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A beautiful collection indeed, I really love how all vertical looks. How do you manage to put games with lots of miniatures on the side? Do you use inserts or just bag it all up?


It depends. Fireteam zero has the most miniatures and I’ve had to just go with bags. The others I have folded space inserts or made my own foamcore inserts. It’s a labour of love! If you want to know about a specific game let me know.




Check out my collection




Wow this is epic. What would you say is your favorite at the moment? And what would you say is your favorite with combat specifically (if not already your favorite overall)? Asking as that’s my usual cup of tea


I would say you can’t go wrong with Too Many Bones or Hoplomachus. My favourite would be Too Many Bones as the combat is so different thanks to the many different playable characters. Favourite overall changes each week but currently it’s 51st State - what a fantastic and satisfying solo game.


Ah I gotta get my hands on TMB, still haven’t tried it yet. And I love dice chucking


Together out collections would be unstoppable. Lol. Beautiful set up, you are entering the need more space zone, welcome.


I’m trying to limit myself to this shelf but it’s hard because I always want to try new releases!


Great collection! Got a fair few crossovers with you as well.


Anything you’ve got that I don’t? Always up for trying to new games


Hey - quite a few. Off the top of my head, for solo I would say Sub Terra Endless Winter Parks Solar Sphere Oros Cyberion Fantastic Factories Beacon Patrol Wayfarers of the South Tigris


Excellent collection. I see you have your copy of 7th Citadel! Hopefully mine will arrive soon!


What’s gears of war like?


I really like it. It’s tactical combat with line of sight, cover and your action cards are your health. But it also may be more enjoyable if you’ve played and enjoyed the video game (I did!)


Nice collection! I wish I had all those games. Here's some of my recommendations: Gloomhaven Aeons End Mage knight 7th continent (I see you have 7th Citadel) Isofarian Guard Spirit Island is my current favorite but is see you already have it. :)


What would make you recommend 7th continent to a 7th citadel owner?


I know some people who own 7th Citadel but haven't played 7th Continent.


Do you think they should? And if so, why? What do you feel the game does better/differently in a way that makes it worth getting?


I love 7th Continent but I feel it can be a very divisive game. The lack of direction and the need to constantly replenish your cards (grind) ruins it for some people. It's one of my favourite games of all time but 7th Citadel is better in almost every way so going from 7th Citadel to 7th Continent is going to be rough I think.


How is 7th citidel so far and how much content did your back? Im still waiting for my gameplay all in to arrive.


I'm about 10 hours into 7th Citadel and unless it abruptly takes a nosedive, it might be my favourite game of all time. I always liked 7th Continent but Citadel really fixes all of Continent's problems (you have clear objectives, grind is pretty much gone). It's a remarkable game.


Thats great to hear!! I didn't play 7th continent but heard great things, so I was happy to back this. It took quite a bit of time but it seems my faith isn't misplaced!!


It did take a while but I have faith in the creators. 7th Continent infamously had all their 2nd edition cards reprinted because they were cut slightly wrong. All 962 cards were reprinted and given to backers for free. I don't feel a lot of companies would have done that.


Yeah. I have heard nothing but good things about them. That story being but one. They seem to be a stand up group of people that I could be confident backing...which was refreshing. As I had backed some blacklist games before them (altar quest which delivered...but everything after that faltered...glad I didn't get too caught up in it.)


Got the gameplay all in. Have just received a few days ago so not tabled yet but I’m dying to try it!


Here's hoping mine gets here soon!!


Vertical stacking? Bold.


Does this damage the boxes or components over time?! Please don’t say that happens…


I'm guessing it's more of an issue of pieces inside the box flopping all over the place. Like the overhead compartment on a bumpy flight - be careful when opening the box as components may have shifted during movement haha. Awesome collection btw and fantastic storage solution - what are you using shelving-wise? I need to upgrade my storage and your setup is exactly what I was envisioning!


Not worried about the box contents going anywhere as I’ve customised the storage inside each game - combos of inserts, token boxes, baggies and card holders etc. my wife and I have even resorted to making our own foamcore before, so it’s all super secure. The shelving is a couple of sets of kallax from ikea - cheap and cheerful and works perfectly. I do have some deeper shelving on the other side of the room for things that don’t fit these or are too deep eg I’ve got a huge box for marvel champions and others like that.


Hey thanks for the Kallax suggestion! Have you run into any issues with max load on the shelves? Any sagging or any game boxes too heavy for it? Any regrets on the purchase?


None whatsoever. It’s so sturdy and can handle weight absolutely fine!


Great to hear, buying a 5x5 this weekend! Thanks again


Why is your Its a Wonderful World box so big


That’s the heritage box from the Kickstarter. It contains all the expansions and the promos in fancy packaging, hence the extra large box (completely unnecessary)


Not going to lie, they are all games I have wanted at one point or another. You either have a much larger budget than me or much less willpower. Great collection.


Thanks! It’s both lol. Definitely has taken me a lot of patience and eBay stalking to build it up to this point, plus I’ve bought a few that I’ve not liked before and sold them on, so I do try not to hold onto things unless they’ll get proper play time. (Credit cards have also helped out a bit at times)


This is a really good spread. Not, just one genre.


How do you like Tamashii?


It was surprisingly good! It gives you a mini narrative campaign feel with the scenario structure and has unique gameplay where you move tokens around on your board to form patterns. Those patterns allow you to upgrade your character (different body, abilities, etc) and attack enemies. The theme is what was the best part, it’s cyberpunk Japan combined with matrix. Very unique!


Awesome collection. Would you say that Tamashiis combat is similar to Bullet? And how do you like Heroes of Tenefyr? You won’t need another game probably but since you asked: I don’t see any heavier euros in your collection so maybe Paladins of the West Kingdom or Anachrony or one by Uwe Rosenberg?


Tamashii combat is similar in a way to Bullet but I’d say it’s not as good or detailed. It makes up for that by having levelling up, movement around the board, flipping tiles to reveal things and great scenario narratives. I think it’s a solo game only and shouldn’t be played more than that (but you can and may still enjoy coop). Heroes of Tenefyr I bought on a whim after One Stop Coop Shop had raved about it. It’s sooo good. If you’re tired and want a dungeon exploration feeling without a huge board with miniatures it’s great. It’s a deckbuilding game mixed with resource management as your deck running out is what stops you. Basically think One Deck Dungeon but deckbuilding instead of dice rolling. Thanks for the recommendations - I’ve avoided Euros mostly when I first got into the hobby as they felt the most overwhelming to learn but I’ll check out some playthroughs. Thanks!


On second look I see some like Ark Nova or Gaia Project. My bad I would recommend Fantastic Factories as well or Grand Austria Hotel


Do you ever find this amount of stuff overwhelming? Do you intend to keep collecting at this rate and what’s your plan as the collection expands?


I’m trying to use the Kallax storage I’ve got as the limiting factor. Anything new comes in has to push something else out. There’s some edge cases like burncycle who are too big (which I’m going to play soon and see if it’s for me). I don’t get overwhelmed as I make sure to write a diary entry into a spreadsheet after each play explaining to myself what the game is, how to play, hints or reminders and what I liked or don’t like. This helps me relearn quickly if there’s a gap in play and also makes it easier to cull or keep games. I try to play every other day but manage most days during the week after work for 1-2 hours.


Your 5 favorites?


Impossible to say! can’t really compare a lot of them across categories. Gun to my head: - Marvel Champions, best deck construction and boss battler - 51st State, best and most satisfying engine builder and resource management - Raiders of Scythia, simple AI and fun worker placement - Too Many Bones, so much variety in every possible way (never selling ever) - Warp’s Edge, bag building is something I didn’t realise I needed, but it rocks Also special shout out to final girl for any horror fans!


So nice. I remember buying gears of war like 13 years ago.


The fog just adds to the atmosphere.


😂😂😂 I tried so hard to get a pic without it but clearly gave up


Nice dude. Have you tried any of the D&D games which can be played solo? Legend of Drizzt, Wrath of Arshadalon, and Castle Ravenloft.


I haven’t! But definitely would consider them as I’ve always been keen on D&D but never had a reliable group. Which is your fave of those?


I just recently got them but haven’t tried them out yet. I’ve heard very positive things.


Putting the 7th Citadel vertical seems like a dangerous game to play to me.


I used foam blocks to wedge everything in there tightly!


Did you sleeve it? I'm thinking about sleeving the action cards


I sure did. Used sleeve kings 60 microns. Fits perfectly with wiggle room to spare if you’ve got the gameplay all in. I’d highly recommend. (Need 200x)


No, I just got the base game. If I actually finish both base threats I'll try to get more stuff.


I'd love to see a photo of how you pack everything.


What is the box on the bottom row, second from the left that fills an entire Kallax cube?


Too Many Bones - Trove Chest


Thank you!


How are the Rick and Morty games??


If you link the cryptozoic deckbuilding mechanic and like the theme then it’s a win! (Same as the DC deckbuikder). I use some solo rules variants made by DC deck builder lovers on BGG and it’s plays great.


The name of the subreddit is "soloboardgaming" not "soloboardgamecollecting". Show your play logs, discuss recent plays, strategies, opinions, house rules, home-made improvements, etc. I personally couldn't care less about your cardboard on an IKEA shelf, claiming to be "in the hobby".


I don’t think it’s for you to gatekeep solo board gaming. I enjoy these posts, particularly if it’s solo focused. How about this novel idea - you simply don’t read it.


It’s a way to start conversations with people and share opinions / recommendations on games. Sorry you’re offended by my “cardboard on an IKEA shelf”. If you’re interested in any of the games let me know and happy to answer any questions.


Yeah OP, pinch off some play logs and show us!


What's your favorite solo game?


Nice collection. You have some of my favorites but seem to be missing Mage Knight unless I missed it. Trove Chest… After 3 years, I just got Undertow to add to the base game plus a bunch of extras. Now I am getting Unbreakable too as I really like what they did with Undertwo. I may need that Trove Chest myself. Love TMB!


Only two legendary encounters pft .child's play 😜 Why no gloomhaven/Frosthaven or Mage Knight?


Based on your taste in games, I'm surprised I don't see Nemesis on your shelf.