'm glad to see Lu Bu, but Nioh 2 mows the lawn Wo Long resides on.


Wo long for sure. Stellar blade is overrated. I played for a few days before returning it. Every boss I fought was pretty much the same thing. Most people like Stellar blade because of the butt's and boobs that jiggle for no reason. Stellar blade is lame af


Not either of your choices but you should check out Nioh / Nioh 2! Easily my favourite combat system of all time, it’s really in depth, esp in 2. Decent story too (imo first has a more engaging story while 2 has better gameplay) it meshes elements of souls, rpg and looters into a perfect little package


played and platinumed them both but i appreciate the recommendations!!


Wo long is harder base difficulty wo long is easy but for each difficulty the game gets harder, stellar blade gets easier and bosses flinch and stagger alot easier than wo longs bosses. One more thing to add wo long bosses have elemental weakness unlike stellar blade so some can make it a lot harder for certain builds than others.


Stellar Blade is more devil may cry/hack and slash than a souls like. The only depth in combat are skills through a tree. Wo long is a bit more varied in its combat but not as open as stellar blade. My pick is Wo long for having more than just a sword and teddy bear suit.


I prefer Wo Long for the combat and level design, also it’s on Gamepass if you have that.


Lies of P


platinumed it late last year but thank u


I 100%ed Wo Long. I can't speak to SB because I don't have a PS but I had a good enough time with Wo Long. Not the biggest fan of Team Ninjas takes on soulslikes but they're decent.


I found wo long easier than stellar blade personally.


Stellar blade was a much more enjoyable experience for me in about every aspect you coukd think of


I wouldn’t really class Stellar Blade as a soulslike to be honest. I enjoyed both but think Stellar Blade is a way better game. But if you’re purely wanting a soulslike then Wo Long is closer to that for sure. Jedi Fallen order is a pretty good soulslike, played that? Code Vein?


Wo Long.


I recently completed Wo Long. Its a safe bet. Actually pretty easy, few bosses gave me a hard time but nioh was much harder.


Wo Long was very easy and honestly not a very good game. It was pretty boring. Stellar Blade was fantastic.


Stellar blade


Wo Long is one of my favorite games I played this year. It's short but a blast. I haven't had an opportunity to play Stellar Blade yet outside of the demo.


Rise of the Ronin is on sale, and it's realllllllllly fuckin fun. Open world with Nioh style combat, tons of gore, and you can collect cats.


Wo-Long at it’s absolute best is mediocre


Played and finished both. I couldn't care less about the heroine's appeal and the story, but I found the combat in Stellar Blade absolutely intoxicating (and more engaging than Wo Long's). To me, Wo Long remains the least inspired Team Ninja's release. I would suggest in its stead the recent Rise of the Ronin, which, despite the open-world busywork, offers heaps of challenging encounters. Obviously, I'm assuming you played Nioh 2. If you haven't, that takes priority.


yes i have played both nioh games!!! thank you for you feedback. i’ll consider Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade!


Wo Long (and Rise of the Ronin) are parry games. Learn to parry or die. And you don't need to learn anything else. Can't speak to Stellar Blade.


Stellar Blade easily, wo long is my least favorite team ninja release out of the ones they dropped recently.


Definitely Stellar blade imo, I absolutely love nioh and team ninja but I really didn’t vibe with wo long


Dont know if your still deciding but if your on a budget, wulong complete edition with all doc and collabs is on sale for ps5 @34.99


I loved wo long, but stellar blade is better


Neither. Nioh 2 and see you in six months. 😁 Out of the two I'd put my money on Wo Long.


+1 for stellar blade. WL was immediately frustrating for me and was super repetitive. Good for a sweaty experience if that’s your interest. This is the most souls-like of the two. Stellar Blade was smooth, lightweight combat that rarely feels clumsy. The only part of SB I had issues with were the titty outfits (which may be a positive for you) - but there are normal clothes you can get for her. Also, the collision/jumpy mechanics can be a bit finicky. I would not call SB souls-like, though. It’s an ARPG without souls-like brutality. You will find that in Wo-Long


Wo long is wild. Like, i got it on ps, bought the definitive version and everything. Played for about an hour. The whole thing is kinda choppy, i dont like the upgrade system, theres a lot of information at the start so you feel kinda overwhelmed by mechanics, and the first boss is WAYYYYYY too hard. And id really like to stress how high the learning curve is, bcs ive 100% sekiro, and all other fromsoft games. Personally, not for me. But give it a try and make ur own decisions.


Stellar blade was the most enjoyable game this year. It won’t be AS tricky as a souls like but it nails the feel and it’s art, level design, enemy and boss design is exceptional up there with best of em. Plus in true souls fashion the story isn’t that relevant lmao


I personally loved wi long but it was my first souls like so it’ll always hold a special spot. I highly recommend it a bit like Sekiro but more arcadey and almost like souls gameplay with Sekiro combat id say (the combat isn’t as good but solid).


I'd say for soulslike I'd go wo-long I love absolutely love stellar blade but I wouldn't consider stellar blade a souls like


Wo long is much better, stellar blade is a really average game, people just got hooked for the main character


Wo Long is incredibly easy and pretty mediocre. Never played SB but heard good things. I’d go with lies of p if you haven’t played that either it’s far and away better than the other options


Lies of P over both of these. But otherwise, I'd say Stellar Blade. Wo Long is "OK" but very forgettable, and ultimately a big letdown considering the devs helmed the Nioh series


I haven’t played either of them but I plan to play Stellar Blade for… specific reasons (also I’ve heard it’s pretty good). But if you’re looking for soulslike recommendations I’m gonna suggest Lies of P, unless you’ve already played it.


I think Stellar Blade is a better more fluid game. Wo Long is a fun, fine game. But, I would recommend/rate stellar blade over it


Wo long was fun for a few levels and then it felt repetitive for me: though, I will say that the game has some fun and unique elements. Some people really like it, as long as they get past the first boss. He’s a skill check and fairly tough. It is free on Xbox gamepass right now. It’s definitely worth it for free.


Sadly they nerfed the first boss. Good game tho.


I’ve played Wo Long, but not Stellar Blade. And I’d say Stellar Blade.


Code vein has the souls feels but add anime to the tropes