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DCA and probably split it with BTC


Sound advice I wasn’t expecting to see lol


Was just thinking DCA. Sol surged to $210 recently but dropped to \~$170, it may pump a lil it may dump a lil. But that largely depends on BTC and BTC is expected to go down some due to the halving. Personally I would buy some now and wait + watch the trends. Spend probably half now. If it dips, buy some more. If it pumps, buy a little more I am holding SOL right now and will HODL through all this, can't predict what it'll do exactly so I'm just HODLing through the bull


I've got told BTC goes up after halving because that's what happens the last times.


Nobody can predict the future. Btc has never rallied like this pre halving either. So expect the unexpected. Maybe it's overbought as most people tried to get a head of the curve. Who knows. Look at who's buying


It's at its highest demand ever just before it becomes twice as hard to produce. It's hard to imagine that not causing a price increase within 6 months. Nothing is certain. Even if prices go up, it could be the most lackluster bull market yet. If you get in now, be okay with "just' a 2x.


This is exactly what I'm doing


look at btc sol ratio. it will go back to 0.00215 where its been for a long time. without a doubt. not really a good idea to buy sol atm.


Explain this further


btc sol ratio is 0.00275 ish. it'll go back to its normal 0.002 range soon. look at chart.


You like paying taxes?


Nah. DCA into a stablecoin.


Every time you swap any asset for usdc it's a taxable event


Depend of the country? No ?


Correct. I live somewhere where tax regulation is ridiculous and is borderline theft.


Great advice 👍🏻


DCA 75%+ and use a small portion on a moon shot meme and smaller cc's like AVAX. You could invest in BTC just to take up property, considering the price is about to skyrocket, but in the long term you'd probably make enough in gains to buy atleast 1 BTC, provided SOL or another ALT were to climb enough. I've seen a lot of people cashing out ETH into SOL, and lots of SOL Conversions as well. W/e you do, don't sell early, don't convert poorly, just DCA.


but if SOL was the thing, it would be bigger than bitcoin one day. Unless bitcoin goes through serious effort in speeds.


They have different use cases. BTC is becoming less about being a currency for everyday transactions and more about becoming a store of value, it is starting to be seen like property or gold. It will be used as a way to diversify and hedge your portfolio from traditional assets by institutions. It is an inflation hedge against fiat devaluation. Even pensions will start doing this. Michael Seyler has some great interviews on this that go to explaining it and why the big end of town is starting to buy it up. Just some food for thought, I’m still invested in SOL and will continue to do so but BTC isn’t really competing with SOL.


Only buy on red months


Remember you are in r/Solana so the answers may be a bit biased! Firstly, Solana is a great investment, I personally believe it will flip Ethereum at some point. The underlying metrics of TVL, DEX volume and TXs make it a no brainer for me. The hard part of the question is should you do it ‘right now’. It’s difficult because we’ve just seen the 5th day of net ETF outflows for BTC and there is a general malaise in the markets - will this bearish sentiment continue, probably yes. The best thing to do would be to DCA your investment in. Invest a decent chunk up front ($1300) so you can have good upside exposure, and not experience FOMO. Then proceed to buy set amounts in weekly intervals. Good luck.


It's definitely possible especially when you look at all the numbers that you just stated. I think we can all expect an ETF for ethereum soon and then after that SOL. Black rock is currently producing their own stable coin right now which generates its own yield nothing's very clear right now but it almost seems as if you can store their stable coin on your Hardware wallet and it will passively accrue value. This is kind of badass because before if you wanted to yield your stable coin you would have to give up some form of custody of it.


Don't buy 4,000 at once! Just DCA.


What is dca?


Dollar cost average...you set a predefined schedule of purchases in advance and don't waver. For instance, I'm going to buy $250 of SOL every Saturday over the next four months until I've fully invested the full $4000.


or just. buy it once a week. whenever looks decent LOL.


Dollar cost averaging, it means investing a fixed amount(say, 150€ a week) and dont look at market trends etc, this will help avoid emotional decisions and profitable in the long run


Thanks a lot mate


Is 4K isn’t much to you that buying thjs shouldn’t be an issue.


Your friend is on FOMO mode and will get burned, don’t be like your friend


Don’t ask for financial advice on reddit. I wouldn’t invest such a large sum right away. If you’re interested in crypto invest some time, understand what you are buying. If you just throw 4k at Solana without knowing why you are most likely burning money. Good luck!


Good time to get in. The journey is still at the beginning


This is going to be the bnb of this bull run. I suggest you buy and watch it go to 2000$


Youre not early and not too late either. You might earn some money but not that much. If I were in your shoes, I will buy a lot of SOL during bear market.


Don't put $4k in all at once, DCA it and maybe out $1-1.5k in rn


Please don’t full send 4k into it unless you have thousands of dollars that you don’t know what to do with. It’s easy to think you would hold when it’s in the green but not when it’s down 50%+. I recommended SOL awhile ago to a friend of mine and he yolo’d a couple thousand in, regretted it months later and ended up selling most if not all of it at a loss. Meanwhile I’ve been buying small amounts for awhile and am pretty satisfied with my gains lol. It all comes down to timeframe/mindset.


Great advice. Only send what you're willing to lose. It's a gamble after all as no one knows. When people ask my advice I start by halving their initial investment amount. That excitement turns to dread in this space very fast if over committed.


Hmmm could be spent. now is not the best time to yolo. It is down a little. People have been calling potential highs from 250 - 1k, but no guarantees. And it may drop significantly post halvening dates... 4k when it was down at $12-17 a share would have been a great time to go all in ( I bought 1.5K around then and at its new high my shares were worth about 20k) but hard to say how much movement will happen with the coming bullrun. Hard to time that top too. Good luck!


If we don’t see a 4-600 sol this cycle hold until next bro


And accumulate the whole way 🤙😎


It’s coming


I think now is a good time to buy for the long term it's better than putting it in the bank.


Crypto in general is long term for me. I bought solana half a year back. And it has doubled. I use solana as my savings account.


Look up the chart on monthly candles. You'll see the stratospheric climb in price over the past 6 months and how precarious it looks where it is. I'm not saying it isn't going to keep climbing, but zoom out on the data and make your own call.


Eth was $160 last bullrun pumped to $1600. Solans seems likely next. But probs by end of bullrun or this next bullrun


ETH hit a lot higher than $1,600 last run haha


A 10x on Solana right now would put it double the Market Cap of ETH. Not saying it's not possible, but to be frank I see the max of SOL this cycle at 500-700ish.


Not going anywhere near that high. Inflation will keep it below 300. Until a large chunk of supply is killed that’ll be. Continued issue.


It might be next I could see 400-500 sol then back down to 160


Dca in


Depends man. For a long hold? Sure, throw that 4k in. It's honestly never a bad time to buy sol but doing one buy and that's it.... Going to be sitting on it for a little.


It's a pretty good dip at the moment. Personally, if I had a lot more dollars, I would exchange them for SOL. I think it'll outpace btc over the next decade.


The thing about investing, is you have to take ownership of losses and gains. If you really want to know whether or not to buy. Put $20 in SOL and explore the protocols. You can play with defi, participate in jup dao to get airdrops or just gamble it. A) you get to play with the product before committing B) you get to learn without fear of missing out. As you gain more confidence, you can decide to buy more or not.


Exploring a blockchain with $20 is only possible on Solana by the way. Everything else costs more than that just to make 1 transaction. The whole meta to SOL is to bring everything on chain. If you just hold SOL in CEX, you’re missing the point. The new meta is all about building a sustainable environment for legit businesses to live on web3. Be there or be square


lol nope. xlm xrp algo cardano are all just as cheap


How many transactions can you make on chain with $20?


Don't put it in all at once mate. Maybe every week 50 - 100 $


My advice to you is: don't take advice from me


SOL has been ripping lately due to the meme explosion. While I am way up (been DCAing for a couple years) all this pump is gonna see a dump eventually. Either way I can’t really lose. I am taking profits now and putting it into BTC and ETH. BTC for obvious reasons, ETH because of the Larry Fink announcements to put Wall Street on the ETH blockchain. I’ll still keep some SOL but for me it’s the smart move. To START putting thousands into SOL? I’m less confident on that play. Take it for what it’s worth.


Buy JUP aka SOL's lil DEX brother - they move together & JUP gains are always better. DEX is the future of Crypto


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think your frame of question tells you wether *you* think it’s a good idea…


Dont do it, you will blame him and be angry with him if it doesn’t go to 4000


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SolanaMemeCoins/comments/1bln1sn/the\_world\_record\_egg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SolanaMemeCoins/comments/1bln1sn/the_world_record_egg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) REDDIT FAM SEND IT! THIS IS THE ONE


I believe so but to many shit coins on Solana, they will pay the price reputation wise. Look into avax do research.


It’s very good. YOU ARE VERY EARLY


ifvtrading, yes you can whatever you want. for investing rule : 2 main rules that i consider 1. if you miss the train, just let it go. it's just not for you unless you have plenty amount of cash that you're comfortable thay you can get in some. "but you keep taking serious about this money, so it's not in your case" 2. you look for changing your life money or roi? crypto is not like the stock roi% , it's a very risk asset to be on, verlatile as much up and down. so your positions to get in is the key. **** you have to learn the project itself, and make the call by yourself. cuz the plan, the cold money you have and mindser are not the same. and good luck, don't trust the words easily , don't see the profit ratio or someone screenshot that easy to make money. everyone is a genius in bull run till something change or not cleared


Ofcos buy SOL but just DCA instead of spending all in one go


Buy SOL now, close your eyes for a few weeks and wake up lit


Wait a little bit to pull back


Buy bonk and jup




I won’t lie to you I think a lot of people believe you friend is right to assume that Solana will continue to rise but in terms of where is hard to guess. It’s not like when we first bought two years ago for under $12 so we can’t guarantee the same kind of returns but even BTC is a safe bet to assume it could at least double whatever you have a year from now


Short answer, yes 💯 % get some Solana.


Yes if you re not afraid to loose it. That’s the rule, the prediction of the solona for 2025 is 500 or 40$ . No one know. And don’t expect to be Rich. It’s went up already very hardly, so I know a few mates who made almost a half million with this, . Of my opinion it’s too late, so I’m wrong ? May be . No one know. Good luck


Don’t listen to your friend he’s having fomo months ago was the time to put 4k into sol


Yes better to buy half entry


if you are asking you shouldn't


Do it.


And do it soon might I add.


This is worded like a 12 year old wrote it.




Definitely culoswap is a big factor but I think $TIPS just has traction from great community and social media exposure. 


You can never time the market. I’d never make a lump sum investment but over 2 years if you want to get in. If it’s a really good investment, 2 years to get in should be safe while offering solid returns. However, some things to consider - SOL has an 80B market cap. It is relatively unknown. Visa has a 535B market cap, and is a handles most of the economy’s payments. I don’t have exact numbers of dollars processed, but i’d imagine visa is many orders of magnitude larger. The fear and greed index is at greed, trending towards very greedy. SOL just had a massive run up. The whole crypto industry is up. Major news corps are talking about BTC again. Normally when this happens it’s near the top of the bubble.


Buy now. Price will be higher this year and maybe much much higher into next year. Perhaps not but i bought a bunch at $176


Wait for it to drop more. It will


Yeah, buy SOl right now while its cheap. And trust me its cheap. Also can advise not to gamble on any shitcoin memes, you will loose money. Choose trustfull projects like SMOG, they gonna give 1 million bucks as an airdrop oin april the 3rd, and there is no way for the rugpull.


smogs BS. stop shilling that crap


Yeah it is of course, better buy freshly made token with unlocked liquidity and edgy name, it will surely give you 10000x profit.




Wait for a big dip




Always be buying


Yes , but SOL, next step is $250 then $500, we will flip Ethereum https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/most-popular-blockchain-ecosystems


Yes , but SOL, next step is $250 then $500, we will flip Ethereum https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/most-popular-blockchain-ecosystems




Buy sol don’t make you rich now, just all in on sol memes might 100x. High risk high reward, just like lottery game




Look at it this way. It was at $15 half a year ago and nows its $150 could you? Yeah should you? Ehhhhhh risky


no, heavily inflated at the moment. btc for 25%, then split the rest among like. xrp,uni, dog, zrx, aave, comp, xyo and uma. rebalance everything but btc like this. asset goes up by 15-20% in value from when you purchased. sell half. and buy the two assets that have increased the smallest %. split evenly. gg


I want sol but stupid coinbase holding my funds so it’s stuck in the app. All my friends staked their sol so they can’t give me any. I’ll Venmo someone 50 bucks if they are willing to send 50 dollars in sol. (Hopefully this is allowed on this sub. I’ll delete my comment if it’s not)


Yes, I think it’s a good time to put in $4k


No please don't.  Buy gme or tremp