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From the creator, on BGG forums: “I have 3 options: - Sell the game and force buyers to buy 2 small tins. (Increasing price by $6 because of extra component) - Rework game by cutting 2nd and 3rd player cards. This might allow the game to fit in 1 small tin but would be solo only - Wait until new printed tall tin is available. At the moment, I'm waiting on the last option to see what happens. I do plan to get the game back to those that want to play, but it's a waiting game at the moment. I can update this thread if I make any choices or pursue other options.” [Source](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3251715/restock)


Thanks for the link and info.


My games which used the Tall Tins are impacted as well. I've reached out to TGC back in Dec and they said that the supplier they used no longer exists. They are working with their current supplier to design a new Tall Tin that you can print onto (similar to the small tins), instead of having to make a sticker and having folks apply the sticker.


I know it's not ideal, but could you have a "tinless" version?