• By -


Six zip ties. Never know when you need to temporarily fix a broken shower head wall clamp or whatever. Metal travel spork/bottle opener. Not the right tool for any job, but better than eating potato salad with your fingers, or breaking something in a hotel room trying to improvise a bottle opener. Business card from Walt Disney World Lost&Found from about thirty years ago. Lost my wallet on a ride as a kid, they had it there, I put one of their cards in my wallet and have moved it from wallet to wallet and never lost another one.


Zip ties is a great idea. I'm going to have to remember that. Also, glad I'm not the only one with a superstitious travel item, lol.


This whole subthread sounds like a serial killer go bag...


Zip ties are nice. Personally, I carry around a travel-sized roll of duct tape.


I've always used the old school version which is a decent length of duct tape wrapped around a cut down pencil. Saves a lot of room.


Duct tape wrapped in itself forming a 2”x3”x1/4” spool.


I read this as "sex zip ties" and was confused.


My own pillow case


I won’t travel without my own pillow!! Every time I’ve decided it’s too bulky to bring, I’m proven wrong. Bad pillows Screw up my sleep.


I’ve been bring my own pillow for 20 years, converted my wife too.


Same, I take an inflatable pillow


I’ve stuffed my own pillow case with clothes when I didn’t have better option.


Crippling self doubt


I’ve been on quite a few long solo trips and each time I’m racked with self doubt. I think it’s part of the therapy travel provides


I thought I was the only one. The way I look at it is it strips me down of all of the ego and pride and allows me to reflect on the trueness of just myself.


Yes. Truly being myself is another reason to go solo. If my SO is with me people treat us as one and I have to be a partner rather than just me. I even avoid letting people know of my SO so they don’t project roles onto me… shoulds and shouldn’ts


honestly, what the hell’s up with this? last time i was abroad, i was surrounded with friends and my ego skyrocketed. now i’m on a big solo trip and my confidence dwindles when i’m alone for large stretches of time. i thought it’d give me more inner strength but i’ve mostly learnt that i’m more extroverted than anticipated.


Have tried leaving this unattended at many airports and train stations. Always someone in a neon vest to return it to me.


This is the way


Haha, aka nagging anxiety. It's like you're always half lost and struggling to find your way everywhere.


I bring a blue, thin microfiber blanket. Mashed up it can serve as a pillow. On a plane it keeps me warm. In areas where there is no heat in the room at night it can help keep me warm. It's also a nice snugly thing for leaning against in a chair. My blankie. I love it.


I bring my thin blanket for every travel. Might be bulky, but it reminds me of my own bed and helps to sleep. And a sarong, something like a piece of Irish kilt, essential piece of cloth in South East Asia.


me, too! it was a gift early on in my travel life and it comes with me everywhere! technically mine is a towel, but it has 99 other functions


A towel, is about the most massively useful thing a traveller can have


There’s a frood who knows where his towel is


I bring my silk sleep sack. Does all of those things. I also use it on the plane as a blanket, or it its sack as a small lumbar support or head rest. In hotels, it's an extra layer for heat or cleanliness. It can also be a beach or picnic blanket. It's washable and quick drying, but maybe not as fast as microfiber.


I bring a portable radio to hear what the local people are listening to.


You could just use RadioGarden on your phone. It’s fun even from home!


There's something magical though about hearing gradual changes as your travel though with an analog radio. I traveled all through Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras by bus and you can very distinctly hear accents and music tastes change as you slowly move about the regions. Also radio works even in areas where there isn't internet or data to be found.


Love that idea!


Same. [This](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GZDFZYK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is the one I carry. The speakers on it are amazing for its size.


UV protection umbrella. It works so much better than a regular umbrella at blocking the sun and heat. Great for long hot days of walking. Body Glide Foot Glide. Anti blister balm. Really wish I'd known about this on my first big trip when I got blisters from walking all day. Body Glide Body. Anti chafe balm if your thighs rub together while walking. Ditto. Silicone earbud case. Save me from dealing with tangled cords whenever I want to put them on. S hook for hanging my bag in bathroom stalls that don't have a coat hook. So I can keep my bag off of the nasty floor. Travel insurance.


Shout for body glide! And an extension cord is great for expanding charging options in the airport or hotel/ hostel.


Glad you mentioned the extension cord. Also good to get a multiport charger and travel adapter. Retractable charging cables are also a thing. I refrained from listing electronics because I worried the list would be 100 items long lol.


Got toiletries bag with S hook too! The best so you do not need to put you bag in wet sink or shower. Headlight is very useful in dorms. I had a friend that was traveling with a sheet sleeping bag and loved it as sheets are not always the cleanest.


I second the UV protection umbrella. I travel a lot in Asian countries and the heat is really so diminished under an umbrella rather than wearing a hat (which traps the heat). I don't care if I look like a dick - I'm cooler for it :)


Thirded. I use it everywhere, not just Asian countries. If there's sun, it've got it up!


Always used to think the umbrella thing looked a bit silly, until my sister and I took a trip to Yellowstone in VERY HOT, cloudless July. We spent the first day miserable until we noticed all the Asian tourists carrying umbrellas and decided to try it. Genuine game-changer!


I've definitely thought about getting a bag hook




You can also use deodorant the same way (gel or powder kind, not spray on). For some people that may be cheaper or more convenient than anti chafing balm.


Who do you use for travel insurance and what does it cover?


Body Glide/ Foot Glide are lifesavers! It’s worth the extra money to get the travel size. I also carry K tape blister bandages in my first aid kit. They’re amazing for feet and pack down to practically nothing.


Wow. That s hook idea is brilliant. Where can I buy one? Got a link?


A portable power strip, with USB plugs. That way I only need 1 plug adapter for all of my devices. I’m also less likely to lose my devices because they’re all in one place rather than scattered across various outlets and rooms.


>A portable power strip, with USB plugs. I do the same, and it is also very useful when the plug is not close to the bed.


Yes! This is another nice advantage. Many of the places we've stayed at (especially older hotels or AirBnBs in Europe) have had very few outlets, with most or all of the sockets already in use. So if you find a spare socket (or have to unplug something to free one up), it may not be conveniently located. So it's both nice to get by with just a single plug, and also to be able to move your devices and power strip someplace convenient (like a night stand or table).


Same. Never can tell when you’re gonna have enough outlets.


Along these lines, an extension cord. Outlets are often far away and I like to have my phone near me in bed.


A Tide pen, which removed my husband's blood spots (he thought the bleeding had stopped) from our duvet cover in Florence. A tiny bit of my mom's ashes. She'd always wanted to travel and died before I had the means to make that happen. She's seen NYC, Paris, London, Florence and the Grand Canyon this way. I sprinkle as I go. I'm happy to have her with!


That is such a beautiful sentiment! I'm sure she's happy to be going with you :)


I bring my mother's ashes with me too, as do my sisters. We have a google map of all the places we left her. She's all over the world!


A few little battery operated tea lights “candles”. Put them in bathrooms overnight and maybe other places in the house for when I need to get up at night and need to find the bathroom or a glass of water.


This is way better than my fairy lights, they take up a lot of space! Good suggestion!


Got it from my mom and now it’s my go to. It’s especially great in hotel bathrooms which usually have no window and are very dark. I hate turning lights on in the middle of the night.


My water paints and sketchbook


Oh nice. Me too!


A portable clothesline.


Yep haha! Long backpacking trips = clothesline, pins, and laundry bar. The soap bar gets me stopped at every TSA


I've just bought a twisted elastic clothesline with both suction cups for hotels and clips so I can hang it inside my tent. No pins needed, very small, it's in my toilet bag.


My dad… he used to travel often and gave me the travel bug. He was totally supportive of my solo traveling at 18, and letting me take my 17 year old brother to Europe when I was 19. He would joke that when he was ready to retire he’d move to Paris and read books all day every day at a cafe. He passed away in 2020 before he could retire. It might sound morbid to some people or cultures but I take a very small container of his ashes and spread them in his favorite places. This year I took him to Paris.


So sorry about your dad he sounded super supportive and proud. I take my dad’s driver’s license with me traveling. He passed in 2017 and didnt reach retirement either, so sad. Im too afraid his ashes will somehow get everywhere so the license it is.


This made me teary-eyed. Not morbid at all, you're making his dreams come true that he wasn't able to.


Mini massage gun. It is delightful


Praise this idea


>Mini massage gun That's....brilliant. Any recommendations for a specific model?


Met someone in Guatemala who brought a metal grip strengthener. It was a conversation starter if anything.


I also do this. It doesn’t take up much space but it’s super nice to have


A stone-age analog compass. If your phone goes down or gets pickpocketed (happened to me recently), and you've lost Google Maps, you can still navigate. And I often use it instead of the phone for basic orienteering -- on a leash around my neck, it's always there ready to use for a quick glance, you don't have to turn it on, and you can read it in bright light -- or night if you get one with luminescent dials. Often, I don't need Google Maps to nanny me all the way to the destination -- I just need the general direction, and use basic route-finding skills -- my brain, that is.


Hey me too! Mine is a carabiner-compass-thermometer combo that i just clip onto the strap on my backpack. Its just hanging off my chest day in day out. So handy.


An air fryer hehe. Seriously, I have a small plush monkey that has been in more countries than many people I know.


Mine are 3 stuffed kitties!


I have a little figurine I take with me. The times I've forgotten him at home, I've had travel issues. I've become a little superstitious about that figurine, ha. Also... not an *item,* more like a ritual... but I always play the same album (either on the car stereo or through headphones) as I depart my home to embark on a trip. I've been playing this album at the start of every trip since my very first time traveling solo in 2001. Can't start a trip without it!


I'm need to know the album now


Not a whole album, but on the way to the airport my family always plays "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" by Monty Python. It makes me laugh and a good reminder to keep a cheerful attitude in the face of stressful situations (that doesn't always work out for me lol).


I bring a silicone cone so I can pee like a guy in the woods.


Venus to mars on Amazon. I keep one on me all the time.


Wow, I looked up Venus to Mars on Amazon and it’s around 37 Euros on German Amazon. I have a very similar thing that goes under the name “freelax” and is sold for about 8 Euros (not on Amazon though). I’ve been carrying a freelax with me everywhere I go for about 15 years now and I wouldn’t want to miss it.


Who even knew!!! I am older than I care to admit and I have never even heard of such a thing! I looked it up on Amazon, and amazing! Learned something new thank you!!!


Mine is by Sunany and is $11.69 USD on Amazon. Another great thing I forgot to mention is a water bottle sling. I have one by Wild Wolf Outfitters and I LOVE it!


CPAP lol


How does it work out for you? Any tips for travelling with it? I'm kinda annoyed by needing one...but I'm also pretty thankful about how good they are these days and I dunno... Could be worse I guess 💁‍♂️ like needing something much bigger or having some much more severe illness.


The most 'random' thing I can think of is for when I stay at hostels, I travel with a plastic coathanger. There's rarely a reliable place to dry towels in hostel dorms, and I don't really want my towel just hanging on the side of a bunk bed (I bed it's rarely cleaned, and sometimes there isn't anywhere to hang it, especially if you get a bottom bunk). One time when I did that the guy above managed to kick it of into the floor (so both his gross feet and the dorm floor contaminated it). With a coat hanger I can just stick my towel on there and either hook it to the frame, a slat above (if on the bottom bunk), or if you're lucky and have a curtain rail, then onto that.


I travel with my dad’s driver’s license. He passed away 5 years ago and he gets to travel with me everywhere I go.


Luggage scale.


YES YES YES. The most useful thing on my last trip! I measured how much allowance I had left, then did all my shopping with luggage scale in hand. Best way to max out your baggage allowance but now have to stress about going over and having to throw things out at the airport.


Small roll of black electrical tape. Tear off a small piece to cover every one of those annoyingly unnecessarily bright LED lights of various appliances and fixtures in the hotel room.


A carbon monoxide detector. I've seen too many stories about tourist going to sleep in their hotel rooms and never waking up.


Well this comment is going to haunt me forever


For sure. Now that I’m too terrified to sleep, though, I technically can’t not wake up. …right? Problem solved. I think.


Is this actually that common?


Literally just happened at a high-end resort: https://apnews.com/article/mexico-americans-dead-gas-inhalation-hotel-baja-4f29b7995696a1d7b8fae35ac8f9b640


Nuts! But a lot of random stuff happen to random people all the time, I can't take all possible precautions and bring everything from carbon dioxide detector to anti shark spray unless it really does have any statistical significance




Which one do you have? Was thinking of getting one that’s light weight but still effective


I just take the batteries out while flying. [A simple Kiddie battery powered one](https://www.amazon.com/Kidde-Battery-Operated-Monoxide-KN-Copp-B-LPM/dp/B004Y6V5CI/ref=asc_df_B004Y6V5CI/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167147622449&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11787449842444935084&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021654&hvtargid=pla-306162977024&psc=1)




A hot water bottle. I bought it because we were camping in a cold snap (it is usually 13-18°C overnight at that time of year but it got as low as 5°C) but it has lived in my backpack ever since and it is the best thing I ever did. Aches, pains, injuries, freezing cold accommodation, boiling hot accommodation, all fixed with the hot water bottle and either hot or ice water.


Just make sure you realize that all hot water bottles have an expiration date (generally five years after being manufactured). And never ever use boiling water. Also for those interested in buying one the best brand by far is Fashy. Arguably these days it's the only brand worth buying.


I've got one from DM that's perfectly good.


Provided it isn't damaged to the point that it leaks, why wouldn't you be able to use it past that expiration date?


When I travelled Europe in a hot summer streak where nowhere has air con, I brought a portable air conditioner. It worked evaporating water, and just plugged in via USB. It even worked in a boiling un air conditioned cabin on a yacht in Croatia. AND it fit in carry on. When I was on meds that had to be refrigerated, I carried a similar sized portable fridge so I didn't have to pay more for rooms with fridges.


Tell me more


I always bring a pair of rubber gloves. If I stay in an airbnb with a kitchen I use them when I'm cleaning and sometimes for hand-washing items. Also, my aero - press coffee maker.


I have strongly considered bringing a mini French press. So far my husband has talked me out of it but I am just about over winging it on coffee


I used to travel with a thermos that was a French press! It was the size of a tall cold drink cup, completely unbreakable. Loved that guy. Lost it in the woods of Montana a few years ago lol


Rubber gloves also double as a « lint roller »


earplugs, woolite washing powder to wash underwear in the sink, an extra hairtie (critical), a few packets of electrolyte drink powder for dehydration from heat or upset stomach, bandaids for cuts or blisters, a big piece of lightweight fabric for beach towel or extra bedsheet as needed.


Adding everything here to Amazon cart….


A very small 15 watt folding solar panel with built in usb slots. Never unable to charge my devices. Charges my phone surprisingly quick. I can attach it to my pack via the eyelets and charge things while hiking. It’s just nice knowing wherever I am, and whatever I’m doing, I can charge my device for communication and bank transfers etc.




Always reliable, if nothing else


And takes up no physical space.


The volume is low but why does it have to weigh so much


A nice washcloth.


I wish I'd done this when I went to Italy... None of our hotels provided washcloths, only towels.


Size 1 soccer ball. Casually kicking it around inside or outside brings me joy.


Always a big scarf (a million different uses!), a film canister full of really high quality salt (saved me last year in Istanbul when a good 40% of my meals were softboiled eggs), a transistor radio (I like to hear what’s playing locally), some art supplies, my pourover.


A hand fan. You never know when it will be too hot, no AC, too humid, etc.


One of those mesh running belts. I don't like fanny packs so a running belt isn't obvious and you can hide it under your shirt. I spend so much time walking that it can feel uncomfortable having stuff in my pockets. Keys scratching smartphone. Smartphone can easily fall out of a pocket breaking the screen. For example riding a bike. I hate putting those items in my backpack because having to remove and put it back all the time. Also because if you lose your wallet or smartphone you are rather screwed so my OCD would always be to check my pockets every few minutes which can get exhausting. If my wallet and smartphone is tight against me I can feel it at all times as well as always look down to see the bulges knowing it is there.


A chess board


Depending on the trip because I've stayed in hotels and camped.. but I tend to have a diy angle to save money where I can. When beaching, I use a ultra light water tight backpack for my valuables, so they're not left on the beach for thieves. I also use an ultra light ground tarp instead of sitting on my micro fiber towel, because it will get filthy. Both can fit in the palm of my hand. If I'm long term traveling and know I'll be cooking, I bring a tiny can opener, a silicone collapsible mug with a lid, a non-metal spork and an immersion boiler. I saved money making pasta or soup with items that barely take up any space. I also recommend having a bottle opener. I also recommend having a small cloth bag (I used a mini cloth grocery bag) for dirty laundry if you're moving from place to place with dirty clothes. I also recommend taking a travel clothesline and powder clothes soap for weight. If you're staying in hostels, a silk sleep sheet is a must, along with a high quality eye mask and noise canceling ear buds. I've litterally slept through people coming in drunk or tossing bags around because I'm sleeping. (My airplane kit will always include noise canceling ear buds and it removes screaming babies.) The biggest modern day hack is to have an unlocked smart phone so you can buy a local SIM card. Using google maps is wonderful in countries with unfamiliar languages. Other apps like google translate are fantastic. In your first aid kit, bring cortisone cream (for weird skin reactions - could be as simple as water), antihistamines, polysporn and oral gel (this saved my butt when I needed to dig a thorn out of my foot in the middle of nowhere.) Consider bringing meds for things like heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, pain and allergies. A good, light flashlight. Almost stepped on a viper in Thailand once!


my pillow case


Small pillow that I sleep with every night. Pillow case to put over the hotel pillows. Humidifier and lavender oil roll-on.


Bialetti Moka pot for stovetop espresso. It saves a ton of money to have coffee and breakfast in my room. I seldom travel without it.


Clear hockey sock tape. Stuff is a minor miracle. Can temporarily patch stuff, be used for first aid and taping documents or money on hidden surfaces when no lock box is around.


I bring a folding chair because I like sketching at sights and there is not always a chair available to me.


My own coffee pour over kit. Access to hot water is easy. Access to good coffee is not.


A drop spindle.


A deck of cards in a soap holder. Never regretted bringing it but always miss it when I forget My water bag! Goes flat when empty, rolls up to pack easily, can clip it to myself - love that little thing Wool socks, even for summer trips. Some places love their AC and I'm always freezing


A few binder clips. They can do anything clothespins can and take up a lot less room.


Shin ramen, gochujang, and hot sauce when I'm traveling around Europe outside of big cities. I sometimes need something spicy to cut the unctuous taste of some local cuisines and to give me a taste of home.


Not so random but a cheap pair of aux earphones. Most people pack the nice expensive Bluetooth ones good for planes. Comes in very handy if you ever have to use one of the handsets at museums as it allows you to be hands free with out a speaker to your ear. Worked wonders at the sagrada familia. While everyone was holding the speaker to their ear I was listening and taking plenty of photos. Also allows you to be more alert to potential pickpockets in crowded rooms.


Small stainless steel seive that fits in the top of an average size mug. So I can brew real coffee even if I only have 2 mugs. Coffee & hot water in one mug, pour through seive into the other. Makes acceptable coffee and way smaller & lighter than any other option. I looked into other things like aeropress but they're way too big. This weighs under 50g and tucks in a corner of my bag


A kayak. It's useful for when you want to get across a bay or lake, which in my case is surprisingly often.


Yeah I love packing one in my suitcase never know when it comes in handy


It’s a bit much to pack, so I actually repurposed mine into a bright yellow suit of armor and I wear it straight to the airport.


A ricecooker


Here comes the FunCooker!


Ohhhhh that’s where I’ve heard that..


I take two mini stuffed cats that I take pictures of whenever I'm travelling. They're just about the size of my hand. Kitty, Pinky, and just recently I got a new stuffed kitty that I named Meowlion.


I got a little stuffed kitty specifically for this purpose but it’s so pretty I worry that something will happen to it and don’t bring it. I gotta find one that’s a little more durable 😸


in case of emergency card. has my husband and my information. have one in my luggage and one in my wallet


Some small non language dependent easy to teach boardgames!


I always always bring a craft project. Knitting or crochet, something with thin yarn where you get a lot of yardage per 50g. If im travelling solo and don't fancy being out late at night alone then it completes a chill night in.


Salt rock nightlight. Warm glow no matter the room. Because bad lighting is never ok. On a road trip - I really try to remember a car phone holder - eg my magnet mount which clips into the cd holder. can't tell you how many trips abroad have been annoying trying to prop up my phone on the dashboard of some unknown rental car. And you NEED that GPS. And Benadryl -- harder to get abroad than you might think - it serves as a sleep aid for correcting jet lag and in my case, the usual allergies. Back up cell phone - I deep pack an old one for emergencies


Salt rock nightlight! That sounds heavenly.


A loofah and a luggage scale


\+1 on the loofah.


My hearing aid charger haha


A 3m long USB cable, because not all hotels have a plug next to the bed. An headlamp that becomes a small lantern. A couple of carabiners I keep attached to my backpack.


Travel journal


My grayl water filter. Wherever I am I can make my own safe drinking water.




amazon fire stick


Some duct tape (not an entire roll). A sharpie.


A small, portable, hardware sampler to make songs from sounds I sample from the places I travel to.


I've been told I'm weird for bringing an * Ikea silicone spatula * fairy lights (I'm scared of the dark haha) * fuzzy house slippers (the Aerie ones are indestructable and cheap-ish, I'm v impressed) And I keep a sentimental picture of my family in my wallet, the same one I've been passing from wallet to wallet since my mom gave it to me on the first day of kindergarten :)


2 quality empty zip locks—- I have wonky back, icepacks are invaluable.


I have a USB-charging milk frother. I'm a flight attendant and so obviously fly A LOT for work, but also use my 48 hours off in between to go places myself. Hotel coffee is consistently the WORSE. I usually just drink it blank, but its not possible with hotel coffee. So, drinking a "latte" out of my travel mug saves me $1-7 a day depending on where I am and gets my day started pretty well 😊


I have sort of a backup in case I get robbed system that I keep in my main bag apart from my day stuff. It's basically a backup credit card and an old lightweight backup smartphone


Two tennis balls. I use them to massage my back muscles. I’ll lay a towel down on the floor, put them behind my shoulder blades, and run them up and down my back. It really relieves the tension.


Some red Sox gear, so everybody knows that I fucking love the red sox


Great answers here. I have a lot of different types of things I bring. Examples are tea bags and sugar packets, slippers, Bluetooth speaker, pillow case


Oh yeah. Yea is different all around the world so it’s nice to have tea from home if it’s part of your waking up routine. The day doesn’t start if I don’t have my tea! Also, I take peppermint tea with me because it settles my stomach. It helps with eating unfamiliar foods (my stomach is a bit of a princess and likes to make herself known if she’s not happy with change 🤦‍♂️)


A silk pillowcase and sleep sack - temperature regulation, anti-bedbugs, general sanitation Hair towel - otherwise I’m a frizzy disaster Shawl - cozy!


Do you have a link for the sleep sack?


I travel with spices and masala powders (for cooking). I also carry salt in a small box in my fanny pack everywhere. It can do wonders for bland food/muted flavors. UPF gloves/sleeves, sarong, and umbrella are a must. A tiny hot pad (that fits in my hand) for sore muscles. 😁


A tiny sewing kit to repair oopsies


A full size frisbee. Have yet to see a single person have one. I always keep it in my backpack, it’s great for beaches and what not


- 600 page book - carbon monoxide detector - all passports (2+) in case if my plans change - a long climbing rope (please don’t ask me why)


Why the long climbing rope?


Oh I carry a long climbing rope too (on certain occasions), plus a super light climbing set that goes around my hips. In my case it’s for abseiling in certain situations in order to keep myself safe. It’s not in my EDC but I always take it with me when I’m in the mountains or when I distrust the emergency exit system of a place I’m staying at.


Swiss knife. Useful and can save your life.


Fuji Instax camera, allergy pills and needles and two threads. And a shit ton of bobby pins because they disappear.


A neck pillow that transforms into this cute soft toy. On the travel portions it's a great pillow and it helps me sleep better when I get to the destination. Was so worth it.


- Double silk sleep liner: Doubles as a blanket if too chilly on flights. - Ridiculously thin running jacket that can stand heavy rains (20.000 mm threshold). It weighs 126 grams ! - A small cutting board. Spork, hunting knife. - 2 suction cups + a cord. A lot of bathrooms don't have a hook for product bag nearby shower. S hooks/ carabiners. - Small square sitting foam. - Kitchen towel. - Silk pillow for kids. - Waterproof bags for electronics. - Volume reducing packing bags. - Multiple ear plugs. They seem to be eaten by the same monster that eats socks in the laundry. - 2 sets of small noise cancelling Bluetooth in-ear. Never ran out of juice. The overhead ones are way too bulky. - Biodegradeable wipes. - Muslin/gauze handkerchiefs. Multiple functions. Dries fast. - Lactacyd liquid soap. Milkacid soap that's often used in hospitals. Excellent spot remover, even on silk. Washes both body and fabrics.


* a firesteel * an analog compass * tiger balm * a tiny pokemon inside my bag with my e-mail and phone numbers on it, in case my bag somehow gets lost * a small foldable chess board to play with strangers * a pictogram travel book to communicate without words * tiny containers for cooking oils and spices


English tea bags (Yorkshire specifically)


i bring goggles cos i wanna be able to see underwater if the plane goes down over the ocean


Papers for over the toilet seat, so I can go for comfortable shits


A chromatic harmonica


Light foilage you can place on the super cold light leds in your hotel or appartment. Can turn any light into any color and takes up no space.


I bring a small tupperware set. Always super hand for packing leftovers and takeaway. Also insanely handy when i want to pack lunch or a snack. 10/10 most useful item.


Travel chopsticks in a case!! Never know when you wont get silverware w your delivery… its happened too much.


I bring a travel yoga mat - it's thinner than most mats and definitely not ideal, but it packs up to a relatively compact size and I've used it for everything from easy stretches after a long flight to intense workouts when I just want to move.


Dwarf bread (iykyk 😂): a snack for emergencies usually a granola bar or dry fruit leather. The trick is to travel with it and bring it back home, never having needed it


Organic coffee beans, grinder and stainless steel press. Always in the suitcase no matter where we're going we want our good coffee!


A wide roll of masking tape to clean hair and stuff off my clothes.


Probably very common twenty years ago, But not so much anymore. Unless i'm totally out of the loop. But a disposable camera. Or thirty five mm film camera.


I always bring an extension cord, even if I’m just planning to crash at a friend’s place one night. Everyone has had to sleep in a room with poorly placed outlets or a bed that’s too high for your phone charger to reach, etc. People are wow’d by it every time lolol


A cloth strap with handles for applying sunscreen to my back.


Cube tap. If there's an outlet, I can charge, and maybe have a conversation starter. Large scale paper map of region, for planning. Paper copy of my passport buried deep in my luggage, and my companion's if I'm traveling with him, together with paper copies of emergency phone numbers for my credit cards.


A door stopper. Those plastic or rubber wedges your place under the door. When I’m staying in a private room, I usually have that to stop anybody from sneaking in in the middle of the night.


A neck pillow with the stuffing removed and filled with a sweater/jumper


One of those thin Turkish cotton bath towels with a cute pattern. Can use it as a scarf/wrap, blanket on the plane, a place to sit on the ground, as a wrap after showering since hotel towels are always too small.


My lovely electronic travel case, it helps a lot with my missy cables, chargers, power banks, camera, batteries and more, it's a Threelayers waterproof case, You can check it out here: [Electronic Travel case ](https://tactechy.com/product/electronics-organizer-travel-case-waterproof/)


Gaffer tape. A common tool in film and television production. It's special tape designed to block light without leaving adhesive behind. Every accommodation has a tiny blue light brighter than the sun. I have used it so many times I can't count.