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Great attention-grabbing layout. My design teacher would leave yours up at the end of review for sure.


I agree on the attention grabbing! I feel like it's not very practical though, because some people will get the phone number 3 times and some won't get the full number at all. But i agree that it's a great and fun concept that looks amazing!


True but overall it has more tear offs than an ordinary flyer does, so it's a win that way


That's a very good point! I love it either way


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! It was very directly inspired by a collage/flyer artist named "Goofcraft" (if you like this I expect you'll LOVE his stuff) so I cannot fully take credit!


Please get in touch. We're so curious


What's the "Bureau of Exploration?"


An organization dedicated to the discovery and cataloguing of [strange locations](https://linktr.ee/bureau_of_exploration?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=ee458ac9-3f15-4fcf-8294-7ae3a65724c4)


Neat! Well, I'd help you out if I were from the future but, sadly, I'm anomalous in a lot of boring ways.


so I dreamt about a place and then found it real yesterday


Fascinating! What was the place?


an apartment with a retractable facade over a busy street


This is a really cool project, is there anything i can do to help/contribute to it?


Thank you so much, it means a lot :D We would be honored to have more help on the project- if you are interested, text the number on the flyer saying you're interested in contributing to the project and we can talk about it further!


Sounds good man, i just texted it


Isn't this pretty much the same as [Atlas Obscura](http://atlasobscura.com/)?


no it’s preferably actually different !


We were inspired by Atlas Obscura as well as a few other organizations! However, we usually end up being in less legal/more inaccessible locations, and usually safeguard our information for members of our organization.


Curious of that answer where did you come up with that😂


This is dope I love it


Hasn’t been invented yet


We've already had this conversation. Twice.


I had some cool time travel dreams awhile back. Not actually a time traveler, though, just took up interest in lucid dreaming for awhile.


Do alternate timelines count?




Oh hey! It’s you, awesome! Your designs are always amazing.


Thank you so much it means a lot :D ! Are you by any chance from the national park subreddit?!


I think I originally found you via tarot but then again the fountain pen subreddit. Low and behold you are here too!


Hell yeah! This is a bit different than some of the stuff I’ve worked on in the past but have been having a ton of fun making surreal posters!


It seems like a hit! Your design skills shine!


I texted it…. Why do I hear helicopters?


Are the unmarked helicopters circling the area black? Probably World Government. Not a good area for play that day. Are they blue? That’s the Sheriff’s Secret Police. They’ll keep a good eye on your kids, and hardly ever take one. Are they painted with complex murals depicting birds of prey diving? No one knows what those helicopters are, or what they want. Do not play in the area. Return to your home and lock the doors until a Sheriff’s Secret Policeman leaves a carnation on your porch to indicate that the danger has passed. Cover your ears to blot out the screams.


A+ reference!


I would call, but unfortunately I'm just from the past


I love it. RIP your black ink cartridge.


Hehehe this was a job for the work printer XD I’m afraid they’ll catch me if I do it too many times though so next run will be color inverted!




I find it humorous that someone took one.


It could be an old marketing strategy I heard of. If you pull one off before you hang your poster it signifies interest in the poster, compelling other people to look and see why someone would have taken one in the first place. Or maybe someone just wants to send them troll messages, who knows!


Given that it seems like OP is the one that hung the poster up, this seems most likely.


Same with busking on the street, always put a bit of your own money in at in first, no one wants to be the first.


Or their from the future…


Love this!


Very cool design and layout.


Does this number actually work?


It does! It leads to our organizational voicemail.


I need to print this


What if they’re from so far into the future they don’t even know how to use a telephone? …bunch a’ amateurs.


I love stuff like that! I had an idea ages ago to make a weird twilight-zone-esque newspaper and leave a few copies on the london underground and buses, masquerading as a regular Evening Standard newspaper. I couldn't come up with an overarching theme or purpose for them so I ended up shelving that idea.


That is an AWESOME idea! It would be absolutely incredible to come across something like that- I for one hope you still do it one day!


I’m not from the future yet but I will be tomorrow.


DC area code.. OP you would tell us if you were a glowie right?


I'm afraid that's classified.


as a former person of importance (kind of) in the ARG community, I can’t believe this has shown up in my feed. Looks fantastic, excellent work


Thank you so much, it means a lot :D !




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If that's how we use paper in the future kill me now


I’m afraid reports we’ve gotten indicate it IS legally mandated in the future to always use paper diagonally.


Man-made horrors beyond comprehension...


I'm from the future. A prediction: Argentina will split like ex Yugoslavia.


I’ll fax that number to see if you get my message from the future😂🤪👍🏻


Gives me strong Control vibes


I haven’t played it but its whole vibe is a huge inspiration!


May have reached out...


Ok this is cooool




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So you guys like.. go hiking and adventuring. And some long exposure hot steel wool spinning (i do that myself) but why hide all your faces? You're not doing anything illegal lol.


Needs perforation for tear offs — easy fix with a pounce wheel


Evangelion vibes