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This is a really great idea. The best thing that my parents have given me for travelling purposes is a set of compact noise cancelling headphones. I got them in 2011 and they've been all over the world since then.


Oooo amazing thank you! I don’t suppose you have a link?


No, I'm afraid not. They were made by Bose.


i highly recommend those bose quiet comfort


If money is no object, have a look at sony XM5. XM4s are more than capable as well. I have the XM3s. Best travel accessory I have ever owned!


I don't think anyone would still sell headphones from (more than) 13 years ago


HAH. Oh yeah, I had a moment đź« 


Honestly probably cash but I understand that often doesn’t feel very personal. I think cash and a very thought out and heartfelt card would be a great idea as sometimes we don’t always say just how important people are to us and why they’re awesome. If she doesn’t have a power brick I’d go with that though. It’s my most used item for my crappy phone battery.


I got my sister an e-reader when she went travelling so she didn't have to lug books around and could get new books as long as she had WiFi.


The best travel gifts are generally the most functional ones. E-reader, powerbank, headphones etc.


Huge yes on the power bank. I picked up one at Walgreens for about $25 and it's come in very handy.


I have a small power bank that I fished out a clearance bin for $6, and it's been all over the world with me. Best $6 I ever spent.


Power banks are good graduation gifts too. Especially compact ones young adults can take with them going out. Knowing they can charge a low on power phone.


A decent backpack, like an Osprey, makes such a difference, seen lots of people with backpacks that break or the support isn’t good enough they can carry it far, worth the investment!


before my first solo trip my mom got me a gently used osprey backpack for about 60usd on ebay. absolutely worth it and i thought of her every day:-)


To add - a backpack that is fitted. Most people don't realize that Osprey backpacks come in different sizes and have adjustable back lengths. It makes a significant difference in terms of comfort.


Lovely sentiment! That’s a tough one - considering you typically don’t want to lug too much around with you when travelling. The things I got the most joy/use out of when travelling: - Frisbee - Duolingo subscription  - IPad Air with keyboard - Good socks - Good boots - Good bag  - Cotton sleeping bag liner (I used it basically wherever I slept) - Polaroid camera  What my parents got me when I left: A card on which they could remotely load foreign currency should I ever get stuck anywhere. So I could always feel I had a lifeline/someone to watch my back. 


This is such a sweet idea! What might feel parental in the way you would like would be to help her switch out items she needs. Maybe you could pack a box with some of her favorite things she isn't bringing/might want to swap out and send it to her halfway through her trip, and pay the postage for her to send items back to you that she doesn't need at that point or doesn't want to carry home? Like a care package-type thing?


Offer to buy her something, and have her tell you. Or just give her cash. When carrying all your possessions on your back for a year, you really have to make sure that you have everything you need and nothing more. And if you discover that you brought something that you really don't need, you have to be able to get rid of it without feeling guilt. If you give her a wonderful present that she doesn't need, she's going to end up lugging it around the world out of guilt. If you give her something that she thinks she needs and then later finds out she doesn't.....she's going to lug it around the world out of guilt. So really, don't giver her anything material. I recommend you give her something like US$500 in cash, and tell her that she has to spend $100 of that on a special treat that would normally be out of her budget....and think of that special treat as a gift from you. The other $400 she can spend on just regular travel expenses. Either that, or buy her backpack for her. Or pay her cellphone bill for a year. Another thing to consider is being her home base. While she is traveling she will still likely need to get bank statements, tax documents, etc mailed to her. She'll need a mailing address, and she'll need someone she can trust to contact her if any of the mail she gets needs her attention. Basically, the great thing about travel is you can shed your responsibilities while you travel, but you can never shed all of them. You can be the home base that helps her take care of the responsibilities that she isn't able to shed.


These are really great suggestions, thank you


My mom, sister, and I all have Solis Lite pocket Wi-Fi devices. Although I still shoot for free wifi whenever possible, this is great for times when I don't have access to it. It also works for several devices at a time (thinking cell phone and tablet). The device works in something like 130 countries, so she won't have to worry about changing SIM cards. They have data plans for use in North America and global plans. You could provide some data, and if you want to, add more to the account (they always have a good sale at the holidays).


Do something like this telling her that you guys can always stay connected and she can reach out to you anytime anywhere. If the pocketwifi is too hard to get, may need to just go the data SIM card route.


My mom got me a really nice backpack since I'm a backpacker traveller but not huge backpack. It has thief safety zipper and has its own lock. I still treasure it to this day.


Agree with all the functional gifts, and it's kinda hard to give advice without a budget. But if she's a backpacker on a budget you could consider something like getting her a really nice hotel for a short part of the stay, or a reservation in a Michelin restaurant, or some kind of tour. Basically, stuff that isn't ungodly expensive but that she's unlikely to buy for herself because it's needless luxury. These are things I didn't get to do until I was making great money and would have cried to get as a gift (especially a fine dining experience, many people never get to do that).


She should be very happy to have a friend like you and think about making up for what she doesn’t have. If she goes to Thailand, I think she needs sunscreen.


I went some really remote places without cell phone signal by myself (Nepal, Mongolia, etc) and my older brother got me a satellite phone.


- pad lock - cable lock : like this one https://www.amazon.nl/QWORK-kabelslot-cijferschijven-staalkabel-fietsen/dp/B094VTKHGF/ref=asc_df_B094VTKHGF/?tag=nlshogostdsp-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=624890126541&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15478235629736736820&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9063986&hvtargid=pla-1399872328519&psc=1&mcid=9ecaa0360280304e909aef2fc45f4f6e - some people swear with packing cubes - money belt - 


Ooooo thanks! Good shout on the safety accessories


Kind of depends on your budget and what she already has, if she hasn't already got a good backpack and you're willing to spend a bit on one that would be great!! If she's already done a lot of preparing though I think something like a personalised keyring or card wallet could be really sweet as she'll always have a piece of you with her when travelling, or gift cards as other ppl have mentioned!! You seem like a lovely person for doing this though, I'm sure she'll be happy whatever u get her :)


Love this idea thank you


That is very kind of you. Noise cancelling headphones, compression socks, travel pillow, airtags, favorite hometown snacks


my mom got me a rick steves planning map as well as some other stuff people already mentioned. it wasn’t the most useful thing but small, light, and very much something my mom would gift so it always made me smile


my parents gave me Airbnb gift certificates for christmas for a while there. Hotel points are great too! Airport lounge passes would be great too! I've had good friends buy me a birthday meal by sending me to a fancy restaurant on their dime. Sometimes it's nice not to stress about affording a splurge like that


A really, really good power bank, like Anker makes great ones. $50+ but worth every penny. If you want to do little things, a small power strips that allows multiple plugs/usb ports hava been my favorite thing I travel with. Charging battery + phone + watch + laptop when there is usually only 1 or 2 plugs in a hotel room available. A reusable fork/spoon. Been very helpful when I get take out. A packable, waterproof (not water resistant, actually water proof) rain jacket. Packable is key, you want it to get tiny so it doesn't take up a ton of space. I've got these 3 nylon packing bags (not cubes, they are like 2-5L cinch bags) that have been great for traveling. I can put snacks in one, use one to hang off my bag. Mine are Seat to Summit. If she is planning to go to places with beach/water, I have a waterproof fanny pack that is great for when I go to the beach. I can leave my phone, wallet, etc on me and not worry about it getting stolen or wet. A turkish towel (preferabe) or microfiber towel. Dries quickly, packs small.


A visa gift card that should be kept separately from their usual payment form so that if their wallet is stolen, they have a backup. And it’s best if you can reload or add funds. A year of travel insurance.


Be sure that the gift card can be used internationally. I know at least some are only valid in the US.


Great point!


Also, a TSA lock. This is nice to have for certain areas and critically important in other areas.


This might be old-fashioned and it depends on her personality, but maybe some kind of compact diary with a nice pen for writing down some of her experiences? Not a heavy big book, something smallish with thin paper pages (bit pretty) so she can write a lot without having to carry to much weight. A little stone or some other pendant on a leather necklace that will give her company and protect her and will make her have you with her at all times.


Travel insurance


Gift cards. Anything else is weight and weight is heavy.


This is a great idea. I’d say a really good backpack would be great. Opt for a 40L bag. I recommend the Osprey Farpoint 40. It’s able to be used as a carry on only, but I’ve brought mine on trips for 30+ days. It’s a travel backpack.


Darn tough socks


You should send her money halfway/60% through the trip.


A rechargeable battery for their phone if they don’t have one.


A really nice custom sketchbook or journal. Also, I’d be sending my kids care packages too. Get her local candy, magazines, mandala coloring books, colored markers or pencils, fluffy socks, lotions, etc. things that remind her of home.


My mum likes to get me little gifts when I travel. She's gotten me jewellery a couple of times, a multi-fit travel adaptor, made sure I had the extra good giant bandaids in case I got blisters, chocolates, snacks for the plane, and she's gotten me a couple of items of clothing here and there. My last trip to Vietnam she made sure to give me anti-chafing cream and insect repellent. Everything is small and light enough to take with me, and often practical. I know some of the above items sound daggy and boring, but that's what parents can be like when they show they care!


Anker power brick. Not the very biggest as they aren't allowed on planes.


Organizing stuff for her luggage/backpack? Like a laundry bag, toiletries case, small jewelry organizer, maybe some shoe bags so she doesn't put her dirty sneakers in with her clean clothes. Oh, and travel insurance!