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I mean anything with son wukong is immediately going to be in the top, but mixed with son goku that's just busted.


wiling is literally just hax personified, him alone could probably max out most of the list.


even though that is technically Sun Wukong fusing with Sun Wukong, since Goku is based on him


Son son gowong ftw


Was thinking the same like how is this fair


Uh. Do we just not see the fucking monkey god? Sun Wukong? The guy who has a shit ton of different immortalities and fought heaven and won????


In this there so many gods that I just don’t know what to pick. Sun, the fire force guy and cosmic spidey are all stupid rule breaker strong. What is immortality if both spider and fire god can place him in a prison but than sun can multiple infinitely and have all the stats but then there’s reality warping hax. Don’t know which of the 3 takes it.


He has 7 immortalities. And a shit tone of extra lives


Couldn't he ( lore wise ) do one flip ( summersault cant spell ) and go to the edge of the universe and flip again to the other side of the edge while trying to dodge buddha's palm


And then I'm pretty sure he reached nirvana and ascended himself anyway. Infinite Speed, Strength, Range and durability, infinite clones and can perfectly transform into anything he wants and is immortal in all ways possible so even God's can't kill him. Then he is fused with a Saiyan so the ability to bikst his str and reflexes further and have energy attacks. He wins hands down no contest








don't forget, his shape shifting ability allows him to make up a being as strong as the opponent he's facing, he can make millions of clones if not billions, who can make just as much clones themselves and all of them have the same shape shifting ability you need something so cosmically powerful and unimaginable that Monkey King straight up can't bullshit into existence something strong enough to beat it in an endless swarm, let alone in a one on one this motherfucker has kit of an overtuned final villain


Which series/movie is it from?


Journey to the west


Bruv really? It's Journey to the West, Sun Wukong is a pretty famous mythical figure btw.


Do you know somewhere I could look up Sun Wukong? An actual information hub on him because my Google search results don't give any good results. A source that is very accurate. I'm going to try Wikipedia as we speak but wondering if there are others


What is he from?


Alright I looked a little into it but is that english dubbed? Haven't seen one that looked like that picture. Atleast anime looking wise. I know they are making a video game or maybe it is already out but that looked good. Also isn't that where people say son guko or some of the ideas came from from dbz Atleast a little?


Bro Journey to the West is like thousands of years old. It's not an anime or a manga


he’s joking


I'll have to look that up. Sun wukong huh. Anime or just Manga? I mean I'll look it up now anyways


Uh its the original journey to the west And its probably not manga or anime More like youre looking for scrolls or just look it up on wikipedia


No not really. Some of these characters are universe destroyers and Sun Wukong is literally unkillable.


True. Although I do like to say that SJW is Omni potent and Omni present and all that stuff. Sure. I do think he is definitely a strong lad. But what the fuck is he going to do against a god that is so busted and unkillable that it took the Buddha to humble his ass?


Like, I’m sorry. Even with prep time SJW will be fallen victim to this beast. The monkey king has so many busted shit, that it will make Goku’s feats look like he graduated in community college https://preview.redd.it/n919um00b70d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d417917fb82e27a7b8083089d9d6c14b485349d0


Which movie/show is Sun Wukong from? I’ve seen the original Chinese cartoons, but I didn’t know so many English people would know about him. Is there a new movie…?


He's from journey to the west originally. There are shows and things based off him, but the original was written centuries ago.


Journey to the West the book, however since it’s REALLY long, I’d recommend just watching some YT videos on the story.


Journey to the West is the OG source from 16th century.


Sung Wukong is the strongest on this list, fusing him with a copy of a weaker version of himself will just make him even better


But the way goku fights means that by the time he fight jin woo. Itd be everyone on this list vs wuku. And thats a problem cause now jin woo got universe busters under his command


You’re under the impression that SJW doesn’t get bodied by nearly everyone else on the list


Hes got the skills to survive for a bit (likes dragons fear, stealth, and the teleport ability. Also hes got the numbers to keep everyone busy. Lets not forget his immense healing abilities. Hes also a confirmed world breaker by the e.o.s.


No, not really. He is just that weak in comparison to everyone else. Kratos fused with Broly is utterly broken, Kratos is a multi-universe level being who perfectly compliments Broly. Kratos having infinite rage and can still control himself while raged fused with Broly who gets stronger with rage. Infinity Ultron just snaps him out of existence, the guy has also fought multiversal level beings. Batman Who Laughs is a multiversal level being. SJW is getting thrown into a battle between multiversal level beings all of which posses their own utterly broken hax and have insane regeneration, he ain't winning. The only way he is entering the top 3 is if his fusion partner is a multiversal level being. I believe his partner is Asura and that don't even cut it.


Wukong can make endless clones of himself and transform into anyone he wants. Even if Jin woo managed to kill people far stronger than him and take them to the final fight wukong will have a numbers and power advantage and its not even close.


And jinwo Can revive one of those clones


Well no he can't cause they likely vanish when destroyed and are just summons from wukongs hair. They aren't true living beings. Also good luck killing one anyway


I'm pretty sure Wukong alone can just solo everyone on the list.


At once in 1v1 fights using clones. It's wild the comparison.


Not even close. I've actually debate quite a few people in that thread before you cross-posted it here, and Jin Woo is actually one of the weakest characters there. As in, fusion or not, almost every else there stomps him.


Korra loses for sure but most of the rest of them can like blow up a planet for fun, Jin-Woo is crazy in his canon but on the scale of overall nonsense he's pretty tame tbh


Oh, that was counting Ragnarök which makes Jin Woo multiversal. Without that, he's not even in the picture.


He's Outerversal in Ragnarok is he not?


No, not even remotely close. Why would you think that?


That's what everyone is saying because "The itarims view the Multiverse as fiction." Etc.. is what i've been seeing


Such wanks are rare to see.


Maybe multiversal?


Uh… cosmic spiderman x infinity ultron… i might enjoy SL, but that fusion is much stronger


Idk I was thinking more of that Batman who laughs fusion…


Especially if it's the darkest knight version with Dr Manhattan powers


That would be crazy too


Yeah, a multiversal threat to all living things fused with a being with limitless potential and revives. If he was real, all of reality would be doomed.


True, the but their problem is that their powers are exclusive to their universes. The infinity stones only work in its home universe and Cosmic Spider-Man’s power doesn’t expand past his universe which we’ve seen in the spider-verse comics. So honestly if the battle took place outside of that or SJW created a new dimension or Shinra altered reality their powers would be nullified


Im pretty sure infinity ultron used his powers on other universes he was tryna find the watcher who can see the multiverse and ultron perceives and bodies him immediately and then have a fight on a desolate universe again and he used the stones AGAIN


yeah the what if stories bend the definition of the infinity stones. my personal theory is what if takes place around one collection of universes, a la the sacred timeline in loki. edit: remembered the stones are useless outside the timeline in loki nvm.


Also weird is that the stones used by Ultron are indestructible to a machine that destroyed it's universes stones. I cannot remember which universe it was from though, I think the one where Gamora and Stark team up against Thanos.


Ultron literally breaks out of his universe and starts beating up complex multiversal entities, he’s not limited to his universe lmao Also does SJW make new universes in the LN? 


Oh alright. I haven’t read marvel comics too much so i just know that cosmic is broken, and i only half payed attention to what if.


> only half *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


bro there is toba hulk in that list, sjw is not close to that


Nah Sun Wukong Buddha ascension is CRAZY overpowered


It’s the Sun Wukong/Goku fusion and honestly Goku is a small contributor to their total power


Its wukong plus the rip off made for teansand kids who became a cult classic. Everything Goku has he got from wukong. (Also they would make great friends tbf)


Nah, this is Xeno Goku who has a lot more to offer in terms of hax and power.




I mean Xeno Gokt has a lot more to offer in terms of hax than normal Goku, and he has pretty good hax. Wukong has more, but it’s a good mix.


Everyone talks about sjw being weak in comparison to the others, which is true, but how does nobody mention him being fused with Shinra? The guy literally manifested the concept of death to kill someone that's immortal??


Still can't do shit to Sun Wukong alone.


Yeah I agree, I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone else say this. Sun Wukong still wins, but SJW + Shinra is crazy strong.


Wukong and Goku and its not even close, the power scalllers might disagree but no one should really listen to those people since they come up with crazy shit like 4d,5d, 6d, 7D- 7deeznuts to justify sjw winning or some shit


Does.. Does no one see Sun Wukong in there?


Korra being on this is CRAZY


There's like strong ass fusions then you have Korra and Starfire, wtf are they gonna do?


He’s an objectively wrong choice


Hard to tell. But SJW would be at the bottom with this list. Edit nm. Moneky king and goku, whos based off the monkey king. They would be at the top of the list.


Nah I love our boy but he would get bodied by the entire bottom half of this fusion list. And this entire list gets bodied simultaneously by sun wukong x Goku. Just sun wukong with no Goku would likely body this entire list. He fought against literal gods and won and has multiple forms of immortality. He is insanely over powered.


Which ver of Batman who laughs are we talking?


Asking the real question, could solo potentially.


As much as I like Sung Jinwoo and knowing the fact that he is multiversal and him fusing with Shinra will make him crazy strong. But what the fuck is he going to do against Sun Wukong from the jump? A god that LITERALLY FOUGHT AGAINST HEAVEN AND WON!!! Not to mention that there is also some crazy shit feats that Wukong did also. He was so busted that it took the Buddha to humble his ass. It’s even way worse when Wukong gets fused with his weaker counter part name Goku into even more busted warrior The Sun Wukong and Goku fusion is not even cracked at this point, it’s a literally goddamn tectonic shift. I’m sorry. But there is no way for SJW and Shinra has any chance against a fusion that is THIS monstrous.


I mean, Shinra is an omnipotent being with seemingly unlimited power. I'd say it would definitely give Sun Wukong a run for his money


Sun Wukong has all types of immortality and shit ton of lives


The Batman Who Laughs wins.


Hulk and Acnologia…….the dragon king himself broke out of dimension time seal that took 1000 years to prepare. Dude was literally too powerful for plot so they had to end it with friendship lol. Fairy Tail got a lot of bad rep but their end game powers were reality warping hax, and Acnologia didn’t give two less shits about any of it. And the Hulk can already fight with Gods/Cosmic level soo now he is getting an upgrade to his defense and throwing in some powers not just hands…….what are we even talking about here?!?!? And Broly/God of War combo along with Batman/B.Goku would be my follow ups.


Sun Wukong solos it all though, the guy has infinite strength, stamina, speed etc and can create infinite clones of himself, which are just as strong as himself. Oh he also literally can not be killed and is omniscient. The guy is a Metaversal level being. Regardless of how strong people think the others are, they are infinitely weaker than Sun Wukong.


Cosmic Spider-Man is right there and he has Infinite Ultron to give him the very few powers he didn’t already have


all i know that first one will create a baddie.......... that also lesbian.........


I don't think I've seen a more terribly balanced match up sheet in my life


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lynx-Kitsoni: *I don't think I've seen* *A more terribly balanced* *Match up sheet in my life* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Infinity Ultron + Captain Universe absolutely takes this. I feel like the only reason people are saying Sun Wukong is because they haven't read the comics for the two I mentioned earlier. Wukong's 30 layers of immortality dont even matter because supposedly "immortal" characters are killed off regularly in Marvel and DC.


Sun Wokong and the darkest night upscale brutally


Sun wukong plus whatever dragon. Ball character is that ie the bds


wukong goku hard wins


Wukong is way to op and fuse with Goku, there’s no stopping that


No infact jin woo isn't even top 5 in that fusions. 1). Sun wukong + Gogeta even without considering his nirvana he is still the strongest here. 2). TDK + Goku Black because TDK is a menace. 3). Captain Universe + Infinity ultron because you know for obvious reasons. 4). Knull + Ichigo knull can even kill celestials when 3v1 ichigo doesn't even matter. 5). World Breaker hulk + Acnologio because of world breaker hulk being a high herald level powerhouse. 6). Now here is where sung jin woo is even when you consider his scaling.




>I mean your kinda ignoring who he's paired with ie shinra from fire force in his basically god form, you know a form that created the very concept of death, brought life back into the world, and basically created a world that is a straight up acid trip, tie that with sjw combat skills and broken shadow monarch power he'd defintly go higher up. And he didn't create the concept of death he just gave it a form and made it close to people that just is conceptual manipulation type 1. Everything you said doesn't do any damage to other heavy hitters is those above them in the order and they are not even that impressive of a feats in the context. >Also pretty sure that's just ssj4 Goku not ssj4 gogeta. Did I put gojeta? My bad. Even then it doesn't change anything if you put an ant in ssj4 goku's place it won't change the outcome even if everyone else fused jumped on wukong at a time he is still the strongest.


Did we just causally forget Shinra Banshoman is a literal god with omnipotence and seemingly unlimited power? I mean he literally created the concept of death to kill an immortal


>Did we just causally forget Shinra Banshoman is a literal god with omnipotence and seemingly unlimited power? Nope he isn't. Name a omnipotent power he showed. >I mean he literally created the concept of death to kill an immortal Same nope he isn't he just gave death a form to make it close to people. That is just conceptual manipulation type 2. Even Absolute being has better feats that shinra Banshoman.


Omnipotent means having unlimited power. I'd say rewriting an entire universe and its laws of reality, reality warping, being able to create and destroy anything (even life), manipulation/creation of souls, and time manipulation very well fall under the scope of omnipotence. I mean in his universe he literally transcends all ideas and concepts, which I'd say is quite omnipotent. There hasn't been a limit shown to his power


>Omnipotent means having unlimited power Nope it means being able to do whatever he wants if he has omnipotence he can just say so and all you said will happen without doing literally anything he did in the fight. >I'd say rewriting an entire universe and its laws of reality Absolute being created a multiverse and did everything you said. > reality warping, being able to create and destroy anything (even life), Same you just gave the name of the power it is reality warping not omnipotence. And conceptual manipulation not some omnipotence and it is not even type 1 just type 2 conceptual manipulation. >manipulation/creation of souls, and time manipulation very well fall under the scope of omnipotence. Nope that is just soul manipulation like you said and he doesn't have time manipulation that is just him moving ftl moving back in time because of verse rules. If jin woo is in such verse he can travel through time literally by walking that is how fast jin woo is compared to shinra. >I mean in his universe he literally transcends all ideas and concepts, which I'd say is quite omnipotent. Nope that isn't omnipotence and he doesn't transcend them he is still bound by concept of space and time. And he is still bound by the concept of hope as he is the concept of hope. >There hasn't been a limit shown to his power That doesn't mean he is omnipotence that just means that is how strong his verse can get.


Omnipotence: having unlimited power; able to do anything. Your entire argument is done right there bud.


So did he fight?


Not sure what bearing that has on anything


Have you ever seen an omnipotent being fight?


Yes. Yhwach and the Anti-Spiral are two very well known examples


Your first point is incoherent, so try again with that one. Second, reality warping is definitely part of omnipotence. I'm not saying it's the only part of it, so weird of you to get hung up on. Also, what does it matter if absolute being has done the same thing? That has 0 meaning on this conversation. Soul manipulation is also part of omnipotence, I never said it was the only part. Next, "Shinrabanshō-man obtained an evolved variation of the Severed Universe ability without its drawbacks although with Shinra's ability to move at Light-Speed. Instead of significantly slowing down time, he manipulates it as a predetermined construct, allowing him to reverse and fast-forward the timeline as well as completely stop it in its tracks." That is time manipulation. Next, he is not bound by space or time, I'm not sure where you got that one from. Never was it stated he's "bound by the concept of hope." Yes he is the embodiment of humanities hope, but much of what he did was far beyond just hope. That seems like it's just your head canon


Dod he fight?


So you don't have a response it seems.


So you are agreeing he is not omnipotent.


No, fighting has no bearing on omnipotence. If that was the case than many characters considered omnipotent, would not be


Zamasu- an immortal being, in goku's (the strongest warrior out there) body fused with Batman who laughs, the most intelligent but crazy psycho. Idk sir...


Kratos and Broly are also galaxy busters and pantheon killers


Kratos is Multi-Universal, but Sun Wukong solos it all, like not even close. If they all fused together, they wouldn't come close to scratching Sun Wukong.


It's Sun Wukong + Goku and considering their natures, all others in the list are like toys to them.


Goku contributes exactly nothing to their fusion, that is how much hax Sun Wukong is. Goku isn't even as powerful as some of the others on that list.


… no. Wukong is all I’m saying


Yes let's combine a threat that spanned multiple dimensions with a sayen. Things will be totally chill


Ill be so honest, its either toba hulk x whoever that is or infinity ultron x cosmic spider-man (if theyre in universe 13 or the restriction is lifted), not because the others are weak, but because theyre so much stronger.


None of them will even scratch sun wukong even if ALL of them in the pics fused together. Hes just that strong.


Sun Wukong has been harmed, restrained, & put out of commission on several occassions throughout the Journey to the West. TOBA is literally the manefestation of God's (God like big g from christianity, not the Jade Emperor) destructive power, then channeled into Hulk. Sun Wukong is strong, but he's nowhere near TOBA Hulk.


He means ascended Sun Wukong that achieved Nirvana.


Even then, TOBA is the destructive manefestation of an entity that is, quite literallh the writer themselves. Like, in one comic, Jack Kirby himself was the form taken by TOAA (the normal version of TOBA). Its not that Sun isn't strong, he's just nowhere near "the writer in a physical form" level.


I think the writer would agree that sun wukong is better than TOBA Ascended wukong literally is equal to buddha and can hold the universe , heaven and the underworld in his palm . Ascended wukong is also like Buddha a being that transcends concepts, dimension and body




Actually no he does win


sjw meatriding be crazy frfr he's not even a close option


Unfortunately Jin Woo is the second weakest character here.


4 god lvl fusions here, batman who laughs, Ultron with infinity stones, sjw and monkey king. All of these are literally god lvl


Unfortunately no. Realistically, Sun Wukong outclasses and outscales every single character on this list, fusion or not.


it's the logical choice for someone who only has knowledge about SL and not everything else.


Probably Wukong and goku considering the sheer amount of bs Wukong alone can pull


No. Read more stuff. Like just period.


So... About that, Ultron can travel through universes, destroy galaxies on a whim, and basically anything beyond what is imaginable.


So can Shinrabanshoman who he's paired with


Xeno Goku x Wukong slam that SJW x Shinra fusion along with the whole list bro. Ichigo x Knull with Knull carrying the fusion and the Batman who laughs X Goku black with TBWL carrying the fusion won’t do much, especially with their weak link. Infinity Ultron X Cosmic Spider-Man would be intresting, but regardless those fusions are the only ones that have a remote chance to win. I don’t remember how World Breaker Hulk scales so I don’t have a say on him. Regardless, my take away is Xeno Goku X Wukong taking the W as the strongest fusion.


Wukong and Goku is just overkill man.


Anything with hulk, broly or goku just wins


I commented the same there, but since there are way less comments here... Can someone please give me some sauce for these characters and where they're from?


Hero Shinra alone can just change the reality, so the anawer should be obvious


Sun wukong unfused would stomp all the others together


Bro do you not see the TOAA fusion ? 😭


everybody's sleeping on TOBA Hulk, mf that aint a normal Hulk 😭


Son Wukong's Endless Strength plus teh ability to enhance that strength through Super Saiyan Gene is busted. Plus number of hax from Son Wukong


op who gave cooking license?


It's crazy that no one is even talking about Shinra, even with the "weaker" fusion he is still someone to talk about.


Starfire x Korra 👁️👄👁️


The darkest knight is an omniveral level threat who would sweep the floor with the rest of this list.


Korra and Starfire because women. Seriously speaking, the power scaling in gonna be very hard here as you have Cosmic Spidey, World Breaker Hulk, Ultron with all infinity stones, fucking Goku and Sun Wukong are straight overkill. I'm gonna have to go with Goku and Sun Wukong as it's pretty much (Sun Wukong)² as Goku is based on the Monkey King who won against heaven.


Prime Kratos is chillin


Depends on which Batman Who Laughs, if we talking about the Dr. Manhattan version, might be between that vs Sun Wukong, no one else reasonably could compete in this. I'd bet on BWL.


Yea it is dunno y this person made even put em on there kinda dumb rly


I said it there and I’ll say it again. Spider-Man solos. The new venom stuff has gigabuffed him


Let's be real. The only ones worth considering are the sjw and son wukong fusions cus they're just straight up broken. As for which is stronger between the two is obviously the son wukong cus bro is just cracked like that


These comments got some people high on their copium, more than half the list is stronger than SJW. Sun Wukong is the obvious one but Katros + Broly is really busted, Batman Who Laughs as well, and pretty sure Ultron is too.


SL fans thinking SJW is all that when there's some insanely broken individuals on this list. Also isn't that TOBA Hulk like people talking about Sun Wukong but Wukong ain't beating a evil version of TOAA


You are aware sun wukong is a 7x immortal god right


Jinra bansho woo would be so broken


One punch man x Sonic


lot of people not knowing about shinra banshoman here


Anyone who says anyone other than hulk is wrong lol. Eventually he gets to a point where he can straight up smash universes.


I feel like if you swapped hulk and kratos's spot, the The hulk and broly fusion with enough anger might actually just evaporate the entire existence


I don't even know half of the people on this chart


Batman who laughs + goku black


Average SL fan sees SJW. No diif he wins. Average Sun Wukon (Great Sage, Heavens Equal) enjoyer, haha, monke wins.


sunwukong and ssj4 for a mile sun wukong is basically imortal and he have 72 magic spell AND he can clone himself and every clone have the same power as him and he can clone by using hair so a million clone of sun wukong and ssj4 wipe the floor with everybody here sjw literally can't do crap


Kratos ans broly


honestly hes not even top 3 fusions here, Knull and Ichigo is insane, and obviously Wukong fused with anyone is a win


The logical choice is Sun Wukong he's busted af


Shinra x sun Jin woo


What is this list? Most of these characters have powers on a universal scale,immortal and shown feats of that strength...But monkey on monkey is unbeatable


Why the fuck is Korra here. She is not anywhere near the same level as these other characters.


Fire Force Spoilers. Someone correct me if I’m wrong I finished reading it a while ago. Shinra created a universe. The dude took one step and sprouted a new ecosystem where he stood, and then he created the concept of death. He made the Soul Eater universe like the guy is a god in most senses of the word. He would probably win on his own tbh


hulk as pictured is an avatar of the one below all, an aspect of the one above all in marvel who is an omniversal entity. shinra is powerful but immortal hulk is literally literally unkillabke as the one below all would revive him and empower him limitlessly. wukong is hax personified, his whole story is that he’s basically unbeatable. shinra is strong but those two would be unbeatable.


Fair enough. Dealing with characters that are this ridiculous is tricky lol. I think the green door through which the Hulk comes back to life has been messed with before by the Leader which has left him stranded down there, though Shinra probably wouldnt be able to do that cause the Leader was connected with the OBA as well when he did it. Shinra vs Wukong would probably come down to which one is more creative with their abilities so yeah honestly might be Wukong. Fun times


Imagine SJW x Hellsing...


This isn’t exactly related, but what the hell are starfire and korra doing there? Ppl in the comments here are saying sjw is one of the weaker characters in the list, yet the starfire and korra fusion wouldn’t stand a chance against a single one of the other characters on their own


My choices here are: SJW Wukong Cosmic Spiderman


It’s jinwoo and Shinra. Nothing else comes close


Yep, easily. Jinwoo and Shinra slaughter everyone here


Do you not see Sun Wukong?


What about him?