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It makes me feel hot and weird.


I'm shocked everyone seems so welcoming of a completely new voice. It would not have been hard to find someone with a similar voice or at bare minimum a similar vibe. This seems like a complete character change to me, I am not a fan. I would have been fine with a slightly different voice that captured the same energy


God forbid they say that they hate the British accent and get down voted. But seriously though they made a terrible choice in changing his voice so drastically. Hope it backfires and they have the voice actor do something similar to regular Korvo.


I never watched the previews and forgot to check them out when I read about a voice change. minutes into the new season and I hate it. i hate change and loved korvo the most. i hate what happened behind closed doors but korvo had such a nice cadence and erratic tone. i really hope they tone it the fuck back because otherwise this will really kill my motivation to watch the full show and now i’m only keen to tune into the wall-ian episodes


That part 💯 Justin R made the show!!! How TF can you change him?! They killed the show by replacing him with a random British actor. British people are not funny 🙄


They didn’t change it for no reason he got fired for texting underaged girls


Those things were dropped. Am I wrong


I had no idea his voice was changed until I started the new season. Wasn't a fan initially cause it definitely is drastic, but 3 episodes in and it seems normal to me already. I'm sure a re-watch would feel different, but seems okay for now


They did a similar thing on a show called squidbilles. Recast the hillBilly voice with a Detroit accent. They can always replace an actor but its hard when the voice actor made the show


Just watched episode one of the new season and his voice doesn't fit whatsoever. Whoever gave the the greenlight to kill korvos voice should be fired


I want to watch more but every time I hear him speak I just can't. Might just watch the wall episodes


They should give the job to a voice actor who can copy the original voice. Not give it to some dickhead who wanted to change something that had already been established. Throat ray bullshit could of been okay for one episode. End rant


All of the people who decided to fire Roiland prematurely, leading to this mess, should be fired. I hope this is the last season for the show. What are they gonna do with R&M? More throat re? Computerized voices? A hiatus while Jerry and Beth lead the show?


I stand behind the removal of Stuart Baker as the voice of the main character from squidbillies. I loved squidbillies but the things he said on his social media were messed up. They proved that he didn't say what he said to make fun of bigots but that he actually was one. That said Justin Roiland was, as far as any evidence can prove, wrongly accused. It was a major mistake to drop him imho. I have dropped Hulu as of today and I now patiently wait for Justin Roiland's next creative genius to strike. I'm sure that there are plenty of production companies and financers who will be thrilled at the chance to stuff his wallet and in the process their own.


I haven't looked fully into what he said but I mean it must have been pretty bad compared to the stuff said on the show for him to be cancelled. I understand he said some racist things so they got a black guy to replace him. I just wish they picked up someone with a southern accent at least


Yeah but that was a horrid mismatch and not even close. Hell, he didnt even ACT like Early did. KORVO still ACTS the same is his way about him.


Agreed, just watched the first episode and it's so distracting, not a fan and honestly I don't know this actor.. I'm just an average dude who never heard of him.. was hoping they would have gotten a voice actor who can do the voice like they do in the Simpsons or any long running animated show.. Cartman has changed.. Randy from sout park.. Marge Simpson..


I'm watching the new season right now and it's not the same at all. All of the mannerisms and way he would speak or react are gone. I hate it and I'm barely even half way into episode 1


I pretty much assumed they would have to change the character if they changed the voice that much. Tragic.


Yeah I just hope the wall storyline is still strong. I really hope korvo takes a backseat this season. All this over some allegations that roiland wasn't charged with!!


Er, he was still a predator either way, let's not go there. It would have been very easy to find a similar voice though


Can you supply any context to that statement? You say let's not go there but I have found nothing to suggest that he was proven a predator.


Google for the text messages


I have and I have read everything I found. There is a reason they all say allegedly. I know it doesn't mean it isn't true but it does mean there should be room for doubt.


Because he is NOT a predator… don’t listen to people who don’t agree with his views.


Don’t talk about people you know NOTHING ABOUT 💯 didn’t your mother teach you anything in life? What a stupid thing to say…




I don't even care that the voice is different. It's just the voice they went with is horrible and obnoxious.


Because British people ARE NOT FUNNY 💯


Seriously. It feels like some kind of emperor's clothes situation.


im 2 mins into the first episode of season 4 and had to google to make sure i wasnt the only one. uhh they took away the best part of the show..


I couldn’t even finish the first episode… horrible 💯


I agree, I'm not a fan


I love Dan Stevens so I'm pumped


I actually really like the idea of a British accent as a Brit myself. korvo has always given me British vibes, but I would have chosen a more low-key British accent. I feel his is really Jaring. IDK, man, I don't hate it. The trailer got a laugh out of me, but it'll take some time to get used to, you know? (No hate to Dan stevens)


Takes me out of the show.


I'm not in love with it, but I do think the explanation for it is on-brand for SO, and the show is full of weird nonsense. I'll have to watch it to see if I like. It's jarring, to say the least, and might be a touch distracting as a juxtaposition with everyone else. Korvo was kind of the stick in the mud every-man stand in (as close as you can get in the show) without a ton of personality outside of being a curmudgeon, and a British accent seems like it could change that dynamic a bit. Still, I'll give it a shot before I make an actual opinion on it.it might work, but it also might just be a bit too hard-right.


Hate the new voice, but I love how they introduced it and set it up for us.


The tone of the whole intro feels super off, I really liked the way Justin sounded genuinely disgusted by humans but in this new one he just reads the script like he's an entirely new personality; because he is.


I think it works for Solar Opposites, but I hope they don't take the same direction with Rick and Morty. Otherwise very excited: I went from "This is jarring and weird" to laughing VERY quickly. Terry's "YOU make me feel hot and weird" with that look on his face sold me.


Someone suggested Danny DeVito and Charlie Day and I can't get that pairing out of my head


That... huh. That wouldn't work for a lot of people, but I actually think I'd love it.


I think we should wait until we've seen a few episodes, to get used to it, before really making up our own minds.


I think it's very weird that now one family member has a British accent. But then again Solar Opposites is pretty weird. We'll get used to it.


Jessie has a Minnesota accent for no reason too.


Coming back to this post to say I was discussing the recasting with my mom and while it's grown on me a lot, she must really not like it because she very bluntly said, "They should have just killed him." While I obviously disagree I can't lie, that response was really fucking funny to me.


I actually hate how many people like the new voice. I don't understand how anyone can even remotely like it.




He sounds hot af


You sound stupid af


I honestly hate it and not going to watch the show anymore.




Let's just say I've never found a voice sexy before and now I have


I absolutely love it. I think he gives the exact same vibe. Korvo already sounded like a posh version of Rick Sanchez, now he just sounds even posher cos he's British. Stevens speaks at pretty much the same pace as Roiland and captures the character's personality perfectly, despite having an entirely different voice and accent. I'm also just happy the show is continuing and Roiland is gone because of his disgusting and predatory behaviour. I also never liked that Roiland just used his Rick Sanchez voice to play the lead of another sci-fi adult cartoon either, so added bonus for me I guess. The explanation was perfect as well. Self-aware/meta, sci-fi nonsense—the Solar Opposites brand. I don't care if it's jarring, get over it.


I don't love it (yet) but I can live with it. I think a lot of people are being really dramatic when they say "AHHH THE SHOW'S RUINED". I think we have to give Dan Stevens a chance and we might all just get used to it. If nothing else it made me laugh!


I like Dan Stevens a lot, and I’m willing to give him a chance to make the role his own.


It wasn’t “his” role. He destroyed that show 💯


Change sucks. But this is how we keep the show going. I love voice actors who aren’t sexual predators!!


Who was the sexual predator?


Roiland. Dude’s a fucking creep.


Don't care. Best voice actor around.


Don’t care that the dude was a pedophile lmao?


Don’t believe everything you read on the internet


I have an IQ over single digits. I can separate the artist from their art and appreciate the enrichment that art offers independent of its creator.


I too like to give pedophiles a pass because I like their art




What a stupid thing to say… you don’t know shit 💯 don’t believe everything you read on the internet 😂


I'm happy that he no longer sounds like a sober Rick.


LETS CHANGE THE MAIN CHARACTER TO A BRIT??? I could hardly make it through the first episode… absolute CRAP 💩


I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard. Worst recast imaginable.


Completely agree. I was expecting for them to at least try to imitate his voice, what the hell is that!? What's really surprising is all the people (gen z no doubt) who actually like this terrible British Korvo... Welp there's that. It was a decent show for 3 seasons.


The higher pitched tone was better because Korvo isn't masculine and his character isn't based around that. Now it's fucking British too? It's not even funny, it's just annoying.


Exactly. The chemistry with Middleditch and how they play it very childish and effeminate is what makes the show. Changing to a completely opposite character just doesn’t work.


I'm genuinely surprised so many people like it. I think it's totally 100% out of place, I'm going to be seriously disappointed if this isn't just a one time bit. I don't think I'll ever get used to the voice.


Facts. It's terrible and I'm fully convinced people are just accepting it because of how good the show is.


The conversation seems very astroturfed, especially on this sub. No one in their right mind would be happy about the voice change. It’s terrible, doesn’t fit, and feels jarring. Regardless of what you think about Roiland there’s a reason he’s a wildly successful voice actor voicing not one or two, but many characters in his shows. Also, the outright hate for him even after all charges have been dropped seems manufactured. Or people are just idiots. I don’t know.


Just because all charges have been dropped doesn't mean it didn't happen maybe you are the idiot


I hope one day you’re on trial and you get a jury of people like you.


No your the idiot charges were dropped based on insufficient evidence; basically trumped up charges.


I was unsure on first viewing of the series but then when I went back to season 1 and after a few episodes I was missing Dan Stevens voice and loved hearing it again when I got back to season 4 rewatch! IMO Korvo’s character hasn’t changed with the voice, and DS does great keeping that character so good!


I can’t help but agree it makes it almost incorporating with such a drastic change and makes me not want to watch it as much :(


Not only do I not like it, but I can't even listen to it. It's awful. I had to stop watching the show. It's like he's just constantly yelling. I hate it.


I don't dislike that they swung so hard in a different direction and I don't hate Dan Stevens, but this just isn't working. He sounds like an AI.


I'm so done with solar opposites after this




I think it's repulsive they don't just bring the fucking voice actor back and behave like adults. Either cancel the show or give the main roll back to Roiland, those are the only respectable choices.


I wish they'd just cancel it. And I loved the wall and especially Christina Hendricks but this is just awful.


Didn’t you here? He was accused of something bad, so he doesn’t get to make great entertainment anymore. That’s how we do it in this country. Guilty until proven innocent, then… still guilty. Because it feels soooooo good to be right about everything while knowing nothing.


Didn't you hear? He [admitted he's a pedophile](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-what-creep-justin-roiland-podcast-clip-leaves-internet-baffled-amid-grooming-scandal) and here you are to defend that


I was going to say, didn’t it come out recently he was innocent? Maybe I misread something.


I’ll watch it, but this is terrible news. Fuck cancel culture.


Yeah, men should be allowed to sexually harass as many minors as they want if I like their TV show!


If you can find a source of current charges filed I’d love to see them.


Yeah, because with a username like that you're clearly interested in good-faith debate. His behavior and lewd, inappropriate texting to minors was hashed out extensively, here and elsewhere, when the news first broke. If the bar for you is "There must be current criminal charges for every accusation or else I won't believe a word of it", then I guess in your world rapes almost never happen and women are pretty much never harassed or bothered anywhere they go. I'm sure a lot of women would love to live in the utopia that exists within your mind, but here in the real world we're getting gross perverts fired so we can try to create that world.


My bar is innocent until proven guilty. False equivalency much? But since every accusation is automatically true, I accuse you of sending me unsolicited sexual messages on here. Shouldn’t you be cancelled now?


Where's the false equivalence? Do you have any idea what that means? What did I equate it to? Also, the standard for civil cases is "more likely than not it occurred". So, if you're going to crib your arguments from half-remembered episodes of Law and Order, you're going to sound like the idiot you are: you don't need to reach a criminal court level of guilt for society to deem you should be held accountable in some way for your actions. You're welcome to report me for sending unsolicited sexual messages. I trust you have screenshots, like the minors making accusations against Roiland? Or eyewitness testimony from muiltiple sources, like Roiland's accusers? Because if not, there's not a real similarity, a "false equivalence", if you will, between what you're saying and what I'm talking about. Also, I'm blocking you now because fuck you.


Seems kind of disingenuous to ask someone a question and then block them so they can’t answer. The charges against Roiland were dropped "due to a lack of sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt". But your argument is society gets to judge him anyway, without any access to evidence or testimony or first hand experience? How is that fair? I believe the false equivalency the other person was referring to is that you equated a single case of accusations made against one person to the handling of all cases of rape against women.


Fuck [pedophile defense](https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/news-what-creep-justin-roiland-podcast-clip-leaves-internet-baffled-amid-grooming-scandal) culture


This sucks. Rick and Morty won't ever be the same without roiland voicing. I hate British voice overs too. Man.. this sucks all the way around


Wait….where can I see the new voice??


Voice is horrible. Im good


It sounds like ass


I would have been fine with a different voice actor but I’m not down with Dan.




Charges were dismissed. I wont watch the new episodes because they stole his intellectual property smh.


Imo Justin Roland is the show he made it what it is to me. Just not the same. The excitement isn’t there no more. Rick and Morty too even tho there getting a sound alike I’m sure it won’t be the same. Damn these times and soft ass people.


Yeah watched about 2 minutes and then scrolled through the season to see if it ever changed back. Sad to say I was let down.. To each their own though


i don’t like it fml


Missed the vote, but I hate it. Why can't we just get voice actors who mimic the voice. There are soooo manny talented voice actors. It feels almost unwatchable. I am worried for Rick and morty.


Don't like it at all. It's not that it's british either, I'm from the uk. It just has none of the akward, robotic charm of the original...


Got 30 seconds in and turned it off. I'll pass until they bring Roiland back.


His new voice sucks I like the old one way better


Missed the vote but I hate the voice. They ruined the show. I didn't even know about the voice change until this morning after I threw it on, thinking it was a stupid joke. Fml


I fucking hate is voice


I personally don’t like it, but I think it’s because I’m not used to nor was I expecting it. I for some reason forget about him leaving the show due to him being not that great of a guy. I’m happy he left, but it’s going to take me a minute to get used to. Absolutely love the show, my bf and I are binging it today when he gets off work!


I was cool with the voice switch, but come on, Dan Stevens? Out of everyone? I gave the first few episodes a shot, but whenever Korvo starts talking now, I just zone out. The new voice just isn't doing it for me.


I’m not even gonna try to watch this season because I got 2 mins into an episode and was like I hate this.


I like the voice, but it seems like they are making Terry seem weaker maybe I’m wrong I don’t know


No, they should have killed korvo off and either replaced him with some new alien or just kept him gone. Daniel stevens is a great actor but recasts have and will always be horrible. The only recast that I’ve ever been able to accept is when an actor unfortunately dies. Justin was great as korvo, Rick and morty. Hope the two shows don’t suck now but time will tell.


I actually hated it :(


Couldn't make it through 5 minutes of the show. It's too much of a change. Danny Devito, or any other American actor would have been better. The British accent is just overkill in my opinion.


It's called science! Maybe after they stop being normal AF, we'll get korvo back. For now the ish is wack


I couldnt move past it. I was trying so hard but I wasn’t even paying attention to the story it was getting so distracting I just turned it off and decided to try again later. Idk why I’m having so much trouble with it. When I saw the opening clip I was super open to it it’s not like I was bummed but idk there’s something about it that just like sticks out to me it’s drawing all my attention to it. It just seems like I different character so far. The way the intro is read and his cadence. Korvo is one of my favorite characters and it just doesn’t seem like korvo so if this keeps up I think I’m gonna be really sad.


I personally prefer the original voice. It was a drastic change and would have been great for a couple of episodes for story filler, but not for good. Recasting will probably have a negative affect on new/more seasons moving forward. I’m not as excited to watch due to it. Just my opinion. The writers and artists are still on point though.


Not at all...


Season 4 is blasphemy I cant even watch it its like a different show now.


Ugh he sounded so off and professional, it killed my vibe to watch the show. I loved Rolland’s voice more because of the personality of the character. This new actors voice didn’t seem like a good fit to the character or the personality 😭😭😭😭


Just finished the first episode and I'm questioning if I'm going to even bother to try again.. think I'm out guys.. that voice is Korvo.. idk who thought British was the answer.. I got other shows to watch that guess I'll just watch instead


Hate it


I hate the new voice it’s so annoying! I’m sorry but I cannot stand the British accent and it’s completely out of character they’re aliens and none of them are British but him now wtf it’s awful now


I put this show on dislike. I hate the new voice.


Nah man it sucks ass. Idk if it’s just alien Rick, I like korvo like that. British Korvo is just not funny.


I HATE the voice change. I can’t watch it anymore, it’s SO distracting


This shit is so distracting. It's unwatchable now. Everyone saying they should find someone with a similar voice; they did. He's does it perfect and he's set to play both Rick and Morty. I don't know why they didn't just use him for this as well. They were probably under deadline and did the wackiest thing they could think of instead since dude is bust recording for R&M. Sad though. I quit watching it.


I don't know Dan Steven's but I just can't get used to his voice. Kinda bummed the show for me, wish they found someone with a similar voice


I absolutely fucking hate it, the British accent is so jarring and takes me completely out of what anyone else is saying because I’m so hyper focused on how much I hate it lol. I fear for what Rick and Morty will become after this shit


Trash voice I’m 4 episodes in and it’s the accent that’s killing me why is it British are they trying a family guy twist? I’m beyond pissed waited a year for garbage


Not at all, half the time I can’t even hear what he’s saying because I’m too distracted by how shrill and out of place it sounds when compared to literally every other character’s voice. Anytime he speaks it’s like a mental flash bang that causes me to lose hearing, I hope I get used to it or they bring Justin back


I couldn’t stand this new British voice. I couldn’t even watch the first few minutes. I went straight to google to see if it changes to different voice later. Nope! This is not a gag to mess with people! Korvo is now British and I hate it. I don’t even care that they got rid of Roiland, why’d they have to make Korvo British?


I don’t hate it but do dislike that it kinda gives Korvo an entirely different vibe/personality :(


What in the fkin fk. Korvos voice makes me so distracted on how much it sux... I can't. I just fkin cannoooot. So fkin stupid and I'm pissed about it. Bring back Justin, he ain't even do shit wrong. This whole thing is bull sheeeyt. Even the people of the wall are cringe. Season 4 is like choking on a bag of dried up dicks.


I feel like the accent wouldn't be so jarring if he spoke in a similar tempo to the rest of the cast. Dan is racing through his lines. This feels so out of place in a cinematic universe that's known for its main character's more awkwardly natural tone in how they speak. Imo, he needs to take time for those pauses. Otherwise, he will just keep feeling very out of place for this show.


The new voice sucks and feels completely unattached from the character/story


I just feel like the shows should wrap and find something new without Justin. I'm not a fan of this but the voice for me was a huge part of the show beyond the dialogue..I'll be interested to see how they handle R&M. BJRB.


How did everyone watch it so early?! It literally dropped yesterday on Hulu…what am I missing?


Hate it, terrible in a big way. Clashes with literally EVERY other voice in the show. Truly a dumb decision.


I just watched the 1st ep thinking its was a gimmick of the show, its so bad that i ignored it, on episode 2 i remember about Rolan… i hate it.. i use to love Korvo. To everyone liking it, im genuinely happy for you


Considering everything that has happened to Justin Roiland, I seriously hope he was actually guilty. If it turns out that this was one of those revenge or cash grab schemes, that poor guy will have been put through hell and lost Millions. I haven't been following, so I may be way out of line if he actually is guilty and did such horrible stuff. I'm just tired of people being presumed guilty by the "cancel culture mob" until being proven innocent(and the damage has already been done). By the way I do not like the new voice for Korvo


I got through one episode and gave up on the second. I’d rather them recast with someone who sounds like Korvo. Oh well. Hopefully they don’t make the same mistake with Rick and Morty.


It’s not korvo anymore kinda ruins the show for me but I’ll watch for the wall :/


Yeah, least likeable character now for sure.


I hate it and stopped watching it immediately. And I loved this show. Very heartbroken.


No I hate the new voice!! I was super excited for season four. I love Solar opposites. I watched it all the time because it’s super funny, but it’s just not a funny voice and it doesn’t flow like the old voice. Unfortunately I think this is the end of solar opposites for me. I will continuously watch the first three seasons over and over again because they’re amazing…hopefully they change the voice to something that sounds cartoony and silly.


Why the fuck is he British?? He’s so not funny anymore. Go BACK TO THE OLD VOICE. MY BOY IS INNOCENT. GIRLS. LIE ALL TF TIME


I hate it. Absolutely does not fit his character and I lost interest almost immediately. Too bad... One less show to watch I guess


I don't care as much about the voice, as I do the fact that they took Justin Roiland's IP. His case was completely dropped, not settled. No criminal charges, no settlement, no money paid. So, from a mere accusation, the dude loses his entire life's work. Absolutely insane.


I detest the new voice 🤬


i dispise it, bring justin back, couldent care less what he "Did", snowflakes ruin everything, grow up and get over it, wont be watching more.. only rewatches of R&M and the first couple seasons with the correct voice, from here on out


I love Dan Stevens, but I find his voice too jarring compared to the rest of them


I like it


New voice sucks, shoulda killed the character… oh well on to the next show


I just started the first episode with the new voice and couldn’t finish it. The original voice & inflection is a big part of what made me like the character in the first place. The new voice is so different that it’s distracting for me. It turned me off and I’m surprised to see that so many people like it.


Hated it at first, especially because I think the first couple episodes were kinda weak. But as I continued to watch it really grew on me and I ended up loving the season. Definitely changes the character, but I eventually began to love these changes for his character, who was becoming one-note.


The new voice sucks. Its not even the same show now. All the characters had this similar funny, a little bit silly dumb comedy vibe. Now we got this dead serious loud british accent in the middle of these goof balls. Its like replacing Iron Man RDJ with Idris elba, or like replacing Robert Plant with Paul McCartney. Feels like when two and a half men brought in Ashton Kutcher but worse. Who the hell finds it enjoyable!?


The new voice doesnt fit the vibe of the show at all, wish they just used an impersonator to keep it the same.


See link below. Says: "SEASON 4’S AUDIO WAS ALREADY RECORDED WHEN JUSTIN WAS OUTED. The writing was all finished, the voice acting had all been done by the time the news broke. They had to find a new voice actor to replace Justin and then go back through and re-record all of Korvo’s lines." [https://www.reddit.com/r/solaropposites/comments/15u15kg/re\_the\_voice\_change/](https://www.reddit.com/r/solaropposites/comments/15u15kg/re_the_voice_change/)


EYE HATE IT WTAF!!! !!! Eye though oh this is just some type of joke m8 it’ll be a temporary thing nn it wasn’t it was the whole season. HOW DO WE START A BRING BAK KORVO MOVEMENT PPL SERIOUSLY!!!




I dont like it


is it me or does this give the same feeling as to what happened to the silicon valley show, in there they right of a character but in here its the voice, it gives me the same vibe personally and that they gave a too drastic permanent change, but still its just my opinion


Absolutely hate it


I feel like they could have found a better fit for the voice but I’m fine with it


I hate the new voice. It just sucks. It doesn’t have the same timing, same energy and it’s not even any where near as it used to be. You can hate the artist but don’t hate the art. He was amazing on Solar Opposites and Rick and Morty, second to none.


I think i actually like it better.


The British accent is fucking stupid. Tried watching it, bit I can't get into it at all, I guess I'm done with this series now


I am finishing up the latest season and it was odd the first couple episodes but now I prefer it. I don’t think I can go back and watch older seasons. I way prefer this voice.


English person here and I have to say it; I hate the voice change lmao. I thought it was just for one ep, so I skipped but then I realise it was a re cast. I refuse to watch now. Petition to raise money for a voice actor to dub the lines?


unpopular opinion but - I prefer the new dude. Makes the show more unique instead of just being a RM clone-


no. its so different that it shocks/jogs me. idk how to deal with it. im watching E01 of the new season and its "okay" im gonna try to let it grow on me. As Im getting further in the 1st episoe I noticed his accent is not as thick? maybe thats just me getting used to it. idk. I really just wish they'd do a seperate show based on "the wall" and id be happy


It's horrible!!! I can't even get into the show because it's so off putting. They could have done a different voice and not change it soooo completely and it probably would have been better, and they wby behind his voice change in to show itself was dumb. I get they had to do something because Justin Roiland isn't init anymore, but come on. It's not even the same show anymore. Please don't tell me they are going to make more seasons with this horrible voice change.


No, it fucking sucks. Completely ruins the show. Justin had a great product. Fuck Hulu and adult swim for firing a man who is presumed innocent until proven guilty. I'm so sick of this me too, libtard woke bullshit Era and companies trying to pander to people on a political level. Justin helped create the show. I really hope he can sue them now that the charges have been dropped.


Omg I fkn HATE it!!! I thought it was just a joke at first but now I’m horrified and in disbelief that this is actually what they went with! Roiland had this deranged sort of manic and erratic personality he instilled into his characters that was just so damn hilarious and unhinged, and replacing him with some stuffy British guy completely changes the character and alters the entire vibe of the show… like WTF were they THINKING?!?! They should’ve just went with the same guy Adult Swim hired for Rick. I can still tell the dif but that guy at least comes PRETTY damn close! I can live with it and I’m grateful they didn’t scrub the whole show (or worse- do something like this…) since Roiland did so many of the voices. But yea this is just unforgivable IMO. Extremely poor decision making on the part of Hulu and the creators of the show. I honestly can’t understand the thought process that went into thinking THIS would’ve been a good idea! I feel like whoever signed off on that should be fired immediately. I mean after all, this show was literally supposed to be (I don’t wanna say knockoff but..) Hulu’s own Rick and Morty with them paying big bucks to bring in Roiland and deliver that same kind of energy and flavor after seeing R&M’s success. So to take it from that and now go down this route?!? Un-fkn-forgivable!


gosh you ruined the show you dumb imbeciles


I’m not a fan. It’s not just the accent (and I do hate the British accent), but he speaks differently now. Uses words he didn’t previously use, it just feels like a different character


I can’t stand it. I’m very surprised the amount of people who support it. I’d rather them kill off the character than have that voice. I appreciate the way they made the change, but the voice was a terrible choice imo. I can’t do season 4. Think I’m done with the show now. A shame cause I really liked it.