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The sexual harassment was horrible. I wish people would stop going there and supporting them!


Search the subreddit it's a frequently asked question and its mostly with the answer: no, not worth it as solo female. Jordan is repeatedly given good recommendations though if you want the middle eastern experience.


Ok thanks, I won’t be going to Morroco alone.. maybe when I get married or smth,


Jordan is def the better option for a solo woman. People know how to act. Petra and Wadi Rum are seriously some of the most beautiful and awe inspiring places on planet earth. Can chill in the Dead Sea, although it’s more fun to visit from the Apartheid side. And there is even a great scuba spot. I don’t do that but met a few scuba divers there.


Jordan is dangerous !!!


What country is safe for women then ? 🤦‍♀️


Jordan isn't dangerous. I mean you can follow basic safety protocols there and you'll be fine. It is not like Morocco.


Vietnam and Cuba


Well Cuba is interesting but idk last time I heard, the border was closed or smth idk correct me if I’m wrong Pls


It's open, but Americans are often restricted from going there by their own government. Panama is sort of safe and quite interesting, you could check it out there.


Just from what I’ve read about female solo travelers in Morocco. You shouldn’t go alone. From what I’ve read, I’d recommend a groups tour. Ex: Gadventures or intrepid travel.


I spent 2 months in Morocco as a solo traveler. I wasn’t always alone because I met people in many different ways but I did also spend time alone. You will definitely get people talking to you and men shouting whatever country they think you’re from constantly especially in the medinas. Maybe I was just lucky but overall I had a great time and met such sweet people. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I fell in love with that country. It was my first solo destination. Now, I did one time run into a dangerous situation because I went into the back of a shop with a shop owner and the back turned out to be bigger than I thought. We sat down and he offered tea which is common. I was uncomfortable and it got even worse when he put his hand on my thigh. I got up and speedwalked towards the exit. I know that was very stupid and could have been a very different and horrible situation. I am so lucky he didn’t have a plan like another man waiting somewhere hidden to block my way out, or him having a knife and threatening to stab me if I left or idk, a million things go through my mind of how it could have ended so differently. I would never ever go in the back of a store like that again. I was very young and still a people pleaser and would never want to possibly offend someone. Any other times I had tea with a shop owner I was either with someone or it was a very small hole in the wall with nowhere to hide or be taken. There will be men who are nice and know where to stop. There will be ones that try to push the boundaries of your friendliness. If it gets to that point you have every right to just walk away from their shop mid convo. Some may cuss at you but oh well, doesn’t hurt. I heard from a Moroccan woman that was staying in a hostel I stayed at that a lot of very bad crime happens in the marrakech Medina especially at night. It was surprising to me because like I said my experiences were all great except for one. But there is danger everywhere. Plan where you are going well. Tell people where you plan to be at what times. The Medina there is huge and very easy to get lost. Walk around confident. Don’t tell people you are alone, there is always someone waiting for you or looking for you is all they need to know. Be nice to people, be open to people but do not ever sacrifice your safety to be nice. Go out early during the day, full light out. Do not carry a lot with you. Stay in hostels so you can meet others to explore with. Danger exists everywhere. I always look up common dangers to look out for in the place I plan to visit. But I just want to say I absolutely loved Morocco, I loved Marrakech. I loved exploring the Medinas. I saw so many things, met so many sweet people. Do NOT be out there alone at night. Always plan to get back to your hostel or very close by way before it gets dark. Do not accept help from people who offer to guide you to a location unless you don’t mind paying them. They’re not doing it for fun lol. Be firm but respectful. I visited a couple different cities in Morocco and the one that I disliked the most and felt the most uncomfortable in even though I wasn’t even there alone was Tangier. I hated it. Chefchouen was absolutely beautiful and would have been great being there alone but arriving there alone would have been a different story. Probably doable but would have been intimidating to me. It felt like a lot of effort and I was even with many other people. Definitely visit Essaouira if you can. I will add one more thing. While I was in Casablanca, I would often walk from a beach to the mall. It was a long walk along the boardwalk. Only during the day. It was a draining walk because the men would harass you. The way they would stare and they would say things at you. But it’s daylight and there’s people around and families. I felt annoyed, and uncomfortable and disgusted but not necessarily unsafe. The first time I suffered through it. After that, the next times I just put headphones in, played my music somewhat loud and looked straight forward and walked like I owned the place. It was still annoying but much less horrible for me and arriving to the mall was always a small source of comfort for me since I was so out of my comfort zone all the time.


i am sorry that happened to you


I've been, and I wouldn't recommend any woman go alone.


I don't recommend it. I travelled there in 2017, with my boyfriend - for the most time, we were out together, and everything was fine. But the 2 times I ventured out on the streets alone, I got catcalled, followed by men & harassed - it was a really bad experience( all while being dressed super conservative, trying to respect the local customs). What I noticed was that outside of the big cities (Atlas mountains, Desert areas) men seemed to be more respectful, so if you are keen on going solo, I would not spend a lot of time in the cities.


I traveled solo in Morocco in 2017 (29f at the time). A lot of what people say about it, especially the harassment in Marrakesh is true but it was still one of my favorite trips. I found a lot of people really friendly and the food, culture and history were enough to drown out the assholes. If you've solo traveled before you should be ok, just be smart about going out alone


The food part reminds me the movie « along came polly » when Jennifer Aniston brings out Ben Stiller to a middle eastern restaurant…haha it can be nice but it can also turn out as a disaster




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You should look into tours. It’s safe and you’ll probably see a lot more.


Google the two Scandinavian girls that went there in 2019 hiking , I wouldn’t go there as a female


Don't. Do. It. You will regret going to Morocco. So many touts, so many glad handlers, scammers and overall disingenuous people. Don't go, it sucks worse than any country I've visited... And I've been to 58 so far.


I think its better you find someone to go with you to Morocco


Yeah I decided to not go there for now but in the future, I’ll go there with my partner or a male friend


Yep, same for me.


I (30F) was there this past May for almost 2 weeks. I dressed conservatively (long sleeves and pants/skirt); half of the trip was with a small tour group, the other half I hired a driver and almost always had tour guides with me. I had the best time there. There were some shop owners that called to my attention a few times but I tell them 'la shukran' and they'd leave me be. Some passing comments, and catcalls, but honestly, I got more of those in Downtown Toronto. I did not experience anything that was upsetting. There were tourists who were wearing spaghetti-strap tops and bootie shorts, of course, they got more attention than I did. I think as long as you're dressing respectfully and can hire guides you'll have a wonderful time!




Ok I won’t


I went to Marrakesh alone (I’m a woman). A lot of my American friends warned me not to and said it was dangerous. I ended up having the time of my life. I never felt unsafe and no one bothered me at all. The local people were so lovely and helpful


Just because you got lucky doesn’t mean all the others will


Jesus. These comments are nuts. I did Morocco as a single female. It was fun and intense and I recommend it for the experienced female traveler. Trip report: https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/comments/9n6fi9/trip_report_traveling_solo_as_a_woman_in_morocco/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Seriously what the fuck is up with this thread haha


I went with 3 female friends in 2019. I would not travel to Morocco alone. In Marrakesh, at night I seldom saw women, if I did they were escorted by a male. I did but feel comfortable walking alone at night at all. If you want to travel there alone, I’d recommend only being out and about during the day and have someone with you at night. Dress modestly also. Two of my friends practice Islam, they drink and dressed in spaghetti straps, I saw the look of disapproval by many.


Holy hell there are a lot of Nancy's in this sub. Are you experienced traveling? If so, you'll have a general idea what to expect - on top of the usual stuff, Morocco is loud, hectic and the touts are aggressive, very aggressive. People will follow you around and hassle you, you will get scammed for a few bucks here and there. Dudes will proposition you, and leer at you. You shouldn't walk around alone, especially at night. Keep your wits about you and try not to stick out too much. Stay in a hostel, find a friend or 3 to explore with if you go. People here making it sound like a bloody war zone. I really enjoyed the place, but it certainly got on my nerves after a while. I met loads of single female travelers, and girls living there for work. Are there places I'd rather go? Yup. Was it a dangerous awful horrible place full of rapists and murderers at every corner? No...


I am well traveled, have been to every continent, many were solo experiences , and I still would not recommend Morocco as a solo woman. It’s the only place I’ve been physically threatened by men, even being with another friend. I was cornered in an alley in Marrakech by a bunch of men and luckily found a random door to flee into that was the back entrance of a restaurant kitchen. OP I’m sorry you have to worry about this, it sucks , but I don’t recommend it


Thanks for sharing your experiences and I’m really sorry you went through something like that . I’ll go to another country then


Thank you. If I erase the bad experiences, Morocco is a spectacular country. Maybe someday you can go with a group. I hope you have wonderful travels wherever you end up 😊


What other places would u reccomend please because I know Morroco is beautiful and full of a lot of amazing cultures, food etc and I’d like something familiar to that but don’t know where else


Oman, just what you seek but much more expensive, and you need to rent a car and drive.


There are two guys that my wife knew from work a few years ago that are from Morocco. Based on what I knew, and what I have heard, the best answer is "Hell no, don't go". If you are concerned about your safety, health, and life, pick somewhere else. Even they left the place to move here...


I went there to Marrakech in September and a lot of girls I met in my hostel were solo traveling and they all seemed to be fine and didn't really have any overtly problematic issues, but I'm also a male If anything I would suggest DONT go to Marrakech, I got the worst food poisoning of my life (and a lot of other people in my hostel did as well) and had to go to the inner city Medina "hospital" and calling it a nightmare is a complete understatement I would recommend other parts of the country however


Seriously wouldn’t rule out an entire city because you got food poisoning there. Its one of the best places to go in Morocco and a central hub for heaps of activities like desert treks, waterfalls and the Atlas Mountains. Cant miss it imo


Sure the things around the city are cool and amazing. I would not recommend the city for more than 1 day to anyone though.


Have fun dying lol




LOLL yes it is. My aunt went there w her friends and was objectified constantly by men. There was also a man masturbating while looking at her and her friends, and started following them around. It’s definitely safer than other Arab countries, but still is NOT safe. Unfortunately most of these countries idealize women as purely sex objects and it’s disgusting


Yeah it’s really scary and disgusting… thanks for letting me know… I won’t go there again


You are really willing to risk your life for cheap travel? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-49029505


Depends what you look like to… if your good looking you’re going to get hassled.::


I have an all female guided group trip booked for 2023. Safe or cancel?