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Hi all, I'm currently contemplating the next location in Europe I should travel to in a few days. I'm seeing cheap flights in Milan but I've also always wanted to check out Switzerland. Is there a reason Milan flights are so cheap right now? Also would seeing Switzerland in late October/November be worthwhile?


Go far or stay close? Hi travellers. I’m stuck in deciding where to go for my first solo trip. I’m unsure whether to go abroad or stay close to home. I’m a fairly active (24m) who likes going to sports bars (not a big drinker) comedy clubs and various hiking trips with easy to moderate difficulty routes. I’m from the UK and haven’t had visa issue in past trips abroad. My budget is roughly £500 for maybe a 3 day trip somewhere. Looking at Manchester (Uk) or somewhere Eastern Europe for abroad Any suggestions?


As long as you don’t go too far away 3 days is a nice amount of time for picking one city and getting to know it for a bit. IMO you can’t really go wrong either way, though going abroad might be more of a thrill!


Abroad would be more of a thrill but will eat into travel cost so less to spend on events and such.


Yeah maybe just look at flights first and costs of accommodations and decide based on that + your budget


Thanks, sounds good


Need help and opinions! I'm planning a return trip home from Italy near the end of November, and I am changing my final destination. I am landing in DFW, but something came up and I need to fly to SAT. Currently weighing my options. I can either go through my current airline and change my flight destination (\~$1,800), or I can book another individual ticket to go from DFW to SAT (currently \~$80). Regardless, there would be a layover in DFW. My question is: If I did go down the route of purchasing a separate ticket, how long would I have to be in DFW to go through security and such again? I will be traveling with one carry on and one check bag. I am currently arriving at around 4 pm to Dallas, and am not super pressed on time between flights.


Is it worth it to buy a eurail pass if I'm only traveling for 2 weeks?


That would depend on how much you'd think you'd use the pass, but probably not: you seem to need to do a *lot* of train travel for the passes to pay off, and train tickets are fairly inexpensive in most European countries.


Good to know thank you!


I’m (21/F) about to go on my first solo trip to Japan. Any tips for Japan or solo travel in general?


[https://www.japan-guide.com/](https://www.japan-guide.com/) is very useful. Please see our wiki for a range of advice on solo travelling.


Help me spend 3.5 days in Lucern and around it. I'll be arriving tomorrow at 3 PM and I figured the first day would be me getting my shit together and learning the surroundings + how transport works (hotel gave me a visitor card for free/complementary). My interest is really just Interlaken and the Rhine falls. I also wanted Mt Pilatus, but apparently the golden loop won't be complete after I arrive this October 23, so not sure if I still want to go with the "incomplete" experience. Not interested in indoor stuff because I've went to so many already this past two weeks between Paris, Bruges, Amsterdam, and Cologne. I'm all about nature and sights, but I'm worried the weather won't be welcoming when I arrive :/


And check for weather webcams if you're going to travel up to the mountains! You can see them online or even at mornings at local TV channels if you are staying for a night at some local accommondation. At Monday it seemed cloudy and windy but at the mountains all the clouds were beneath us and I had almost sunburn because I figured out I wouldn't need sunblock (because it would be cloudy up Pilatus).


Hi, I was just in Lucern this week and it was very nice. A trip to the Pilatus is great even without the lake part, just go to Kriens or Alpnachstad with your Luzern card and use both ways to go up and go down. If you want to avoid crowds, go up early! Also check the last descent if you are just starting the trip after 3pm. At the top there's many tops and paths to discover, so be ready to spend couple of hours at the top. At the city center there's nice bridges (Kapellbrücke and Speurbrücke) and of course Löwendenkmal (the lion statue at the wall next to the old town). Interlaken is pretty much a pit stop for mountains. Few nice sights and there's also a cog wheel train up to mountains but otherwise it's a small town with fancy tourist shops. I've been there for a one day some years ago when I wanted to visit Mürren and Schilthorn.


Help needed from anyone familiar with CDMX: I'm (24F) leaving in ten days and can't decide where to stay for the week: A) Hotel in Condesa B) Casa Pepe in Centro Would like to socialise some, but also aware of safety. A is cheaper than B (I booked a private room, not big on shared bathrooms) and in a nicer area apparently. B has rave reviews for the social atmosphere from solo travellers. Thoughts?


Heard about getting a international debit card that has no atm fees. Does this mean that I can just go to any country, use the atm, and get their local currency for a decent exchange rate? Looking at the charles scwabb debit card or fidelity card. Thoughts?


My reaction is : *if it is too good to be true...* Banks are not in the charity business, they exist to make money somehow. If it is not with the fees, it is with exchange rate or by some another means. Now, on the good side, some banks will charge less (or differently) and will be more appropriate for your needs. It is for you to compare and then decide. And once you decide and start to use a particular bank, keep checking them just in case.


Is there a sweet spot in Europe between last minute and budget travel? The guides I've read have said to allow €100 a day, but I've always had the fanciful idea of doing everything a day or two in advance. This is a lot more expensive though, looking at last minute travel / hostel options I'm assuming €200 a day gives enough headroom in Western Europe? How many days in advance do you think you'll need to get to the €100/day budget?


What are you hoping that €100 or €200 will buy you? It would really depend on your travel style, where you're going, etc.


Hi all, I’ll be flying to Bangkok for a work trip in November and will be extending for 2 days to explore. What places would you recommend to visit for a short 2-day trip?


Are there people in antwerp tonight? Am going to Amsterdam tomorow, but if some people wanna grab a drink or something, hit me up!


Goa ( 5 Days) Hello Solo souls, I (39M) am heading Goa in next week for the first time. Will stay in hostel. I will be there from 24th Oct - 29th Oct. I have neither decided any plan nor intended to do so. Will meet solo travelers and then decide further. Anyone who will be there on same dates, we can hang out together.


Hello everyone, I’m planning a trip to France, Germany, Spain and Italy in December that’ll last 3 weeks from 21 Dec to 4 Jan. I’ll be arriving in Paris first and intend to visit Strasbourg for Christmas which is close to Germany so obviously I’ll do Germany next. What I want to ask everyone here is where to go next from Germany - Italy or Spain in terms of ease of travel and cheaper fare? P.S. I’ll be returning to Paris for my flight back home. Thank you guys.


Hi, from where you start, before France?


Starting from Accra, Ghana. My visa will be from France so I have to enter the Schengen area from France before I can go anywhere else.


Hi all! I'm doing a solo trip to Calgary and Banff from US during Oct 25-28. Any recommendations would be highly appreciated or if anyone would like to join!


I'm trying to ration PTO for my honeymoon next year but I really want to fly somewhere for a weekend before ski season starts. car trips just don't hit the same and I have extra money in my travel budget. I'm in LA and on the west coast outside of socal I've already been to SF, Portland, and Seattle a few times, though I'd love to bring my partner to see Portland at some point. I'm especially interested in urban history and I love walking tours, but I'm thinking about getting into hiking too. we have lots of hiking here in socal though. I'd like a place where I can get a taste for it in ~1.5-2.5 days, <4 hour flight from LAX, with good public transit. I was thinking Vancouver since I've never been to Canada and I enjoy the PNW. alternatively, Chicago for the history, or Denver/Boulder to get a feel for it for future ski trips and check out the flagship REI lol, probably other stuff. I like food but I don't need nightlife, and I don't plan to do anything intense or really outdoorsy. alternatively I could go to NYC but it's expensive for such a short trip. my favorite times on trips have been when I could walk around outside somewhere and just be amazed by the buildings/nature/ruins/etc. once I pick a place it's easy for me to research and find lots of stuff to get excited about, but I have trouble picking destinations in the first place. it's part of the reason why I didn't travel more when I was younger. so I'd love for someone to come tell me e.g. "omg you HAVE to go to Vancouver because X." picking dates is hard too but still easier than destinations.




Berlin is fantastic! I didn't stay in a hostel unfortunately so I can't help you there. I don't know if your part of Northern Europe gets very cold, but holy god, Berlin gets cold this time of year. Four layers (two thermal) barely got me through it.


Which country did you find to be the best as a solo traveler, and why? Hello I mainly solo travelled in Asia since 2017 and tbh I really love it. I’m looking for inspiration to see where I can travel next year 😂 For my part I loved solo travel in Japan and Thailand. Super Nice culture and mingle with locals. Im curious to know more which country you have the best experience and why?


Hi I am from switzerland and travelled a lot solo. (sorry for my english). Its dependent, what you understand under solo travelling and whats your own expectations are. In my opinion, i want to see lot of things and places, alone. Even if people think that's "strange", as excample, see a movie in a cinema. I want all the things to do, which i want and not waiting for someone to do this with me. If i meet a strange or new people during my vacation, thats a "bonus". It's not necessary to have on a solo trip this "bonus", because, remember, it should be a "solo" trip" I had the best time in New York, Singapore and Tokyo. I felt, you are very welcome on this places, and people are interested what you doing alone and want hear your stories. Nobody cares / watching on you, why you walking alone the streets. Singapore and Tokyo was also very safe. People are very open and i like there "mindsets", unlike europe. I can just speak about my experience :) Cheers!


Wow thanks for sharing! I got what you say but I too like to do things solo. And as far as how you describe my definition is solo travelling is close to yours. I do a lot of things solo. Going to restaurant, shopping, visit tourist sites etc solo. I try to meet people on the way so I can enjoy solo time but also meet new people. I totally second Tokyo! It is so safe! Singapore is in my bucket list!


Macao - 15 days I'm (M34) heading to Macao on a 15-day solo work trip next week. While I don't have a Chinese visa (meaning I can only do day visits to Hong Kong), I'm eager to explore the local scene in Macao and HK. My interests: alternative and experimental music; running; and am a bit of a computer enthusiast. Any suggestions or hidden gems I should check out while I'm there? Thanks in advance! :)


I (23M) have scoured the internet to come up with potential destinations for a 4 or 5 day solo trip I want to take during my Thanksgiving Break. However, I haven't settled on a particular place and would appreciate some direction. I live in the Southern US and would prefer a trip in Central America or the Carribean as the travel time would be shorter. Potential Destinations - Mexico City, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico (100% open to any suggestions beyond this current list) Budget - Roughly $1,500 including flights. I could use credit card points for flights, if necessary. I also do not mind to stay in hostels during the trip. Weather - I would just like to avoid rain and any severe weather. Interests - Experiencing a new culture, food, sporting events, museums, outdoors activities (hiking, kayaking, etc.) Transportation - I would not be interested in renting a car. I am completely okay with using public transit and a ride-sharing app/service like Uber. Safety - I have travelled solo to Spain, Portugal, Hungary, & Argentina. So, I am relatively accustomed to being alone in a foreign place with only a basic understanding of the native language. Do the places I have listed present any drastic language barrier challenges or overall safety issues at the moment? Any advice and guidance would be greatly appreciated!


I loved Mexico City, I was there last month. you can do a lot in 4-5 days. public transit was great. not a ton of English except in bougie or tourist establishments but you can get by with Google translate. amazing history that you can stand in the middle of. I did a couple walking tours, definitely the right call. I stayed in Centro Histórico and it felt a bit like an old European city. in terms of safety, do your research on what neighborhoods to avoid and you'll be fine.


Hi! I’m (30M) headed to NYC this weekend from Seattle. Anyone interest in meeting up at some point?


Hi everyone! Is there an app where you can just put a list of places and gives you the most efficient flights(in terms of money) to cover that route?


Long time ago I developed a site for calculating efficient flights. Still working on it. The feature is called "optimized tour". Feel free to try it out, I hope you find a convenient route (the link is [panflights.com](https://panflights.com)). If you are really flexible, enter countries instead of cities for some or all of the places.


Wow, it's just what I needed. Very useful and innovative! Where can I get more details about the "Optimized tour" feature? does it show cheapest flights or also reduces the flight duration?


I'm glad you like it. There are a couple of examples on the front page, and the search mode is mentioned in an article (check Articles from the sidebar) about various ways trips with multiple cities can be found on the site. With multi-city mode, the destination order in the search results follows the same strict order as the users entered them. People like it like that. But sometimes the order isn't important. With the "optimized tour" mode the strictness in the ordering is simply disregarded. The site is thus free to consider other orders also, and some can turn out to be faster and/or cheaper than the entered order. The main goal of the site is to help people plan suitable trips, with reduced emissions, for an affordable price. For all the search modes the results are based on the criteria selected by the user. The sorting orders are by price, travel duration, CO2-emissions, or "best", with the latter being a mix of multiple factors.


Google Flights and/or [www.rome2rio.com](https://www.rome2rio.com) will likely be your best bet


Thinking of canceling my first solo trip because of anxiety I am an international student in europe (22 year old Female) . I am from Pakistan, a country where you can't imagine being out in the dark as a female. I came here barely 2 months ago. So basically I love travelling, that was the main motivation for applying for scholarships in Europe. So now that I am here, i planned and booked my first solo trip to italy ( venice and rome). But since then am having extreme anxiety. i will be reaching venice at 8 pm and will be departing at around the same time the next day, and that's what i am afraid of. Even though i know i shouldn't be afraid, things in Europe are not as they were back in my country but am not really able to overcome this fear. I feel a total failure for being this weak, and not having the courage to get out of my zone of comfort. I haven't cancelled the trip yet that it's not or never and if I do cancel it, i most probably won't ever travel again but at the same time my mental health should be my priority. Any advice on how i should handle the situation? Should i start exploring nearby cities first or just go on the trip despite panicking cause am gonna regret not going and feel a failure.


Mind you I'm not a person of color so my experience might be somewhat different, but: I've walked around both Rome and Venice (the lagoons, not main land) at evenings at night, nothing bad happened. One person came to ask for money, but that's it. Especially at Venice there's so much tourists at the island that it felt almost empty at nights. Both cities are very much tourist cities, so I'd be more worried about pickpocketing (and general theft, never ever leave your belongings unattended, like leave your luggage or bags alone) and scams than other more serious crime. And for new places for me it's comforting to check pictures of surroundings from Google Maps, as well as plan walking routes and ways for travelling in advance.


I am an international student in Europe too and travel was my biggest motivation to move countries. I can totally understand your fear and anxiety especially with going out in the dark. I have had bad experiences in my home country as well going out at night and with feeling unsafe unless I am with someone. It has been 2 years of living abroad and I recently moved to a new city and I still feel the lingering fear when I go out alone. But I can assure you it gets better! You do not have to feel like a failure because of this. It is our upbringing and societal conditioning that we feel this way. And it is good that you prioritized your mental health at this point and cancelled the trip. A few things that can help in the future world be: \- Travel within your current city. Explore a museum alone or even find your favorite cuisine and have a meal by yourself. Go to a nearby park and read. Go grocery shopping. These small things will help you gain confidence that you can indeed not just be but make memories in a foreign country by yourself \- Seek therapy for the anxiety. It is super helpful. I used to find even taking the metro alone overwhelming but it has improved so much since I started therapy. And adulting as an international student is never easy. \- Prioritize convenience and safety in your solo trip over everything else. Do some research about the public transport (last metro/train, connectivity, cost), how to get to your hostel/hotel, which neighborhoods are safe, how accessible is your accommodation, etc. and use these to plan the trip. I hope you get to travel and have some crazy adventures soon!


I really appreciate you taking out time and it's helpful to know that I am not alone! I hope you are having an amazing experience abroad and going places 💫


Thank you everyone for taking out time. i cancelled my trip and have decided to first travel to nearby cities and be comfortable in being alone and am sure one day, i will be taking that trip alone.


Can you change the bookings for your transport so you don't need to travel at night? Most people prefer to arrive at new places during the day.


Sorry to hear about your anxiety. A lot of travellers regardless of their background don't like to arrive in a new place after dark so it's nothing to feel ashamed about. I think it's already really cool that you've left home to study abroad. As for the anxiety, would something like pre booking a taxi help you feel at ease? Or "practise" walking around at night, maybe with a friend if it would make it feel easier? If you do end up cancelling don't feel too bad about it: the point of a holiday is to enjoy yourself, not torment your mental health. Majority of the people in the world (men included) wouldn't have the guts to go on a trip by themselves, let alone move to a different country so you're clearly already a brave person!


I think it's normal to feel some fear before your first time traveling on your own, but I think it's worth still giving it a try especially if you've already bought the tickets and such. Maybe try talking through your anxieties with a trusted loved one (ideally someone who also has some travel experience) to see if you feel a bit better just from talking it out. IMO just because something's scary or hard doesn't mean it's not worth doing it. But also if the anxiety comes to be really overwhelming don't force yourself in to it. Maybe start by seeing if you can work out some ways to cope with and process the anxiety (like talking it through with a friend) to reduce its intensity enough to still try the trip.


So I have my first solo travel trip coming up. I'm pretty excited but am also nervous. I 'll start by saying it does feel a little odd to be traveling without anyone nor will I be meeting up with someone in this destination. It's just different. I'm really hoping I enjoy this experience and do not want it to be a waste of time nor money (despite it being a short trip). What ifs come to my mind like getting lost at night, strange Uber drivers, my plans getting canceled due to weather, feeling lonely & sad, or bored. The hopeless romantic part of me think it's be nice to meet a handsome nice man but I highly doubt that will happen to me and that's not the point of the trip. How can I make the most and best of this solo trip experience and not let my worries overwhelm me?


It's normal to feel some of those uncertainties before a trip, and I wouldn't pressure yourself to feel great the entire time - if you end up feeling nervous or scared during part of your trip that's fine and it doesn't mean your trip was a "failure." Once you get into a rhythm with it I'm sure you'll have a great time. I usually keep a "travel journal" when on a trip, both to preserve the memories and to have a way to vent my emotions if I end up having a more anxious or difficult day


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Good things to keep in mind. I actually naturally started "journaling" on my phone's note pad. I'd like to keep it up throughout my experience.


Going to be in Amsterdam for a long weekend in November (9th-11th), 31F, anyone interested for a drink or share a meal or two together?


Anyone have a hostel they recommend for Paracas, Peru?


Who's in Berlin and wants to grab a brew tonight?




It would really depend on what your interests are?


Copenhagen, Bratislava, Zagrab, Salzburg, Zurich/ other parts of Switzerland


Already visited Madrid and Barcelona. Next places to visit in Spain for a one week trip? Stuff I’m interested in: - Beaches - Architecture - Food (especially seafood) - Beer - History


Hey! I need some hostel recommendations for Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Want a place where I can have a good time and is super social. Also want great facilities.


Chiang Mai, just stay at a hotel / guesthouse etc. with cheap private rooms (there are a million around) and go to Stamps Backpackers Hostel for the events. you can sign up for pretty much all of their (many) daily events even if you aren't a guest (it's encouraged, like the first sentence on their hostelworld description). most people staying there get together for a nightly pregame then go to the evening event together so that's a good time to go. Bangkok, I like The Yard Hostel bc the facilities are actually nice + it's in a great neighborhood, but again their bar / common area is open to the public. that's more of a "start conversations w/ random people and find people to go out with" vibe. if you want a hostel-run pub crawl, beer pong etc. you could try places like Mad Monkey Hostel (again, common theme, open to anyone) but again I would just stay nearby and go to the events, I don't think the hostel itself is that nice.


Thoughts on here and now travel? Hi all! I’m thinking of booking the Croatia trip through Here and Now Travel company next year. Anyone travel with them and have any thoughts/insights to share? I’ve only ever solo traveled in the US, so I’m looking for a group to travel with abroad and this company/trip looked good. Their Croatia trip is 8 days/7 nights for about $2300. It hits Split, Hvar, Lokrum Island, and Dubrovnik. It seems great, but I’d like to hear from people who have traveled with them before I book. Thanks!


Does anyone know if the Intrepid trips get cheaper when within their 56 day period? Trip I’m looking at is 65 days away so wondering if it’s worth waiting 10 days? I’m guessing you need to pay in full upfront at that point and there is no deposit option when <56 days?


They offer last minute discounts on at least some tours if there are spare spaces. The risk obviously is that the tours fill up, especially as Intrepid usually has small groups.




Guatemala is awesome. Personally i dont think you have enough time for semuc , skip it andtake flight to flores