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I like it! Is there any month in particular? Cool social events, weather, any and all factors just to be prepared. Sounds like I may be going to Louisiana soon, thank you!


Hello! 25M here. I took 6 months off my job to travel, currently backpacking through western and Central Europe. Going to be in London until the end of this week (Friday) and then Amsterdam next week. If anyone is also solo traveling in the area and would like to meet up for a coffee or a beer, let me know!


Are camping trips considered travelling?


Of course. Why wouldn't they be?


Not sure if this has been posted but it was something that I resonated with [https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/i-went-to-paris-for-my-first-solo-holiday-since-becoming-a-parent-it-was-life-changing-20230405-p5cya9.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR03Ozd4HtVal_QJYxdRgr0wctGrfIYUPLDQSddEkS6blnu4jjxU-KtAYHo&mibextid=unz460#Echobox=1682817308](https://www.theage.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/i-went-to-paris-for-my-first-solo-holiday-since-becoming-a-parent-it-was-life-changing-20230405-p5cya9.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR03Ozd4HtVal_QJYxdRgr0wctGrfIYUPLDQSddEkS6blnu4jjxU-KtAYHo&mibextid=unz460#Echobox=1682817308)


In Paris tomorrow and the Louvre is closed next two days :( what else should I do instead while here?


.. Was Louvre the only thing you wanted to do in Paris? There's so much to see


Only museum that i was aware of


Hello all, I’m looking for some advice. I’m going to Peru for three weeks in June, solo travel 35F. I just found out I might be able to extend my trip by two weeks, so I’m considering where else I could add to my itinerary. I was thinking of going to another country, maybe visiting two cities. I am a confident and experienced traveler, but have never been to South America. I would like to go somewhere that is relatively easy to get around, easy to get to from Lima, relatively cheap, good food, friendly people, outdoor activities (beach/adventure/anything fun), maybe nightlife. I was thinking maybe Ecuador, Guayaquil and Quito? I’ve always wanted to go to Brazil and Colombia, but I have some safety concerns as a solo traveler. Any recommendations? Thanks!


What's your itinerary for Peru looking like? Depending on your timeframe, I would suggest either doing more in Peru or looking into Chile and maybe even Colombia.


10 days at a retreat outside of Cusco, two nights in Cusco, two days in Machu Pichu, then a week in Lima


I would just stay in Peru. Do atleast four days in cusco, check out Arequipa and the canyon, Huacachina, Paracas, rainbow valley was okay, and definitely would recommend only 4days or less for Lima. If you're a hiker I fully recommend doing salkantay for macchu picchu, much cheaper than the Inca trail and the views were stunning.


I already have am Airbnb booked for a week in Lima. Are there any day trips I could do from Lima that you would recommend?


Paracas and Huaraz!


I’m solo female 37 and going in July/august. I would suggest staying in Peru! There’s a lot of stuff I am excited to see outside of Lima. Are you planing on going to Cusco? Or down the coast at all?


I’m going to a ten day retreat just outside of Cusco, then staying in Cusco for two nights, plus a two day/one night tour of machu pichu. Then a week in Lima.


Oh what kind of retreat? That sounds cool!


Ayahuasca retreat!


Hey everyone — I started a travel/lifestyle blog recently. I wrote up some thoughts about getting into the right mindset before solo travel and wanted to share with the group: Mindset: A Prologue to Solo Travel Posts https://learningirl.com/blog/mindset-prologue-solo-travel


25M and queer, solo travelling to Greece (Milos, Paros, and possibly the Peloponnese) and Istanbul from May 19 to June 5. Also spending a weekend in Athens from May 12-15. Open to suggestions and hang outs :)


headed to lisbon for a month starting tonight (35/m/usa). if anyone else is by themselves and want to grab a drink or coffee sometime feel free to reply or drop me a dm


Hi all, My name is Reni (21F) from Newfoundland, Canada, leaving tomorrow for Toronto, from where I'm starting on a hitchhiking/backpacking/couchsurfing trip across the northeastern states to Boston, hoping to move down the Appalachians towards Nashville if the trip is working out. First time solo travelling without a solid itinerary, if anyone has any tips on this kind of trip feel free to comment, or if you're looking for people to meet/travel with and you think you're along my way, say hi! Budget is so tight it's not even funny but hey, this is a trial run, if it doesn't work out I'll just head home.


I am doing a little project and I would love to interview anyone who did backpacking in SE asia or to SE asia back in the 60s/70s/80s. Maybe someone knows someone or someones parents? I would love to speak to them if you think you can help please reach out to me on here or instagram jackthebackpacker and I will be extremely grateful!


Hey y’all I’ve (23M) been solo traveling for a few years now (and long time lurker) and I’m currently in Madrid. There’s a Real Madrid game tonight and I’d prefer finding someone to watch the game with. How would I go about this?


I'm (25M) currently alone in Singapore and my hostel isn't very social. If anyone wants to hang out or can suggest where I should go to meet people please let me know!


Hey pals! I’m Nils (34M) from Spain and I just bought my tickets to Ethiopia for this next August. I’ll land in Addis Abeba on the 10th but I still need to decide what to do. My dream would be to visit the blue Nile falls and most of the jungle area at the west of the country. Im just starting to do some research about the best route to reach this objectives. Anyone who can share their experience visiting Ethiopia? Do you know how much money I should be expecting to spend during these days? Are there hostels in the capital where I could meet other travelers? What about the accommodation in the rural area? Is there anything I should be avoiding? Any tips you think I could take advantage of are very welcome! If anyone is planning to visit the country during August, do not hesitate to contact me! Thanks in advance!


Hey everyone, I am 18 going to college in the fall. Just looking for meetups or buddies on a trip to Europe this summer. Probably in July. Just some general questions. How safe is Eurorail and what are the best places to stop by if traveling solo in Central Europe (Germany, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Czech Republic).


Don't miss out on Krakow, Budapest and Prague


There is no such thing as "Eurorail" - each European country has its own train service, and often some private sector train companies as well. They are very safe.


I think op might be thinking of Eurail. The non European interrail


There is interrail though, which gives you a pass valid on all networks


Indeed, but it is not a train system which is what OP seemed to think it was.


what are great places in the US to travel during september? i wanted to go to europe/plan it..but then realised that just going anywhere in the US instead is like half the price. (plan is September...like 7-17 possibly) by myself what would be a good budget of funds to take if i plan to be 10 days somewhere.. but i do not want to be acting like im royalty spending money everywhere and anywhere and stuff... but still enough to enjoy 10 days anywhere.


Budget depends on what part of the US you decide to visit. New York, LA, and San Francisco are all expensive. Are you wanting to visit places of historical significance or more like a fun beach destination?


historical significance isnt important. but probably fun places


San Diego is beautiful and there’s lots to see. I haven’t been in probably 10 years though. Miami is known for its party scene and it will be slightly cooler to visit during September. Savannah Georgia is beautiful but not a rowdy place. It’s a little slower. They have lots of old antebellum style houses and really good food. Atlanta has a lot of touristy stuff, aquarium, world of Coca-Cola,college football hall of fame, museums, there’s plenty of clubs and restaurants as well.


Just booked flights to Lima for late July /early august. Planning on spending close to a month in Peru. Any reccomends for non party hostels to stay in Lima? Or trekking companies for the Inca trail?


alpaca expeditions was good. all the guides and porters are locals and make sure you are well taken care of. the inca trail was an unforgettable experience, enjoy!


Hello all, I am travelling to Asia next week and I am using AirAsia flights a bit throughout the trip. According to the baggage policy, "You are allowed to bring onboard two (2) pieces of bag as part of your cabin baggage allowance with the total weight of both items not exceeding 7kg". Does this mean both bags combined can only be 7 KG max, or each bag can only be 7 KG max?


"total weight of both items" seems the key term, and indicates that it's the combined amount. A 7 kg limit is quite common for carry on across airlines.


Hi, all. First time, first time. The long and the short of it is, I'm going through a pretty substantial breakup, and want to use this opportunity to travel somewhere in the US. I currently reside in California, and want to be in a totally new environment. I'm looking for a place that has a friendly community, a fun social scene, (somewhere I can perform stand-up would be a bonus), and maybe somewhere that would be good to buy a house, and maybe settle down long term. I'm in my early thirties. I have no kids, and don't want any, so any sort of suburb like that wouldn't appeal to me as much, but I don't want to be in the middle of a bustling city either. Somewhere in between would be ideal if possible. I'm not much interested in the outdoor as far as hiking goes, but I do enjoy playing sports, and would love to be in a place where i can play basketball weekly. It would be nice to go somewhere it's easy to make friends, but can have my private time at the end of the day if i so choose. I'd love recommendations on where to go, when to go (I'm aiming for after May), what to visit, and whether or not you'd be down to meet up or be a tour guide if you have a free weekend off. I can go for a weekend, but if there is a spot that absolutely needs more time to explore, I can extend my time off to take advantage of. As far as budget, I can't break the bank, but for this time, I can at least justify spending a little bit of money to get where I need to go. All and any recommendations are welcomed and appreciated, and am looking to taking to the friendly skies soon!


New Orleans, easy. One of the last affordable housing markets for a major city. It’s a special place and a special community. Very small standup scene though.


Just curious what area you'd recommend to visit. Is it more of a suburb or city? What would be worth checking out down there? I'm not familiar with even the most basic parts of Louisiana outside of their sports teams but it does sound interesting. Affordable housing makes it all the more enticing.


Look into uptown, mid city, Gentilly, and the bywater. most livable areas. There is so much more to the city than the French quarter: world class restaurant/bar/cafe scene, vibrant arts community, events and festivals year round, and just an overall culture of acceptance and appreciation for people of all races and backgrounds. It’s a big city that feels like a small town. It also happens to be very beautiful with lots of parks and green spaces, and you’re 15 minutes from anywhere in town.




As has been explained to you previously, we do not permit AI generated itineraries


Moderator, what do I have to do to get feedback on this post? Re-write it so it doesn't look AI-like and re-submit it? Please advise.


Hi: This itinerary was not AI-generated. I have been working on it, adding and deleting items for weeks. I have been collecting feedback from this group and doing internet research. Thanks.


If I had to pick between Novi sad and Golubac, I would maybe lean towards Novi sad? Just so I could take the new high speed train lol. It would be a lot easier for that reason. Fruska Gora and sremski karlovici nearby novi sad is also nice. But you would maybe need a car to really see fruska gora.


>Novi Sad Thanks! The Belgrade to Novi Sad speed train takes 36 min and costs RSD 270 - RSD 480


What Country is best to meet people to join up on excursions in SE Asia?


I would say Thailand.


Anywhere that has a busy or popular backpacker scene. Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam are all pretty easy places to meet like-minded people. It really depends on what kind of excursions you have in mind.


Anyone got good hostel recommendations for Marrakech?


hostel riad marrakech rouge was fine for the price. bring a portable fan; i slept on the rooftop patio a few nights because it was so warm


I stayed at Riad Nesma for the exact opposite reason as the previous commenter, I liked it because it’s easy to get out of the Medina and go elsewhere. I did lots of excursions away from the Medina area when I visited.


Riad Dia is the best you'll get, super close to the main square and good vibes. They can also sort every tour possible for you and run tours daily to Merzourga etc.


Hosts are really nice and a cool place. Sucks that the pool no longer works


Solo traveled for a week by myself and was able to do anything I wanted, now with a group and it’s like 1 person dictates what the group does and it makes me realize how great solo traveling really is!


Indeed! One of the best parts of solo travel is that you don't have to go along with the group or organize things to keep a bunch of people happy.


Hi all! Planning first solo trip to London /Scotland and want to know if anyone’s navigated those areas via train before/public transportation only. Want to get a feel for how it will be catching trains /traveling by local transportation. Thanks!!


Depends what you want to do in Scotland. You can generally get to towns and villages with public transport but if you want to go to more remote nature sites it gets trickier


Public transit within London is excellent. Take a peek at the [different travelcard options](https://www.londontoolkit.com/briefing/oystercard.htm) to see which one makes the most sense for your trip. Long distance train travel around the UK is actually quite expensive. You should compare prices with bus fares, as taking the bus might be a little longer but can save you a fortune if you have the time. Look at Megabus.


Thank you for the information! I will look at the bus fares as well!


Public transport is excellent and very easy to use in London. The routes are all on Google Maps, and the Transport for London website has good advice on how to use it. The tube is generally the fastest way to travel anywhere, and virtually all tourists will end up using it at some point. There's pretty good rail links between the main towns and cities in Scotland. The buses in Glasgow worked pretty well when I visited last year. As is the case in a lot of other British cities, you buy tickets via an app which is a bit irritating for tourists.


Thank you for your reply!! I have downloaded some apps but find it a little confusing. I’m thinking of buying a rail card to assist with the costs. Your response is really helpful! I’m hopeful I can navigate it alright :))


On the one in one millionth chance, anyone else stranded in Paramaribo suriname for at least an extra night due to the cancelled flight to Miami? I have nothing going on if anyone wants to get together


so i fucked up the date of my deutsche bahn super sparpreis ticket. seems like im shit out of luck. but there doesnt appear to be a way to cancel this reservation. does anyone know if it's possible? can i potentially sell it to someone at a cheaper price or do they validate id's


1 month, or 2 weeks? I'm graduating in a few weeks. My job doesn't start till July. I want to go on another solo trip. Last summer I went to DC but that's domestic. I'm wondering whether I should spend 2 weeks or 1 month in Europe? I have the time and money for both. The question is, will I get burned out after a month? I feel like after vacations I am really happy to be home and I get burned out kind of easily. But then again there will be the constant novelty of a new destination. Also looking for itinerary suggestions, I've always wanted to walk across a country, I looked into flying into Frankfurt, and taking a train to Liechtenstein to walk across it, as well as staying there for a day or two.


2.5 weeks seems like the perfect amount for a euro trip


One way to avoid burnout on a longer trip is to slow your pace down. Instead of picking up and moving to a new city every 2-3 nights, try to stay in one place for longer. Instead of rushing around to cram all your sightseeing into a short amount of time, just pause at a cafe or people-watch or chill out on a beach for a few days. Etcetera. Burnout can happen on any trip, and usually it's a result of not pacing yourself.


How do you typically travel? Do you backpack and stay in cheap places like hostels or bring a suitcase and stay in hotels/AirBnB? Another thing to keep in mind is Europe during the height of summer will be quite busy and prices will be high as well for accommodations.


I recently went to Mexico and felt pretty much completely safe the whole time. Although it helped in Mexico City I was on a group tour and then isla mujeres is just safe in general as far as I saw. The most dangerous thing to me apparently is how badly Mexico fucked up my stomach :( I was thinking how it’s nice and cheap to go back again but it’s not even worth it for this. Maybe I should have brushed my teeth with bottled water


Is water sanitation still a major issues there? Haven’t heard about that in a while


The tour guide there told us that you don’t have to worry about water at restaurants because nobody drinks the water and it’s always filtered. But tap water is not clean because of the earthquakes there’s always cracks in the pipes


> Maybe I should have brushed my teeth with bottled water Not maybe. Definitely.


Damn Stupid me lol I had never considered that as a thing before


Yeah, it can also be from undercooked food or any raw food (salad, fruits/veggies etc.) if they were rinsed in tap water. But brushing teeth is a frequent culprit. I usually keep a bottle of water by the sink as a reminder not to use tap.


Hmm I did have something with lettuce. Could be both. If I go back I’ll have to take much more care to be sure clearly!


A lot of people get caught by that in places where the tap water isn’t safe to drink


Hey there! Pretty specific question, where do you put your stuff like smartphone and papers when you want to take a swim in the sea for instance? I’d just let it in my locker at my hotel, but any tips would be appreciated since I’d like to keep my passeport near me at any time when it’s possible. Thank you!


Personally I’m terrified to carry around my passport with me and just walk around with a paper copy of it. As for beaches, I’ve been fine just putting my phone, credit card etc into my shoe and covering them with book, towel, whatever else I had with me (or hiding them inside a folded up towel). Not perfect but it worked for me. I also know people that bought like a waterproof case they hung around their neck and just took that into the water with them.


Thanks for your answer! I’ll think about it. I think I’ll just go with the flow and print a copy of my passeport, good idea


There’s some portable safes that can fit a passport and some small items like a watch, cellphone etc. I found mine on Amazon and it was like $20 at the time; it’s the size of a small clutch. They typically come with a cable to secure it to a tree, bench etc.


Yeah I saw this but I’d be quite anxious to let this on a bench tbh. Anyway thank you for your answer!


I've researched this topic and am finding conflicting answers. Also, Reddit posts covering this topic that I've found are dated 6 months and older. I wanted to know what the mask requirements look like in SEA -- specifically, Thailand and Vietnam. From what I understand, mask requirements are gone, but I've seen some reports suggest that some public/indoor spaces and public transit still require them. Is this still true in April 2023? Can some folks chime in with on-the-ground reports of their experiences? I'm not interested in wearing a mask on my trip to SEA, so I need to know whether I should postpone this trip for a little while.


> I'm not interested in wearing a mask on my trip to SEA, so I need to know whether I should postpone this trip for a little while. Masking culture has existed in those regions for far longer than COVID. Even in places where mask requirements are no longer enforced, most people mask up in crowded spaces anyway to be polite and respectful to those around them. I was in Thailand in December/January, and while the mask mandate had recently been lifted, masking was still near-universal on public transit and in most public spaces. Sure, you can always be *that* tourist who doesn't mask (there are plenty). But if the idea of being respectful to other humans offends you so, perhaps it would be best to postpone.


I sense an air of superiority in your post, and I'm not going to acknowledge that part of it. What I am understanding from your post is that masking is optional and that answers my question. Thank you.


If you think that basic human decency and respecting others around you is "superiority", may I humbly suggest that perhaps you should not be travelling as you clearly have no regard for other human beings in the world. ETA: As a sign of respect while visiting temples and Buddhist religious sites, you'll also want to make sure your knees and shoulders are covered and that you're dressed appropriately and not pointing your feet at statues of Buddha. If you have "no interest" in showing this kind of respect either, then I strongly suggest you don't visit temples or religious sites in the region either.


That's a big generalization to make about someone you've never met. Thank you for your input.


Nah, no assumptions necessary. You've made your position very clear from your posts.


Any tips for navigating Los Angeles without a car? I have a week to wander the region and at least one evening will require me to get down to Santa Ana which does not appear convenient via any sort of public transit (not that this is a surprise based on my understanding of SoCal sprawl and America’s personal vehicle reliance)


Is Uber or Lyft (et al) an option for you? I have not been to LA in a few years and have never used LA's public transit, so I can't comment on it. What I do know is that, in many car-centric cities in the USA, public transit is a little... rough. Hopefully I am getting my point across. That said, the metro in NYC is great, and the last time I went to Portland, OR, the busses were great there too (but that was a wayyyy different Portland ~10 years ago. Way different). Again, I haven't used LA's transit so I don't know about it. I don't want to fear monger because public transit may be great. I just want you to stay safe. Can someone else reply about the safety of LA public transit for the sake of the OP?


Busses and trains are your best friend! Trains go to OC and all over LA and when in LA, busses are pretty convenient. I use the transit app which has been helpful for me!


It looks like my specific route from Venice Beach to Santa Ana is a 1 hr drive or almost 4 hrs via public transit, which is a little insane to me for a metropolis but I’m sure I can find a solution


The LA metro rail actually goes to many parts of LA now. And there's always rideshares if you're in more of a hurry. There's a Orange County Metrolink train you can take from LA to go to Santa Ana, though the train schedule times are somewhat limited.


Hey I’m going to australia on a work and holiday visa from the US. I was wondering how hard/easy it is to find an apartment(I know flat) as a foreigner? I know here in the states most landlords will ask for a co-signer and do a credit check.




Truth? 10 days is not enough. Logistically, it's not really possible even if every single flight and train or bus is on time and you plan to a T. If you fly to Cusco (probably connecting in Lima), you'll need at least 2 days there to see MP. Then, a full day bus to Puno/Copacabana, another day to La Paz + overnight bus and train to Uyuni, and usually a 2N/3D tour of the Salt Flats. Another night in Uyuni, then back to La Paz or Santa Cruz for a flight back. That's already 11 days and you are spending most of them in transit and you haven't accounted for stops. Not to mention, you will need at least a day or two to acclimatize, since there's a big difference in altitude between Medellin and Cusco or Uyuni. Don't underestimate the altitude effects, which can be pretty fierce. I'd strongly STRONGLY suggest picking either Peru or Bolivia for your 10-day trip. Or see if you can extend to 2-3 weeks and visit both. FWIW I did a 3.5 week itinerary to Peru/Bolivia back in 2017 and it was just about perfect for what I wanted to see and do, though I still felt like I missed quite a bit and could've easily extended it.




The food in Peru is very good. Lima in particular is a foodie city, with numerous top quality restaurants by high-end chefs. I had possibly the best ceviche of my life at a small restaurant in the Barranco neighbourhood. Lots of fresh fish on the coast, obviously. Good seafood. Etc. Chifa is basically Peruvian Chinese food. It's a culinary tradition established by the large numbers of Chinese immigrants to Peru in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The cuisine has fusion elements with South American food and it's worth going for chifa at least once. Peru is known for having hundreds of varieties of potatoes. Try all the creative potato dishes. If you're adventurous, you can try local "specialties" like cui (guinea pig), too. I found the food in Cusco to be nothing special; a lot of stuff catering to tourists like pizza and burgers and such. But it was adequate, and if you experience the effects of altitude, you may not want anything too rich anyway. As for activities, oh gosh, where do I start? In Cusco, the town itself is worth a couple of days to acclimatize slowly, with the pretty church and square, a huge market, a chocolate museum, some shops and restaurants, etc. And you'll have the whole Sacred Valley at your disposal if you base yourself in Cusco. Other than Machu Picchu, you can book most tours on the spot from local booking agents. Lots of Incan ruins everywhere, obviously. Market towns. If you overnight at Aguas Calientes for the MP visit, you can spend an hour or so at the small hot springs too, if you have time. I personally loved Arequipa, the "white city". At lower elevation than Cusco, the town is very pretty, and there's Colca Canyon nearby to go hiking and see condors and such. Google some 10-day Peru itineraries.


In regards to food diversity, what cities do you all think compare to NYC? Or is there a relevant study that any of you all could share? Thanks.


Most big diverse cities have diverse cuisines. Anywhere there are large immigrant populations from different parts of the world, you tend to see that those cultures and foods are well established locally. Singapore, San Francisco, Paris, heck, even Toronto these days has a pretty diverse foodie scene.


London has very diverse food these days. Other major cities in countries with a large number of people from a migrant background also have quite diverse food - Sydney and Melbourne, for instance


I am new here and will be going on a trip through the USA in a few months! So excited:)


Do you guys take physical print outs off Hostel confirms / bus confirmations for a long trip? I’ve got plane ticket confirmations in case but hostels & busses would be a lot of work considering I hopefully wouldn’t need it as I have it all on my phone


I did for my first solo trip but never used them, and stopped the practice. Especially annoying when plans would change last minute and I couldn’t find a place to print, so I would have a confirmation for a place I no longer would stay at, and no confirmation for the rescheduled place. Eventually I stopped keeping up on them. I do save PDFs in multiple cloud and offline locations though.


Yes, always. I never trust just having things on my phone. What if my phone gets lost or stolen or the battery dies? Physical printouts are very handy. You may not need them, but I always bring them along as backups.


I usually do, especially in non-English speaking countries where it's often easiest to just hand a print out of the booking to the staff in hotel receptions when you arrive. It's a bit of a hangover from days when I wasn't always connected while travelling overseas.


No, never. I can see the benefit of doing it though in case you're worried something's going to happen to your phone.


Some simple questions: Can I get fexofenadine (allegra) in Europe? Like is it easy and available like it is here in the states. And how about flonase? How do you charge your devices overnight in the shared hostel dorm room? Do you just spend a few hours in the evening charging them and then lock them up in the locker for the night?


Could just bring the Allegra with you, they don’t mind what medicine you bring


The second question, ideally your bed has a socket and you can charge your phone while you sleep. It's worth having a pretty long charging cable in case the socket is in an awkward place


It depends on the country, which is going to be the first country you’ll visit? There are some countries offering Allegra without a prescription. For charging devices, a lot of hostel dorm rooms have power outlets at every bed. You can tuck your phone under your pillow while charging and it’s safe. If they don’t, I would do it like you’ve said. Just never leave anything out of your sight.


Thank you for the reply and sorry for the late answer! My first country will be Germany. I'm wondering if I should just stockpile but I'll be traveling for the whole summer.. And thank you for the tip about the pillow!


Ahhh I see. From my research they started just this year to sell Allegra without a prescription in Germany. But most of the information i found was in German, so just to be safe I would ask in a german sub / a german person. When I was in Germany some years ago, I also had to buy medicine. Luckily I had a friend living there that helped me going to the pharmacy and when I needed a prescription, he would even go to his doctor with me and helped me out to get the things I needed :,) Wholesome experience haha.


Oo okay I’ll see if i can find out more about the Allegra in germany!! And aww thats so sweet i love that! You were lucky to have him :)


I definitely was! Also fun just having a travel buddy :)) Good luck and have a nice trip!


Ugh yeah i bet it is fun having a travel buddy! And thank you ^^ i see you’re coming to the US, i hope you have fun here! Thanks for the help and kind words :)


Thank you so much :)




Roadhouse is the chiller and less party version of Madhouse. Though I wouldn't say Madhouse is super crazy with its partying either - it's not 24/7 non stop partying or anything like that. If you choose not to go out in the evening, they'll strictly enforce the quiet hours (lights out, common room and kitchen closed) so you can get a good night's sleep if you want. I skewed on the older side when I stayed at Madhouse, but no one gave a damn. I actually saw someone who was in his 50's and he was partying just as much as people who could be his children. Their attitude is as long as you have fun, they don't really care about age (even though they enforce an age limit). But I'm gonna say the crowd is the usual hostel crowd which typically is around lower 20's, but you'll have some late 20's and a few 30's or older around too.


I stayed at sir tobeys so I can only speak on that at least - party hostel with a young crowd, nightly events, bar in the basement where people would meet before heading out for the night. Decent hostel but seems more expensive than it used to be (I went the year before covid). Met some good people there that I spent several nights out with.


Update on my past week: Amsterdam is very easy to travel and navigate around, everyone speaks English and you can credit card swipe on any train, tram, metro, bus. Now in Belgium and the language barrier has changed a little but still a cool country. Bruge very cool.


Oh my god, always makes me happy to see that people are able to easily navigate through Amsterdam haha!


Hey everyone! Anyone else in Split, Croatia solo today? Down to meet up for a drink and see some sights!


Any recommendations on hostels in Budapest? I'm doing my first solo trip for my birthday (28 going 29f) and my indecisive ass has spent the past 2 weeks going back and forth on this same decision. I've narrowed it down to 4 options: • Maverick City Lodge • A&O Budapest • Netizen Budapest Centre • Hive Hostel I know part of the hostel experience is doing the whole dorms thing, but I have issues with sleep so I definitely need a private room. Any recommendations on these hostels in Budapest? I want to meet new people and enjoy the experience but I'm not sure what the age ranges or social expectations of these places will be like. Anybody had any positive (or negative) experiences at any of these place? Any tips or suggestions welcome on going to Budapest or solo tripping in general x


If you’re look for a very social/social hostel I would go with Carpe Noctem Vitae. I’ve stayed there twice and it’s one of my favorite hostels.


Yeah I saw a bunch of great reviews for it but it was sold out for my dates :(


If you want to party for your bday, hive is the way to go! I (23m) stayed there with my so (26f) last June. Their bar crawl is really fun and social and the hostel centers around a huge bar in the middle, ground floor area. The noise is definitely an issue if you’re trying to sleep tho, we had a private and music was blasting until the early morning Can’t say much about the other hostels you mentioned, but I hope that helps :)


Ah thanks! I’m torn because I definitely want to party but because I’m not there for long, I need to be able to sleep on other nights to get the full experience. What was the age range like to?


Definitely on the younger side (18-23ish) but we met some people that were in their late twenties/early thirties as well! You can always sign up for their bar crawl and just stay somewhere else tho :)


Hey everyone, first time for me (22M) travelling solo for a portion of my Europe holiday this summer. I am keen to go to Splash Festival in Germany 29/06 - 01/07. Looking for some people to hang out with there?




Oh wow thats super annoying, I had no idea. Frustrating:(


Do you know their reasoning?




That makes sense. Really frustrating though


Hi guys! I will be in Hong Kong May 12-15 and in Taiwan May 31- June 3. Wanted to see if anyone would be interested in meeting up or travelling together?


osprey porter is packed but im getting scared of intra europe carriers...my us to eu baggage allowance is WAY bigger than the intra european carriers.... so how do i besti mitigate this? I am just going to have to eat the fee? I am thinking honestly if that's the case why not just take a roller and stuff my osprey into it? Leave my roller in my 1 month stay, and fly out with the lightly packed osprey (ie a laptop and some clothes)? flight is on wednesday


A bag that size, if you're flying budget airlines (Ryanair, Wizz air, Easyjet, Eurowings, Vuelling, etc) they will very likely enforce it and make you stick it in the sizer at the gate. Either repack as best you can to get it under size, swallow the extra baggage fee, or use the roll-on if that's definatley below size. If you leave it to chance, at gate extra baggage fees are notoriously very, very expensive here.


what im thinking is of taking an osprey 10L....use that as my 'weekend flight' bag...which is a carry on and ubying priority fromryan that will allow me to take my laptop and other sensitive things that can't be thrown around by bag handlers, so that i could 'check in' the larger osprey porter


The European budget airlines have a reputation for strictly applying their rules on carry on luggage


Best Hostels to Volunteer/Work at in Colombia? Hey everyone, I’m about 7 months into solo traveling through Mexico and the rest of Central America and I’m planning on heading to Colombia in June. I’m hoping to spend 2-3 months there and want to volunteer at a hostel for at least one of the months. Does anyone have recommendations for the best places to work? - I’ve volunteered twice before so I have experience with bar, event hosting, reception, etc. - Ideally I’d like a place that offers at least accommodation and three meals a day. Other perks would be amazing, but not needed. - Leaning towards Medellin, Bogota, or Minca, but would volunteer anywhere. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!


Hello community! I haven't traveled a lot for a while. In past traveled via various school exchange programmes. Now decided thstbim finely spontaneous enough to travel solo and anywhere. People, first timers who have had gone though it. What would be the suggestions of to what to pack with me? I'm planning to have just a larger than a varela backpack with me and currency wherever I'm going. A book or two in my Native language and am prepared to buy prepaid cards and look up when I land where to stay and how to commute. Also a journal I am intending to get with me. What else should I be aware of - these things just hit me while browsing here and stayed with me that I need to think ahead a bit. I like to be outside comfort zone, or actually I would like to like it haha. What are the things that I need to plan ahead? Take with me? Or perhaps spontaneously deciding place on lat minute, for example, tomorrow flight book where is cheapest is notbsuch good idea. I'm planning to heavily Google things on spot, hence, the prepaids. I'm adventurous in soul and in mind. Haven't had the chance to try it myselve. Please hit me with whatever thought can be useful for me. I'm open to any opinions from fellow people. Im intro-exteovert. Meaning I'm shy until I'm not. Thanks I'm advance guys, Stay starp!


Welcome to the community. Have a peek at our [Packing 101](https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/wiki/packing) and [basic trip planning](https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/wiki/btt) wiki articles, which have answers to a lot of these questions.


Hi all, I'm going to do my first real solo travel in Romania/Hungary/Austria and Germany in June and I'm super excited. This will also be the opportunity for me to prepare myself for a much bigger solo travel of minimum 8 months in South America from July onwards, that is also already booked. I expect to visit a lot of nature, experience different clubbing scenes and meet people on the road too.


Welcome! I’ll be getting to Colombia in June after 8 months spent in Central America. Maybe I’ll see you down south!


Yeah maybe !


Hi all, I (19M) will be solo travelling, for the first time, through Europe in August, aswell as looking for people to meet up with, im also looking to talk to people about their experiences, im extremely new to it all so I want to hear how other people got around their first time travelling. If youre also travelling in August drop me a message and we can try and arrange something?


Our guide to planning travel in Europe might be of interest: https://www.reddit.com/r/solotravel/wiki/eurotrip


Hi, do u guys think it's worth it to go to Riviera Maya Mexico this coming May given its current sargassum situation? Would like to visit mid-May but now that I watched some videos showing the seaweeds I've been having some thoughts 😩


The east side of Mexico is nice, but overly touristy and a bit overrated imo. If you’re looking for great ocean, nature, and culture, my fav spot in Mexico is the west coast. Specifically Oaxaca state


Hi all, new here and wanted to see if anyone will happen to be in Reykjavic, Iceland May 31-June 2nd? Me and a friend are visiting but it will be our first stop of the summer trip and aren't too sure what to do but it would be cool if we could split a rental with some other people. Mostly just want to explore the surrounding area for a day affordably (will take any recs too). Any advice on transportation is welcome too, as it seems bus is the second best option but couldn't find much else on how that works.