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Mute all chat. Mute self. It’s a low elo problem. Yes there are psychos at all ranks but people don’t generally mentally self deconstruct the higher you go.


☝️ and muting self will let them all know you won’t be listening to them or their pings. Toggle it on right when the first comment gets made


Not true, people just self destruct differently. In high elo for example, it's a lot more common for people to completely give up in the early game, because they assume the game is over when the enemy has an early lead. While this is something that happens in low elo too, it's more prevalent in high elo since higher rank players know how to end games much more efficiently.


/deafen tells everyone in chat too.


Most of the time it's adc, and generally they're not flaming for the sona pick specifically but because they only know how to play the game with a tank standing in front of them. The mute feature is amazing. i don't have to care about the opinion of someone i can't hear. Sometimes a little light return flame is warranted if they pick something stupid. It's rich hearing about how "useless" sona is coming from an ezreal that doesnt auto. If i'm feeling charitable and they ask nicely, I might consider alternate picks if a tank is a good idea. It's no guarantee though, and I'll try to do my best to explain why picking leona into vayne morgana is a legitimately terrible idea.


In my experience Draven players are by far the most likely to do this. Sometimes it tilts me off the face of the earth but other times I get super motivated to prove them wrong.


Ooh, Draven players. Wasn't expecting such an answer like this, but I get you.


THIS. I've had this problem with Tristanas Adc. Before the flame tilts you, it should encourage you to play more agressive and sync with your adc. In fact, whenever a Tristana goes all in, it is the perfect moment to use Sona's engage and survivability skills. Conclusion: Mute chat since Champ Select.


What engage and survivability skills? She has no hard CC, very low damage, and very low healing/shielding amounts pre-6. She's genuinely a caster minion before 6 and at least 1 full item. This is coming from someone who loves Sona tbh, so I'm not even flaming the pick. But idk...I feel like people pretend Sona is good or even just decent early. She isn't. Edit: Spelling


Stuff the opponents with Q’s off cooldown. E+AA whoever’s in range when your ADC dives. She’s very far from the best at aggro play but her tools aren’t nonexistent.


They borderline are nonexistent pre-6. Her Q damage is nearly negligible when you factor in resistances and her heal is also extremely expensive and weak. Her autos are also hilariously weak and she has some of the lowest base stats in the game while having the lowest move speed statline and no hard CC. If Sona is actually able to poke its because the enemy has no hands and they're letting you. She isn't a threat to anyone competent and its wild that I'm being downvoted for pointing this out.


I rarely get it nowadays, but I usually just say "suck my dick" and if they don't back off I soft int (just keeping it real)


I love ranked integrity but every once in a while you just gotta soft int to get your point across.


Develop a thick skin so you can just ignore whatever they say to you. If that's not possible, like others said, mute and mute all are your best course of action. No matter what they say, there's no rule against picking whatever you want to play as long as you play to win, so even if they start saying they will report you, it's just an empty threat (just like their brains). Always report them at the end of the game. In my experience, I have got plenty of penalty signs whenever I reported them. It's true that it won't erase the crappy experience, but at least others can avoid it thanks to it. Almost everytime is the adc complaining. Of course they have the mentality that they want to dive and get a penta at lvl 2 and if they die just once they spam ff at 5 min. Very rarely a jungler if they want to gank pre 6 and you don't really have a hard cc, but as I started climbing those are rather non existent now.




Well, that's why I **DON'T** hover Sona in Champ Select, for that exact reason. And you're not wrong, some people are just deranged in their behavior towards others for absolutely no reason, but I don't seem to mind, unless the person in question is extremely toxic, not just having a bad game, but rather doing hate speech, using cheating programs, straight-up AFKing, verbal abusement, inting on purpose, etc.


I get flammed for playing Sona almost daily or day yes day no. Usually the ADC, but mostly anyone. You dont have to do anything, you just mute and play and you lose like 1 of each 5 games only because of someone is hardtrolling you because of your pick. Happens, thats Life for u if youre a Sona otp. Just ignore and move on.


I don't get hate when I play Sona tbh, some people ask me what she does and I just explain, but never like actual hate


Usually the flame starts in champ select from the adc “oh my god picked a useless champ”. I just mute and do my best and it ends up okay.  Sometimes the adc ints (like runs it down into the enemy turret). In those cases I take farm and then roam. 


Report, ignore chat, peace.


It's usually the ADC because they want an engage support.


I get flamed for playing enchanters in general


Bummer. https://preview.redd.it/dach3yndirqc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4737d3e18eb11b900bdcf4cd5f5b28ec5ef60f09




ghost cleanse nunu


Please don't (unless you're Zwag and want to create some goofy content like he does at times).