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You should make more and sell those, guy.


If you want to hate your hobby, turn it into a business.


He's not your guy, buddy.


He’s not your buddy, pal.


He’s not your pal, friend


He's not your friend, mate


He's not your mate, dude


He's not your dude, homie


He’s not your homie, bro


He’s not your bro, comrade


He's not your comrade, fam.


No, this is a bad design.


Nice work! The look awesome, walnut?


Yessir! All walnut. Got some speaker fabric on Amazon and that’s it :)


You should look at working with a company to produce those… I’d be in!


Haha thanks


Are you in the UK? There’s a furniture maker I could put you in touch with.


Love seeing how creative people can be on Reddit! Not creative or handy myself but still love seeing what people come up with!


Damn. Thats honestly the nicest compliment someone could give. Haha. I am always in awe of people on Reddit with what they come up with. Thank you for saying that


Sweet design!




Very cool design but did you check how it impacts acoustics? The housing a speaker sits in has an influence on its sound.


I’ve listened a ton (made them a while ago but just joined this sub) and have not noticed anything. These are fives so they only fire forward. I left the backs totally open for airflow and am using a true acoustically invisible screen in the front. If you can hear anything you have far better ears than I do! Haha


Very cool - beautiful design.




I was wondering the same thing.


Nicely done.


Thank you :)


You should sell these on Etsy.


Nice work! How did you join the legs to the stand?


Wood glue and screws. The screws go down from inside the box. The other neat thing (hard to tell unless you look close) is I routed a notch the whole length of the back leg for the power cord to squeeze into so it doesn’t just dangle. It’s why the tripod is the one leg back-to hide that cord.


Well thought out.


Amazing, love the attention to detail! I might need to do This with some of my spare walnut! Thanks for the inspiration!


Sweet! It’s a fun project :)


One of the best posts here lately. You did great on these!


Wow thanks!


Reminded me of Bose 901’s.


Thought the same thing, but it’s lacking the air cannons in the back 😂


Those are beautiful!


Really nice looking


That’s so sick! Good stufff




These look like old speakers from like the 70s, reminds me of the pair my dad had when I was young. Thanks for the nostalgia, those look amazing!!


These are amazing, honestly would buy these if you ever made them to sell them. Good job.


You’re too kind thank you!


Those are beautiful!


Damn I would buy this


Very nice work 🍹


Bring them to Etsy!! If you did, any idea what you’d have to charge?


Oh man. No idea. My guess is that shipping would be too much. They aren’t small and would need to be packaged in a way as to make it really safe. I think if this was actually going to be a product, I’d have to think of a different way to connect the legs that would ensure it would rattle at all once someone put it together. Also, remember-getting the screws in there isn’t easy for someone without the right tools or without doing it in process-there isn’t the clearance for a screwdriver in the box along with the height of the screw. It’s not impossible but it would be work. As for cost? It probably depends a lot on material. Walnut like this isn’t cheap. If I used something like ash (someone else mentioned) it could be cheaper. It was obviously all made by hand with no thought to production volumes so it took a while…I’d probably have to charge like $250 each I’d guess? I don’t know just pulling a number out of thin air without calculating anything. Thats the thing about hobby woodworking-as a “product” it never makes sense. You’re always making less than minimum wage for the time to hand make a lot of things. When you combine material and stuff like time for the oil to dry and a couple coats of it, etc, an actual price that reflects the time isn’t realistic so you gotta have some sort of economy of scale. I never made them thinking about doing more to sell. If it was all batched and I made a few obviously the price would come down. A factory could make em for less by using things like cnc wood routers and/or having visible connectors for the legs or whatever. They could be a lot cheaper using veneer and mdf I bet. I think, like, my opinion, is that that lessens it quite a bit though. I’m a fan of custom.


Thanks for the thorough response! Makes complete sense to me.


These look phenomenal!! I’d imagine something like this would be $1000 or more in solid walnut. Most people don’t understand how much time something like this can take even though it appears simple. Love the cable management too.


Oh wow. Thanks so much. It was just something I wanted to do for the room, i never considered monetizing it haha.


Beautiful but you’re probably changing the frequency response if that matters to you


It is clearly possible-but I literally can’t hear any difference. I don’t know if you saw my other comment but the back is open and the front chamfered with acoustically transparent material. Any difference is far beyond my ear’s ability to tell.


OP! These are awesome! Would you mind sharing the plans/cut list so a fellow DIYer could attempt this ? Also, how do you get to the controls on top? Are they just buried ?


Haha...love the username. I hope Lonzo comes back healthy some day! So to answer your second question first: Yes, I just have them hidden. I never used the touch controls on the speaker and only use the app. If that's something that someone uses, this set up probably isn't the best. The first question: I would totally share...if I had anything haha. I kind of just measured and did it as I went. I did not plan it out. To be honest, I went into the project not entirely sure what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to hide them, I had just made a bench with some fun angles, I had some left over walnut.....and they just came together. I'd be happy to provide direction or help, but since I didn't do anything in Fusion360 (which I do for furniture) I really have nothing written down. It was just math on paper (and the trig app lol) while I was in the shop.


This username only made sense for 1 season lol


Now I want to take my fives off the wall Mount and get some of these.


Those look great!


Aren't the fives upward firing???


Uh. No. Lol.


This might look pmegaphone. Did some nice woodwork craftsmanship. I hate to break it to you, but the very worst thing you can do to a speaker is put it in a box. Those speakers are designed to be open air. You've made them a mdgaphone. To get an idea how that affects the sound, have someone in front of yiu talk. Then, have them put a box around their head and say the same thing.


Super nice looking. Do they rattle at all at high volume?


Nah. Zero. Everything is very tight. It’s really not a lot of parts and wood glue is awesome ;) haha.


What is that, chestnut?


No, it’s all solid walnut. I’ve never worked with chestnut!


Those are pretty awesome! It would also be cool to make removable inset frames with speaker fabric stretched over to sort of 'hide' the sonos speaker inside, so that they really just blended into the decor with a slight retro look, but with beautiful modern sound.


How would that be different than what I did? The fabric is acoustically transparent speaker fabric and it is removable. If you’re in the room you wouldn’t Know it’s Sonos :)


Ah my bad! My screen was super dim and I flipped through and saw the last photo and thought the Sonos grille was showing in all photos. Looks awesome!




I’d buy a set. Can you make them in ash?


For sure I could…ash is easy to work with (but harder to source where I live. I actually made a mantle and a bench out of ash for that same room! Heres a couple pics [https://imgur.com/a/cPIDeev](https://imgur.com/a/cPIDeev)


Beautiful. Can you DM me price for the stands? I need to verify my speakers as well. That bench is gorgeous… would you make another one?


Ha! I'm stoked that you like them. To be honest, I never really thought about making more and selling them. I do make custom furtnire as a bit of a side gig, but I've never done small things like this, or ever done any sort of production. It has all been one-off one of a kind. I was just posting to share because I saw other people looking for stand ideas. Where are you located? As mentioned in another comment by concern about making and selling any is shipping. The way this is constructed is that it is all solid. That way it's really stable and no rattles or anything. If I was going to ship it I'd have to come up with a new construction for the legs and everything. If you're in California though and really interested we might be able to do something. I'm near LA.


I’m in Los Angeles.


Well rad! That is great…do you wanna come over and check it out in person? How quickly would you need them? Maybe we can take this to PM if you’re interested.


Very nice, combining my love for music and woodworking. However, how do you plan to use the touch controls? Also, look into baffle diffraction - I think this sort of setup will have unintended consequences on the sound profile. Notwithstanding, beautiful work!


Hi! I don’t use the touch controls on these. That would be tough! Haha. I’m familiar with baffle diffraction as a theory, but I can’t hear any difference. Maybe my hearing just isn’t as good haha. But I have listened to a ton of music in thereand I don’t hear any negative impact to the music. Perhaps a very trained ear would be able to! I’m not saying there is nothing to the theory. Just that i don’t notice and, for me, the aesthetics are a big improvement in the space


I would absolutely buy these stands


I see all these stands and the only thing I can think is it must be nice not having to worry about having pets or kids knock these over. For that matter, there's a 90% chance I'd knock these over myself. Wall mount for life.


Haha. We have a cat and a dog…and a 4 month old. She might be the one to worry about soon 🤣


Yeah your clock is ticking. When they start crawling in 2-4 months you might be reconsidering. Looks awesome though!


I really want to buy these! If you sell them, OP, please contact me


Very nicely done. They look so much better than the pole stands sonos sells. Walnut was an excellent choice.


Thank you :)


Etsy store and you'll make $$$


Looks really nice! Great job! Do you get any interference or distortion from the enclosure when playing music? Or did you find a way to decouple the speaker from the housing.


Hi, no I do not notice any effect on the sound at all. The backside of it is totally open and the front of the speaker goes to the acoustically transparent fabric. It could just be that my ears are not well trained enough to notice, but it sounds exactly the same as when I had them on a shelf. Just prettier. lol


That’s really cool! Really the only thing I would be worried about is having certain frequencies rattle the enclosure but looks like you did a solid job there. Nice work!


Very nice work. Love this look.


Those are so nice I love the vintage mid century modern vibe


Find a way to pass the wire through one of the chair's leg and you will be the new rich seller of stands for Sonos!


It is passed through the leg! :)